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Found it very hard to get worked up about that

I thought the same Red, I would have loved to have seen Ruby climb that fence. I think we all know it is Hugo staying there, courtesy of Colleen\'s book, he is certainly taking a big risk coming back, BTW where did he buy the food from?

But we did see Ruby climbing back over today without getting her skirt caught (unfortunately!). And she gave him a kiss before she left. Are they just friends now? Surely Xavier would like more thanthat - surprising he hasn\'t mentioned it.

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Yes, we saw Ruby's stunt double climbing over the fence today...I think her and Xav are meant to be a couple, they seemed to be getting a bit enthusiastic at school last week.Not sure if walking into Miles' class, talking loudly about lying to Gina, was particularly secure.Although Ruby was still bearable in that episode, it's interesting that these days it's Xavier that I'm interested in and Ruby feels like a bit of a spare part.I think I'd rather he had Romeo or Mink feeding him his lines.Nice to see a bigger than usual part for Alf, I liked his talk with Xavier, even though he was lying to him you knew he was doing what he thoughtwas best for him and Martha.Liked the little girls' talk scene between Rachel and Gina about how Gina needs...time alone with John.

Are we back to Rabbit being Amber now?The way Miles told her that he taught her to play chess seemed like a hint in that direction.The way she kept appearing and disappearing was slightly spooky.Did they really let Miles see a class when he's seeing a counsellor and has an imaginary girl/ ghost perched on the edge of his desk?Why did Miles and Michael move from the Diner to the surf club mid-conversation?Miles knocking over his king in a gesture of surrender was interesting, is it his way of accepting he doesn't know what's best for him?

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Nice to see a bigger than usual part for Alf, I liked his talk with Xavier, even though he was lying to him you knew he was doing what he thoughtwas best for him and Martha.Liked the little girls' talk scene between Rachel and Gina about how Gina needs...time alone with John.

Are we back to Rabbit being Amber now?The way Miles told her that he taught her to play chess seemed like a hint in that direction.The way she kept appearing and disappearing was slightly spooky.Did they really let Miles see a class when he's seeing a counsellor and has an imaginary girl/ ghost perched on the edge of his desk?Why did Miles and Michael move from the Diner to the surf club mid-conversation?Miles knocking over his king in a gesture of surrender was interesting, is it his way of accepting he doesn't know what's best for him?

Not only was Alf lying to Xavier to protect him and Martha, but also Hugo. I think one the reasons he told Xavier to keep it to himself was in case, I suppose, the wrong people got to hear about Xavier's suspicions and made their own investigations. I'm guessing now that Alf has mentioned it to Angelo he is going to check up to see if Hugo is where he is supposed to be. Xavier is perhaps brighter than we have previously thought having worked out what may have happened.

Did have to smile when Gina told John she had Xavier come back home so she could keep an eye on him, yet there she was out with John and not knowing what Xavier was up to! :lol:

It does seem odd now that Miles has told Alf, Marilyn and Rachel about Amber/Rabbit she is about more as he told Michael. I think he could handle it when she only appeared now and again, but now she is with him all the time it is getting more difficult to carry on living normally. Wonder why Marilyn didn't mention to Miles when they were alone that she had 'seen' Bryon? It was only an informal chat he had with Michael at the diner/surf club and unless he becomes more unstable he should be able to carry on. Gina hasn't yet been made aware of Miles' problems, so until she is then she will have to make the decision to suspend him. It seemed to me that the knocking over the king was Miles' way of maybe admitting defeat. It was eerie 'seeing' Amber/Rabbit from Miles'perspective then not seeing her from other people's view.

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I agree, H&Alover, that Miles would probably be handling things a lot better if Rabbit wasn't a constant presence.Assuming that she does have a mind of her own, you think she'd be being a bit more subtle.I'm curious to know exactly when Miles realised she was a ghost or whatever, until pretty recently he's been acting like he thinks everyone else can see her.(Telling Elijah to ignore her, for example.)Again, Rabbit seems to react to Rachel coming in when Miles doesn't seem to be able to see her, making it hard to view her as a hallucination.I'm not sure about the whole drug therapy thing, for all the talk of psychotic episodes it feels like the doctors haven't actually found anything wrong with him so they've bunged some medication down him in the hope that it makes a different.I can understand Miles taking it though, he wants to know for sure.

