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Tony seemed to be channelling Justin a bit in his scene with Gina although he does at least have good reason for disliking John and he's probably right that he's only being nice to him so he'll put in a good word for him.

Am I missing something there Red, or is it a secret code?? :unsure:

Currently the number of people who know about Hugo is seven!! So is Alf suggesting he turn himself in to protect everyone he says he cares about? Before that Hugo didn't seem that bothered about leaving town very quickly by saying he would leave by the end of the week. At least Martha seems to finally got her head out of the sand even if it took the finding of those cigarette butts. As if the police had left them(only bad guys seem to smoke these days).

I liked VJ's cross examination as well, he actually asked some very relevant questions as regards the actual ceremony. It wasn't an issue before with Vinnie who I don't think was particularly religious nor as was Dan. The look of panic on Leah's face when she realised she had yet to tell her mum! :D Not to mention her aunties and great aunties. Elijah doesn't know yet what he has let himself in for. Miles was on good form, I liked he tried to claim the credit for getting them back together.

I feel so sorry for Romeo (or should we now call him Todd which is a better name than Romeo). He keeps giving Jill so many chances and she keeps on letting him down. he may have not had much choice when he was younger, but now he is older and seen how how other families live he must be fast coming to the end of his patience.

I do wish Gina wouldn't keep stomping off whenever she sees John with Jill! One of these days he is not going to go after her. The best thing she could have done was when she saw them together would have been to gone up to them and introduced herself to her, thereby staking her claim so to speak.

I'm wondering if they skipped a scene, because she seemed pretty sober when talking to John, yet when we next saw her she was minus her hat and drunk (again)? Not sure either Red about whether Miles rugby tackled her or not, or if he just made a grab for her and she fell over.

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I think the Alf/ Marilyn/ Colleen situation is so funny. Especially as Marilyn still calls Alf Mr Stewart- what a giveaway!

Cheeky Charlie, saying Angelo's car chase was over before it had begun and guys were like that! What is she implying?? :lol: Not sure why they have got these two at it again, I thought they were over. It was nice to see Angelo in civilian clothes for once though :wub:

Looking forward to Leah telling her parents about her engagement! All hell will break loose. But what is the religion problem? I didn't think Leah and Elijah's religions were incompatible? I thought they were similar i.e. Christians.

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Tony seemed to be channelling Justin a bit in his scene with Gina although he does at least have good reason for disliking John and he's probably right that he's only being nice to him so he'll put in a good word for him.

Am I missing something there Red, or is it a secret code?? :unsure:

Not sure if you're talking about my curious sentence construction(wow, a forty-four word sentence!)or if you didn't understand the reference.So here's a quick attempt at a translation.The scene where Tony was giving Gina the "You're better off without him" speech after she argued with John reminded me a bit of Justin poisoning Aden against Nicole after she broke up with him.Except that Tony does actually have a good reason for not liking John.Earlier in the episode, John was nice to Tony but Tony thought, probably correctly, that he was only doing it so he'd put in a good word for him with Gina.

So...today's episode.Well, Leah actually said here that she ran away from an arranged marriage so I guess that's now official, even though I'm not sure it was said at the time.(Certainly, her fiance was someone she knew well rather than a stranger.)Yes, Leah and Elijah are both Christians but different denominations, she's Greek Orthodox and he's Anglican(ie Church of England).So normally they'd attend services in different churches.Actually, I seem to recall both Vinnie and Dan's families, if not the grooms themselves, weren't happy about the Greek Orthodox thing.Vinnie's mum came round eventually, Dan and Leah told their parents to get knotted and had a civil service.

I've given Luke a lot of stick in the past but I have to say his acting did really impress me in the scene where he lost his temper with Jill and stormed out of the house.So I guess it's a case of Romeo not being a particularly interesting character rather than a complete lack of talent.I'm still not really interested in the storyline.John seemed to get humanised a bit too much, giving him a back story about an alcoholic father felt a bit too much like one of those excuses which the show is so fond of trotting out to "explain" why a character isn't perfect.Although he did manage to get a few nice John-isms in there.(Romeo:"What do you care?"John:"I didn't say I did.")Romeo demolishing a sandcastle would normally feel like an act of stupidity but after seeing him throw a phone in the sea and kick a bin, it's actually an improvement.

