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We'll have to disagree Jodlebirger, I thought Aden was really horrible when he first appeared. Didn't he do something sexual to that girl, was it Tam? And spread around rumours about her. I only started liking him when he helped Annie when she was drunk, or whatever it was. He was a nasty piece of work.

I'm pretty impatient with teenage characters to be honest, I've spent so long surrounded by them in real life my patience wears thin with soaps!

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I wouldn't describe Aden as evil by any stretch but he was certainly a nasty piece of work.His actions can't really be dismissed as boyish hi jinks, he made other people's lives miserable for his own enjoyment.Maybe he never put anyone in danger physically, except for locking Geoff in a car boot which is pretty inexcuseable by any stretch, but he was willing to let Cassie go to jail either to cover up the fact he was doing drugs or just out of pure malice because he'd been hurt and he wanted someone to pay for it.When we found out his background, it became more obvious that his actions were largely the result of insecurity and a certain amount of self-loathing and belittling everyone else was the only way he could feel good about himself.

I wouldn't really describe his current behaviour as out of character.You say you haven't seen the episodes, jodlebirger, and perhaps if you'll do you'll see that it isn't written or played coldly.Justin's reaction isn't cold at all, he's clearly shocked by what's going on, he's disgusted with the thought that he might have killed his father and wants to do the right thing but Aden's stopping him and now he's in a position where going to the police will get Aden in trouble as well.Aden doesn't really seem as calm as I've seen other posts make out and even when he does it's largely a front:He's been faced with a difficult situation that he neither wanted nor asked for, he's made a typically bad call and the only way he can live with it is to convince himself that his actions are justified.I think the ability to do the wrong thing and convince himself it's the right thing has been a strong character trait of Aden's for pretty much as long as we've known him.

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Hey, just a minute folks, we don't know for sure that Justin killed his dad.

Exactly Psychic, it could have just been an accident, though I suppose it could have been caused by Justin and Larry arguing, Justin took his eyes off the road and crashed the car knocking himself out. Larry helped him out and then staggered off injured and collapsed in the woods. When Justin came round he was on his own and had lost his memory of what had happened before and then wandered off running into Marilyn and the rest we know. Won't take long for the body to be found considering they had only their bare hands to dig the grave. If Aden really hated Larry that much why was he in touch with him (although that was a lie), surely the police will check with the prison? Not sure Aden was ever evil Miranda, just a bully of which there have been many in the bay, evil implies someone without any feelings at all which I don't think described Aden even back then. I was rather confused too Red as to Charlie saying the DNA tests would be back in 48 hours, maybe she did mean the retest. :confused:

So Elijah has finally told Leah what happened to Vinnie, though telling her on the beach did seem rather an odd place where anyone could have overheard , let alone VJ! She appeared to accept it pretty well and didn't blame Elijah for not having told her before, though as you said Red, there couldn't have been any chance of him returning unless the guy Vinnie informed on died and any threat to him or his family had gone. If VJ hadn't overheard them, she could have told him the truth in her own way, explaining why his dad had to go and it was to protect them. Now of course it is going to be a lot more difficult!

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Second episode he's missed this year and again, he was credited anyway.

Found it very hard to get worked up about that episode.Leah's reaction to Vinnie's death seems a bit more believable here, she wasn't exactly expecting him to turn up but she took comfort in the fact that it was a possibility.The scene of Elijah telling VJ about Vinnie's last moments and how he'll always be watching over him was rather sweet.

As for the rest of it, pretty much just moving pieces around the board.Martha seems to be coming to terms with the fact that she misses Hugo, even though I doubt she'd admit it to anyone else, and her loneliness;the way she put the ring on and then spoke to Xavier about wanting a connection to him spoke volumes.Don't really care about the money anymore, they may have paid lip service to the idea of using it to do good here for the first time in about two months but it doesn't feel like they're doing anything with it.Ruby chattered away in an irritating fashion as usual, even Xavier pointed out that it isn't actually funny.(Would have liked to have actually seen her try and climb over that fence...)I get that John's staying away from the house and Xavier but why does that mean he and Gina aren't seeing each other at all?Hasn't he got a place where they can spend time together?(And that can be as much of a euphemism as you want...)Hard to think who'd be hiding out at the bunker with a photo of Hugo and Xav apart from Hugo himself...

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I haven't really had much time to post here lately. Although I've enjoyed the storyline this week and have found it quite griping I'm a little disappointed the writers have decided to go down this route. There's no denying that Aden's actions were extremely calculating but what he did was beyond stupid. I was a little surprised how calm and collected he was during the whole thing and went to work the next day like nothing had happened. It was almost like the hardwork they did with his character was completely flushed down the toilet. Even though till this day I still think he was lucky to get off with a community service order for attempted murder and multiple counts of kidnapping, I hung onto the hope that he was genuine in court when he delivered the speech about how sorry he was and how he shouldn't blame other people for his actions. So I guess he wasn't sorry about what happened with Larry. Incidentally the whole Aden is evil thing IMO is completely open to interpretation. Even though I thought he was very lucky not to go to jail for what happened with Larry, I didn't feel he was evil then but thought he possibly was when he bashed Axel. Especially when he was sitting down just staring into space and Nicole came home and started mouthing off about Roman making her work at the Den. Also when Tony tried to tell him about what he did and he told Tony to get out of his face without showing one ounce of remorse. Justin came across a lot better. Judging by what he said to Aden in the car when they discovered he picked Larry up from Jail when Larry was paroled (i.e. if he heard about what happened with Larry he would have killed him) it's a fair bet that he was somehow responsible for Larry's death but at least he wanted to go to the police and confess - Even after they buried Larry's body (Incidentally I agree Larry was paroled way too quickly but that's Summer Bay justice for you). Angelo and Charlie are both already suspicious and TBH I don't think it's going to take them very long to work out what happened, especially when the DNA results come through.

