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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Firstly...I am loving the whole John/Jill/Gina love triangle.It really does feel like they've taken one of the storylines they'd normally give to the teenagers and given it to the, here's that word again, "oldies."(Or, as Miles brilliantly put it, "the middle-aged and the slightly-more-middle-aged".) John's comment that "I've known Gina a long time, if it was meant to happen it would have done" was a bit of a head scratcher:Firstly, he's known her less than a year and secondly, hasn't "it" already happened?It was quite gallant of Jill to not mention that she'd spent the night with John when Gina asked her, even if he did then give it away himself moments later.Quite nice that he actually stood up to her and explained why it happened.Loved the fact that Miles and Nicole were pretty much killing themselves with laughter throughout the whole thing:Nicole is very good at puncturing Romeo's occasionally self-important air and I loved the way she insisted on dwelling on the fact his mother had slept with John Palmer.(And Miles stealing Romeo's juice and complaining that John's getting more action than him!)Romeo having a go at Jill slightly annoyed me at the time, it felt like she's kicked the drink and she still can't do anything right in his eyes, but when he explained it and said that he's worried if it ends badly she'll go back to the drink I kind of understood.(Although in that case...why is he trying to make sure it ends badly?)Gina explaining that Xavier's gone out for a run is a curious mental image.

Penn...Hmm.I found the scene of Irene and Marilyn practically drooling over him rather amusing but Nicole's reaction less so.Have we really not moved on from her going weak at the knees at much older guys with a slightly dangerous streak yet?Especially since the rather strange opening scenes suggest he's got an even more dangerous streak and is probably going to turn out to be Hannibal Lecter.(It really is seeming more and more as though Geoff wasn't really her type at all.)

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Yes, that puzzled me as well Red, perhaps they have a different meaning to having known someone for 'ages' in the bay. I understood John completely when he said Gina took one step forward and two back as regards their relationship so he doesn't know where he stands. Jill is at least straight with him. I agree Jill was very discreet to say John went home after the dinner party, then he goes and ruins it. John's timing always seems to be off. :blush: At last though has Gina tackled the person she should have done before - Jill! As for 'it' happening, yes it has, at Gina's when Xavier caught them out. Perhaps once doesn't count in his eyes. I can kind of understand Romeo being worried about Jill being involved with the wrong kind of guy again (according to Romeo), but as Nicole rightly pointed out she is an adult. As for him saying to her about 'stealing' John off Gina, what is John an inanimate object? I do hate that phrase when used to describe someone going off with someone else be it man or woman. BTW I liked that line of Miles' as well about the middle aged etc.

Hmm, Penn,

looks like it was Alf he was interested in, could this be the beginning of the story line which leads to Ralph Meagher taking six months off?

Something to do with Penn's dad perhaps during Alf's time in South Africa or Vietnam?

Can understand Irene, Marilyn and Nicole going weak at the knees over him, he does have that certain something. :closedeyes: :cool: Is it just dodgy guests or does everyone give a vague answer when asked how long they want a van for?

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Felt a bit like the episode was rather cluttered and most of the stuff didn't need to be there:The scenes with John and Jill and Liam and Ruby just felt like padding, reminding us they're still around and, er, haven't done anything new since we last saw them.(Although Liam does get to show off the fact he's had a shave, which suits him rather.)The Charlie/Angelo scene just about sneaks through because we got the business stuff establishing they're under investigation.Leah finally reaches the end of her tether with Lijuan, in what felt like the straw breaking the camel's back rather than anything really major.Then Song saves the day with his sweet little story that may or may not be nonsense.Perhaps the moral is that sometimes the person who seems worst off isn't actually doing that badly.

Xavier's obviously more of an expert on post-break-up dramatics than Romeo:You don't throw your phone away, you tear up photos.That way you get to meet a nice new girl.First impression of April: She's cuter than I thought she'd be from the photos.She's also quite fun and has a decent chemistry with Xavier, hopefully she'll stay that way and won't suffer from overexposure or inadvertent character assassination.Ruby's got that "Don't want him, don't want anyone else to have him" expression on her face again.I actually thought Xavier had seen her and was going after her when he suddenly left April alone like that but it wasn't followed up on so maybe I'm wrong.

Although I found most of Romeo and Gina's scenes amusing("Do you actually need me in this conversation?"), I was left a bit annoyed with Romeo once again.He seems to have decided that because he's read all the books he knows what's best for Jill.John's distracting her from her problems:Um, isn't that a good thing?She shouldn't be in a relationship for at least a year:What?!I think both he and Xavier need to learn to stay out of their mothers' love lives rather than trying to dictate who they can and can't see.Their fight over who gets John Palmer as a stepfather("You can have him!"/"No, you can have him!")wasn't as funny as I thought it would be and could leave Xavier in serious trouble...

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perhaps they have a different meaning to having known someone for \'ages\' in the bay.

:lol: Yes, perhaps because Summer Bay has a constant stream of characters moving on, John and Gina are becoming the longest standing residents :lol:

Didn\'t like Penn, he was slimy :(

I can\'t imagine what Romeo is going to do to help J and G get back together, the mind boggles!

I liked the new girl, April, she seems so much nicer than Ruby and better for Xavier, if they get together. But anyone is better than Ruby. I think she and Liam are bound to get together, they deserve each other :rolleyes:

Oh and what was Jill wearing in the surf club just before she went home with John? She looked like Krystle Carrington from Dynasty!

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remember Ruby's line to Liam : "there's nothing I'd rather do in my whole life right now" (or something like that), when he asked her if she was serious about working with him. We heard that same answer about 6 months ago, when Xavier asked her if she really wanted to sleep with him. That one worked; I wonder it this one will.

