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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Not sure what to make of Ruby & Liam + Nicole's input. Nicole's lie was a bit of a poor effort and I didn't like the way Liam suddenly became an angsty 14 year old "oh everyone hates my music, what's the point, I'm useless". Ok I'm paraphrasing, but man up, please. At least Ruby acknowledged that she's been there before with Miles. Hopefully Liam won't let the situation get even more out of hand but I can't help but feel uneasy about them continuing to work together.

Don't really know why the Marilyn/Alf date thing was brought up in the first place if it was going to be knocked on the head so soon.

The following refers to yesterday's Fiver episode:

The awkward dinner at Miles' was quite funny when they started talking about limes to try and keep the conversation going. :D Tony & John are getting on my nerves more and more as the weeks go on, pleased it finally came to something though.

I love Elijah's father, he's class. :D

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Tony and John really are a couple of idiots but i do understand why Tony was mad at him. If John really does like Gina like he insists he does he shouldn't be having dinner with other women, especially when it's clear that women wants to be more than friends. The dinner was funny though, especially the whole talk about limes :lol: Miles was like 'wow really' to Rachel and when Marilyn was like: 'I dont think they're talking about limes .' :lol:

The Tony/Rachel scene in their house was really cute and as a fan i loved it. :wub: Rachel seemed pretty proud when he said he won the fight and i loved Tonys little story about why he had to hit John. It makes sense, kinda. It's nice to see a long term couple just being happy and having a little passion.

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I hope you're refering to John and Jill?

Tony and Rachel are hardly 'oldies.' Rachel is only 31 :wink: And since when was it not natural for a married couple to kiss and cuddle? But if it's John and Jill then i am with you on that :lol:

He probably meant Jill and John and Gina... But I won't call them oldies either :P Just middle aged people... Tony and Rachel are married so kissing is very natural :lol: , she is about 31 (or 32) I think, I think she was 31 when Leah turned 30, but Tony is much older, about 45 (I think it was mentioned that he was 15 years older than rachel), I would have called him middle aged too, but not old!!! :lol:

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There's 13 years between them. Tony's 40th was in 2006, and Rachel was 30 at Leah's 30th, hence why she said 'welcome to 30 love.' :wink: Anyways we're getting slightly off topic :lol:

The whole Leah/Elijah thing is boring to me and try as i might i can't like them as a couple. There's just nothing there. It all seems a bit stale to me and Elijahs parents are just way over the top.

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H&Alover, looking at Irene's profile there seems to be a lot in there that's incorrect, especially near the start:She never lived at the beach house at the same time as Bobby, Marilyn was out of the show when she bought it and didn't move back in until some time later, Damian lived with the Rosses right up until he left the show and only stayed with Irene on brief return visits, her two 1993 stints seems to have been mangled together.Irene may have been approved as a foster carer at some point but I'm 99% certain it didn't happen when the profile implies, there was a storyline a little while later when Selina found a baby on the beach and Irene wasn't allowed to look after her because she hadn't been approved, I think she may have applied at that point and been accepted but not soon enough to look after the baby, who Michael and Pippa took in.Either way, I very much doubt she's gone through the official channels with Annie or especially Ruby and she's never been written as someone that DoCS go to when they need a foster carer, just as someone with a habit of picking up waifs and strays.

