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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Miles did meet Penn on Monday, when he checked into the caravan park, didn't he?(He even told Nicole his name, which come to think of it is a bit odd.)

Anyway...today's ep.Finding the whole thing with Leah, Elijah and his parents a bit dull.I liked that little bit where Elijah and VJ said "Don't ask" in unison.Song, the more entertaining and likeable of the two, barely said a word.Is Elijah really so clueless that he didn't pick up on the fact Leah was desperate to get out of the house?I quite liked their arguing near the end but I find Lijuan too one-note to really care.

Really liked Miles not so subtly guilt tripping Marilyn into working at the bait shop(and she still didn't pick up on it!).After a rather dull start, they seem to have re-established the relationship between her and Alf, who seems to be torn between adoring her and wanting to strangle her, rather well.I loved his expression when she told him she had an idea.

Actually, surprisingly, I enjoyed Xavier's stuff the most.The little scene of Tony, Rachel and Leah being bemused at his change of attitude was rather amusing.I was laughing at his increasingly pathetic attempts to come up with a way of talking to her and the way he kept dropping his phone like it was hot when he tried to call her.I don't think we've really seen Xavier nervous around a girl in a good way before:the only other girls he's been linked with are slightly crazy ones than leave him permanently bemused and Ruby, who alternated between not being interested and leaving him looking desperate and throwing herself at him.I'm actually really liking him and April together.Nice to get an explanation for where Gina was in the previous episode, I was wondering.

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Yes, I meant WHEN Miles finds out what Penn has been doing with Nicole, he should give him a telling off.

I liked Tony being fatherly with Xavier, that's what he needs- he hasn't had a father figure for so long :unsure:

I liked Xavier and April too. They seem to have chemistry :o which I don't think he and Ruby did/do. Nice to see Xavier looking happy and different to the usual emotional punch bag of Ruby.

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Oops, yes, you were right Red Miles has meet Penn. :blush: I remember now, it was Marilyn who took Penn to the caravan park and Miles, Romeo and Nicole were all there, that's how come they all know his name! Not much seemed to happen last night. I liked Tony's line "I have brought up two boys you know, which means I haven't a clue" when referring to Xavier's sudden change of attitude, not having any idea it had to do with a girl!! It was so sweet seeing him all nervous about ringing her, even taking a shower. :wub: This time round he is having to do the chasing (as last time Ruby jumped on him the moment she saw him).

That "Don't ask" in unison from Elijah and VJ made me smile as well, :D , it certainly shows how close they are. Elijah probably thought he was 'helping' by asking his parents (especially his mum) to back off, and you would have thought that as a reverend he would know how to be tactful, but I guess as it is his parents it is different to advising other people. Quite how Lijuan took Elijah's advice to back off a bit as Leah wanting them to leave I'm not sure. :confused:

First time for a while any reference has been made to Marilyn's illness. Marilyn, being Marilyn Red she wouldn't pick up on what Miles was trying to say! Somehow I couldn't see Marilyn actually working in there. Wonder what she has in mind for the upstairs in the bait shop?

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Alf's episode count this week:Two and some stock footage.(He was credited on Monday but his only appearance was in clips from the start of the year.He was also credited on Wednesday when he didn't appear at all.)Colleen was in four, although on Thursday she was only glimpsed briefly in the background.

Well...it's beginning to look as though there might actually be some sort of follow-up to Angelo's recent questionable actions.You'd have thought he'd at least come up with a story that wouldn't fall apart the moment someone examined it, especially since it seems he has changed his story from what he told Charlie.At least he seems to have noticed that they have judges and courts to make decisions about who belongs in jail, not maverick police officers.The little scene of Charlie and Angelo creased up in laughter at Marilyn's suggestion was a nice human moment in the midst of it.I nearly laughed at the end with the investigator saying he's investigating the station for corruption. He'll probably fire them all.

I liked the little scene between Miles and Elijah, with Miles' repeated shouts of "Idiot!" and his "I got you two together, it's a gift, you can thank me later."Unfortunately it was undone slightly by the follow-up, where Elijah comes up with a cover story as bad as Angelo's and Miles congratulates him. Leah telling Lijuan the truth and her appreciating it was a decent pay off and actually left me thinking Lijuan isn't that bad.Song had nothing to do except sit there looking confused or concerned once again.

It did seem to take a long time for Miles to point out the obvious to Alf:that if he's just going to get rid of the business anyway, there doesn't seem any harm in letting Marilyn try out her idea.Got there in the end though.

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Friday's episode did seem to be leaping from one thing to the other. It seemed Leah took more notice of Colleen in the end as regards telling the truth as rather than lying. I felt sad for Colleen when she was saying lies can make things worse in the long run as in her and Lance's wife hardly talking to each other and the fact Lance has a hard time ever getting to see her.

Hopefully now Leah has told Lijaun (and Song) the truth Lijuan will back off from taking over, but I'm not holding my breath just yet. Miles was a bit naughty encouraging a man of the cloth to lie (and to his parents)!! But he did make up for it by getting Alf to change his mind about letting Marilyn open her fortune telling business at the bait shop.

Marilyn did put Charlie and Angelo on the spot by asking them if they would use her services while waiting to be served, they were hardly going to say no were they? Maybe if they didn't know her they would have.

That was rather a big mistake on Angelo's part wasn't it, forgetting about Hugo's fingerprints (or rather lack of) on his gun. Don't forget Red as far as anyone else knows he hasn't told anyone else. Considering the track record of some of the cops at Yabby creek station (Jack, Corey for two at least and who else knows who else) I suppose it is time they were investigated.

The Walkers are back next week, I wonder how the first meeting between Indi and Nicole will go, seeing as they didn't part company on the best of terms, not surprising under the circumstances.

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I liked Xavier and April too. They seem to have chemistry :o which I don't think he and Ruby did/do. Nice to see Xavier looking happy and different to the usual emotional punch bag of Ruby.

Yes I agree Miranda. Although I've always liked Xavier and Ruby together, it was interesting to see nervous Xavier bucking up enough courage to talk to a possibly new girl in his life. But she did make it so easy for him - asking for his address so that she could come round. Xavier never has to work hard to get any girl, it seems. And serves Ruby right if it upsets her to see Xavier with someone else. She's led to Liam about her crush, so she deserves all she gets. Still can't quite see April with boxing gloves on though. And I suppose that Xavier and others will box very gently so she doesn't get hurt!

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I think Xavier has an air of 'look after me' which makes bossy girls home in on him, Brian :lol:

This is what I hope happens with the new returnees to HAA

Sid will either fancy Jill or Gina and end up competing with John for one of them. Or, he will go for someone unexpected like Marilyn or.... Irene?? I'm interested to know which 'unlikely place' he will 'find love' as they say on the main site.

It will be extremely awkward with Nicole/ Sid/ Indi and won't all be nicey nicey and sorted out.

Don't know what will happen with Dex, he didn't make much impression when he was last here


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I think Xavier has an air of 'look after me' which makes bossy girls home in on him, Brian :lol:

This is what I hope happens with the new returnees to HAA

Sid will either fancy Jill or Gina and end up competing with John for one of them. Or, he will go for someone unexpected like Marilyn or.... Irene?? I'm interested to know which 'unlikely place' he will 'find love' as they say on the main site.


I hope it's Marilyn. I think they could be quite funny together, a strange pairing.

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