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Ha, yes I know what you mean, Chuck never seems that convincing to me and makes me wonder whether there's a sub text...probably not.

The guy who's latched onto Nicole, Penn, is creepy, what sort of guy wants to walk school girls to school, he must be a perv, perhaps it's a uniform fetish? Still it gives Nicole the opportunity to revert back to type.

I think Rachael, is behaving just like Martha used to with Jack, just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean you have to make them the enemy she just wants it all her own way...'look after the baby Tony I'm off to work'.

Looking forward to the Walkers reappearance, getting fed up of the same old faces....wonder when Marilyns funeral will be, she looks very healthy to me.

I know the Charlie/Angelo scene was meant to be romantic and lovely yesterday, but I couldn't help thinking that Charlie looked absolutely terrified, like a deer caught in the headlights. Not sure whether that was just Esther's "romantic" face or whether she intended to portray something we don't realise but I found it really distracting from what I was meant to be thinking!

I do quite like the Xavier/Tony relationship, it's nice to see Tony playing the fatherly role again and I think Xavier needs it.

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I know the Charlie/Angelo scene was meant to be romantic and lovely yesterday, but I couldn't help thinking that Charlie looked absolutely terrified, like a deer caught in the headlights. Not sure whether that was just Esther's "romantic" face or whether she intended to portray something we don't realise but I found it really distracting from what I was meant to be thinking!

I do quite like the Xavier/Tony relationship, it's nice to see Tony playing the fatherly role again and I think Xavier needs it.

:lol: Ao true. Esther and Luke are so wooden they make every romantic scene laughable. If Esther wasn't so attractive i doubt she'd still be on the show :rolleyes: Their relationship still makes no sense to me and i am so tired of watching on again/off again relationships.

I agree about Tony and Xaiver, it's sweet :) But this boring boxing rubbish is awful. They're making Rachel out to be a complete idiot! Like she wouldn't assume boxing would involve actual boxing :rolleyes: She averages about 1 episodes a week now...(and maybe a 2 min scene in another). Incredibly disappointed in how Jon and Amy have been treated this year - and they are probably two of the best actors :(

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What I don't get is: why doesn't Tony just do self defence with the girls? It would surely be far, far more useful. Or even martial arts. If a girl was accosted, self defence or martial arts would be much better to fight back with than boxing :huh:

Yes, Penn is creepy. And mysterious in a sinister way, not an intriguing way. Why is he so interested in Nicole's ex who broke her heart? Presumably he's talking about Aden, not Sid who is looming into view again! :lol::lol:

I'm looking forward to when Nicole sees Sid and Indy again, that should be a shock for them all. Although surely Sid and Indy must realise she still lives in the Bay.

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Welcome back Slade!!

To be absolutely honest I can't remember what the old Dexter looked like! It has been a year or more so he would be taller, boys do tend to shoot up quicker than girls. As to whether the previous actor was asked back or they decided he just wasn't up to the role anymore, I don't suppose (we outside of Aus) will ever know. We know it happens here in the UK, in fact just has in EE with two of the younger actors being replaced. I mentioned that on an earlier post, alreetlike, about Indi's scars and how the plastic surgery seems to have been very successful. Wonder what their mum has done that is so terrible they would rather be with Sid?

Agree Red, that last scene did seem a bit disjointed, when I saw it I thought it had something to do with Penn, seeing as we had just seen him and Nicole.

Talking of whom, could we (OK I) have got it wrong about it being Alf he is after?

Could it be Nicole, maybe he used to be in the Army with Roman and Gordy? We never did find out what happened to him.

He certainly put her on the wrong foot when she thought he wanted to kiss her and when she moved in he just walked away.

As for Ruby, is she upset because Xavier has moved on too quick for her liking? Perhaps she wanted him to mope around for months. I did like it when Xavier introduced her as his ex! :P The look on her face! Hope it wasn't just to rub her face in it and he is genuine about April and she is not a rebound thing, a fact she was bright enough to pick up on and ask him about. It was nice to see her and Charlie have a chat again like they used to, even though she didn't confide in Charlie about her feelings for Liam which I suppose she wouldn't as Charlie is her mum rather than her 'sister'. As a mum and a cop Charlie would on Liam's case right away even though he hasn't done anything.

I wondered about that Red when Xavier made reference to April speaking French, have we had one of those off screen moments when she may have said she had lived there? Tony seemed to be in two minds yesterday re the boxing, first it looked as if he was against it because of Rachel's objections, then after hearing April's story he looked on for it again, then after telling Rachel about it and she showed him the statistics he was wavering again!! Good point there Miranda about martial arts being a better option to boxing when being confronted in riot conditions like April and her friend was.

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As to whether the previous actor was asked back or they decided he just wasn't up to the role anymore, I don't suppose (we outside of Aus) will ever know.

Tom Green is in Dance Academy now so he was unable to return to his role as Dexter.

