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Wow, Gina's quite the crim, isn't she?Shades of Jenena Palmer.I did raise an eyebrow when Hugo suggested staying at her place(surely one of the first places the police are bound to stake out?)and I was surprised to agree to it.So, after months of insisting he's not worth caring about, she actually has to look him in the eye and say it.Which she doesn't seem to have a problem with, despite her schizophrenic attitude towards whether she's a lousy mother or not, until they're suddenly having a reunion hug in a way that seemed a bit rushed to me and could have done with being played out a few more episodes, maybe with Xavier or Martha having to play peacemaker between them.Nice to finally get an explanation from Hugo about how he got into this even if it's a bit basic.

Nice that Angelo seems to be developing some decent instincts at last, even if it seems a bit desperate at times.(Is it really suspicious that Gina got out of her car to talk to them?I would have done...)Xavier is particularly annoying with Ruby coming across as the sensible one trying to keep him out of trouble.Not sure about the shoehorned in references to Aden, while it means we get to see other characters' reaction to his departure I'm not sure his fans would appreciate having all the characters be so dismissive of him.The end did feel a bit silly and unnecessary frankly and seemed to tip the whole thing into melodrama.

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So Hugo was meant to be an intelligent guy who was into people smuggling for years without getting caught, but going by his behaviour since he got back to the bay, he has been acting like a right thicko! He turns up at the school where as I suspected they were nearly sprung by Elijah and Leah, then of all things he asks if he can go home with her!! :blink::rolleyes: Then he goes and gets rid of the beard, which although a pretty obvious disguise was better than none. Gina reacted just as I thought she might (and quite understandably IMO). Did he really expect her to just give him a big hug and tell him all was forgiven? Just had to happen that Angelo and Charlie catch up with Gina on her way home, so obvious that was going to happen. I don't think for one moment she was in any way to blame for him turning out like he did, he was an adult and made his own (misguided) choices. When he said he saw someone he knew while on the way to meet Xavier, did he mean someone good or bad? As you say Red, good to get some explanation of how he got into the whole thing in the first place, we probably got the abridged version, sure it must have been a lot more to it. Hugo did seem to hover by the door after his goodbye almost as if he knew Gina would crack and ask him to stay. Is he still going to take the money Xavier has stashed for him? Xavier could have handled the whole thing a lot better, but in his defence he was worried about Hugo who as far as he knew had been grabbed by his old 'pals'. It's going to be interesting once Martha comes round as to how she and Hugo are going to react to each other, she is going to beg him to stay which of course he can't. Imagine the panic if Angelo and Charlie do turn up, they'll run around trying to hide Hugo, cover for Martha fainting, blame it on all the stress she's been through or something.

Talking of Angelo why is everyone blaming him, it's been said before it's his job , he's even started to blame himself, as he said just as people where starting to accept him. I bet if it had been any other cop, they wouldn't have had as much stick.

The Leah/Elijah scene in the Diner seemed a bit unnecessary to me, didn't add anything to what was happening. Very interesting development between them by the end of the week. :wink:

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... I haven't been watching everyday but there are a few things I want to say.

- I'm glad Aden is gone. I personally felt Nicole was too good for him and in the end she did the decent thing by breaking up with him. She broke her own heart because of her own selfless act and Aden was just... Aden. Although I wanted to see Alf comforting Nicole because I love there friendship!

- Todays episode made me want to slap the Austin's with a wet kipper. The way Xavier and Gina talked to Angelo & Charlie I am surprised they didn't just arrest them for being a couple of bitches.

- Is it me or does Martha have magical growing hair? It has got longer over night. It is on the level with Majandra Delfino & her magical growing hair inbetween Season 1 & 2 of Roswell.

- Ruby & Liam kind of rock. And I have to confess... part of me has seen a new OT3 in Nicole/Liam/Ruby. I haven't seen one since Kim/Tasha/Robbie.

