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It was just as well Angelo ignored Charlie's advice not to go and see Martha, she could have been in a whole lot worse state if he had waited until the next day. You were right though Red no Alf!! Normally Angelo or Charlie would have asked him to go round considering what she had just learnt. It did seem to finally get through to her that she mustn't tell Gina or Xavier. Although Gina gives a very good impression of not caring about Hugo, I'm not totally convinced.

Martha does crack and tells them both later this week anyway.

I have come to the conclusion that Hugo is a thoroughly selfish git! :angry: First of all he puts all that strain on Alf by asking him to look after Martha once he has 'gone' which he would have done anyway, he didn't need Hugo to tell him to do that. Now he has decided he wants out of WP, not only putting his own life in danger, but Martha's, Gina's, Xavier's and Brendan's. Martha, Gina and Xavier I suppose are more able to look out for themselves, but what about Brendan, he wouldn't stand a chance against the guys Hugo was dealing with! Also as Angelo pointed out, by extension there is Tony, Rachel and baby Harry. I can understand he would be missing Martha, but Vinnie was in a much more worse position, he had a wife and a baby who he was never going to see again, yet he managed to do it to keep them safe.

So had Rabbit's premonitions been Miles' along or had she been sending them to him via his dreams? Which begs the question has he really been seeing her all this time? Loved his 'technical' talk about about being able to fix photocopiers.

Perhaps the point of Annie's goodbye was in case Romeo wanted to move on while she was away and not to feel guilty if he did. That way it leaves both of them free to meet someone else if they wanted to. Good advice from Liam, who IMO is getting better and better. As he said about he's been there, done that. Of course he would think Romeo's story was better than Romeo did, he was able to look at it objectively.

BTW guess who turns up this week, which will raise the question how did she know where he was?

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Am i the only one tearing my hair out that once again Aden is let off with a serious crime and we're supposed to feel sorry him? It frustrates me no end that no matter what he does, be it kidnapping, attempted murder, grave digging etc he's still portrayed as being a golden boy that we're all supposed to love and instantly feel sorry for becasue of his terrible childhood. I understand that what he went through was horrific and of course it was going to be difficult for him to come to terms with it and deal with it - but that does not excuse criminal behaviour! I'm sick and tired of him being let off with things time and time again and its his victims that seem to get all the hatred, which is just ridiculous. I've never understood the fasination with him, granted Todd can act and he's done well but, at the end of the day Aden is an arrogant jerk who doesn't care how his actions affect those around him.

Todays episode was just a shambles. How on earth are we supposed to believe a class of children plus 3 adults would all pass out, at the same time, in a wooden barn with clear ventilation? :rolleyes: And they'd all wake up as soon as Miles found them? And after months of showing Rabbit as a fragment of his imagination and doing a great job of showing Miles in the middle of an apparant breakdown, we're supposed to believe she's a ghost who told him where Leah etc was? Majorly disappointed at how they've handled this.

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I have come to the conclusion that Hugo is a thoroughly selfish git! :angry: First of all he puts all that strain on Alf by asking him to look after Martha once he has 'gone' which he would have done anyway, he didn't need Hugo to tell him to do that. Now he has decided he wants out of WP, not only putting his own life in danger, but Martha's, Gina's, Xavier's and Brendan's. Martha, Gina and Xavier I suppose are more able to look out for themselves, but what about Brendan, he wouldn't stand a chance against the guys Hugo was dealing with! Also as Angelo pointed out, by extension there is Tony, Rachel and baby Harry. I can understand he would be missing Martha, but Vinnie was in a much more worse position, he had a wife and a baby who he was never going to see again, yet he managed to do it to keep them safe.

I suspect/hope that there's more to Hugo going AWOL than just him missing Martha.If there wasn't and that really is him hiding out nearby, why hasn't he contacted her?Guess it falls in the "wait and see" category.