I'm finding Martha's devotion to Hugo rather worrying, it's almost impossible to see this ending well. Angelo handled things well with Alf.Charlie and Angelo...I'm really not sure.I could understand Angelo being a bit distracted on their date what with the whole case and I thought it was nice that Charlie seemed to understand as well and joined him on his "wild goose chase".And I actually think she might have begun to agree with Angelo after speaking to Martha and seeing how cagey she was. But by the end of the episode I was screaming "No, no, no!"I could just about accept Angelo going inside with her if it was just for a night cap and a chat, maybe a kiss and a cuddle.But for them to just head into the bedroom like that is taking things way too fast and it's just going to lead to trouble.

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I'm finding Martha's devotion to Hugo rather worrying, it's almost impossible to see this ending well. Angelo handled things well with Alf.Charlie and Angelo...I'm really not sure.I could understand Angelo being a bit distracted on their date what with the whole case and I thought it was nice that Charlie seemed to understand as well and joined him on his "wild goose chase".And I actually think she might have begun to agree with Angelo after speaking to Martha and seeing how cagey she was. But by the end of the episode I was screaming "No, no, no!"I could just about accept Angelo going inside with her if it was just for a night cap and a chat, maybe a kiss and a cuddle.But for them to just head into the bedroom like that is taking things way too fast and it's just going to lead to trouble.

Agree on both counts. Martha was nauseating, bleeurrgh. As for Charlie & Angelo *sigh* here we go again. I think I would have a lot more time for this relationship if they'd spend a little time building it up, having a bit of a flirt, a few fun dates etc instead of just throwing them straight into bed. It only emphasises the same problems I've had with them in the past, that it seems forced as they clearly can't think of anything else for the two of them to do.

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Tony seemed to be channelling Justin a bit in his scene with Gina although he does at least have good reason for disliking John and he's probably right that he's only being nice to him so he'll put in a good word for him.

Am I missing something there Red, or is it a secret code?? :unsure:

Not sure if you're talking about my curious sentence construction(wow, a forty-four word sentence!)or if you didn't understand the reference.So here's a quick attempt at a translation.The scene where Tony was giving Gina the "You're better off without him" speech after she argued with John reminded me a bit of Justin poisoning Aden against Nicole after she broke up with him.Except that Tony does actually have a good reason for not liking John.Earlier in the episode, John was nice to Tony but Tony thought, probably correctly, that he was only doing it so he'd put in a good word for him with Gina.

John seemed to get humanised a bit too much, giving him a back story about an alcoholic father felt a bit too much like one of those excuses which the show is so fond of trotting out to "explain" why a character isn't perfect.Although he did manage to get a few nice John-isms in there.(Romeo:"What do you care?"John:"I didn't say I did.")Romeo demolishing a sandcastle would normally feel like an act of stupidity but after seeing him throw a phone in the sea and kick a bin, it's actually an improvement.

I'm finding Martha's devotion to Hugo rather worrying, it's almost impossible to see this ending well. Angelo handled things well with Alf.Charlie and Angelo...I'm really not sure.I could understand Angelo being a bit distracted on their date what with the whole case and I thought it was nice that Charlie seemed to understand as well and joined him on his "wild goose chase".And I actually think she might have begun to agree with Angelo after speaking to Martha and seeing how cagey she was. But by the end of the episode I was screaming "No, no, no!"I could just about accept Angelo going inside with her if it was just for a night cap and a chat, maybe a kiss and a cuddle.But for them to just head into the bedroom like that is taking things way too fast and it's just going to lead to trouble.

