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So...is that Hugo hiding out at the battery?Probably perhaps but it suddenly occurred to me that if someone's turned up to threaten Hugo's family, they might carry a photo of him and Xavier about to identify them...Either way, seemed pretty silly of Angelo to call out "Hugo!" like that and potentially tip someone off to the fact he's still alive.I actually wondered if it was Xavier he saw at one point.

Quite liked Xavier and Ruby's interaction in this episode and again I liked the stuff with Ruby and Liam;Ruby's singing does seem to have improved a lot after her nervous and tentative performance in the previous episode.Not sure about Xavier's plan to effectively entrust the money to his arch-enemy just so he can have a laugh about it.As far as I remember, Gina's deal actually did mean that John can't come to the house so I'm not happy about her changing the rules here without even informing Xavier.Sincere or not, John did seem to be making more of an effort with Xavier than Gina was, she seemed to be trying to force Xavier to like things while he accepted that if they can be more or less civil for the meal that's an achievement.So again, I ended up not being too impressed with her but rather liking him, he's certainly entertainment value:The way he managed to wind up Tony and Xavier without actually saying anything obviously offensive made me smile. Nice little scene between Alf and Martha as well, with her finally acknowledging that Liam wasn't the problem.

So...again Miles talks as though he doesn't think Rabbit is Amber's ghost.Which begs the question who is she and why did she call him "Daddy"?He's doing a better job of hiding her than he was before(and she does seem to be giving him a bit of space), although once again Marilyn seems to get suspicious instantly.(Then again...maybe Rabbit wants her to know?)Loved their interaction as always, especially the scenes where he's talking about her with Rachel and Marilyn and he knows she can hear him but they don't.The last scene was one of the first times Marilyn's actually worked for me in a serious situation since she's been back until that last line...Is that dying dying or just Marilyn being melodramatic?Hopefully we'll find out next episode.

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So...is that Hugo hiding out at the battery?Probably perhaps but it suddenly occurred to me that if someone's turned up to threaten Hugo's family, they might carry a photo of him and Xavier about to identify them...Either way, seemed pretty silly of Angelo to call out "Hugo!" like that and potentially tip someone off to the fact he's still alive.I actually wondered if it was Xavier he saw at one point.

Quite liked Xavier and Ruby's interaction in this episode and again I liked the stuff with Ruby and Liam;Ruby's singing does seem to have improved a lot after her nervous and tentative performance in the previous episode.Not sure about Xavier's plan to effectively entrust the money to his arch-enemy just so he can have a laugh about it.As far as I remember, Gina's deal actually did mean that John can't come to the house so I'm not happy about her changing the rules here without even informing Xavier.Sincere or not, John did seem to be making more of an effort with Xavier than Gina was, she seemed to be trying to force Xavier to like things while he accepted that if they can be more or less civil for the meal that's an achievement.So again, I ended up not being too impressed with her but rather liking him, he's certainly entertainment value:The way he managed to wind up Tony and Xavier without actually saying anything obviously offensive made me smile. Nice little scene between Alf and Martha as well, with her finally acknowledging that Liam wasn't the problem.

So...again Miles talks as though he doesn't think Rabbit is Amber's ghost.Which begs the question who is she and why did she call him "Daddy"?He's doing a better job of hiding her than he was before(and she does seem to be giving him a bit of space), although once again Marilyn seems to get suspicious instantly.(Then again...maybe Rabbit wants her to know?)Loved their interaction as always, especially the scenes where he's talking about her with Rachel and Marilyn and he knows she can hear him but they don't.The last scene was one of the first times Marilyn's actually worked for me in a serious situation since she's been back until that last line...Is that dying dying or just Marilyn being melodramatic?Hopefully we'll find out next episode.

Why does Gina need to ask her son for permission to have John over when Xavier is not there?

Gina is an adult. She is allowed to have anyone over whenever she likes.