So...Last week, Charlie says Aden will be facing a lot of charges even if murder isn't one of them, Angelo says that they've got enough to charge him with interfering with a crime scene, perverting the course of justice and mishandling a corpse.This week...it's all forgotten about because, let's not forget, Aden was abused and that means he can do whatever he likes and get away with it.And Morag is now officially a scumbag lawyer who helps people get away with committing crimes.I probably would have been annoyed if I hadn't been expecting it, instead I just sighed and rolled my eyes.It was what happened next that truly disgusted me and made me despise Justin a lot more than Aden.First, he acts as though Aden's some kind of hero and claims he "saved his life" by stopping him doing the right thing and nearly getting them both locked up.(If Aden had let him report Larry's death as soon as they found it, the phone message would still have cleared him and they wouldn't have committed a crime.)Is that really the sort of person you want to rely on in a tricky situation?At least Aden seemed to acknowledge what he did was wrong, even if he didn't seem particularly sorry.Then, Justin belittles Nicole and her relationship with Aden when she's always looked out for him and all he's ever done is let him get into trouble.He doesn't want Aden to do something for himself, he just wants him to be like him, which isn't particularly impressive.Sadly, Nicole seemed to buy into this, thinking Aden was unhappy with his life in general rather than just tired after a stressful few weeks.(He actually went away with her after his court case, which you think she'd have remembered.)And when exactly did Aden and Belle plan to go travelling together? When he first kicked in uni she was settled working at the paper, when she was sacked she spent most of her time looking for her next fix and only a few weeks after they got back together, most of which was spent setting up home in the Bay, she found out she was dying!

I rather liked the Miles/Rabbit storyline even though I was distracted by cursing the episode's other storyline.Frankly, even though some members of the audience seemed convinced of it, it's never made sense that Rabbit was a hallucination.Practically the first thing she did was warn Miles about the Diner fire and since then several appearances just haven't fitted in with her only existing when Miles can see her.She obviously exists on some level.(Interesting though that Miles only found the party because of Rabbit tossing a coin.If she doesn't exist and therefore can't toss a coin...no, I don't know what I'm trying to say here either.)Elijah being spooked out by his own stories and scared of the ranger was a nice moment.Not sure of the physics of the gas leak but it didn't really work as drama, almost as soon as we're aware of the peril Miles solves it.(I assume they were meant to recover because he opened the door and let fresh air in.)Leah and Elijah's "Explain that one away" reaction made me smile a bit.

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Am i the only one tearing my hair out that once again Aden is let off with a serious crime and we're supposed to feel sorry him? It frustrates me no end that no matter what he does, be it kidnapping, attempted murder, grave digging etc he's still portrayed as being a golden boy that we're all supposed to love and instantly feel sorry for becasue of his terrible childhood. I understand that what he went through was horrific and of course it was going to be difficult for him to come to terms with it and deal with it - but that does not excuse criminal behaviour! I'm sick and tired of him being let off with things time and time again and its his victims that seem to get all the hatred, which is just ridiculous. I've never understood the fasination with him, granted Todd can act and he's done well but, at the end of the day Aden is an arrogant jerk who doesn't care how his actions affect those around him.

As the matter of fact Kirstyekua, Aden was punished for what he did to his father in the past, he went through a trial and he got 100 hours of community service. Why are you all forgetting about that??? And that was a completely breakdown!!! And it also shows that this storyline is too serious for some people to understand!

What about Angelo, and last but not least Tony who planned murder - Aden didn't do that - never! Neither Tony or Angelo had to face a trial, talk about their really serious problems and past to everyone!! and what about Charlie??? Why was it OK for Tony to get excused because of Jacks death, and Aden isn't allowed to get excused when he had a breakdown (the kidnapping) and he actually did get punishment for what he did (but not hard enough, for some) Charlie, Tony and Angelos crimes were far more serious when you think about the circumstances (Tony planned a murder!!!)

Of course he shouldn't have done what he did with his fathers body and lying to the police, and yes I do think that he should have been punished for that and shouldn't have been excused this time. Because the circumstances around this storyline and the kidnapping/breakdown thing were totally different. And I don't think people should get excused because of their terrible past, but it is not a black and white situation and all the circumstances have to be taken in concideration.

But I do think that the writers shouldn't have done this at all, this mystery about Adens fathers death.... And they should have moved Adens storyline forward, not take it back and make it much worse than it was in the first place. This storyline was really really badly written, with a lot of inconsistency and big errors to what we have learned before. He was never portrayed this evil before this storyline.

