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Aden's scenes with Nicole demonstrated just what a shame it is that they've been mostly kept apart recently.He instantly became more likeable when he was supporting her and it was nice to see Justin trying to help her out as well.I was worried this whole storyline would play out without him involved, although it's good that Nicole has enough sense not to let Aden talk to Britt himself.Her way of handling it actually worked pretty well, even though it means Britt essentially gets away with stealing her designs:As Nicole says, Britt's career is probably going to go into a serious downward spiral after this while Nicole's had her confidence boosted by the fact her designs were good enough to steal.

I've run out of ways to say that what Aden and Justin are doing is wrong so let's just take it as read. Charlie seemed to be playing a bit of divide and conquer by quizzing Aden about whether Justin was lying, maybe she wanted to see just how involved he was.Can't help thinking/hoping that she'll go back and do a proper search when she doesn't have Aden breathing down her neck, the trip seemed to be mainly to see their reactions.As for Charlie suggesting that being a soldier makes Justin capable of killing...well, yeah, it does, that's his job.Might not make him a cold-blooded killer but certainly doesn't make him the pacifist Aden seemed to be trying to paint him as.Unless there was more to Justin's flashback than we saw, he seems to be jumping to conclusions in saying he killed Larry:He only saw him injured, not how it happened.

Leah breaking down at Vinnie's grave was a nice moment, it's perhaps understandable that she'd be more affected than VJ given that she's the one with the personal memories of Vinnie.(And one more thing that doesn't contradict my fic...)Not sure if Elijah's "My dad and I had great fun until he died of a heart attack" story was particularly comforting and Leah seemed to make a very politically incorrect joke...

Can't be bothered to comment on Annie and Romeo, they've been having the same scenes for about five weeks now.

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Aden's scenes with Nicole demonstrated just what a shame it is that they've been mostly kept apart recently.He instantly became more likeable when he was supporting her and it was nice to see Justin trying to help her out as well.I was worried this whole storyline would play out without him involved, although it's good that Nicole has enough sense not to let Aden talk to Britt himself.Her way of handling it actually worked pretty well, even though it means Britt essentially gets away with stealing her designs:As Nicole says, Britt's career is probably going to go into a serious downward spiral after this while Nicole's had her confidence boosted by the fact her designs were good enough to steal.

I've run out of ways to say that what Aden and Justin are doing is wrong so let's just take it as read. Charlie seemed to be playing a bit of divide and conquer by quizzing Aden about whether Justin was lying, maybe she wanted to see just how involved he was.Can't help thinking/hoping that she'll go back and do a proper search when she doesn't have Aden breathing down her neck, the trip seemed to be mainly to see their reactions.As for Charlie suggesting that being a soldier makes Justin capable of killing...well, yeah, it does, that's his job.Might not make him a cold-blooded killer but certainly doesn't make him the pacifist Aden seemed to be trying to paint him as.Unless there was more to Justin's flashback than we saw, he seems to be jumping to conclusions in saying he killed Larry:He only saw him injured, not how it happened.

Leah breaking down at Vinnie's grave was a nice moment, it's perhaps understandable that she'd be more affected than VJ given that she's the one with the personal memories of Vinnie.(And one more thing that doesn't contradict my fic...)Not sure if Elijah's "My dad and I had great fun until he died of a heart attack" story was particularly comforting and Leah seemed to make a very politically incorrect joke...

It was good to see Aden wasn't so caught up in his other problems that he was able to listen and advise Nicole. Had Romeo been talking to Ruby? He gave Nicole the same advice as she did about going to the school about what Britt was doing. Wonder what Nicole said to her classmates to persuade them to back her? Loved Nicole's parting shot to Britt "Like the jacket, did you design it yourself?" :lol: Now the whole thing has been resolved it seems to have made her a lot happier.

Sorry charmed60 but I have to agree with Red about Charlie's remark to Aden, Justin is a soldier so maybe he has killed people, but not in cold blood. As you say Red Justin could be mistaken that he actually killed Larry, we did see from the flashback that Larry pulled Justin from the car, so unless he killed him after we still don't know - neither does Justin - what happened after that.

Leah had been so calm up until she saw Vinnie's grave, probably because she was more concerned about VJ. I think it was seeing it had Vinnie's name on the marker that did it and the fact her and VJ were both mentioned. At least in death he was able to get back his real identity after x amount of years having to be someone else. I did wonder what name would be on it. When Elijah said his dad was blue in the face from laughing he was using the old expression 'blue in the face' and she said "Don't you mean black and blue?" I took it to mean she was referring to the squid ink being black. When VJ said he had no memory of his dad and he hadn't hugged him would have been a cue for Leah to mention the bear that had turned up at VJ's party and that it had been his dad.

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:lol: That's alright, must just be me. I thought it came off as more of "well he's a soldier and therefore it's perfectly plausible that he would murder his own father," just didn't think it gave soldiers a very good name that's all. Soldiers might have to kill to protect themselves from being killed but this is a totally different situation I think and therefore doesn't make Justin anymore of a suspect based on his occupation.
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As for Charlie suggesting that being a soldier makes Justin capable of killing...well, yeah, it does, that's his job.Might not make him a cold-blooded killer but certainly doesn't make him the pacifist Aden seemed to be trying to paint him as.Unless there was more to Justin's flashback than we saw, he seems to be jumping to conclusions in saying he killed Larry:He only saw him injured, not how it happened.

It's not a soldiers job to kill people though.

If anything, Aden should be more of a suspect after everything he's done previously. But of course now he's a saint and his past has been forgotten :rolleyes:

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Surely killing people is part of a soldier's job?If you go to war, who exactly's going to be fighting it? And are they just gonna be using water pistols?Aden seemed to be saying that Justin was incapable of killing another human being, Charlie's response was that he's trained to do just that if the situation calls for it.Aden did mention the fact he tried to kill Larry in the past is another reason to make them both look guilty.

