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Yeah, H&Alover, I understand what you and Nicole were saying.I just think my interpretation was probably closer the mark.Anyway, Aden's gone now.It's strange, even though I was never a fan of the character I expected to be sad because I didn't want him and Nicole to break up.But by the end of that, I was left feeling that she's better off without him.For the first half of the episode, I thought she was being stupidly noble and should just tell him what she was thinking because he obviously wanted to be with her.But when she did offer him a reason, albeit not the whole reason, he just clammed up and then left town without a word to her.She deserved better than that.(By the way, does Ruby routinely wander into her friends' house and watch TV until they come home or did someone let her in?)Again I really didn't like Justin, who was quick to put the boot in and try and turn Aden against Nicole, even if he did try and get him to say goodbye to her.Even if he doesn't love her or can't say it, even if it's just as a friend, I think Aden would be a lot better off with Nicole in his life.Justin's proved how rubbish he is at looking out for him and anyway, even more than Nicole, he's got his own life to lead.In all likelihood, Justin will get sent abroard and Aden will be left in the city on his own, doing another dead end job and wasting his life a lot more thoroughly than if he'd stayed with the girl that made him happy.His last words, best as I can remember, were "I know it's pathetic but it's the best I can do at the moment."A curiously appropriate epitaph.

Whatever it is that turned Alf and Angelo stupid, it must be catching.First Martha tells Xavier that Hugo's alive, despite several very compelling reasons not to.Then Xavier tells...pretty much everyone.In public.Three times.And gets all excited about the prospect despite Tony and Ruby pointing out that he's in hiding for a reason and that they're all in danger.(By the way, really not happy about Xavier badmouthing Annie and telling Romeo he was right to throw his phone away. Because the best way to get over your girlfriend leaving the country is to make sure you can't make any phone calls...)Hardly surprising that Gina reacted the way she did, she didn't care Hugo was dead, she's hardly going to care that he's alive.As for that last scene, guess we'll have to wait until next episode to find out whether they'd arranged to meet(explaining why Xavier lied about where he was?), whether it was all a huge coincidence or whether Hugo's been driving up and down that road all day in case Xavier happens to wander past.

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Yeah, H&Alover, I understand what you and Nicole were saying.I just think my interpretation was probably closer the mark.Anyway, Aden's gone now.It's strange, even though I was never a fan of the character I expected to be sad because I didn't want him and Nicole to break up.But by the end of that, I was left feeling that she's better off without him.For the first half of the episode, I thought she was being stupidly noble and should just tell him what she was thinking because he obviously wanted to be with her.But when she did offer him a reason, albeit not the whole reason, he just clammed up and then left town without a word to her.She deserved better than that.(By the way, does Ruby routinely wander into her friends' house and watch TV until they come home or did someone let her in?)Again I really didn't like Justin, who was quick to put the boot in and try and turn Aden against Nicole, even if he did try and get him to say goodbye to her.Even if he doesn't love her or can't say it, even if it's just as a friend, I think Aden would be a lot better off with Nicole in his life.Justin's proved how rubbish he is at looking out for him and anyway, even more than Nicole, he's got his own life to lead.In all likelihood, Justin will get sent abroard and Aden will be left in the city on his own, doing another dead end job and wasting his life a lot more thoroughly than if he'd stayed with the girl that made him happy.His last words, best as I can remember, were "I know it's pathetic but it's the best I can do at the moment."A curiously appropriate epitaph.

My thoughts exactly Red Ranger. I had hoped that Aden and Nicole would stay together, as friends now and then Aden might grow to love her. Still a sad way for a long standing member of the soap (Aden) to leave - off to another life with no purpose. He deserved a better farewell than that!

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Aden deserved and needed a better departure storyline! And I don't mean the thing with Nicole, but the whole storyline after Justin arrived should have been done differently (I see all this as Adens departure storyline.)