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Hard to know what we were supposed to make of all that, except that it's feeling a bit Groundhog Day.We've just had to sit through Aden and Justin lying to the police and breaking the law when they could probably save themselves a lot of trouble by just telling the truth and now we've got Martha, Xavier and Gina doing the same.It almost feels like we're supposed to see Charlie and Angelo as the bad guys when they're the ones who are on the right side of the law and trying to keep everyone safe while Xavier and Gina are at their irritating worst, acting as though they're the ones in the right by harbouring a fugitive.Are we really supposed to sympathise with Hugo?Because it's becoming increasingly difficult to do so when he's clearly contemplating seriously assaulting two police officers and making snide comments about the woman he kidnapped.

I agree that Aden has treated Nicole abominably, which is a shame since I thought he'd improved a bit while he was with her.It's nice to see Miles, Liam and Ruby all rallying around to look after her though.Felt really sorry for Miles, how many times does he have to put up with narrow-minded parents turning against him?Not entirely convinced by Gina's "I'm right behind you", I'm going to wait and see just how much she's willing to stick her neck out...

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Charlie said in the Diner Hugo wouldn't go back home or to the farm, as he isn't an idiot WRONG:rolleyes: My thoughts exactly Red, was he really going to bash either Angelo or Charlie, hardly the actions of someone who says he has turned over a new leaf as well as putting his family and Martha in even deeper trouble. I was going to use another analogy but wasn't sure if it would be allowed. Then he promises Gina he wouldn't leave the house, but the moment she leaves he's off to the farm (how did he get there BTW?) For all we know his story of his safe house being compromised is a lie and it's all a ploy so he can get his hands on the money and skip the country. As an aside, pretty pointless just only having Charlie staking out the farm, it's a big place and as we saw, Hugo managed to slip in unnoticed.

Good to see people looking out for Nicole as in Miles, Ruby and Liam. Between them they got her looking forward to having a future without Aden., but not regretting the time she had with him. Had to smile at Miles when he apologized for offering her Marilyn's mung beans (the very name puts me off)! :)

Miles seems to have been assessed by the therapist pretty quickly or has more time passed than it looks like? I couldn't see how parents were scared he's be a danger to their kids, he wasn't a danger to anyone, all he did was talk to himself (or that's what it looked to others). It wasn't as if he was going to attack any of them. Hope Gina keeps her word about being behind him.

I have read Romeo and Nicole (and I dare say others) step in to help him, I have my theories on what that may be

staging a protest perhaps, demanding he is reinstated, as he is such a good teacher and they miss him.

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I really liked Miles' plotline in that episode, obvious though it was.The P&C meeting surprised me on several levels, for a start the person questioning Miles was perfectly pleasant and reasonable rather than the usual crazy woman and for another I was expecting it to actually involve him meeting with the P&C rather than just chatting with one representative.(Maybe they blew the budget for extras on two dozen students with hundreds more just out of shot.)I liked Romeo and Nicole putting their problems aside and helping Miles out, even though I saw their plan coming a mile off.(By the way, I hope they resist the temptation to pair Nicole up with either Romeo or Liam, I want them to stay friends.)Liked the references to Roman, wonder if Nicole ever told him she and Aden were together and how he reacted?One of Gina's better episodes, probably because they kept her away from her children aside from one scene of her talking in code to Martha on the phone.(Loved Miles' reaction to her having a "puppy"...)She kept her word and stuck up for Miles at the appropriate juncture and she managed not to be sanctimonious about Tony and John's situation and trusted them to work it out for themselves.I think this also marks the point where I've got used to Marilyn and don't wince every time she opens her mouth, even if I did spend a large chunk of her first scene thinking she was Nicole...Not sure what John's done to make her think he's a nice man.Is it me or was she actually picturing Tony in a skirt when she looked him up and down like that?

Yes...Tony and John.It's gone on far too long frankly and whether the fight is on or off seems to change from scene to scene and not always in the right order.Either fight or call it off but spare us the constant arguing about it.I like the fact that Tony and Rachel seem to be able to argue and disagree without...well, not exactly without falling out but without seriously falling out, even though he's sleeping on the couch despite there being at least two empty rooms in the house, they seemed to treat it almost as a joke or a game.I did think though that Rachel came across as slightly patronising and I assume/hope she knew she was exaggerating when she said Tony would kill John and end up in jail.Tony did overstep the mark though when he agreed to John's "No headgear" challenge, that's the point where he should have said "I'll fight you if we do it safely, not like that" instead of letting his pride get in the way.John's expression at the end was interesting, I got the feeling he wasn't expecting Tony to let it go that far.