Anyway...today's episode.Really not sure to make of the whole thing with Tony, John, Jill and Romeo so try and throw in a few thoughts.Firstly, John did promise Romeo he'd stay away from Jill and even though I don't think they were doing any harm he should have stuck to it.Secondly, exactly how far did Tony and John walk for their "discussion"?They walk out of the caravan park house and next minute they're down on the beach, several hundred yards away!Thirdly, while the idea of Tony and John knocking seven bells out of each other makes the whole boxing match thing even more ludicrous, in isolation I didn't actually mind it, it was probably something they needed to get out of their system and I don't think they were trying to seriously hurt each other.(After all, Tony's taken down a lot more dangerous opponents than John a lot more effectively recently.) Fourthly, I got the feeling that John slept with Jill because she was there and she was interested and he found her attractive rather than because he actually has those sort of feelings for her(and it seems he's regretting it now)and because it was a refreshing change after all the hassle he's been getting from Gina lately.Fifthly, I actually found Tony's comparison to Rachel fairly flawed, because John didn't "rock up to dinner with a sheila on his arm", they were there as friends, despite what happened after.(And, er, before.)In fact I think that Gina, Romeo and Tony trying to tell them who they can and can't be friends with probably pushed them together.Sixthly, and most worryingly, the person I actually came out of it with the lowest opinion of was Romeo.Thinking Jill was drunk was an acceptable mistake, although he should have apologised afterwards.But then he goes off on a whole "Stay away from John Palmer" rant which I thought he'd outgrown and blames her for something that was actually his and Tony's fault.(And he wonders why she drinks?)When he was throwing a tantrum at the end, I was really praying for Miles or Alf to tell him to sit down and shut up.

Leah and Elijah...Oh boy, this storyline is doing my head in.I still like Song, even if he is rather hen-pecked.Marilyn's advice was typically useless or at least badly phrased.It shouldn't be about pushing back, it should be about drawing a line, Leah needs to stand up to Lijuan and tell her to stay out of her kitchen and not turn up at her place of work with a picnic.I actually thought Elijah handled the situation appallingly, picking a fight with Leah instead of telling Lijuan she was in the wrong, and the fact that the episode seemed to be implying that he'd done the right thing was annoying.

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H&Alover, looking at Irene's profile there seems to be a lot in there that's incorrect, especially near the start:She never lived at the beach house at the same time as Bobby, Marilyn was out of the show when she bought it and didn't move back in until some time later, Damian lived with the Rosses right up until he left the show and only stayed with Irene on brief return visits, her two 1993 stints seems to have been mangled together.Irene may have been approved as a foster carer at some point but I'm 99% certain it didn't happen when the profile implies, there was a storyline a little while later when Selina found a baby on the beach and Irene wasn't allowed to look after her because she hadn't been approved, I think she may have applied at that point and been accepted but not soon enough to look after the baby, who Michael and Pippa took in.Either way, I very much doubt she's gone through the official channels with Annie or especially Ruby and she's never been written as someone that DoCS go to when they need a foster carer, just as someone with a habit of picking up waifs and strays.

I'm pretty sure that when Kirsty first came back and Irene pretended to have "found" Ollie on the beach, she told Jack that she was registered with DOCS and could therefore look after him.

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That dinner party was hilarious! :D There was poor Miles getting in a right two and eight and burning the potatoes and his souffle going wrong, then everyone turns up! Jill didn't really have any right to ask John (not just for the obvious reasons) but it was her just assuming it would be O.K. The temperature certainly dropped a degree or six when she and Romeo walked in with John and saw Tony and Rachel there. I thought the same thing Red about why Tony and John had to go so far for their 'talk'. John was right, he had now idea Tony and Rachel were going to be there! Their 'fight' was pretty feeble and John's remark "What happened there?" after they collapsed on the sand made me smile. For all Rachel's being against Tony and John fighting, it seemed to me it turned her on somewhat, gathering by what happened when they got back home. :blush::wink:

I'm guessing that from the distance he was from her Romeo thought Jill was drunk because she stumbled in her heels. John not only told Romeo he would stay away from Jill, he told Jill they should stay away from each other! It is odd how she took to John as a person she could talk to, it could just as easily been Alf. Yes, Red, from the look on John's face it did seem to say he had made a mistake. It is probably as you said she was there and she was being very attentive.

Whether it was right or not for Elijah to pick a fight with Leah, it definitely worked by getting rid of Lijuan and Song (at least for a while). The way Elijah and Leah just carried on kissing when they walked through the living room was classic. :lol: Leah being Leah doesn't normally like to be rude to people and I guess she thinks as it is only for a couple of weeks she can put up with it.


When the Walker family come back what do you think the chances will be of Ruby getting together with Dexter? BTW Indigo's face seems to have healed O.K. judging by the promo photo.

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