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what a boring episode foused round Leah Eligah Anlego and Charile I was thinking who cares if Leah doesnt want to get married Eligah is being ruined his moving too fast and charile and Andgeo here we go round in circles

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I really liked todays episode [and yesterdays] :P I like all that relationship stuff and people giving each other stupid advice. I'm fed up with people being murdered and serious stuff.

I just love the Gina/John/Jill triangle, they are like teenagers running about. And when Gina caught John and JIll snogging, I laughed so hard. So corny and so funny.

And Angelo getting advice from Marilyn and Nicole :lol:

I suppose the Leah/Elijah stuff is a bit silly, but I liked charlie and Leah discussing their love lives and what to do

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I suppose the Leah/Elijah stuff is a bit silly, but I liked charlie and Leah discussing their love lives and what to do

So do I, it's just a shame it's regarding two relationships/situations I'm not keen on. :lol:

Charlie & Angelo make me want to rip my eyes out, I refuse to believe in them as a couple, they have no chemistry whatsoever!

Can't comment on the other stuff as I zoned out and didn't pay much attention to the last few episodes. :(

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Yes, thanks for chipping in, people, and keeping H&Alover and myself company.

So...Charlie and Angelo.I'm going to ignore the warning bells and hope they carry on writing them in this vein instead of having them fall out in a couple of weeks because they think it makes for good drama.Because they were adorable here.Angelo gets another scene of getting drunk and pouring his soul out to Alf, which is always good to see.Nicole's advice was...not so great but, we had a thread on this a while back and I'm 99% certain that's the first time we've seen Angelo and Nicole talk to each other so that's got to be noteworthy.And Alf's sarcastic "Do you want a saucer of milk?" made me smile.I was cringing during their desperate attempts to be casual and egging Angelo on during the scene where he's debating whether to go back into the office or not.Their final asking each other out was rather sweet.

There was something about Marilyn and Colleen as well but my interest levels dropped to about zero around that point so I can't be bothered to comment.

Second that, hi people! Although as you said Red, bit frustrating to leave Hugo hanging around with his broken wrist, it was refreshing to have an episode with some humour, at least until the Leah/Elijah scene at the end.

It's strange/funny that while both Angelo and Charlie have it altogether in their professional jobs (in Angelo's case a little too much sometimes), in their private lives they're rubbish! The look on Angelo's face when he was getting advice from Marilyn and Nicole in stereo was a picture. :D Nicole's comparing men and women to cats and dogs was pretty strange (couldn't get the image of Charlie rubbing herself up against Angelo's leg out of my mind for some reason). :wink: Perhaps Angelo treating Charlie coolly did work. His pacing backwards and forwards outside the office was funny. Miles' face when Elijah took the ring out and and he said "I'd like one of those, but wouldn't it be illegal?".

Colleen seems to have had a turn about on her feelings about Marilyn, a couple of weeks ago she was being quite friendly to her, but now she has turned against her for no particular reason. Where she has got the idea Marilyn has designs on Alf I have no idea, Marilyn still calls him Mr. Stewart for heavens sake!! :o Now due to a partly overheard conversation she assumes they are getting engaged!! Loved the exchange between them when Colleen said "Over my dead body" and Marilyn replied "I'm sure it can be arranged".

Mind you, it does backfire on her, because Marilyn and Alf decide to pretend to be engaged just to wind her up.


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Bit down-to-earth-with-a-bump with that one.There were a lot of scenes that I felt I should like but didn't quite.I did like the stuff between Miles and Elijah, they work well together as friends.("Why do I ask you for advice?")Nicole pestering Miles to talk to Leah, not so good, although I quite liked their subsequent chat.But Leah breaking up with Elijah felt like an overreaction.I'm sure he'd have been willing to wait until she was ready.

The Liam and Ruby thing seems to be heading in a fairly predictable direction.Nicole and Ruby's scenes together made me laugh a bit but probably not as much as they should have done.(Cruel as it was, I did think Nicole saying Liam was hotter than Xavier was funny.)Ruby not being able to take her eyes off Liam at the surf club was a dead giveaway although the later soft focus close-ups were rather overdone.Irene and Ruby get some interaction presumably because Irene hasn't got anyone else to mother these days but again it felt like Irene didn't really have her finger on the pulse and was just churning out platitudes.

