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Although John isn't a teacher he does know about boxing because as he mentioned to Tony he had done some in the past and even won some championships.

Plus it's his gym so presumably he's got some idea of how to instruct people...

Yes, but the point I was making was that it is rude to go up and correct someone who is teaching another person. It is undermining and questioning their competence in front of the student, who will then also question the teacher's competence. John should have kept quiet and said discreetly to Tony afterwards: perhaps you could teach Xavier this or that. Anyone with an ounce of good manners would not do what John actually did, it is disrespectful to the teacher i.e. Tony. It would be like seeing a parent instructing their child, going over to them and saying 'you should be doing it this way, you are wrong.' Very impolite.

Not much to say about today's episode, I fast forwarded over the Annie/Romeo scenes :lol: Although I did like Xavier's advice and his part playing the Nurse!

I think re: Elijah/ Leah, its getting a bit silly. Obviously it is a bit odd that Elijah doesn't seem to think sex before marriage is to be avoided, but that bishop! Surely he hasn't got power over Elijah and can tell him off for having a relationship with Leah, this isn't Victorian times! They were only kissing! :rolleyes:

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I think re: Elijah/ Leah, its getting a bit silly. Obviously it is a bit odd that Elijah doesn't seem to think sex before marriage is to be avoided, but that bishop! Surely he hasn't got power over Elijah and can tell him off for having a relationship with Leah, this isn't Victorian times! They were only kissing! :rolleyes:

Actually, I kinda think he does have power over him up to a point.Part of a vicar's job is to set an example and if his boss thinks he's not doing that, by having a casual attitude towards intimacy, then he's going to pull him up on that.

One other thing I forgot to mention before:If Nicole was on her way to school when she first turned up at Aden's house(and it's clearly a school day), why wasn't she in uniform?

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I think re: Elijah/ Leah, its getting a bit silly. Obviously it is a bit odd that Elijah doesn't seem to think sex before marriage is to be avoided, but that bishop! Surely he hasn't got power over Elijah and can tell him off for having a relationship with Leah, this isn't Victorian times! They were only kissing! :rolleyes:

Actually, I kinda think he does have power over him up to a point.Part of a vicar's job is to set an example and if his boss thinks he's not doing that, by having a casual attitude towards intimacy, then he's going to pull him up on that.

One other thing I forgot to mention before:If Nicole was on her way to school when she first turned up at Aden's house(and it's clearly a school day), why wasn't she in uniform?

Yes I think you are right Red, a similar thing happened in Emmerdale with Ashely and Bishop George who was against Ashley's and Laurel's relationship. Though to fair to George Ashley had been divorced then dated Louise for a while! As I pointed out in my post yesterday the only stumbling block with Leah is her religion. Wonder if Bishop Pitbull and Bishop George are related, both seem to have the same outlook on life and the way their vicars should behave! Did like Bishop Pitbull's remark when he caught Leah and Elijah having a snog - "I guess I wasn't meant to see this". :) So perhaps he may not be as tough as his nickmane suggests, he didn't sound outraged.

So Justin goes and confesses to Charlie who points out as he is still not really sure what happened they can't charge him with murder, all he did do was get her to arrange another hunt for the body. Not sure what he was about by asking Nicole to persuade Aden to go into the Army, what is she going to get out of it. She was right about Aden having dealt well with what had happened to him, it was Justin coming back that has stirred it all up again!! I wondered that as well Red about Nicole supposedly being on her way to school and not in uniform, didn't she say something about changing her mind (about what going to school)?

I found the Romeo/Annie thing totally confusing, but the chats between him and Xavier did make me smile with Xavier quoting llines from Casablanca and Dirty Dancing.

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Am I just seeing what I hope to see or was there just a faint stirring of doubt in Aden when he was having those flashbacks, as if the conscience that he seems to have locked away is just starting to seep through..?I'm not hating him like I was two weeks ago, even though what he's doing is completely wrong he's coming across as hopelessly misguided rather than callous(although a flashback to one of his most unpleasant moments didn't help...).Thankfully Justin's admiration for him does seem to have gone, despite letting Aden take the lead(although he does step in and suggest an alternative when it becomes clear Aden doesn't have a clue what he's doing), he questions him at almost every turn here.His vomiting after digging up the body(so glad I wasn't eating at that point...)seemed to have as much to do with what they've got themselves into as the condition.By the end of the episode, Aden's plan's gone so out of control I don't even think he's got a plan anymore.There's no way Charlie can fail to put two and two together after hearing Justin's phone and almost certainly seeing Aden's car by the burial site.(Telling that Georgie was the one who noticed what two previous searches failed to...)I can't really see how Aden can get away with it. (Well, I can see him getting away with it in the sense of not being punished, just not in the sense of no-one finding out...)His lie that his car was stolen seems unlikely to wash, even if he tries it on the police:Be a bit of a coincidence if the thieves stopped off where his father's body was buried and removed the evidence.What did they do with the body anyway?Abandon the car and leave it in the boot?

