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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Yes, alreetlike, although I did think

Miles and Marilyn looked quite couply today, he said she looked hot!


What's going on? Why all these deletions? Who knows something we don't?

Don't worry, Brian, you'll find out tomorrow.(Check time, realise it's 10 to 12 and I'm usually long-winded, ah, Tuesday.)

Loved that opening scene where Alf is talking about how ridiculous it is that Angelo would let Hugo go and then he suddenly stops and give him that "Hang on, you did, didn't you?" look.Kinda nice that the fact Martha's exit isn't as happy as some people are trying to make out wasn't ignored completely. Given that at least four of that station's officers have been jailed, not including Angelo himself, three of them in the last five years, it's a wonder no-one's started overturning stones before.Angelo ends up doing the right thing and taking responsibility for his actions in order to stop Charlie's loyalty getting her into trouble, although there could be some serious consequences for him here.Charlie and Angelo are apparently magically teleported from place to place:one minute she's following him out of the police station(in Yabbee Creek!), the next shot they're suddenly down on the beach, apparently several miles away.That last scene:Again, it would have been fine if they hadn't slept together a few weeks ago but the way that they're portraying them as a couple who are still trying to work out whether they want to be together or not feels very odd.

Loved the stuff with Tony and Xavier, he does seem to be being very fatherly towards him at the moment and the way he pretended he was going to sabotage his date.April continues to be cute but a bit underused.Slightly worried about Tony and Rachel:Like Tony I found her sudden belief that he'd "compromised" somewhat odd so now we learn that she'd naively thought boxing classes wouldn't involve actual boxing.I also had the same reaction to her playing the silent treatment card yet again but her response was even worse:It feels as though they've both got diametrically opposed views to the situation and unless they can agree to disagree it's hard to see how they can get round it.

I liked Miles and Marilyn's banter but I wouldn't describe them as coupley, I think they're just good friends, much like him and Leah or her and Alf.Let's face it, he practically called her a pain in the neck.Her little headache is possibly the first real sign that there's something wrong with her.Colleen was somewhat unbearable, except for the little moment where Tony flatters her into giving him a drink on the house.Miles covering his ears with a cushion in the middle of one of her rants was a nice moment.

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Sorry Brian, I love being mysterious :lol: If you look on the main site, you'll see who is coming back to the Bay very soon.... dun dun DUR! :cool:

Miles really is turning into all the girls' Gay Best Friend, isn't he :lol: :lol: The man with all the girlfriends! Before people correct me, I do know he isn't really gay!

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Agree with you there Red about Rachel and her about turn. Even if she initially thought Tony meant self defence for the girls, if I understand it correctly although it means stopping people hitting you, you still have to hit that person. Even the classes Leah was/is taking meant body contact to protect yourself. I'm pretty sure any sparring would be adapted to accommodate the fact the participants are female. If the girls that are taking part are underage they would need to get parental consent wouldn't they, in which case if the parents agreed to it there shouldn't be a problem.

Was it the same beach or is Yabbee Creek police station also near a beach which would explain it maybe? Charlie held up well in that questioning, she was only telling the truth, she wasn't in the car with Angelo so couldn't say what had happened. The explanation why she wasn't was to me very reasonable, she was waiting for the ambulance as Eaves was injured and someone in authority had to stay behind. Angelo certainly took Wilson by surprise by admitting that he and he alone was responsible for letting Hugo and Martha escape.

Colleen really was in a bad mood yesterday, apart from when Tony flattered her by saying she would make a good featherweight. She's been like that since Leah and Irene were discsussing whether to lie to Elijah's parents or not. Since when has fortune telling been a black art? As Alf rightly pointed out she had no problem with it when it was Floss doing it. The massages certainly seem a good idea, de-stressing all those anglers who have been out all day, especially the ones who hadn't caught anything. First indication of what Marilyn's illness may be, possible brain tumour? Her and Miles have come a long way since she first arrived and she was driving him up the wall, though he did have Rabbit on his mind then.

Not being ageist but wouldn't Irene be a bit too old for Sid? He does (or did) go for younger women, though even he drew the line at getting involved with Nicole. Jill or Marilyn would be my guess.

BTW Brian, the blanks are where spoilers are entered so as not to er, spoil it for those who don't want to know what is going to happen. It is up to the reader to click and drag their mouse across the blanks to read what is underneath.

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I know the Charlie/Angelo scene was meant to be romantic and lovely yesterday, but I couldn't help thinking that Charlie looked absolutely terrified, like a deer caught in the headlights. Not sure whether that was just Esther's "romantic" face or whether she intended to portray something we don't realise but I found it really distracting from what I was meant to be thinking!

I do quite like the Xavier/Tony relationship, it's nice to see Tony playing the fatherly role again and I think Xavier needs it.

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BTW Brian, the blanks are where spoilers are entered so as not to er, spoil it for those who don't want to know what is going to happen. It is up to the reader to click and drag their mouse across the blanks to read what is underneath.

Thanks H&Alover. I know what to do now. Brian

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Aha, they are back! Let chaos ensue mwah ha ha ha!