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First impression of April: She's cuter than I thought she'd be from the photos.She's also quite fun and has a decent chemistry with Xavier, hopefully she'll stay that way and won't suffer from overexposure or inadvertent character assassination.Ruby's got that "Don't want him, don't want anyone else to have him" expression on her face again.I actually thought Xavier had seen her and was going after her when he suddenly left April alone like that but it wasn't followed up on so maybe I'm wrong.

I like April as well, wonder what her sister is like, bound to be some sort of problem, you hardly ever get a normal family in H&A (or any soap for that matter). I noticed that look on Ruby's face as well, when she saw 'SHOCK, HORROR' Xavier was speaking to another girl!! I wasn't sure if Xavier had seen her, but according to the episode review, he did, but as you say Red we never saw a follow up. :confused: Miranda, not even Liam deserves Ruby! :D With you there Red, I like him much better clean shaven as well.

Romeo may be going about it the wrong way, but he is right in that Jill does need to concentrate on getting sober before she gets involved with anyone. Wonder what it is he does have planned??

I suppose the point had to be reached between Leah and Lijuan had to come sooner or later. I did like Leah's line 'My house, my rules' good for her!! Lijuan cross examining Leah or VJ is one thing, but not your (or Leah's) guests. It's easy for us watching to say why didn't Angelo or Charlie just say it is police business and we can't talk about it?

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Haha H&ALover, you're right, not even Liam deserves Ruby the Relationship Wrecker!

I must say however, I do prefer Ruby's 'Wonder Woman' hairstyle, with the small tiara thing. Its better than the Klingon look she normally sports! :lol:

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Although Xavier spent the whole episode in a strop, I'm not sure I'd want to be friends with Romeo and Ruby at the moment either.And he did at least have the sense to move seat instead of storming out of the classroom.Another nice little bit with him and April.Liam taking a teaching course surprised me a bit and perhaps moves the possibility of him getting together with Ruby a bit further away.Although I enjoyed it, I wasn't entirely sure what to make of Tony and Rachel's little scene: Was she trying some sort of reverse psychology or does she think Tony's scaled down his plans so she's meeting him halfway?Either way, the director obviously loves Harry from the number of close-ups he got, all of which made me smile.He did seem totally disinterested in that food.

The subplot with John and Jill left me slightly confused as well.Was he telling her he just wanted to be friends or that they've just got a casual thing going?Either way, I suppose it's best he's honest, even if it is about two nights too late.

Nicole alternately annoyed and frustrated me during that episode.She's blown her exams once partly through hanging out with some dodgy older guy and now it seems she's set to do it again. Why does no-one on this show learn from their mistakes?Then she blows up at Ruby, who for once hasn't done anything wrong, but then once Penn kisses her she's all "La-de-da, don't care that I failed my exam, don't need the marks" and acting as though she hasn't just completely messed up. At least we got an indirect reference to Aden, nice that relationship hasn't been forgotten about completely.And if the fact that he's another late 20s/early 30s guy who likes copping off with schoolgirls wasn't evidence enough, it's obvious by the end that Penn is a bona fide creep.I was actually glad that wasn't Nicole with him although it does demonstrate how appalling her taste in men can be at times.

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Hmph- just seen yesterdays episode cos it didn't record yesterday for some reason :angry:

Oh I liked Xavier's behaviour in that episode! The school children are so unnaturally well behavedat Summer Bay High- in real life, schools are filled with Xaviers, with endless fights, talking back to the teacher etc. Xavier is now acting like a normal boy- yay!

Why on earth are Tony and Liam so pally all of a sudden? It wasn't that long ago Tony was shouting at him in the corridor :rolleyes:

I can't believe the cheek of that Penn person. He turns up half naked to ask Nicole to miss her school lessons/ exam (okay so she didn't have to go, but how old is he? Too old to be chatting up school girls, surely). Then he kisses her to manipulate her into forgetting her problems. Then he kisses some other girl. If I was Miles and my 'daughter' was being treated like that by a total stranger, I'd have something to say to him i.e. keep your clothes on and keep out of my house.

I have a feeling that other girl he kissed was April's sister.... :unsure:

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Was John actually saying or implying to Jill it's O.K. for them to sleep together, but she can't stay over? If so I would be quiet insulted and tell him to stuff it! But he is right in one respect she should be spending more time with Romeo.

Loved the scenes with Tony, Rachel and Harry, it certainly threw Tony when Rachel approved of his boxing idea, is it because it is geared towards women (and hasn't that idea being done before in Cassie's day)? Harry really stole those scenes. :wub: The way he was bouncing about in his high chair at the end and laughing away was just great. I guess whoever is in scenes with him have to improvise around him depending on the reactions he is giving out.

Novel idea of Liam to give Xavier and Romeo lines, though I couldn't make out what was on the whiteboard, something along the lines (sorry) of 'I must nor fight in the corridor'? Might not have been what they were used to, but it worked. I liked the way he was 'talking' to his younger self, telling him he wouldn't amount to much. I guess Tony has got over his distrust of Liam (he like Alf didn't like him and Martha being together) and that is why he is is being more friendly.

Penn may appear to be a creep, but he certainly knows how to charm the ladies, Colleen is now under his spell. Is this part of his plan or just a side line? He certainly knows how to get information out of people (well women so far). I get your point Miranda, but Miles doesn't know what he has been up to yet so he can't warn him off. Which raises the point has Miles actually meet him yet, I know he hasn't on screen, but what about those off screen moments that happen?

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