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I hope you enjoyed Miles's latest storyline for that matter ,Red :unsure:

If you mean because I like talking to people who aren't there as well...yeah, I did, thanks.

Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the third week running.

Although we do eventually have some sort of development, about halfway through that episode it felt as though we were trapped in a time loop and characters were having the same discussions all over again.Hugo was still saying he was just about to leave, Martha was still giving him ultimatums, Leah and Elijah were still talking about his mother, Nicole and Ruby were still talking about Liam. The complete pointlessness of Killer was underlined when they just used him as cannon fodder. Shame we didn't get to see Eaves playing hardball with Martha after weeks of Charlie and Angelo taking the nicey-nice approach.I did find the little exchange between Martha and Angelo before he left interesting, once upon a time she'd have automatically assumed he agreed with Eaves.(Who was oddly listed as "Senior Constable" rather than "Senior Detective" in the credits, by the way.) Interesting too that she'd trust him with the news about Eaves, maybe Hugo has finally realised this is too big for him to handle on his own.Given how worried he looked when Eaves turned up, did Killer know he was going to kill him?If so, why did he go willingly into the slaughterhouse instead of telling the other policeman?

After getting some nice stuff with Hugo(I do quite like their brotherly relationship), Xavier finally gets around to ending things with Ruby.I found her self-pitying speech afterwards annoying and was glad that Nicole cut through it and pointed out that that was what she wanted.If Ruby wanted to stay friends with Xavier, she should never have got back with him in the first place.What was Nicole wearing in her first scene?It seemed a lot more...middle aged than her normal style.(And they're still trying to convince us she belongs in school?)

So, we finally meet Elijah's mother.I feel that the build-up for her went on a bit too long so in the end I got fed up of hearing about her.But either way...she seems a bit full-on.By the way, with regards Leah's TARDIS, I think we were told VJ was sleeping in with Leah while Ruby was there so I'm assuming he's now in her old room.(It has been established there's only three rooms there in the past.)

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I hope you enjoyed Miles's latest storyline for that matter ,Red :unsure:

If you mean because I like talking to people who aren't there as well...yeah, I did, thanks.

Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the third week running.

Given how worried he looked when Eaves turned up, did Killer know he was going to kill him?If so, why did he go willingly into the slaughterhouse instead of telling the other policeman?

So, we finally meet Elijah's mother.I feel that the build-up for her went on a bit too long so in the end I got fed up of hearing about her.But either way...she seems a bit full-on.By the way, with regards Leah's TARDIS, I think we were told VJ was sleeping in with Leah while Ruby was there so I'm assuming he's now in her old room.(It has been established there's only three rooms there in the past.)

Yes, hopefully we are getting to the end of the plotlines merry-go-round, it's beginning to make me dizzy. :rolleyes:

I imagine Eaves is much more subtle than going in like a sledgehammer, the "call me Gordy" line just made me distrust him even before we found out (via Hugo) what and who he really was like. Perhaps Angelo's antenna was twitching.

'Killer Smith' (really)? wasn't aware Eaves was involved until he walked into the interview room and obviously didn't expect even him to take such a risk as to kill him in a police station! Wonder how Eaves found out about Hugo possibly being in the Bay (is there someone else involved)? Let's hope Angelo can keep his legendary cool and not let onto Eaves who the call was from and what it was about. At least someone official at last knows one of the worst kept secrets in the bay. It was either Angelo or Charlie and as it was Angelo Eaves was with that probably seemed the better choice. Be interesting to see how it all pans out next week.

With you there Red regards Ruby, true she was honest with Xavier about her 'feelings' for Liam, but what did she expect him to do, congratulate her!! How would she feel if it was the other way round, plus of course he has other things to worry about.

Don't forget Red, Nicole is redoing her last year, so perhaps that is why she seems a little out of place in a uniform.

Be interesting to see how she reacts when you-know-who comes back, I'm hoping she is going to be brave (and adult) enough to apologise to Sid.

Oh gosh, I was right about Elijah's mum!!! Wonder if he was a big baby or had a sudden growth spurt when he was a teenager. :wink: Leah finally started to get worried despite her denying it to Elijah. Not sure whether to be worried that after her initial statement about wanting to see the woman who has 'stolen' her son (I think that's what she said) she took to Leah. So it does look like Elijah is staying at Leah's, (he kept saying 'staying with us') so isn't that going to be a bit awkward, I can't see Lijuan being very happy, him being a man of the cloth and all that.