I'm glad were are seeing more scenes with Charlie and Leah. As I said before I really like this friendship. I'm glad Leah and Elijah are good now, especially after VJ overheard her tell Elijah she knew before Vinnie wasn't actually dead but in witness protection. Given how difficult Leah had been finding things recently I was a bit worried she would relapse and be upset with Elijah but I'm glad I was wrong.

Quite liked the chat with Angelo and Elijah although I thought it was a bit ironic considering Angelo didn't listen to Miles's advice regarding Charlie.

Speaking of Miles TBH I'm fed up with this whole Rabbit thing. I'm finding it extremely tiresome and boring. It doesn't help matters when you have Marilyn constantly speaking to him in quite a patronising and condescending tone as if he's stupid. He's obviously having some sort of mental breakdown.

Not sure what to make of Liam and Martha. Does Liam simply want to remain friends with her because he feels her head's not in the right place at the moment? Martha definitely wants to keep their friendship but does she want something more too? Or is Liam simply a convenient way to help her forget about Hugo? Anyway although I did like most of their scenes when they were living together I think Liam moving out is probably a good idea.

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I meant that Aden appeared evil for a long time before we found out about his background

Ahem, you people :P I said Aden appeared evil, not was evil :P

I like the scenes between Leah and Charlie too, its about time we saw them, as they live in the same house.

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Welcome back, Slade!I was wondering where you'd got to.On the whole "Aden was/is/appeared to be evil" question, I think evil is a very strong word and it takes more than a few semi-isolated incidents or even being an unrepentent bully to deserve it.But I do think that this storyline with his father's death, the incident with Axel and maybe the kidnap/attempted murder thing point to someone with a screwed up moral compass, who can do things that most people would consider reprehensible and think that he's doing the right thing.I've flung the word sociopath at him in the past and I think it's worth doing it again, his values seem to have fallen more in line with other people recently but now he is acting in a way that suggests he's locked his conscience away in a strongbox, unlike Justin's much more human reaction.I've been thinking about my comments on jodlebirger's "cold-hearted" description and I realise that I'm putting my own interpretation on Aden's state of mind and the writers might not take it in the direction I'm expecting/hoping they will. I'm hoping that at one point he'll be forced to think about what he's done and realise he was wrong but that was what I expected to happen with Axel and it never did.If we don't get that moment, if he sticks to his guns and says he was justified in doing whatever he felt necessary to protect his brother and that his father isn't deserving of his compassion or justice, then that will be cold.I'm hoping they don't go there but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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Yes, its just that Aden seemed to be getting nicer/ growing up/ being more understanding, but now he's forgotten all that and gone back to how he used to be :( I was just getting to like him as well, now he seems to be back to how he started.

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Yes, its just that Aden seemed to be getting nicer/ growing up/ being more understanding, but now he's forgotten all that and gone back to how he used to be :( I was just getting to like him as well, now he seems to be back to how he started.

I tend to agree, he just seemed to have a complete 360 in terms of how he is dealing with the his father and Justin. I get it brings back bad memories and nightmare feelings but I dont want him to go back to where he was, he is much better now than then

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Found it very hard to get worked up about that episode.Leah's reaction to Vinnie's death seems a bit more believable here, she wasn't exactly expecting him to turn up but she took comfort in the fact that it was a possibility.The scene of Elijah telling VJ about Vinnie's last moments and how he'll always be watching over him was rather sweet.

My post from yesterday seems to have disappeared, so here we go again!

It was probably because Leah went chasing after VJ after he overheard Elijah and her the reason why it didn't hit her until she was speaking to Charlie. I thought VJ was quite mature when he said he wanted to speak to Elijah about his dad. That was a moving scene when Elijah was telling him how much Vinnie had loved him and he was looking down on him. :crying: I did have to smile though when Elijah said how much Vinnie would have liked to have been around to play footie with him and tell him about girls, because Vinnie had a lot of experience in that direction. :wink::D Wonder if Leah will tell Stella (Vinnie's mum) what has happened in case VJ lets it slip?

I thought the same Red, I would have loved to have seen Ruby climb that fence. I think we all know it is Hugo staying there, courtesy of Colleen's book, he is certainly taking a big risk coming back, BTW where did he buy the food from?

I believe although Gina will still keep seeing John he is going to stay away from the house, though as you say Red, he must have his own place where they could to be, um, alone. Is Xavier going to own up to not being particularily interested in boxing, he certainly didn't appear that keen when Tony suggested training sessions?

Martha is definitely becoming more distressed which is probably why she wanted to have Xavier and Ruby stay over, she is OK when people are around it's just when she is alone it gets to her.

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