But I really liked Justin, he was the only thing I liked about this storyline. He was right, Aden needed more structure not only just to do something other than working in a kitchen, but he needed structure and disipline to avoid do end up (to continue) on the wrong side of the law. Without structure he would have been worse and worse. The mess with their dead father, was just Adens fault - not Justins. He wasn't strong enough to say no to his younger brother. He struggled with his accident and his memory loss, his nightmares and the whole situation. But we saw that he really didn't want to do what they did, it was adens will and ideas. Justin had been like this before he got structure in his life, and he was about to get a decent life when this accident happened. I think we were left to believe that Justin and Larry were driving to Summerbay and to talk to aden, because they both wanted him to get his life straight. And Justin hadn't been able to help Aden before, he had to get his own life on track first.

I do think that Nicole loved aden, but I don't think he loved her back the same way. I am back home and have watched the eps with Aden and belle getting together today, and Nicole was jealous. But I do think he loved her as a friend. And around christmas when they got togheter I do think he wanted to believe that he loved her, because he wanted to love someone again, and probably feel alive.

What I think is sad that their friendship ended this way, it was totally forgotten. I liked them much better as friends, they were much more lively and believable as friends. A friendship is very valuable too, and their friendship used to be beautifully portrayed.

To join the army could have given aden the structure he needed, but to fool somebody into something they don't want to is not a smart thing to do... If he was going to find out about his brother and Nicoles conversations it would make the situation even worse. And I don't like that he suddenly didn't want to say goodbye to anyone, and was portrayed as a lazy bum who didn't do a proper work and didn't care about anybody. He worked just half at the diner and half job at the Bait shop just to satisfy both Alf and Leah... Not because he was lazy. And both Irene and Leah have said in the past that he was a good worker (after Belles death...).

So I think that his whole departure storyline was really, really bad. And he certainly deserved a better departure than that. He had been on the show for about 3 years and was very popular and not only as a part of Adelle... And even if you liked him or not, Aden and his storylines has really caused a lot of thinking, analyzing and debate on this boards and others.

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I have to agree, even though Aden wasnt one of my favourite characters, it was a pretty poor farewell. After everything he has been through you think they would have made it a bit happier, it all seemed a bit rushed to me.

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Yeah, H&Alover, I understand what you and Nicole were saying.I just think my interpretation was probably closer the mark.Anyway, Aden's gone now.It's strange, even though I was never a fan of the character I expected to be sad because I didn't want him and Nicole to break up.But by the end of that, I was left feeling that she's better off without him.For the first half of the episode, I thought she was being stupidly noble and should just tell him what she was thinking because he obviously wanted to be with her.But when she did offer him a reason, albeit not the whole reason, he just clammed up and then left town without a word to her.She deserved better than that.(By the way, does Ruby routinely wander into her friends' house and watch TV until they come home or did someone let her in?)Again I really didn't like Justin, who was quick to put the boot in and try and turn Aden against Nicole, even if he did try and get him to say goodbye to her.Even if he doesn't love her or can't say it, even if it's just as a friend, I think Aden would be a lot better off with Nicole in his life.Justin's proved how rubbish he is at looking out for him and anyway, even more than Nicole, he's got his own life to lead.In all likelihood, Justin will get sent abroard and Aden will be left in the city on his own, doing another dead end job and wasting his life a lot more thoroughly than if he'd stayed with the girl that made him happy.His last words, best as I can remember, were "I know it's pathetic but it's the best I can do at the moment."A curiously appropriate epitaph.

My thoughts exactly Red Ranger. I had hoped that Aden and Nicole would stay together, as friends now and then Aden might grow to love her. Still a sad way for a long standing member of the soap (Aden) to leave - off to another life with no purpose. He deserved a better farewell than that!

There was no way Nicole and Aden could be just friends and her hoping he may learn to love her (like she does him) one day, that would have been destructive for both of them. She could have easily dropped Justin in it (and Aden never twigged he had anything to do with it). Good decision by Romeo not telling Aden what Nic had said to him and Ruby. Do agree the ending was a wimp out for Aden, just leaving a text message saying 'I'm gone' was truly pathetic. Obviously not worried about suddenly letting Alf and Leah down or picking up any wages due to him.