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Oh, thanks for your welcome back H&Alover, just noticed. I have been busy on Other Projects lately :cool:

I am just so excited about the new and returning characters, I can't wait! They will all throw the cat among the pigeons.

I wonder what the Big Secret is which will 'please long term viewers of the series'

I'm so glad Xavier and Ruby seem to be finally over, I've really gone off her and started supporting him. She has used and abused him mercilessly, he deserves better :angry:

Looks like its all kicking off over Eaves and the Hugo situation!!

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Well...the whole Hugo in hiding thing finally seems to be coming to an end.It seemed to be handled a bit better in this episode than it has been up to now, hopefully they won't drop the ball at the end. (To completely mix my metaphors.)I thought Charlie handled things pretty well when meeting Martha and Hugo.Although Martha seemed to be a lot more sensible than she has been up to now, encouraging Hugo to do the right thing, ironically if she and Hugo hadn't been busy playing games and had surrendered to Charlie when she first turned up, Eaves wouldn't have had time to get the warrant and be on his way to the farm.Although frankly the show seemed to jump through a few hoops to get to that point anywhere, the idea that Angelo would be powerless to stop Eaves when the guy's under investigation about a death in custody seems a bit ridiculous.Even if he couldn't do anything on his own authority, why wasn't he on his phone to his superiors, who were clearly taking the matter seriously?Why was everyone still taking orders from the guy if he'd been relieved of duty?Could Angelo really not chuck the guy in a holding cell for failing to co-operate with an investigation?And if he couldn't, why didn't he do it anyway?They're not usually shy about bending the rules.

Well, thankfully the writers didn't forget continuity and it turns out Elijah's birth father is dead. Although Lijuan seemed like the sort of woman you really wouldn't want to argue with, I actually quite liked both her and Song, they obviously mean well.

So, Alf wonders if he's too old to go out with Marilyn?Well, given that she was married to Don Fisher, I guess not.

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So they used the old tried and tested 'let's tell a member of the cast (in this case Irene) and by extension the viewers to explain why Elijah's mum and dad are Chinese'! I guess Elijah told Leah all this off screen at some time. She certainly is a force to be reckoned with isn't she? She makes Helen seem like a shrinking violet by comparison. Although I can understand (sort of) her bringing all their own sheets, pillows etc. I do think she was very rude to Leah when she collected up the plates. Fair enough she can uphold their traditions in her own house, but to try and impose it in someone else's house is (to me at least) insulting. That comment of hers about Leah needing fattening up was a bit ironic seeing she is so slim herself. I'm guessing the fact that Leah can't have any more children hasn't yet been brought up. It'll be interesting to see how she reacts to that news!

So the interview room obviously doesn't have CCTV or otherwise there would be no question as to how Eaves shot 'Killer'. Eaves didn't where he is without knowing how to use (and abuse) the system. Angelo did well stalling him as long as he did. Charlie clearly didn't have any problem believing the text did she? I can understand Hugo's reluctance to hand himself in, I dare say Eaves wasn't acting alone in the people smuggling, he would have to have someone else on the inside with him. I wondered why Angelo hadn't rung or texted Charlie to warn them Eaves was on his way, then we saw them both in the car, taking the long way round thanks to Angelo. Thank goodness Charlie rang the station when she did giving them some time to act. I'm guessing Angelo 'played' along with Eaves as to not make him too suspicious.

Some light relief with Marilyn and Alf taking umbrage with Colleen's comments about Alf being too old for Marilyn. The way he was looking at his reflection in the tray did make me laugh.:D Looks like Colleen has shot herself in the foot there seeing as they are now going on a proper date, can't wait to see her face when she finds out about that! :lol:

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Again, it's nice to have some sort of sense that the storyline with Hugo is moving on at last.I could understand Charlie letting Hugo go, even though he's proved himself less than trustworthy, it was pretty much the only way to keep him alive.And he did come through, protecting everyone in the farmhouse and saving Angelo.Have to say his injury seems to be serious but not life-threatening;it looked at first that Eaves got him in the stomach but then we saw the wound in the leg.Again, seemed as though the plot depended too much on Angelo playing the good soldier and following the orders of someone he knows is up to no good:Maybe he didn't want Eaves to know they were onto him but he waited until after he'd given him a gun, in clear defiance of police regulations, and the guy had thrown his phone away before challenging him.Xavier and Gina apparently driving into danger turned out to be largely irrelevant unless there's more to come next episode.(

I suspect it's so they can say goodbye to Hugo and Martha.