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So...is that Hugo hiding out at the battery?Probably perhaps but it suddenly occurred to me that if someone's turned up to threaten Hugo's family, they might carry a photo of him and Xavier about to identify them...Either way, seemed pretty silly of Angelo to call out "Hugo!" like that and potentially tip someone off to the fact he's still alive.I actually wondered if it was Xavier he saw at one point.

Quite liked Xavier and Ruby's interaction in this episode and again I liked the stuff with Ruby and Liam;Ruby's singing does seem to have improved a lot after her nervous and tentative performance in the previous episode.Not sure about Xavier's plan to effectively entrust the money to his arch-enemy just so he can have a laugh about it.As far as I remember, Gina's deal actually did mean that John can't come to the house so I'm not happy about her changing the rules here without even informing Xavier.Sincere or not, John did seem to be making more of an effort with Xavier than Gina was, she seemed to be trying to force Xavier to like things while he accepted that if they can be more or less civil for the meal that's an achievement.So again, I ended up not being too impressed with her but rather liking him, he's certainly entertainment value:The way he managed to wind up Tony and Xavier without actually saying anything obviously offensive made me smile. Nice little scene between Alf and Martha as well, with her finally acknowledging that Liam wasn't the problem.

So...again Miles talks as though he doesn't think Rabbit is Amber's ghost.Which begs the question who is she and why did she call him "Daddy"?He's doing a better job of hiding her than he was before(and she does seem to be giving him a bit of space), although once again Marilyn seems to get suspicious instantly.(Then again...maybe Rabbit wants her to know?)Loved their interaction as always, especially the scenes where he's talking about her with Rachel and Marilyn and he knows she can hear him but they don't.The last scene was one of the first times Marilyn's actually worked for me in a serious situation since she's been back until that last line...Is that dying dying or just Marilyn being melodramatic?Hopefully we'll find out next episode.

My guess is it has to be Hugo, how else would someone else have got hold of that photo of him and Xavier, also 'they' took a photo of Martha out of their wallet. I agree Angleo was a right wally shouting out 'Hugo' like that, as if he would have responded to someone shouting out his name in the dark! Xavier is obviously a lot sharper than we have been taking him for, although he has told Ruby he was going to give up on it, I'm not so sure he will. How close did Alf come to telling Martha the truth! Thank goodness he thought better of it. It can't be easy for him as he is usually such an up front type of guy.

Ruby seemed to have got over her fear of singing in public pretty quick, it was only last week she told Liam she couldn't possibly sing in front of the school, yet there she was warbling away in The Diner! She does have a good voice BTW.

Does make good sense of Xavier to hid the money in public view as it were, who would think of looking there? I thought the same as you Red about Gina meaning John wouldn't visit the house, still the meal didn't go that badly, at least he actually spoke to John, still waiting for him to admit he doesn't really want to do boxing.

On the flashback, when Rabbit (Amber?) called Miles Daddy, he did say 'Don't call me daddy', so you could be right Red. His voice certainly must have carried a long way as Marilyn heard him when she was in the hall and he was out in the patio area. It did make me smile :) when he stood in front of her when Rachel and Marilyn were in the room as if he was hiding her when they can't see her anyway. Funny how Marilyn can get through to Miles, considering their rocky start. I think she does mean dying, she had spoken to Rachel who asked how her last scan was. Is it a return of her breast cancer or has it spread and is inoperable? Explains why she has come back to the Bay which I suppose she considers her home (not sure if she was actually born in the bay or lived locally). I've asked before could she be another victim of the contamination that has caused so many other cases?

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Hmm, I'm really not sure about this "Marilyn's dying" plotline.It sounds as though she was given a preliminary diagnosis, packed her bags and flew to Summer Bay and hasn't seen a doctor since except for an informal chat with Rachel.So I think there's a fair possibility that she's completely grabbed the wrong end of the stick and just assumed the worst.Glad she spoke to Alf about it rather than putting all the pressure on Miles:What is it with everyone telling him their secrets lately?Nice touch that Michael's canny enough to order blood tests to make sure Miles is on his medication. Ironic too that after apologising for his "moods" Miles ends the episode telling Marilyn to mind her own business.Possibly the most blatant example yet of us seeing Rabbit when Miles can't:When he's with Michael, the way it was shot it seemed as though he could hear her but not see her and then when we saw her watching him and Marilyn, it was pretty obvious he didn't know she was there.The idea of her being a simple hallucination must be out now, surely?