VJ watching Vinnie's video was a nice touch and a nice piece of continuity.Elijah taking him and Leah to Vinnie's grave feels like a good idea, ironic it was Marilyn's talk of needing closure that led him to that conclusion.Despite Alf being typically inconsiderate towards Liam, I'm glad he managed to get Martha to open up.Not sure if Gina was the best person to go to advice, even if Martha could do what she's doing it's not something I'd recommend.Xavier seems to be handling it a lot better and, like Gina said, Martha would be better off talking to him.

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Ugh, another heart rending scene yesterday. Rabbit begging Miles not to take the drugs: No Daddy, please Daddy. Was that a reminder of how Amber died in the tsunami, swept away from him? Terribly moving.

Where are the chuckle brothers, Xavier and Romeo, we need some light relief....

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It was traumatic enough between Miles and Amber before, but then she had to go and call him Daddy! :crying: :o I think that is what decided him to take the tablets. I don't suppose she is going to vanish immediately is she, he's only taken two! He has pretty much able to handle it when she was calling him Miles but 'Daddy', that's my opinion anyway. I think last night was also the first time she has actually made 'bodily' contact with him which made it even more upsetting. She did offer to not be around so much and was she telling the truth about there being 'other things' she had to tell him?

Although Marilyn was right about it not being her place to say anything about Miles to Elijah, I'm glad she did and she kind of opened up a bit more by mentioning Byron and how the past can come back to haunt you if you haven't managed to totally let go of the past.

Nice of Elijah to suggest that Stella goes with them to visit to Vinnie's grave and good to hear she hasn't been forgotten. Leah was ready to make a decision on VJ's behalf, but luckily he overheard (again) and is happy (if that's the right word) to make the journey to say goodbye. It was nice to see that video again, seems so long ago. Good suggestion of Irene to have it transferred to DVD, VJ could still keep the video, if it's possible.

I thought Alf was very offhanded with Liam, but luckily he did listen to what he said and went to see Martha. It's like a lot of us have said before that her trying to deny her true feelings about losing Hugo would eventually come to the surface. Gina though still is in denial going by the way she spoke to Martha IMO. If Martha does talk to Xavier as Gina has suggested will he mention what he found/suspects?

P.S. The question as to whether Miles should still be working has been resolved by Miles himself taking time off.

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Like Miles I was missing Rabbit greatly throughout that episode so when she reappeared I was practically cheering, I don't care what it says about Miles' mental state.Like he said, why can't he keep her?Lovely exchange between them as well("Why have I missed you?"/"Because I'm cute and adorable and you love me").Guess both the ghost and hallucination theories are still open although I'm still leaning towards the former, it might just be he isn't on the right medication.

Leah and Elijah still don't make a particularly believable couple but I liked some of their plotline even though it seems we have to wait for the pay-off.Leah telling Charlie that VJ might change his mind about the trip only for him to come in with his bags packed was a great moment.Another brilliant exchange:"Have you got any more tricks up your sleeves?"/"Maybe.They're big enough."

Aden didn't come across as unlikeable here as he did the previous week, although in a sense the attitude here was even worse.Instead of Aden insisting Larry deserved it and Justin freaking out, it felt as though neither of them was particularly bothered their father was dead, they were just worried about being caught.I really didn't like the way Justin actually seemed to admire Aden's apparent level-headedness to start with, although his respect for him seemed to rapidly diminish when he realised that his apparent control of the situation was just a front.I liked the moment when he dared him to answer the phone, as if realising how much of a coward he was underneath it all. Seems Rachel did withhold information from the police.Ho-hum.On the whole, it left a bad taste in the mouth.

With Aden otherwise occupied, Nicole's left relying on Marilyn for advice, which is always a dodgy prospect even though what she said here actually made sense.I respected Nicole for sticking to her guns and refusing to go along with Britt when it would probably have been the easiest thing to do but if it does come down to a legal battle it's hard to imagine her coming off best.

