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I have been really enjoying the suspense with this storyline involving Aden and Justin. I couldn't help but laugh when Charlie and Angelo were questioning them during the search of their home. It's just that it was so obvious the two of them were as guilty as sin. I really liked the scene where Angelo was trying to offer Aden advice about coming clean. I didn't think as badly of Aden as I did before because to me it seems like he is doing the wrong thing for the right reasons i.e. sacrificing himself to save his brother. He admitted to Angelo and Charlie that he didn't kill Larry but has it occurred to him that they are still going to do an autopsy regardless and question Justin anyway as they still need to try and determine the cause of death.

Surely the DNA from objects that they referred to that had been found at the dug-up site will match the second lot of blood found on Justin at the hospital. That will nail Justin for sure. Then they can match those with his father from prison (or wherever he was). That will also cast doubts on Aden's story. The police must be pretty dimwitted if they can't sort this one out, but then this is a soap!

Hope Annie gets her act together and tells Romeo that she's staying.

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It's not easy to carry a dead body on your own (not that I know from first hand experience of course).

I should hope not H&Alover :P

Yes, Aden does now seem to be behaving less like a cold hearted criminal and more as if he's acting in Justin's interests :huh:

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I have been really enjoying the suspense with this storyline involving Aden and Justin. I couldn't help but laugh when Charlie and Angelo were questioning them during the search of their home. It's just that it was so obvious the two of them were as guilty as sin. I really liked the scene where Angelo was trying to offer Aden advice about coming clean. I didn't think as badly of Aden as I did before because to me it seems like he is doing the wrong thing for the right reasons i.e. sacrificing himself to save his brother. He admitted to Angelo and Charlie that he didn't kill Larry but has it occurred to him that they are still going to do an autopsy regardless and question Justin anyway as they still need to try and determine the cause of death.

Surely the DNA from objects that they referred to that had been found at the dug-up site will match the second lot of blood found on Justin at the hospital. That will nail Justin for sure. Then they can match those with his father from prison (or wherever he was). That will also cast doubts on Aden's story. The police must be pretty dimwitted if they can't sort this one out, but then this is a soap!

But wouldn't it still depend on whether they can determine a cause of death? Wouldn't any Lawyer in court argue that there is a possibility Larry could have simply died from the car accident (or something else) so without any proof all they can do them for is perverting the course of justice. The impression I got even from today's episode was that although they have circumstantial evidence and could probably still argue a case for murder they don't have any actual proof that Justin killed Larry yet, even though Justin told to Charlie he thought he was responsible.

Charlie and Angelo seemed to employ the typical divide and conquer technique with Aden and Justin. I know Charlie was only doing her job but I still shake my head sometimes when she tries to assert herself as a police officer as my mind keeps going back to the incident with Grant. Even though Aden led Charlie to his abandoned car and Larry's body he still appears to be under the delusion that he and Justin can actually get away with this. At least Justin is the one who is seeing sense and realises there's no way out so the best thing to do now is come clean and hope for damage limitation.

I'm glad Nicole told Justin she wouldn't talk Aden into joining the army and she told him a few home truths too. He hasn't been around for years and expects to slip back into the role of big brother. It's actually felt like Aden has been acting more like the big brother than Justin has.

I found it really funny when Alf was having a go at Angelo about the whole Hugo witness protection thing and keeping it from Martha. It's hardly a surprise Martha knew Angelo and Alf were hiding something anyway. She's been mega paranoid and the feminine intuition probably kicked in. It will be interesting to see if Angelo actually comes clean or whether he attempts to try and talk his way out of it again.

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I'm going to try and discuss the storyline as it progresses but it's hard to shake the feeling that several of the comments Charlie and Angelo, and to a lesser extent Aden, make here are going to sound as laughable as Roman's infamous "There's gonna be consequences" in a few weeks' time... Anyway, Aden continues to tell what is pretty much the truth and try and protect his brother.Hard to know what to make of Justin trying to assert himself near the end, he's done this a lot and then let Aden drag him back into doing the wrong thing.Nicole was on top form as always and demonstrated both why it's a huge shame that she wasn't been involved in this storyline before now and why it would never have gone the same way if she had been.She once more decimated Justin's ridiculous "Aden belongs in the army" argument(in fact, if you look at his argument from another perspective, it sounds like he'd be better off in jail:discipline, boundaries and fewer people trying to kill him), she did her best to help him out at the station despite Angelo and especially Charlie's high-handed attitude and their scene at the end was perfect, she rightly pulled him up on just how wrong he'd been and was furious with him but still hugged him at the end.

Gina seemed to get some undeserved flak from Miles and Martha, really she did the only thing she could as Alf pointed out.We get a look at John's house which doesn't seem to be the same one he was living in before.(Judging from the size of it, if he moved after the divorce he must have got a helluva settlement.Actually, thinking about it, we've seen his place twice before and they didn't look much like each other either.)Miles' statement that he's always been a teacher made me think "Yeah, apart from those three years you were living on the street."And his resignation is really not a good idea and is just going to leave him even more divorced from the rest of the Bay.

Alf and Angelo are idiots!Seriously.Angelo rings Alf and asks him to meet him, he pretends it's Marilyn.Fine so far.Then instead of meeting at the police station or the caravan park or Angelo's place, he wanders a couple of yards away where anyone can see them and they have a stand-up argument in public.Then, after finding out Martha saw them, his response is to discuss it with Angelo in public again.And surprisingly, Martha overhears them...