After a couple of weeks when they've been lumbered with soppy and meaningless romantic scenes, Annie and Romeo finally get some bite back to their interaction.And curiously, like Irene, I'm on Romeo's side a bit here.Annie actually came across as a bit manipulative when she kept challenging Romeo to convince her to stay:As he said, he's told her how he feels and he can't keep making big romantic gestures in the hope it will change her opinion.I get the feeling Annie was actually trying to avoid making the decision by putting it back onto him.At least by the end she finally seems to be acknowledging that she can't base her future on a high school romance that could be over in a few months.

Really not sure about Leah and Elijah.Not because he's a reverend but because it just seemed so abrupt.They have, as Irene said, only been going out a couple of weeks, they've only had a few tentative kisses up until now and neither of them seems the type to go in for casual sex and suddenly they're heading for the bedroom.It all felt a bit rushed.(By the way, although he didn't get much to do, I quite liked Elijah's friend and hope he reappears.)

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I thought Annie was being a right cow to Romeo I think its clear how he feels but Annie wants him to keep doing things to impress her why should it be one sided Annie should do something for Romeo before he gets fed up with her

Annie doesn't seem to have many friends I would say Ruby and thats it no one esle seems to talk to her in the play they are doing I wasn't really impressed with their shakespare acting lol they didnt really epress themseles

so Annie stop demending things and just make your mind up

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As for Liam's age, Miranda, I'm thinking he must be in his mid/late 20's, I couldn't see Martha going for someone who would as young as 20.

Yeah, but if he's mid to late 20s, why is he going out with school girls? Bit weird. :blink:

Pretty shocked at Leah and Elijah jumping into bed!!! They've only been together 2 weeks, as they said, and wouldn't a reverend have strong views about sex before marriage? Very unwise of them.

Go Nicole though! Telling Britt what for and getting rid of her. I wonder if she will be back... for revenge MWAH HA HA HA!

I was so cross with John yesterday, interfering with Tony's training of Xavier. That is the worst, bossiest thing you can do. He's not even a teacher!?!

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It's interesting how Marilyn insisted that Miles took his medication even though clearly Miles didn't want to follow her advice but refused to listen to Alf's advice to go and see a specialist. At times I'm still finding Miles quite funny and I really enjoyed the way he was restraining himself during his session with Michael. I liked the way Michael ordered the blood tests too. He's obviously seen every trick in the book

I have to admit I was surprised Elijah was prepared to sleep with Leah like that, consciously sinning, so quickly and without any real resistance.

Although I'm not particularly anti Annie/Romeo I'm still finding their scenes quite boring. As I like to say almost like watching paint dry.

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We don't really know what Marilyn is dying of, it may not be cancer, she did dodge the question when Alf asked her if it was back. If it is some sort of brain disease it could explain why she had been seeing Rabbit in her dreams also her seeing Byron, speaking of which she hasn't mentioned any more dreams, has she stopped having them? Perhaps Rabbit is there to help Marilyn through her last months. Probably a case of don't do what I do do what I say with Marilyn and Miles. He has certainly learnt to act as if he is not seeing Rabbit whenever anyone else is around. So how is he going to get round the blood test, Michael will be bound to check up with the hospital.

It does seem a pretty bold step of Elijah to sleep with Leah considering how worried he is about his bishop arriving and the fact he is the old fashioned type. Would we be so shocked if Elijah wasn't a vicar and just an average guy? Martha wasn't going out with Liam when she suddenly jumped into bed with him! He will have to get his approval to date Leah anyway, the only problem could be her being Greek Orthadox, she hasn't been divorced so there won't be a problem there.