The whole thing with Alf, Marilyn and Colleen still hasn't really grabbed my attention and led to a rather undramatic cliffhanger which left me thinking the episode should have ended a scene earlier.

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So Leah broke up with Elijah why exactly?? Was it because she felt she didn't want to keep him hanging on waiting for her to say yes when she might never do that? I do like Mile's and Elijah's exchanges, they are such good friends.

I'm not sure if Ruby was protesting too much when Nicole suggested she had the hots for Liam or if Nicole saw something Ruby hadn't realised herself yet. The scenes where she was looking at his lips, eyes etc was to me just what a young girl would be doing when she fancied a guy. The realistion she did in fact have the hots for him was a shock hence her running away. I do hope she doesn't act on it and hurt Xavier all over again. Plus it would be unfair on Liam putting him in awkward position.

My plot scenario regarding Alf, Marilyn and Colleen:

Alf and Marilyn go to see Colleen, Alf says to Colleen "What you said it got me thinking, you were right I do feel something for Marilyn and she feels the same, so we thought you should be the first to know we have decided to get engaged. We are both lonely and we get on well, we realise it is a shock, but we hope you will be happy for us". :D:wink:

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Alf's episode count this week:Five.

Hmm.I could understand why Leah accepted Elijah's proposal but it didn't seem very sensible.It feels like they've both just got caught up in the romance of the situation and rushed into it.I can't see what was wrong in continuing to see each other but delaying getting engaged until they feel ready for it.Some more nice exchanges between Miles and Elijah.("This is why I became a minister."/"To avoid woman trouble?")Irene, I don't know what it is but I've found her a bit irritating this week, the way she spoke to Leah seemed to be exactly the same way she'd speak to Annie or Ruby or Belle and felt a bit patronising.

I'm seriously worried about Martha, she seems to have no sense of reality whatsoever.It's like she doesn't care about the fact that the guy she's hiding in her back room is on the run from both sides of the law.At least Hugo seems to acknowledge she's in danger while he's there, although frankly she'd be in danger even if he wasn't.If Angelo got rid of the surveillance when he was told to, three episodes ago, it took them an awfully long time to notice.Given that Alf virtually kicked this thing off by telling Martha about the witness protection, it's taken a long time for him to get involved, even though he doesn't really seem to pick up on things.Since when was there a locker in the surf club store room?And why did the Sinister Man have two almost identical photos of Martha on his phone?

So, Marilyn's plan to teach Colleen a lesson is in full swing.Oddly, it seems to be bothering Alf just as much as Colleen, he even goes so far as saying that it's a stupid idea that's bound to backfire.

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It's been such a struggle even trying to keep up with the episodes lately. Anyway quick word on Aden but I was disappointed with his exit and it felt like Justin bullied Nicole into breaking up with him because he wanted his little brother all to himself.

I found certain parts of the last few episodes quite amusing. I like Jill. She makes me laugh and I really enjoyed all the stuff with her not taking no for an answer and causing trouble with John's relationship with Gina. I especially liked Xavier's over the moon reaction when Romeo told him about what Jill did. It's a shame Mink left because I really would have liked to seen her reaction to seeing Jill especially having to do time for her.

I actually really enjoyed the stuff with Charlie and Angelo and found it quite funny the head of the local police station was taking relationship advice from a high school student.

I'm a bit surprised how oblivious Liam is regarding this whole stuff with Ruby. Ruby hasn't been anywhere near as annoying as she was a while back and I do like her in scenes with Nicole but I still wish she and Xavier weren't together.