Thanks for the explanation Red, it makes more sense now. I thought it was nice to learn a bit more about John and his history. He hasn't banged on about it. Could explain why he was so hard on Trey, though no excuse. He probably thought he was being caring whereas his father wasn't. That sandcastle couldn't have been the same one Rabbit and Miles built could it? :wink: All Romeo can do is try and persuade Jill to get help, he can't force her, it's something she has to do for herself. She needs to talk to Irene who after all has been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

How long did that 'private' talk Angelo have with Alf last exactly? When it started it was daylight and it was still going on when night fell and nothing much appeared to have been said? :confused:

I think it was mentioned very early on when Leah came to the bay about her arranged marriage, then as is usual hardly ever mentioned again. I think he may have been the son of friends of her parents. I suppose seeing as Elijah is a reverend they could have two ceremonies, it's not unheard of to do that. It will be nice to see what Elijah's mum is like.

Yes, Martha and Hugo, her suggestion of selling the farm so they can go on the run together is totally unpractical. It's going to take time to sell it isn't it, oh sorry I forgot this is Soap land! For someone who has been savvy enough to keep ahead of the law in different countries Hugo certainly isn't acting that smart now.

Angelo certainly knows how to give a girl a good time on their 'first' date doesn't he?

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Yeah, I've never been sure about this whole "Leah arranged marriage" thing.When her brother Chris first appeared, Leah was worried he wouldn't get on with Vinnie because he was good friends with her previous fiance Ted.And I remember she told Vinnie's cousin Skye that she used to hang around with her brother and his friends when she was younger."What happened?""I nearly married one of them."I suspect at most it was a case of her dad going "Hey, you and Ted get on well, don't you?How about you get married?No, don't worry, love, I'll take care of everything..."

Charlie and Angelo..."Rushed" is the only word that springs to mind.I kind of liked the way he was when she shooed him out, he seemed to be trying to make sure she wasn't uncomfortable about things.Although he then lost points by going to the surf club and telling Marilyn all about it.(Her advice was pretty good, by the way.)Charlie should probably have asked someone other than her teenage daughter for advice, since her inevitable reaction was "Oh my god, that's so hot!"Although she did at least calm down a bit afterwards.By the end, it seems that they've got back together because they had one great night together and they think that's a good basis for a relationship.

Not sure what Marilyn's trying to achieve.She seems to want Colleen to be nice to her but when Colleen did seem to be making an effort she just wound her up by making the "sisters-in-law" jibe.

Xavier...Dear god, are we actually supposed to feel sorry for him?Because I don't, not one bit.The person I feel sorry for in all this is Liam.True, he's arguably asking for trouble by repeatedly spending time alone with a female student out of school hours in what's basically a social situation. But he's stuck in the middle of a teen love triangle when he hasn't actually done anything wrong and having to put up with Xavier going all bratty on him every five minutes.Xavier seems to be making exactly the same mistakes he made with Geoff, thinking the best way to keep his girlfriend is to threaten the guy that she likes more than him into staying away from her.Kid, if you have to do that, then you're doomed either way.And seriously, what was with him "seeing" Ruby and Liam kissing?The way it was shot and played, it didn't seem to be a case of him imagining what he might see, he genuinely thought that was what he'd seen.Is the guy really so paranoid he's literally seeing things that aren't there?Or did they just want to use the clip in the trailers to wrongfoot everyone and didn't really think it through?

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Charlie getting advice from Ruby is just.. weird. I know they don't have the conventional mother/daughter relationship but come on. Surely if you've just slept with your ex that's one for your friends to talk through with you, not your daughter!

Xavier/Liam/Ruby is basically Geoff all over again and it almost bores me to tears.

Can't remember if anything else happened. If it did, it certainly wasn't appealing to me. Oh yeah, Marilyn & Alf. Don't really see the point of this storyline, will probably be instantly forgettable once it's over (please prove me wrong). I'm fast losing interest in the show. :(

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Starting off with Charlie and her new counsellor (what's happened to Michael BTW), they sure seem to get appointments quick in the bay. Rather a strange analogy (shoes and whether to buy them or not), but it seemed to have worked. For how long this time who knows?? As Charlie has always asked Ruby's advice, I suppose it is a hard habit to get out of.