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How much of a bitch is Britt? Accusing Nicole of being a thief!! She will have a shock when people realise she has no talent left and her designs were all copied off Nicole :angry:

So glad to see little Rabbit back with her 'Daddy'. It is proof in my mind that she is Amber's ghost.

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Like Miles I was missing Rabbit greatly throughout that episode so when she reappeared I was practically cheering, I don't care what it says about Miles' mental state.Like he said, why can't he keep her?Lovely exchange between them as well("Why have I missed you?"/"Because I'm cute and adorable and you love me").Guess both the ghost and hallucination theories are still open although I'm still leaning towards the former, it might just be he isn't on the right medication.

With Aden otherwise occupied, Nicole's left relying on Marilyn for advice, which is always a dodgy prospect even though what she said here actually made sense.I respected Nicole for sticking to her guns and refusing to go along with Britt when it would probably have been the easiest thing to do but if it does come down to a legal battle it's hard to imagine her coming off best.

Glad I wasn't the only one then Red when Rabbit/Amber reappeared! :D I thought those two tablets had worked very quickly. :huh: He was so sad when she wasn't around, it made you wonder if he wasn't right after all about her being good for him. Although Elijah may have been on the right track about Rabbit having done her 'job' I don't think that is the whole story. I thought the answer Amber gave Miles about her never leaving him was telling. In a way even if he does stop seeing her in the maybe near future she will always be with him. Not sure if I have mentioned this before but could the fact that Marilyn dreamt of Miles being in a strait jacket and Rabbit telling her it was 'their fault' mean 'they' stopped him seeing her too soon?

Odd how we haven't seen Nicole for a while, but at least it was a postive appearence, better than the other day when she just popped round to deliver pizza. Marilyn mostly appears ditzy, but sometimes she does come out with very insightful remarks (there were two last night). Her advice to Nicole was very sound, getting Britt to meet her in a public place and voicing her concerns, otherwise it would just eat away at her and undermine her confidence. I agree Miranda she was indeed a bitch, which I suppose proves Nicole was right. I couldn't believe it when she called Nicole a thief!! :angry2: What exactly has Nicole supposed to have stolen? Was the threat of calling her solicitor just that or a bluff to get Nicole to keep quiet? With as you say Miranda Aden otherwise occupied (with understandably more weightier things on his mind) will he be able to give her the support and comfort she is going to need?

Regards Aden and Justin (still no mention of Sean BTW) Aden does seem to be the cooler of the two, but I suppose that is the benefit of not having been at the scene at the time. I think Angelo or Charlie did mention Rachel was going to get the DNA checked again. This could end in two ways

(leading to Aden leaving, they both go on the run or they end up inside, Justin for the murder/manslaughter of Larry and Aden for being an accessory after the fact and perverting the course of justice).

Leah does seem to be second guessing VJ recently (wrongly as well). I loved the look on Elijah's face when VJ spotted the scarecrow with a black hat. :D Guess Stella decided not to go after all, perhaps she felt she had said goodbye to Vinnie the first time, mind you if she had it would have made that romantic moment between Elijah and Leah a bit awkward if not impossible. When they get to the site wonder if they will see any of the people Vinnie worked with or knew? It would be interesting to hear others opinion on him, we only have Elijah's view on what he was like and he only knew him a few days.

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I've got to say I was pretty shocked with Charlie's line in tonights episode. When Aden adamantly claims that Justin wouldn't have hurt his Dad Charlie replies "well he is a soldier." What is she trying to say, that all soldiers and army people are capable of murder? I just thought it was an offensive thing to say.

I also am surprised at how cool and calm Aden is about hiding this murder, it's like he's gone right back to where he was before. Saying that I do enjoy their scenes together, I love Justin I think he's a brilliant character and it's interesting to see him falling apart and Aden being the one trying to keep him on track.

It was a nice storyline between Leah/Elijah and VJ. I was pleased to see Leah break down, I wasn't totally convinced by her claim that she was fine and she was only doing it for VJ, Vinnie was a huge part of her life to.

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