Argh, Ruby! So she doesn't want to be with Xavier, but she doesn't want anyone else to be with him either :rolleyes:

How tall is Xavier? Someone said that Tony/ Jon is 6 foot, so Xavier is the same height now :blink:

Can't think of anything else to say about tonights episode :huh:

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I'm more of a lurker in this thread nowadays but I'll make a post anyway. I'm so glad Xavier is finally free from Ruby. Regardless of whether she could control the way she felt, falling for Liam seemed to be Geoff all over again. I'm really enjoying the scenes with Xavier and April and she seems so sweet. I have to agree with an earlier comment and it's funny how several attractive girls have fallen for him - Freya, Ruby, Mink and now April. I loved Xavier's apology to Liam. To me personally although it was probably genuine, it just seemed so contrived but I loved it anyway. I also liked the conversation Ruby was having about the change in Xavier's attitude trying to figure out what caused it. The first meeting between April and Ruby was awkward but seemed too pleasant. I would have liked to have seen a tiny bit of bitchiness from Ruby, if only because she was jealous as things aren't working out as she'd hoped with Liam. Still I'm glad Xavier introducing her as his "ex girlfriend" sort of put Ruby out of shape.

Although it was hard to disagree with Rachel yesterday I didn't like her attitude afterwards i.e. the silent treatment. She was a lot better today at least using evidence and reasoning to get her point across.

TBH I don't like Finn. I don't know what it is about him but something just bothers me and I'm not sure I like Nicole falling for him considering how close he keeps his cards to his chest.

I thought it was a dumb move on Angelo's part letting Hugo and Martha go but I can completely understand why he did it. I'm not sure how much we're meant to like Charlie and Angelo but I just feel so completely indifferent that even when they declared their love for each other and after we realised they'd spent the night together I still didn't feel anything. I do feel a bit sorry for him though even thought this mess is his fault.

The Walkers returning is a pleasant surprise. I'm quite pleased about that. I could never understand why they brought them in last year just to get rid of them so quickly. It seemed so pointless and such a waste of potential characters (all they need to do now is bring both some of the other guests - May, Joey, Mink, Trey, Jenena etc). Is Dexter being played by a different actor now? For some reason he looks taller and a bit older than I remember. It will be really interesting to see what happens with Sid/Indy and Nicole. I can't wait! :D

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Yes Dexter has been recast. The new one looks very tall, but I already prefer him. I'm pleased they're back as I liked the Walkers in their guest spell. The show has been crying out for another family unit, IMO. Shouldn't Indi have some scars though?

I like April, she's sweet.

Oh and I'm sick of this damn boxing thing with Tony and Rachel. Seriously, I can't even be bothered to yawn anymore.

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Have to admit, I'm really not interested in this stuff with Charlie and Angelo.The show's morality has taken a serious knocking over the last few years and this whole thing with Angelo letting Martha and Hugo go feels like a new depth's been plummetted.I can't see Angelo being packed off to jail whatever happens or at least not for very long.Am kinda liking him and Charlie in a vaguely apathetic kind of way.Nice to get another of the increasingly rare Charlie/Ruby scenes.

Almost didn't recognise April without her hat on.Nice to see some character being added to her, with the story about her friend being hurt(although is she supposed to be French?she doesn't seem to have an accent), and she does seem to be having a good effect on Xavier, given his apology to Liam. I thought Xavier was still a fair bit shorter than Tony.I can see Rachel's point of view but I can't help feeling she's focusing on the worst case scenario:Any sport carries the risk of injury and I can't help wondering whether she's actually properly researched the likelihood of someone being injured or just presented Tony with the worst horror stories she could find.Xavier definitely seemed to be marking out his territory when he pointedly called Ruby his "ex".Can't quite decide if she liked having Xavier as a bolthole or wants him back or is just depressed that he's got a new relationship and she hasn't.Still torn over the fact that if Liam wasn't working at the school I'd quite like them together.Not sure about Nicole and Penn, partly because of the continuous oblique references to Aden, I'd rather see her back with him even though it seems that ship's sailed.

And that last scene, which seemed to come from another show, as Sid gets surprised by Indigo and some boy we've never seen before.Seriously, no-one says who he is, he isn't even credited, so moody shots of photos and ambigious references to "your mother" aside, he could be Indi's new boyfriend for all we know.I both can and can't see why they recast him and either way I disagree with it:Dexter was the least interesting of the Walkers and I didn't particularly want him back and I don't see why they didn't just say he was with his mother and hire this new boy to play someone else. The cynic in me can't help wondering if they actually bothered seeing if Tom Green was available or just decided he wasn't what they wanted anymore and recast his role, especially given that we've just had two other ordinary/young/looking the right age teenagers leave the show abruptly.That niggle aside, it was a fairly nice introduction, easing them back in the show and hopefully leaving us with a proper catch-up tomorrow.

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I remember somthing else that annoyed me about Ruby. She said that Xavier wasn't even upset when he called her his ex girlfriend. Is she blind and stupid? (don't all shout at once). Couldn't she see he was upset? Perhaps it was too subtle for her to notice :rolleyes:

Agree with Slade about the Walkers' return :)

I think re: Dex and his new casting, that actor looks older and bigger, obviously, so maybe they wanted him to have more adult storylines.

Got to go!

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