The whole thing with Xavier/Ruby/Liam is slightly different from Ruby/Geoff/Xavier. Geoff was more or less the same age as them. I think he has been very patient so far. Liam seems unaware that Ruby does have a major crush on him, whereas Xavier probably recognises the signs from last time. Liam was very calm with Xavier and at least didn't dismiss his fears out of hand. That previous debate we had as to whether Liam is a teacher or not seemed to have been answered (I guess)when he said to Xavier that he was her teacher. I liked his rule that he didn't get involved with any girls that were half his age plus seven years. When Xavier asked him what about Nicole he replied that was because of Nicole. That scene of him 'seeing' Liam and Ruby snogging was very weird.

As for Leah and her arranged marriage, maybe it wasn't an arrangement in the usual sense, more an assumption between the respective parents. I don't know how to say this without sounding racist or knocking any religious beliefs, but it is assumed sometimes that the child of one family will marry the child of another family, because that is the way it had always happened. Leah, obviously, decided to break with tradition.

One last thing, Irene managed to break out of the Diner and made it home!!! :wink:

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Yeah, I can understand that Charlie and Ruby have always talked about that sort of thing and it's unlikely to change now that Ruby knows Charlie's her mother.Although calling her up in the middle of the night to come round was a bit extreme.Where was Leah?

I don't think Liam's a teacher in the strictest sense, as Nicole says here.Again, I was left thinking I was meant to feel sorry for Xavier, or possibly Ruby, but didn't at all.Ruby's being a pretty poor girlfriend and has been for a while but I'm not sure Xavier deserves any better, especially when he's being as much of a brat as he is here.After all, he was quite happy to be Ruby's consolation prize when Geoff left, it's hardly a surprise that she's found something better.Did Ruby really think Liam would be pleased to see her when he asked her to sort things out with Xavier and she didn't? Again left feeling sorry for Liam at having to cope with Xavier blaming him for everything when his only mistake was naively stepping over the staff/student boundary.Nicole telling Liam about Ruby's crush was a bit contrived, Ruby hadn't even admitted to her that she liked Liam, did she really think she'd have told him?

In the middle of all this, we've got some guy that looks old enough to be Hugo's dad wandering around being sinister.Presumably we're meant to be worried that he's going to do something to Xavier.Personally I'd be quite happy if he did.

Marilyn's revenge plan gets more and more out of hand.Miles winding up Alf was funny but how on earth is Marilyn going to explain this one to him?It's reached the point where he really needs to step in and tell her that messing him about just so she can annoy Colleen is out of line.If the aim is to make Colleen go easy on her, it's failing completely.

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Yeah, I can understand that Charlie and Ruby have always talked about that sort of thing and it's unlikely to change now that Ruby knows Charlie's her mother.Although calling her up in the middle of the night to come round was a bit extreme.Where was Leah?

Not sure if that was a rhetorical question or not but I'm guessing Leah was out with Elijah (and was it the middle of the night) Ruby was already to go and see Liam at the Diner?

I think Nicole knows Ruby well enough to work out that she does have a crush on Liam, even if she keeps denying it. If I remember last time when Ruby fell for Geoff, not only where they living in the same place, Xavier was having troubles at home with Hugo and Brendan and was pushing Ruby away (the same as she has done to him in the past). Geoff wasn't a teacher either. Thing is although Ruby may deserve better (and I'm not sure about that) Liam isn't the right person. Although it might have been an accident on Nic's part, it's good that Liam knows and can take the appropriate action. He needs to talk to Miles who has already been there due to Ruby having had a crush on him! :rolleyes: He can advise Liam as to the best course of action to take without letting Ruby he knows and embarrassing her. As to whether the lessons can still carry on that is debatable.

Colleen did rather bring it on herself by winding up Marilyn again. How dare she call Marilyn a gold digger!! :angry: I did like Miles teasing Alf and asking if he could arrange the Bucks Night! :lol:

BTW how come he is arranging Elijah's Bucks Night already, they have only just got engaged, no date has been set yet, has it?

Yep, yet another panto villain, didn't look or act suspicious at all! :wink: Not sure why Miles asked him the same question twice? You don't suppose that when we saw Xavier walking along that deserted road all alone at night being tailed by bad guy's car that something might happen to him, do you? :wink:

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