)Rachel continues to be the voice of dissent but it's feeling more and more like tokenism:It almost feels like we're supposed to agree with Xavier's blind loyalty rather than her pointing out Hugo's placed them all in danger.

The Leah and Elijah stuff was largely disposable, aside from the scene with Song, who I'm really starting to like.Whereas Lijuan comes across someone who doesn't realise how rude she's being, and no-one has the heart to tell her, Song has a nice line in self-depreciating humour.

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Say what you like (or don't) about Angelo, he certainly knows how to think on his feet, as seen when Charlie rang him when he and Eaves were on their way to the farm. BTW how did Eaves know it was Charlie's car at the farm, do they have personilised police number plates? :unsure: Hugo certainly moved quickly to get from the farmhouse to Angelo's car, I'm guessing it was to both distract Eaves and also warn those in the house. I could also understand Charlie's reluctance to let Hugo go going by, as you say Red his track record, but luckily for Angelo she made the right decision. What ever happens that will go in his favour. Seeing as Gina and Xavier arrived in the middle of all that shooting, they seemed to have made it to the farmhouse with no problem. Then of course Tony and Rachel arrive, so in effect Eaves had four cars to choose from if he wanted to make a getaway. It looked to me that maybe Eaves hit an artery in Hugo's leg, which would explain the amount of blood he was losing. Surely now they will have to call an ambulance, seeing as Charlie has already called for backup? It's not a secret anymore after all. Rachel is good, but she is not that good.

I suppose they included the Leah/Elijah/Song scenes as a bit of calm. You're right Red, Song seems a lot more likable than Lijuan. The look on his face when he mentioned they have been married for nearly 35 years was lovely. :wub: So Elijah isn't sharing a room with Leah as if they had been she would have realised it wasn't him sitting outside when she was chatting away about the rocket launcher when she was making that hot drink.

You're right Red, the diner does seem to stay open late as we saw when Alf came in and was talking to Rachel and Tony before she got called to the 'hospital'. Liked the look on Alf's face when he was asked to look after Harry. Harry looked so sweet in his little hat. :wub:

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Did I miss something today? One minute Eaves has Charlie's gun and has her at gun point, and then Charlie and Angelo are running around and Charlie has her gun back. How did she get away from Eaves?

Yeah seriously, I thought I'd blacked out and missed a scene. I had to rewind to make sure. Totally ridiculous even by H&A's standards, and with no token explanation (although that's probably for the best because I would've been shouting WHAT!?? at my screen). The ending to that loonnnnggg storyline summed up the whole thing for me, total farce, and I'm glad it's over. Bye Martha/Hugo, won't miss you.

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I agree, it did seem as though there was a scene missing there.(Did Angelo's head wound appear at the same time or did he already have it?)I seriously don't know where to start with the resolution of that storyline.I was hoping against hope there'd actually be some sort of decent pay off to the decisions that Hugo and the others made, rather than him just running away again.Angelo is an idiot and not just because he let Hugo and Martha go:That's twice in two episode that he's assumed Eaves is out of action because he's been hit once and nearly been shot as a result.(He did the same thing with Derrick, for that matter.)We seem to have been treated to not one but two pat solutions to the whole situation:Firstly, we're supposed to believe they can use Eaves instead of Hugo to bring down the people smugglers when he really is a ruthless killer and probably hasn't got as far as he has by spilling the beans every time someone starts asking tough questions;secondly, the whole logic regarding Hugo's family in danger has gone out the window and we're supposed to believe that it won't occur to the people after him to start tying people up in a water barrel again either to bring him out of hiding or just for revenge by proxy.I liked the little scene between Tony and Rachel, with him seeming to have come round to her way of thinking(and getting to play Action Man again).It's hardly a happy ending for Hugo and Martha, not that they particularly deserve one, throwing their lives away and spending all their time afraid for their lives and their freedom.Whatever way you look at it, the whole thing leaves a nasty taste in the mouth.

I actually found the stuff with Nicole and Ruby a lot more enjoyable.I was worried that they were a bit too similar to work as friends once but maybe Nicole's grown up enough to make it work.I really enjoyed their banter about hot showers and Nicole's experience of stalking older guys.Actually, if Liam wasn't working at the school, I really don't think there'd be anything wrong with him and Ruby. Irene once again doesn't seem to have a clue what's going on.She has completely turned into one of those clueless parents.(By the way, H&Alover, I think Song actually walked through the kitchen behind Leah, which is why she thought he was Elijah.)

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