As for Ruby being at Nic's house, don't forget this is Summer Bay where they routinely leave their doors open for anyone just to wander in. :wink: Ruby did say to Nic that she had invited her over for dinner, so perhaps someone had been there when she first arrived.

It certainly didn't take Martha long to drop the bombshell about Hugo (what was it two/three days)? Once she had told Xavier she had to tell Gina, Tony and Rachel, in Noah's! (even more public than Alf and Angelo on the beach)! I guess the reasoning behind Ruby being told(I was going to say at least in was in an empty classroom, but the door was open) is because she is Xavier's girlfriend and therefore could also be in danger. As you said Red it was only Tony and Ruby that seemed the only ones to grasp the potential threat to them all while not panicking them. I don't think Gina was allowing herself to care about Hugo being 'dead' because she was so angry at him for what he had done, so now he isn't she has even more reason to be angry with him. Agree that was a very odd ending where was Xavier going (and why did he lie to Ruby)? He seemed more curious than scared when that car pulled over which makes your remark Red pretty plausible that he knew it would be Hugo.

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Alf's episode count this week:None.So he's only been in 67 of the first 75 episodes this year and misses out on 95 out of 100.Irene and Marilyn didn't appear either.The first two are probably on panto leave;don't know why they didn't follow my advice and have Irene accompany Annie back to Japan, since we haven't seen her since, maybe they couldn't be bothered to work out what would happen to Ruby.Marilyn was credited on Wednesday and Thursday so presumably they just cut all her scenes.So bringing her back is really working out then...

Anyway...Not clear whether Xavier was actually meant to be meeting Hugo, although it seems to be leaning towards huge, unexplained coincidence.Either way, I loved their reunion.It's nice to see how the strong brotherly bond that they built up last year is still there, even though they weren't on that good terms when they last saw each other.Odd how it didn't seem to occur to Xavier that Hugo might have been keeping his distance because Ruby was with him, I don't recall "Bring your girlfriend along" being in his instructions.Hugo's plan doesn't make much sense:He acknowledges that his family could be in danger but his solution is to run off and leave them after keeping an eye on them for a bit.Even if he doesn't trust the witness protection people, he must surely realise that Charlie and Angelo wouldn't let anything happen to them if he explained the situation to them.

Another episode where I started to like Gina.She finally seemed to admit to Tony that she'd handled Hugo's death wrongly by refusing to have any feelings about it and her interaction with John was good as ever.And then she went and hit Angelo.To use her words, I didn't think it was possible to be more angry with her.So that's another woman who uses Angelo as a whipping boy whenever she's in a bad mood.At least he stood up to Xavier.I'm glad John called her on it even if I wished he'd gone further, describing Angelo as callous is a bit pot-kettle-black given the way she's been treating her family lately.Was not expecting that last scene at all, I thought if Hugo went to see anyone it would be Martha.

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Good lord, this week was haywire.

First I'm sad cause my new fav character, Rabbit's, gone. Then Aden leaves. I was NOT expecting that. I knew he was due to leave this year, but after the whole thing with Larry, I thought that the leaving scenario would be a bit more... I dunno. I just don't see what the Larry storyline did to the show anymore. I quite liked Aden, but I just hate how sudden it was. At first I thought he was just leaving for a few days or weeks, but then when it showed the typical 'drive off into sunset' goodbye thing, I was shocked.

I have to say I was beginning to find Rabbit a bit annoying over the last few weeks, ever since we found out for sure she wasn't real. But the goodbye scene was definitely touching, and I'll definitely miss her. Now I need to work out my new favourite character. It would be Miles, but I don't really like him as much atm with the whole insane scenario. But will we ever actually get to know for sure whether Rabbit was just imagination? I'm confused. All we've heard is Miles insisting she's real and Colleen thinking it's the work of God.