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That was so touching with all the pupils showing their support for Miles. :crying: Not often class or year backs a teacher like that let alone the whole school. That certainly shot Mrs. Deacon down in flames. As you said Red Gina did indeed keep her word and backed Miles all the way, considering what else she had on her mind. Seemed, to me at least, a bit of a silly question from Mrs. Deacon as to whether Miles could guarantee he would never have any more mental problems, of course he couldn't, no more than any other teacher could say they would never have any mental problems. Gina isn't very good at thinking of her feet is she, was that the best she could think of ' a new puppy'! :rolleyes: Mind you I suppose Hugo is like a puppy, hasn't yet learnt how to stay when told. :D

Frankly Rachel annoyed the hell out of me yesterday. :angry: I understand she doesn't want Tony to fight John, but does she have to make Tony seem such a wimp in front of John, who she should know by now would use it to humiliate Tony even further? John is/was never going to believe Tony has decided to call it off off his own back after that. You're right Red, I thought it had been called off last week when Gina and co found out about Hugo being on the run. I think he made some excuse about why which John believed. I'm with Gina I think they should have it out for once and for all, they may not be best mates after, but at least they may have more respect for each other. I must have missed the 'no headgear' bit, but I agree that is stupid. No it wasn't just you that thought Marilyn was imaging Tony in a skirt, the same thing went through my mind. :wink:

Liam does have some good advice sometimes, even though he said he was rubbish at it. Would Nicole be able to up and leave for the city just like?

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Found it very hard to get worked up about that one.The boxing storyline ended up being a complete damp squib.I could see Rachel's viewpoint but she was a bit heavy-handed and I like that Tony was trying to keep things light.I did like their little scene at the school though and Miles was great.("She's good.That was A-grade passive aggression.")John seemed to be in straight-talking mode rather than bear-baiting, especially in his scene with Rachel.I found Alf's behaviour rather out of character, I know he's mellowed a bit over the years but it's hard to see him as the sort of person who would object to a boxing match.And the ending was just ridiculous.Just how long were Tony and John meant to have been circling each other in the ring?They made it seem like about half an hour.Don't rounds have a time limit on them or did no-one explain that part to Colleen?

Didn't really care about Romeo's storyline either.It feels as though with Aden and Geoff gone they're trying to turn him into the show's new heartthrob and give him all the screentime but he isn't as interesting or well-acted as those two, getting another scene of acting stupid on the beach and practising his miserable face.Not sure about Miles and Marilyn reading his mail either, especially when they didn't even try asking him about it.Jill seems like quite an interesting character but it's likely to be a case of another guest star acting Romeo off the screen.

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It was lovely to see Harry again yesterday! He's very cute and i wish they'd show more of him instead of him constantly being hidden away in his buggy.

I do think it's funny Tony and Rachel managed to arrange to go out to dinner when she wasn't talking to him :lol: Although i think she over-reacted a little bit i completely understand where she's coming from - Tony is being childish and Rachel's just worried about him getting hurt. The scene at the school was sweet and i liked Miles input :lol: The boxing match was a major let down - are we just supposed to believe they're going to be friends now and everything is fine. :rolleyes:

I liked the interaction between Irene, Alf, Rachel and Marilyn, that was nice to see :)

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The boxing match, what a farce. I'd completely lost interest in the damn thing anyway and if heard Rachel say "..call the fight off!" one more time I was going to put my fist through the TV screen. If you're going to build it up so much, don't then turn it into a total joke.

I hate hate hate the amount of screentime Romeo is getting. I liked him briefly during his comedy stint with Xavier but I'm sick of him STILL lamenting Annie and trying to talk to Nicole about love as if their situations are exactly the same. Kudos to him for arranging to help Miles out, but really, stop the sad act. I think I can see exactly where the storyline with Jill is going as well, hope I'm wrong though.

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