Alf's episode count this week:Five.Marilyn was in four while Tony was only in one.

That was a lot better episode than I expected it to me.Minus point first:Annie and Romeo.Actually, I've nothing new to say about them except that Romeo's fantasy apparently involved Annie dressing up as a virgin sacrifice.(And didn't Jai do something very similar to try and win her back?Oh, sorry, I forgot he doesn't exist anymore...)

I actually really enjoyed Ruby's scenes with Liam in this episode, although it does still feel strange to hear her calling him "Mr.Murphy".There was some nice humour in their interaction and I loved Ruby's comments in her scenes with Annie and Romeo as well.I do think Liam was being nice when he said he'd need to write a song that would show off her voice better, her singing was perfectly fine but nothing brilliant.She did seem to be getting a bit flustered during his...breathing exercises.I think Xavier may regret getting back with her after all...

Martha's grief seems to be being handled well although I found a couple of the comments strange. When did Colleen lose someone close to her?And when Martha says she needs to feel her grief and cry when she needs to...wasn't that Plan A?Alf's claim that Angelo should tell her Hugo was alive was pretty ridiculous, aside from putting her in danger I'm not sure it would provide her with any comfort at all, it would just give her another problem.Although I wasn't sure about Alf putting the onus on him to sort it, I liked Angelo's scene with Martha.("When did I invite the whole of Summer Bay to come and check on me?"/"You cried in front of Colleen.")I thought they were going to reveal that guy at the end as Hugo but instead...was it or wasn't it?

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Funny, I was just about to post, Ranger. I was just about to shout: Liam! Put Ruby down! Or Ruby! Put Liam down! They musten't get together, they mustn't! I'm still muddled about how old Liam is. I would say he's 25 ish, but surely he must be younger. He seems to be obsessed with 16 year old school girls, so maybe he's only 20 or so :huh:

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Surely killing people is part of a soldier's job?If you go to war, who exactly's going to be fighting it? And are they just gonna be using water pistols?Aden seemed to be saying that Justin was incapable of killing another human being, Charlie's response was that he's trained to do just that if the situation calls for it.

I guess you could even say that Charlie's trained to do that, seeing as police officers are trained to shoot people in self defense and carry around guns for that same reason. I personally think that's the same as a soldier; not all soldiers kill people nor does their job call for it. The intention of a soldier is to protect and to only use their weapons in cases of self defense; however with more people trying to kill Justin because he is a soldier he's going to need to use his gun a lot more than Charlie, as a police officer ever would. Also seeing as Charlie herself has nearly killed someone before when she tried to get back at Grant for what he did, I don't think she's the right sort of person to be able to make a judgement like that. But I guess this has turned into more of a debate on what an actual soldier's role is :lol:

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I actually really enjoyed Ruby's scenes with Liam in this episode, although it does still feel strange to hear her calling him "Mr.Murphy".There was some nice humour in their interaction and I loved Ruby's comments in her scenes with Annie and Romeo as well.I do think Liam was being nice when he said he'd need to write a song that would show off her voice better, her singing was perfectly fine but nothing brilliant.She did seem to be getting a bit flustered during his...breathing exercises.I think Xavier may regret getting back with her after all...

Actually I was wondering if this could be the beginning of a storyline where Ruby gets a crush on Liam! :blush::wub: As Liam isn't a teacher and had training on how to handle a pupil having a crush on him, I see possible trouble big time. :o I know he has had teenage girls being 'in love' with him before, but then he hasn't been in a position of trust before. On that subject didn't Ruby have a crush on Miles sometime ago or was that someone else (that had the crush that is)? As for Liam's age, Miranda, I'm thinking he must be in his mid/late 20's, I couldn't see Martha going for someone who would as young as 20.

I thought they were going to reveal that guy at the end as Hugo but instead...was it or wasn't it?

Course it was!

Second that!! Now we know (as if we didn't before) that he has skipped from the WPP who else could it be? Thank goodness Angelo managed to talk Alf round, Angleo was right when he said it wouldn't solve anything even if Martha did know the truth. Knowing Martha she would want to find him and nothing and noone would stop her!! Did Martha ever talk to Leah about what it was like to lose someone like that? Yes, I know Leah knew Vinnie was alive later, but before she did she would have gone through exactly what Martha is now.

I actually quite liked the scenes between Romeo and Annie, very romantic, proves he does love her as he went to so much trouble. I know spag bol isn't the most romantic meal you could have, but it worked in The Lady and The Tramp!!

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Welcome back, Slade!I was wondering where you'd got to.

Thanks. Work's been really full on lately and I'm also trying to juggle that with keeping up with Home and Away and watching other programmes (mostly US of course) but I think the main thing at the moment is I don't know if it's just me or the way the characters are being written or the storylines but for the vast majority of the characters I feel completely indifferent towards them. Even characters like Ruby and Rachel in the past who have really annoyed me I don't even dislike them anymore. I just feel numb towards them.

I am still quite liking this storyline with Aden and Justin. I'm guessing Charlie's probably already worked out what's happened or should I say suspects what's happened. I have to agree with an earlier comment and I'm surprised how cool Aden actually is considering how in the past he's acted in situations where he's been under pressure.

I'm glad Nicole outed Britt in front of the class like that and got the rest of her classmates to rally around her and stage the walkout forcing Britt to resign. At least something good came from that.

When Liam was doing the breathing exercises with Ruby I keep thinking someone's going to burst into the classroom and get the wrong idea. I can so see him getting into trouble at some point even if he isn't actually doing anything wrong.

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