I don't mean that people should get excused because of their past, but sometimes you can't ignore peoples past and sometimes you have to see the circumstances - and mental state (like the kidnapping episode).

Well, it's not easy to get over terrible thing in the childhood. Some people do get over it, some don't. These things can be really complex and difficult. And some people need help to get over it - and that is what this storyline should have been about, with Aden moving on with his life in a positive way after all the help he has got. So just to do a storyline that proves the excactly opposite is not fair to real life victims.

Well, I have to say that I don't hope they are doing more abuse storylines, because they always end in a mess (like Kane's storyline too)...

I don't mean to be rude, I just get carried away... Because of my job I meet several kids and adults like Aden... And it makes me thinking that this storyline got too serious for HAA to handle. It is a soap so it is understandable that the storylines can't right all the time, but when they are thinking about doing such a serious storyline - they have to pull the effort to make it right and in a sensitive way and also leave the storyline on a good note. If they can't do that they shouldn't do the storyline at all.

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^Trying my hardest not to open this can of worms too much and failing admirably...I think people find it easier to forgive Tony and Charlie because those were isolated incidents rather than a way of life.Angelo doesn't seem to have been forgiven by a lot of fans, even though he did actually spend time in prison for what he'd done, and in the case of the characters he had to work for his forgiveness unlike Aden whose actions were simply forgotten even before he gave an explanation for them.

Did Aden suffer a breakdown?Although many people seem to insist that he did, it was described as a breakdown only once in the show, by a character who hadn't met Aden let alone properly assessed him.His behaviour during the incident demonstrated a heightened emotional state but not necessarily a loss of the ability to reason or a desintegration of personality.The argument at Aden's trial was that, in addition to having a motive for his actions, he had received help for his issues and wouldn't reoffend.That was obviously not true at the time and is even more obviously not true now. Aden blatantly violated his good behaviour bond on a regular basis, a bond which he received for the kidnapping, not his attempt to kill his father(which was not planned but which was clearly what he would have done if not for others intervening), of which he was acquited for a reason that was mentioned by no-one apart from the judge.And he has continued to offend since the bond expired, this being the latest example.

It is possible for those who have been abused in the past to receive help, to move on and to rise above the terrible events of their past.Aden is not one of these people and never has been. Admittedly he received voluntary counselling prior to his attempt to kill his father but his time at the clinic was effectively forced upon him by law(or at least a condition of his remaining at liberty)and he abandoned it as soon as he was able to.There seems to be no difference between Aden's behaviour now and Aden's behaviour before his time in the clinic.It's one thing to say that those who have suffered abuse need help and support, it's another thing to say that people like Aden who continue to break the law and show no real desire to change should be allowed to continue using that abuse as an excuse.

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^Trying my hardest not to open this can of worms too much and failing admirably...I think people find it easier to forgive Tony and Charlie because those were isolated incidents rather than a way of life.Angelo doesn't seem to have been forgiven by a lot of fans, even though he did actually spend time in prison for what he'd done, and in the case of the characters he had to work for his forgiveness unlike Aden whose actions were simply forgotten even before he gave an explanation for them.

Did Aden suffer a breakdown?Although many people seem to insist that he did, it was described as a breakdown only once in the show, by a character who hadn't met Aden let alone properly assessed him.His behaviour during the incident demonstrated a heightened emotional state but not necessarily a loss of the ability to reason or a desintegration of personality.The argument at Aden's trial was that, in addition to having a motive for his actions, he had received help for his issues and wouldn't reoffend.That was obviously not true at the time and is even more obviously not true now. Aden blatantly violated his good behaviour bond on a regular basis, a bond which he received for the kidnapping, not his attempt to kill his father(which was not planned but which was clearly what he would have done if not for others intervening), of which he was acquited for a reason that was mentioned by no-one apart from the judge.And he has continued to offend since the bond expired, this being the latest example.

It is possible for those who have been abused in the past to receive help, to move on and to rise above the terrible events of their past.Aden is not one of these people and never has been. Admittedly he received voluntary counselling prior to his attempt to kill his father but his time at the clinic was effectively forced upon him by law(or at least a condition of his remaining at liberty)and he abandoned it as soon as he was able to.There seems to be no difference between Aden's behaviour now and Aden's behaviour before his time in the clinic.It's one thing to say that those who have suffered abuse need help and support, it's another thing to say that people like Aden who continue to break the law and show no real desire to change should be allowed to continue using that abuse as an excuse.

well, I dont think that's the case... Tony has always done other bad things too, that easily have been forgiven. Charlie was forgiven just because she is a woman, and only a woman have a right to be "upset" if she has been raped or abused... it seems like a lot of people here think..