Agree Annie is being unfair to Romeo, what is she waiting for him to do? He's told her he loves her and doesn't want her to back to Japan, in my eyes I don't see that he can do anything else.

Although John isn't a teacher he does know about boxing because as he mentioned to Tony he had done some in the past and even won some championships.

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It does seem a pretty bold step of Elijah to sleep with Leah considering how worried he is about his bishop arriving and the fact he is the old fashioned type. Would we be so shocked if Elijah wasn't a vicar and just an average guy? Martha wasn't going out with Liam when she suddenly jumped into bed with him! He will have to get his approval to date Leah anyway, the only problem could be her being Greek Orthadox, she hasn't been divorced so there won't be a problem there.

I think the big difference though is Martha isn't a priest. Elijah shouldn't, as a religious figure in the Church, be sleeping with anyone outside of wedlock let alone someone he's been seeing no more than 2 weeks. I was quite disappointed they jumped into bed so quickly, I could have sympathised more if he had doubts about it and what it meant to his faith and if he'd had some regrets that he hadn't waited any longer but it was the fact that he had no problem with it, no doubts at all that disappointed me a little.

I never thought about Marilyn probably having a brain illness but that's a good idea!! Although I'm wondering if it could be something as simple as her hearing from a doctor that if she ceases treatment and relies on her herbal methods she could die within a year and that's where she's got it from? Some things just don't add up; the way she said her scans were clear and she was in remission. Looking forward to seeing where this is going!

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Although John isn't a teacher he does know about boxing because as he mentioned to Tony he had done some in the past and even won some championships.

Plus it's his gym so presumably he's got some idea of how to instruct people...Forget to mention yesterday, Byron was mentioned among the victims of the toxic waste thing so in all likelihood Marilyn was living near the cancer cluster when she was married to Donald.

There were a few bright sparks in that episode but I found most of it very annoying.Might as well start with the Aden and Justin storyline which I'm finding increasingly frustrating.It feels like both of them are trying to run the other one's life and making a mess of it.Justin once more seems to be of the opinion that the best thing to do with Aden is to send him to boot camp and even tries to drag Nicole, who's been very underused lately, into agreeing with him.(And, Justin, I'd say Aden's done a bit more than "be born into the wrong family" in his time...)Thinking hard about his "confession" to Charlie, I think he was hoping the police would arrest him there and then and he'd be able to face up to what he may or may not have done without getting Aden into trouble.But there was no way he was going to be charged without a body, which just demonstrates how much Aden's attempts to sort thing out have made things worse for him, both legally and emotionally.

After Annie and Romeo's storyline actually seemed to spark into life yesterday, it promptly died again here and we're back to soppiness.Plus side, we saw some interaction between Romeo and Xavier for the first time in ages, although it's telling that Xavier had all the funny lines while Romeo just sat there looking miserable.The thing is the storyline is actually realistic, two people that age would decide that they're in love with someone they don't know that well and have only been on a couple of dates with and act as though they're their whole world.But to adult eyes the whole thing just feels shallow and childish.It seems to be pitched at an awkward halfway point between a sweet, innocent first love and a more mature relationship.

Elijah and Leah...Well, I kinda haven't changed my opinion since last episode.I don't think I'm bothered by the fact that he's a minister or even a Christian.It's a bit black and white to say ministers can't have sexual relationships and even more black and white to say it's a sin and it's not as though either of them's the type to sleep around...but then that's kind of the point.I can accept Martha jumping into bed with some guy she's just met because we've seen her behave like that in the past.Both Leah and Elijah come across as the sort who wouldn't sleep with someone unless they were 100% sure about them and it feels as though we've seen them in the early stages of a relationship, slowly getting to know each other and suss out how they feel...and then suddenly they're at it.It almost feels like it's an excuse to have a quasi-comedic storyline about them trying to hide the fact they're sleeping together from a visiting bishop.Which is a sentence I never thought I'd find myself typing...

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