I think Hugo was selfish coming back but regardless of whether he returned or not I still think his nearest and dearest would still possibly be in danger anyway. It's funny how Tony immediately smacked him but couldn't pull a single punch with John in the boxing ring. I too was disappointed they didn't follow on the next episode with Rachel's reluctance to treat him. It's actually a good thing that Hugo and Martha knew the police were surveying them as it allows them to be overly cautious. If not for that, those two men following Martha would have caught up with Hugo by now. I think they will inevitably catch up with him anyway. I had to raise an eyebrow at Hugo's line about the Summer Bay cops not being a smart as what you'd think and then saying no offence to Jack. Hmm, people can draw their own inferences from that.

I'm was initially disappointed when Leah finished with Elijah considering how a while back she told Irene how she was effectively like poison whenever she was in a relationship with someone. You'd think the way her relationships have ended in the past she would try and hang onto him. I was then quite pleased when she appeared to want to give things another go but then shook my head when she asked Elijah to propose again. I would have preferred them to have just put to one side his previous proposals and just continued how they were for now. Although admittedly it would have been difficult with Elijah being a man of god.

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I really wanted to shake Leah sometimes this week, she was dithering all over the place. Asking everyone's advice but not seeming to actually want it. Still feel it is a quick u turn for her, but just because they are now engaged, it doesn't mean they are getting married tomorrow, they could have a longish engagement. After all they still have to tell Leah's parents which should be fun. :wink:

Also Elijah's folks get mentioned next week.

I liked Elijah's remark to Miles he was usually the comforter not the comfortee and Miles said there was no such word.

I agree there Red, Martha just doesn't seem to want to be realistic about the whole thing, it's almost as if she thinks she is in a play or film, though events this coming week may make her suddenly realise the true situation. I've said before Slade Hugo has been selfish by coming back, the bad guys may have come to the bay anyway, but if he hadn't returned they (his family) could honestly say they didn't know where he was. Martha managed to cover up her slip when she said to Alf 'he's O.K' by quickly saying 'It's O.K.' So, even thought we didn't see it, it looks like Rachel did treat Hugo's broken wrist.

Speaking of the bad guys, it's good to know it's not just British soaps that have comedy villains. :D They couldn't have looked more obvious if they had BAD GUYS tattooed on their foreheads!! Was it just me or were they actually expecting Hugo to be in the surf club, did they think he would casually playing a game of pool with Xavier?! :huh:

So my scenario of Marilyn and her 'engagement' to Alf didn't happen the way I thought it would. For someone who is supposed to be engaged, surprised Colleen didn't spot Marilyn still called Alf Mr. Stewart!

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Right, so it's now seeming like everyone in Summer Bay apart from the police knows where Hugo is. It'd be nice if just one of them thought to tell them.Seriously, it's probably the best thing all round.Even if Hugo goes to jail, it'd be the best chance of his family getting protection and of the people that are a threat to them being caught.As Tony said a while back, even if Hugo leaves town, his enemies are just as likely to harm his family to try and bring him out of hiding.

Leah and Elijah...Well, I liked the scenes with VJ and his million and one questions and casual reaction to the engagement.And Miles was on good form as always.It was nice to get that little scene of him pointing out to Leah how rushed it all is but I think it would have been better for the writers to just not do the storyline rather than trying to convince us it's a sensible thing to do.(Odd that when Leah first turned Elijah down she pointed out they don't really know each other and now she's trying to claim the exact opposite...)

Elsewhere, Jill continues to turn the town upside down.It's reached the point where I'm left thinking John should give both Jill and Gina a wide berth.Hanging around Jill is just causing him trouble while Gina is once more acting like she doesn't like him spending time with other women, or at least women she doesn't approve of, even if it's completely harmless.Tony seemed to be channelling Justin a bit in his scene with Gina although he does at least have good reason for disliking John and he's probably right that he's only being nice to him so he'll put in a good word for him.Romeo and Nicole...I'm kind of liking their friendship and her chat about her mother but it's tempered by the fear that they're going to do something stupid like turning them into a couple.I do rather like the way she's taken to calling him Todd though.(And also mocked the fact that actually, Romeo's a far stupider name.)When Jill turned up at the school...did Miles really rugby tackle her?Probably not but I like to think he did.That would be so cool.

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