...But then, HUGO'S BACK! And looks... ugly with that beard. I know he's a fugitive and everything, but geez. xD Hugo was my favourite character before Rabbit showed up, so it's good to see him on screens again. Not really anything to comment on with him. Especially at how uninspiring Xavier's 'You're alive!' was in yesterday's ending, I don't really think the reunion was touching at all. Xavier's actor didn't do it any justice, but Hugo was good.

I just don't get why Hugo skipped out on his promise to go see Gina. Hasn't he told enough lies to his family, to put Xavier through that?

As for other storylines... So glad Annie's gone. She was one of my top favourites before she broke up with Jai, hated her since. She was the only unique teenager, yet was changed to a copycat and one of the most annoying people I've ever seen on H&A. I like Romeo now that she's gone, so all's good. Just wish they hadn't destroyed Annie.

Leah and Elijah, liking them more now. No comments though, I still don't understand where the gas came from... Nor do I understand why Elijah was leading that trip. I think I missed something.

I am actually liking Liam now, ever since he became a teacher. My least favourite needs updating! I found the school play boring though, simply cause of Romeo and Annie. Xavier was annoying. I just found the whole scenes annoying.

Other stuff going on... uhhh... Gina and John. I don't actually dislike the two characters, to be honest. In fact, I don't think there's any character I can't stand, or even dislike. Sure, Xavier's actor needs improvement, but I still like the character. I have no comments though.

Feel sorry for Angelo, Charlie's boring recently, Irene's probably about to die from being stuck with Annie, Alf... Boring recently, Ruby is fine atm, no comments on Tachel, no comments on Martha except that I hope Hugo goes to see her.

I'm gonna stop rambling now.

Overall: NOOOO, Rabbit's gone. YAY, Hugo's back. YAAAAAY, Annie's gone.

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For something that is supposed to be a secret Hugo's 'resurrection' was discussed three times in a public place :rolleyes: First Xavier telling Ruby and nearly getting overheard by Tony in the Diner, then Gina has a pop at Angelo not to mention hitting him and then telling John in the Surf Club. No danger of anyone overhearing anything they shouldn't there then. :wink: Looks like Alf and Angelo did have the right idea by talking on an empty beach! It appeared to me that the people who weren't directly connected to Hugo where the ones who were more able to see Angelo's impossible position, as in Ruby and John. Even Martha was able to see things from his perspective once she had calmed down. I did feel sorry for Angelo, he was as Charlie and John both said, only doing his job. As we know witness protection is about a person (or persons) vanishing/dying to either protect them or their families, anything else would be defeating the object.

I hope Xavier didn't have too long a walk back from wherever it was he was dropped off, they seemed to be driving for a good while. If Hugo is to be believed about his cover being blown, it would have to be someone on the witness protection team, as I'm pretty sure the Yabby Creek police would not be informed to prevent any information as to his whereabouts leaking out accidentally. Plus does he really think that they wouldn't think he would go back to the bay? So Hugo is keeping a low profile a?, so naturally he turns up at the school to see Gina! :rolleyes: This is the school where anyone can walk in anytime they choose. Is she going to hug him or hit him, I know which I would chose.

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Today's got to be one of my favourites so far this year. Good to see Hugo not looking ugly any more. xD And my opinion of Gina increased today, I never believed what she was saying about not caring for Hugo, and glad that she finally gave up the act.

Xavier's acting just gets worse, especially the whole 'I have homework to do' rubbish. Both the actor and the character could have tried harder with that. >_>

But seriously, why do the police in Summer Bay ALWAYS know when something's not right? Or someone's hiding something? I guess Gina was acting odd, but as Charlie said, her whole life's turned upside down.

Will be interesting to see tomorrow's episode when Angelo and Charlie arrive, assuming it's gonna be amongst the chaos of Martha fainting. But seriously, that was a bit sudden in my opinion. She saw him for a second and she faints. Not even showing her shocked face for a few seconds, or her saying "H-Hugo?" but straight away fainting. Was a bit unbelievable for me.

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