When it comes to adens behaviour I think he changed after the clinic a bit, but it was here the writers started to do the big mistakes about this storyline. It would have been easy for them just to write in a bit, that Aden went to further councelling after the clinic. I think that he did change, because he just have to because of Belle and her horrible behaviour which always has been excused...

And he did come back to her, no matter what she had done (lying, using drugs etc..). And he also was a bit kind to Nicole (I think he was much nicer to belle) before Justin arrived. And a relationship is not only about the girl, and a boy who has to take care of her like a lot seem to think (maybe cultural differences here - and more than we actually believe too - here about the genders place and roles)

And RR1 as I said above, I think it was wrong of the writers to continue to have Aden to do the wrong things and get excused because his past, but neither should Tony or Charlie or Angelo (who didn't have any excuses at all...) But It is extremely depressing for somebody with a troubled past to see and to know that a tv show constantly portray troubled teens like this - like they never have a chance to change no matter how much help they get.. because it also gives this message out to the world...

But I have also seen here that a several people do think that Aden did a crime when he actually didn't too... It was like all he did was wrong in the eyes of some people here.... But his actions lately has been much worse than they have in the past. Well... but if this storyline have been moved forward, let Aden to forgive his father before he died - let them talk, let Aden go and do something positive with his life on his own will, we would both agree I think, that he had changed and that would have been a much better end to the storyline about Aden.

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well, I dont think that's the case... Tony has always done other bad things too, that easily have been forgiven.

Like what? Of course Tony had an excuse, he tried to kill the man whose actions resulted in the end of his son's life. Yet he stopped on his own accord when he was reminded of his wife and unborn child and actually tried to save Angelo. Yet Aden was only stopped because Rachel refused to help and then the police came in and stopped him. And I don't think it's fair to compare what Tony did to what Aden did.....Tony tried to kill the man who killed his son. Illegal yet totally understandable (although I'm not debating that in the real world his punishment would have been far greater.) Aden tried to kill his Dad for not being able to stop him from being sexually abused (totally different to murdering him) and people seemed to forget that Larry had been abused to and was therefore just as much a victim as Aden was. I don't think you can even compare Larry to Angelo.

Plus I don't think Aden's punishment of 100 hours of community service really makes up for him trying to murder a man. Like even Nicole claimed "Aden is a good person, he wouldn't have killed his Dad" and I thought to myself hang on a minute....but he did try to kill his Dad.

I understand completely what both RR and Kirsty are saying....they're saying that Aden is portrayed as a perfect saint and were all expected to forgive him even though he's done all these incredible crimes throughout his time on the show and hasn't changed his ways and seemed perfectly happy to find and hide his own father's body and feel no remorse for it. Even though Aden didn't kill his own father he should NOT have just had all of the charges dropped against him because he did commit a number of other crimes, hiding a body, lying to the police etc. It can't all be forgotten and forgiven because his Dad sent a nice little voice message saying they should forget and forgive the past. Justin for example found it really traumatic to hide their father's body, he vomited, he had nightmares, he wants to back out so many times. Yet Aden kept a cool head, didn't have a problem with it and were expected to believe he's a sane, perfectly safe, lovely, saint of a person? I don't buy it either.

And what Kirsty said was right: in Aden's case the victim is the one whose hated....it was made out that Larry was the bad person and poor Aden had every right to try and kill him and Rachel was an awful person because she was affected by what he did to her. I don't see why the rule should be any different for Aden than the others.

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Apart from planning to murder Angelo what exactly has Tony done? Nothing. And if you're saying Aden was having a breakdown when he kidnapped Rachel and Belle and tried to murder his father, you can easily say Tony was having a breakdown when he was with Angelo. He murdered his son and got off without so much as a slap on the wrist. Are you seriously saying Tony didn't have an excuse for what happened with Angelo? If that's the case then i'm lost for words.