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Re: April being French. She said 'oui' when Xavier asked her a question the other day. I presume from that we are meant to know she is French, not just pretentious :blink:

I like the new Dex, I spent a lot of the episode laughing at him. The old Dex was just 'there', he didn't really do anything.

Why were Sid and Dex saying Indi had 'been through hell' the last time she was in the Bay? I can't remember that. Red Ranger, quick, get your notes out and tell me :lol:

Felt really sorry for Nicole when she saw Sid like that all of a sudden. God knows what Penn will make of it with his nosey questions about her ex boyfriends. He is weird. I think Sid might be suspicious of Penn and protective of Nicole, Sid might feel he should look out for her.

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Welcome back Slade!!

Thanks! It's good to feel...wanted.

Ok I don't mind this Dexter. He was lively, had personality and at least he looked like the other actor. Worst case scenario would be if the next incarnation was over 6 feet, 14 stone, six pack etc. I'm glad Sid appears to have sorted things out with Dex and Indy and they've moved on from what happened before. I quite liked Indy declaring she wasn't friends with Nicole so it will be interesting to see their first meeting since she left. After the announcer mentioned that Sid and Nic would be bumping into each other I should have realised we would have to wait for the entire duration of the episode. At least it means tomorrow should be good. I loved the expression on Nicole's face when she saw him. My memory's so vague from the Walker's final episode from last year and I don't recall Nicole facing sufficient repercussions for practically stalking him, handing herself to him on a plate, causing trouble with Jody, indirectly causing Indy to end up in hospital etc so I would like to see her suffer for a bit. I recall Dexter and Xavier hitting it off so they should get along like a house on fire. I think Dexter will probably get on with Romeo too. And they already have something in common - both falling for Annie.

I loved Miles giving Colleen a serve. Regardless of whether he was right or wrong she absolutely deserved it. I've said this before but at times I find her to be such a spiteful, bitter nasty old woman. I was a bit disappointed that he apologised afterwards but I don't think he had any choice in the matter. I didn't like him telling Colleen about Marilyn being sick however. She told him that in confidence and I actually felt sorry for her near the end.

I thought Miles was out of line with Penn too (I'm still not sure what to make of him and Nicole BTW) but at least he seems ok with Nicole seeing him. I'm not sure if there's much he can do to stop her seeing him anyway so better for her to pursue any relationship under his nose so he can keep an eye on her.

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Hm, I don't think Miles was out of line with Penn. A strange adult male walks into a school where there are young vulnerable children- that is not allowed in England, I can't believe it would be in Australia. He should go to reception and be signed in, given a visitors badge etc. Nicole is over 18 but most of the kids aren't.

I don't remember Indy ending up in hospital? I must have a terrible memory about HAA. I'm still waiting for Red Ranger to tell me what happened, come along now RR :lol:

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Yeah, okay, I'm back from work now."Going through hell" might be an exaggeration but as I recall, after Indigo saw Nicole kissing Sid, she went out with a couple of guys she met at a party and got stoned, then it looked like one of them was going to take advantage of her but she fell through a glass table first and ended up in hospital with multiple cuts(hence the scarring everyone keeps talking about).Anyway, I liked the stuff with the Walkers.I'm glad to hear that the original Dexter(or Dex as we're apparently supposed to call him now)wasn't available;I quite like the new one, he's got a personality, which the other one didn't really, but he's still got that slightly geeky edge to him and a nice sense of humour.Indi seemed to slip right back into her princess behaviour but it's good that her relationship with Sid is more relaxed now.Jody ran off with Indi's boyfriend?Guess she got jealous of Sid having all the fun...

Seriously, why is Colleen on the show?Like Slade said, like Miles said, she's a nasty, small-minded old woman who seems to take pleasure in upsetting people and here her behaviour towards Marilyn has crossed the line from petty to vindictive, trying to ruin her life for her no real reason other than that she's arbitarily decided she doesn't like her.Every word Miles said to her was true and I was annoyed that he was made to look like the bad guy and had Leah telling him he'd gone too far, even though Colleen continued to act in an arrogant and superior manner even after he apologised.I really didn't like the way he broke Marilyn's confidence though even if it was an accident.Again, I think he was quite right to have a go at Penn the way he did and again, we were apparently supposed to think he was out of line.I quite liked the way Nicole told him he was her family now, shame it took that for him to point out that she's throwing herself at an unsuitable guy yet again.I don't think Nicole really deserves any sort of comeuppance for the way she behaved with Sid, she was left feeling suitably humiliated by the whole thing and did eventually accept her behaviour was out of line, although I'm worried I may soon change my mind about that one.

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@Red Ranger 1. I think Colleens character is great :lol: some of her lines are so priceless! I know she has some history with Marilyn regarding her son 'Lancey' so hence the bitterness towards her.

@Miranda. Yep, I'm always amazed at how complete strangers can just wander around Australian schools and enter Police station interview rooms seemingly at will. Ok, Oz is laid back but come on...

I realise Nicole like most teens has to make her own mistakes but if she carries on the way she is I don't reckon much of her chances of reaching 20! Penn is obviously a weirdo.

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