In the middle of all this, we get a scene between Nicole and Marilyn which feels a bit like pre-emptive criticism as they point out all the flaws in the "Aden joining the army" idea.Firstly, someone as anti-authority as Aden is completely unsuited to the army.Secondly, it's extremely underhand of Justin to put pressure on Nicole to agree with him behind Aden's back.And thirdly, Justin's only been back in Aden's life five minutes and is just assuming that what worked for him will work for Aden. Whether any of these points will ever be addressed properly...And I'm sorry but when did Aden ever make plans for the future?Or rather, when did he make plans that didn't consist of "Marry Belle and have lots of babies"?(By the way, H&Alover, I think Nicole meant she changed her mind about Aden walking her to school.On a similar note, it looked as though Aden and Nicole were having dinner when Justin came home, so why is Marilyn cooking her dinner at home in this episode?)

Elsewhere, I really liked the characterisation of the Bishop.He came across as stern but fair with just the slightest hint of a twinkle in his eye.And I could actually take his point:You can bet your bottom dollar that a lot of people, most of them not churchgoers, wouldn't take the local vicar seriously if they saw him making out with his girlfriend in a car.In the end, the message seemed to be that their private life is their own affair but Elijah's position carries certain responsibilities which means he can't behave like a "regular guy" in public.

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The bishop came across A LOT better this episode. The previous one showed him as some kind of dictator, a pantomime figure 'Pitt Bull' who terrified everyone. But in this episode it was nice to see him, Elijah and Leah talking about their misgivings and coming to an agreement in a sensible, normal way.

Unfortunately, I WAS eating my dinner when Justin started vomiting! But luckily it was recorded and I fast forwarded over it :lol: In fact I found all the scenes of the two sons digging up their father's body so repulsive I fast forwarded over them :unsure:

I think Aden is losing his marbles. He seems to have gone obsessively devious, whereas Justin seems more and more the voice of reason. Although as I said I did fast forward over their scenes so I may have missed something :huh:

But are the police numpties or what? They didn't notice Aden and Justin carrying off a body until it was too late. They can't have been that far away either. Artistic license :lol:

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His lie that his car was stolen seems unlikely to wash, even if he tries it on the police:Be a bit of a coincidence if the thieves stopped off where his father's body was buried and removed the evidence.What did they do with the body anyway?Abandon the car and leave it in the boot?

On a similar note, it looked as though Aden and Nicole were having dinner when Justin came home, so why is Marilyn cooking her dinner at home in this episode?)

Elsewhere, I really liked the characterisation of the Bishop.He came across as stern but fair with just the slightest hint of a twinkle in his eye.And I could actually take his point:You can bet your bottom dollar that a lot of people, most of them not churchgoers, wouldn't take the local vicar seriously if they saw him making out with his girlfriend in a car.In the end, the message seemed to be that their private life is their own affair but Elijah's position carries certain responsibilities which means he can't behave like a "regular guy" in public.

Not sure how close the police were to note the number plate of Aden's car, but yes you're right Red, what have they done with the body and the car? If it is found there will be evidence of Larry's body being in it. It won't take the police long to realise there had been a body buried in the bush. I think Nicole decided to go over to Aden's when she was talking to Marilyn, so that is why she was eating there, probably Marilyn was cooking for everyone.

It was hardly if Elijah and Leah were snogging in broad daylight, it was dark and just unlucky for them Bishop Pitbull was passing by. Obviously from now on they will be discreet and keep their 'feelings' for when they are alone at Leah's.

But are the police numpties or what? They didn't notice Aden and Justin carrying off a body until it was too late. They can't have been that far away either. Artistic license :lol:

They didn't actually see them carrying off the body, it was the car door slamming that alerted them someone else was around.

To my mind there are three ways this could go.