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Nicole annoyed me today, she gave the best advice to Aden and he was being distant but it was just the way she was acting for me. She is becoming unbearable and I hope she gets bearable soon or I cant see a good ending with me liking her. Finally Justin sees sense and realises that in this case honesty is the best policy and that lying even more is not going to get them anywhere at all. Aden is not thinking clearly and Justin is but the irony is if it had been like that at the beginning then this storyline might be completely different than what it is.

Oooh Martha now knows something is wrong, I hope this means that we will get a Hugo return soon before

Martha leaves

. Although I dont think arguing on the beach not far from the surf club is a good idea especially when Alf used the excuse of helping Marilyn. Is it even good practice to talk about witness protection openly on the beach anyways

Lastly, Rabbit is too cute, I love her and Miles' grin when he looks at her hehe... and I am done!

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I just LOVED the way there was the red flag waving at the top of the screen when Martha saw Angelo and Alf talking/shouting on the beach, showing us it was a situation of 'danger'.

Also the news item Miles was listening to when Martha came in, was something about a university lecturer doing something dodgy i.e. reminding us that Miles could possibly do something dodgy in his teaching job if he hadn't been suspended.

And another thing: have you noticed how often Aden and Justin wear the same colour tops, indicating that they are jointly involved in something/ related/ of the same mind? Today it was light grey, often its black.

I love the way directors put those little hints into scenes to make us think subconsciously!

Oooooh! John and Gina running off to bed. Its nice to see older couples behaving like that: love isn't just for the young!

I don't see how Aden and Nicole can recover from the Larry situation. Its sad he's being sucked back into his terrible past, he was doing so well dealing with it and moving on, becoming a happy person. But its all come back to haunt him again, poor bloke :(

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Although I dont think arguing on the beach not far from the surf club is a good idea especially when Alf used the excuse of helping Marilyn. Is it even good practice to talk about witness protection openly on the beach anyways

Agree with you there Zetti! How silly of them. It always annoys/ makes me laugh how HAA characters discuss the most private/ sensitive of subjects on the beach/ in the cafe :rolleyes:

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One other thought I've had about this whole situation with Aden and Justin is that it's curious that no-one seems to be making a distinction between Justin killing his father and Justin murdering his father.It's one of those curious little legal details that leaves me worrying the whole thing's going to end in a massive cop-out.

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As regards talking such private and serious matters on the beach, it was pretty deserted at the time and better than inside somewhere. Of course both times Martha had to spot them. Her argument if it concerned her she had a right to know was fair enough, but (and it's a BIG but) it wouldn't just concern her, there would also be Gina and Xavier. If Angelo does come clean you can bet your bottom dollar she would want to find him!

Nicole was right to say it was down to Justin to convince Aden to go into the Army, just because it worked for him doesn't mean it would suit Aden considering his aversion to authority. Although she didn't support Aden's method of going about things I also liked the fact she gave him a hug, which I suppose meant she would stick by him. Good old Morag came through as usual. Until it is proved either way or until Justin gets his memory back (whichever comes first) at the moment all the police can do at the moment is charge them both with disturbing a crime scene, perverting the course of justice and the moving of a dead body. Charlie was right, there would be both Justin's and Aden's DNA on Larry's body. Any evidence on the car wouldn't be relevant as they both have used it. Maybe the PM will clear things up as to what cause of death was.

I felt for Gina, she was only doing her job in the best interests of the pupils (and by extension) for Miles, yet she is getting the flak for it. I thought the same as you Red when Miles said he had always been a teacher about the time he had spent as a down and out. Not sure if he is doing the right thing about quitting, he has only been suspended, unless he feels he won't be going back anytime soon as he is refusing to see a counsellor. Her going back to John's was just what she needed a little 'her time'. Good to see her acting lighthearted for a change. Liked the exchange between her and Martha next morning about going home and explaining to Xavier where she had been all night! :wink::D You're right Red John's house did look different, perhaps he had to sell the old place when he got divorced to give Jenna (?) her share as part of the settlement.

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Nice save on the part of Alf and Angelo.One long-standing question gets answered, another one gets answered then seemingly has the answer taken away again.Turns out Charlie didn't know Hugo was alive, which actually makes sense given the way Angelo cleared her out of the room before talking to him.When Angelo told Martha about the money, I thought it was finally confirmation that he had read the note Hugo left for Xavier but given his later comments to Charlie it seems it was a huge coincidence.Liked Alf's guilty look when Martha apologised for thinking he was keeping things from her and the double meaning of Charlie assuring her Angelo was just doing his job.

Miles' conversation with Elijah was interesting, although surely keeping Rabbit off school grounds isn't that big an ask.Nice existential conversation between Miles and Rabbit as they sift through all the evidence:Rabbit really can't be a figment of Miles' imagination if she knows things he doesn't, although she's probably not the Easter Bunny either.I like that Alf seems to have accepted that the choice is up to Miles and if keeping Rabbit around makes him happy there's nothing wrong with that. Although I wonder how he managed to keep that seat next to him free at the play.("Irene!You're sitting on Rabbit!")

Annie and Romeo...were a bit sickly sweet but better than they have been.But it's very hard for me to muster any interest in a relationship that I stopped liking a long time ago and which is obviously doomed.Although she still hasn't quite come out and said that, it's pretty obvious that Annie's going back to Japan.Nice that Ruby's supporting her.Again, Ruby and Xavier's interaction works well when they're not actually acting like a couple.

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