Aden has been given help and opportunities time and time again to deal with his past (and by people who he has hurt) yet he dismisses all of that and acts the same as always. He has shown no remorse or regret for anything he's done. I stopped trying with Aden when he left his dying fiance locked outside their house in a fit of tears. :rolleyes: But of course Aden did nothing wrong here, he never does. It's

As the matter of fact Kirstyekua, Aden was punished for what he did to his father in the past, he went through a trial and he got 100 hours of community service. Why are you all forgetting about that??? And that was a completely breakdown!!! And it also shows that this storyline is too serious for some people to understand

Please don't patronise me. I have actually worked with vunrable children and i am aware of the seriousness of abuse. You may be surprised to know that not all children who suffer turn to kidnapping and murder.

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Todays episode was just a shambles. How on earth are we supposed to believe a class of children plus 3 adults would all pass out, at the same time, in a wooden barn with clear ventilation? :rolleyes: And they'd all wake up as soon as Miles found them?

:lol: I can see you weren’t impressed. Yeah I thought initially this storyline was going to explore the issues surrounding mental illness.

Anyway, it’s been quite interesting reading some of these posts. Regarding the stuff with Aden, personally I thought after the incident with Axel then Larry, Rachel, Belle etc he was very lucky not to go to jail (100 hours of community service isn’t sufficient punishment for attempted murder and three counts of kidnapping). And he definitely didn’t have a breakdown when he beat Axel unconscious and left him for dead. Funnily enough I always thought it was extremely irresponsible of Tony not to tell Roman what happened that day. Anyway this time I have to agree with other posters and having the police drop the charges (and having Aden yet again get away with committing another serious crime) was ridiculous but it didn’t bother me as much because the damage had already been done, Larry was already dead and this time I don’t think Aden’s actions affected as many people like they did before. And I think he has tried to make an effort to become a model citizen over the past few months so it would be a shame to throw that away in the fictional program of course.

Again agreeing with other posters and I don’t think it’s fair to compare what he did to what happened with Tony and Angelo, although with Larry it was different because even though he was drunk he hit someone and left him for dead (imagine being left for dead twice) and eventually Axel died. Incidentally I thought Larry was paroled far too quickly.

I do like Charlie and Angelo but during the whole business with the investigation I was at times shaking my head to have two people that have shown a complete disregard for the law in such senior positions leading an investigation like that. I don’t think people who have forgiven Charlie have forgiven her because she’s a woman, I thought they forgave her because she was raped just like Aden was abused.

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Please don't patronise me. I have actually worked with vunrable children and i am aware of the seriousness of abuse. You may be surprised to know that not all children who suffer turn to kidnapping and murder.

Well kirsty Ekua, I know that; I am a social worker....! :rolleyes: But it happens a lot more than we think, that children/young people having a breakdown because of their past and do such as things. But it is such a complicated and serious issue, so it shouldn't be an issue for entertainment in a tv soap.

So I am not angry at you, but at the writers, because they have a strong tendency to show that the children who suffer are going to be criminals, no matter how much help they get. And Aden is actually a good guy comparing to Kane... Those two characters have something in common, they have shown us really serious cases of child abuse. They even used flashbacks with a little child(actor) in Kanes case... And that's the reason I think that in both cases, the storyline should have had a good ending... Especially in Adens, he was never a criminal in the first place as Kane was....

And to say that loosing a son is so much more worse than being abused for years as a child is also wrong... because in some cases it is not. It depends on the situation.

And I don't forget that Larry was abused too, but I do think the writers forgot about that.. But that Larry was abused to, did not make it easier for Aden and Justin (and Sean), what happens to them is not going to hurt less because of that... maybe hurt even more if we are going to see the case from that point of view.

What I am trying to say; that to do a crime because you are suffering is totally wrong, no matter what the reason is, because you can't say which case is the worst, and what is a good reason for doing such horrible things like Tony and Aden did, where do we draw the line? so Tony should have had a trial too, And Aden should have got more councelling after the clinic (where he only was for two weeks, Belle was three weeks in rehab for using pills...) And this Larry dead/bury his body storyline shouldn't have happen at all... And it overshadowed the interaction between Justin and Aden, two brothers who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

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