1. Justin remembers what really happened, he didn't kill Larry, he died from injuries he sustained in the car crash, he returns to the Army (maybe with Aden).

2. Justin and Aden are charged with interfering with a 'crime scene' and have to do some prison time.

3. Justin and Aden go on the run, still thinking Justin did kill Larry.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five.For the second week running, Tony was only in one(and for the second week running, he was credited on Friday for no appearance).

While I'm still not too keen on this whole "Aden and Justin hiding their father's body" storyline, at least someone seems to have realised how badly it misfired in the first episode and done their best to rectify it.Aden's attitude no longer seems to be "There's nothing wrong with killing Dad", it's more a case of not wanting Justin to be punished for something he might not have done.Liked the mini-confrontation between Aden and Angelo, nice bit of continuity, I'd forgotten for a bit that it was Angelo that slapped the cuffs on Aden last time he tried to kill his father.And you know something?I don't actually have a problem with what Aden did at the end.He's not doing something stupid like claiming he killed Larry, he's just taking responsibility for what he did while keeping Justin out of it, much like Justin tried to do when he told Charlie what he remembered.

(By the way, my dinner query was that Aden and Nicole definitely seemed to be eating when Justin came back from the police station on Wednesday but when she's at home on Thursday it's suddenly before dinner.I suppose they could have been having a mid-afternoon snack, even though it was dark, but it just seemed odd.)

So much for Miles keeping Rabbit hidden.He managed it for months and now three people catch him out in the space of a week.Her talking to him in front of other people probably didn't help either.It'd be nice if Alf and Miles found some backbone and told Marilyn they're going to eat what they want instead of doing it behind her back.I liked Rabbit's little interjections while Gina was telling Miles off at school.While I don't think Miles was a danger to the pupils and his suggestion they all go for psychological assessment wasn't completely ridiculous, he didn't do himself any favours by telling Gina he's talking to his dead daughter.There was no way she was going to let him back in front of a class after that.

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Hm, still not impressed with the police. The vegetation was not so thick in the area they were searching that they wouldn't have noticed J and A carrying a large object around. They couldn't have been too far away if they heard J's phone ringing. They must have known it was the Jefferies' car as well, or at least suspected from the make and colour. Numptiness.

However I was impressed with Charlie and Angelo going round with the warrant and being extremely official about it, as they should be.

Poor old Miles, he's on a downward spiral. The faces he pulls all the time are getting worse, they are making him look madder and madder. But I'm not surprised- all the things he's gone through lately. As do all the HAA characters, I'm surprised they aren't all mental :lol: I hope they show him being properly treated etc. like they did Catherine in Desperate Housewives.

I think Gina is thinking that if Miles gets distracted by Rabbit when real pupils need help or misbehave, he may not prioritise the real pupils and an accident could happen.

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All praise to Aden 'confessing' to digging up Larry's body and moving it and saying Justin had nothing to do with it, but does he really expect Charlie and Angelo to believe he did it all by himself! :rolleyes: It's not easy to carry a dead body on your own (not that I know from first hand experience of course). It took enough effort for both of them to do it. I'm still of the opinion Justin didn't kill Larry, but that he died of his injuries resulting from the crash.

Miles does seem more unstable now that people know about Rabbit then he did before he had told them about her. Agree with you there Miranda, plus knowing what some of the kids are like at SBH, he is not going to be able keep their respect and lose control of them. Wouldn't a psych report (if he does actually have one, only be a repeat of what he has told Michael)? Fair enough, we all talk to ourselves at times (or thinking out loud if you like) but we don't wait for 'someone' to answer.

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I have been really enjoying the suspense with this storyline involving Aden and Justin. I couldn't help but laugh when Charlie and Angelo were questioning them during the search of their home. It's just that it was so obvious the two of them were as guilty as sin. I really liked the scene where Angelo was trying to offer Aden advice about coming clean. I didn't think as badly of Aden as I did before because to me it seems like he is doing the wrong thing for the right reasons i.e. sacrificing himself to save his brother. He admitted to Angelo and Charlie that he didn't kill Larry but has it occurred to him that they are still going to do an autopsy regardless and question Justin anyway as they still need to try and determine the cause of death.

The stuff with Miles is quite serious as it highlights some of the issues facing mental illness but what I did quite find quite funny were people's reactions to him speaking to Rabbit i.e. Alf and Gina.

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