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@Red Ranger 1. I think Colleens character is great :lol: some of her lines are so priceless! I know she has some history with Marilyn regarding her son 'Lancey' so hence the bitterness towards her.

Yeah, I know it's before my time but I've never got it entirely clear what this history is.She keeps going on about Marilyn breaking "Lancey"'s heart but I'm not convinced.A lot of the time it feels more like Colleen being a snob and thinking that someone like Marilyn, who wears revealing outfits and isn't the sharpest tool in the box, isn't good enough for her son, her brother and "her" town.

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Hm, I don't think Miles was out of line with Penn. A strange adult male walks into a school where there are young vulnerable children- that is not allowed in England, I can't believe it would be in Australia. He should go to reception and be signed in, given a visitors badge etc. Nicole is over 18 but most of the kids aren't.

I've noticed this a lot of times in H&A how many strangers wander into the school, what sort of security (if any) do they have there? Is it just the bay (which is fictional) or normal for Australia as a whole? I reckon if Miles hadn't just had that row with Colleen he may not have been in such a bad mood and snapped at Penn. It's good that he is letting the relationship go ahead, I don't suppose he could really stop it seeing as Nicole is 18, but liked the fact he warned Nicole to be aware of what she is getting into and that she was glad he cared enough to worry and she thought of him as family. :wub:

Yes I too like the new Dex, as I said yesterday the 'old' one didn't make much of an impact on me. Loved his David Attenborough impressions when he was filming Sid and Indie when the car broke down. :cool: :lol: He does seem a lot more confident, but whether that has to do with it being a new actor or the fact that Dex is a year older anyway I don't know, but it's working. Both Sid and Nicole looked horrified to see each other, I suppose it was good in a way it was in a public place in which case they are able to 'ignore' each other. That's if we see them tonight because they have used up their allotted time for this week.

Apart from the totally OTT animosity Colleen feels for Marilyn what does she have against the fortune telling? The way she was going on in that letter it was as if Marilyn was going to be holding satanic rituals and sacrificing virgins!!!! :rolleyes: If she thought Marilyn was such a floosy she ought to have felt relieved that she had broken Lancy's heart all those years ago.

Yes Miles was wrong to tell Colleen Marilyn's secret, but it was an accident, she was still chuntering on even after Miles had apologised. Funnily enough Colleen can keep a secret as been proved in the past and I think she will this time.

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Thanks RR, I had completely forgotten about Indy and her dalliance with those boys and drugs. I must have a very busy life :lol:

Glad someone agrees with me about the random strangers wandering in and out of schools Psychic Wombat :wink: Oh, and H&ALover, you must have posted the same time as me.

And I forgot to say, surely Dex must have line of the week. What was it: 'you're the one whose friends keep fancying our parents', or something :lol::lol::lol:

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Miles can be such an idiot sometimes. I hated the way he chased Sid out of the Surf Club and warned him off Nicole. It annoyed me intensely. If Nicole develops an obsession and practically stalks Sid how is that his fault? I thought they departed on good terms anyway. I distinctly remember Miles shaking Sid's hand and wishing him the best of British. In saying that I did like the way Marilyn jumped in when Miles offered to talk to Sid for Nicole, Miles and Marilyn started arguing and Nicole and Romeo quietly slipped away.

The meeting between Nicole and Indy was actually quite pleasant. I know I said I wanted Nicole to get some sort of comeuppance but I was actually glad they sorted things out. I wonder how long it will be before they are "bessies" again - One week, maybe two. It's probably likely considering that Indy has no friends ATM. Regardless there's now the potential for a fairly interesting dynamic with the girls - Ruby, Nicole, April and Indy.

Dexter continues his light-hearted/philosophical outlook to things in general. I liked his remark about Nicole inviting herself over to his - "Clothing optional".

I found Romeo quite irritating. I know he thinks he's doing the right thing for Jill but shouldn't he just let her be. Also I think it's pretty sad trying to sort out the love life of his headmistress/mate's mum. He's not even thinking about Xavier in all of this. Maybe he should be using his time more constructively and chasing after girls. Indy seemed to take an interest in him. I felt a bit sorry for Jill when she overheard Romeo talking to Gina. As a character I quite like her. It's probably just me but the way Jill comes across it's like she's constantly drunk (even when she's sober).

Can't be bothered to comment on the stuff with Leah, Elijah and his parents as it's like watching paint dry.

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Yes, Slade, I found Romeo actually quite weird, rushing around after Gina all the time :huh: He's getting obsessed.

Perhaps the 'teen group' will liven up now with Indy, Dex, April and this mysterious sister of hers. It is just getting too boring with just Ruby, Romeo and Xavier.

Strange about Penn's tarot cards. He must have fixed them. I think its a double bluff, he is probably an undercover policeman or something! :lol:

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Yeah, I wasn't at all happy about Miles' behaviour towards Sid either and I agree that they seemed to part on good terms.Especially since Nicole told him to stay out of it, mainly because the last time little chat he had with Sid(or the one before the one before...)involved him pushing him in a swimming pool.I was pretty much cheering when Sid told Miles he used to be sensitive and supportive, not a bully.I do think that Miles was trying to "fix" Nicole's barely existent problem because he knew he made a mess of things with Marilyn and that it was significant that after Sid stood up to him he then went round and sorted things out with her.Liked Alf treating them like a pair of annoying children.Not sure what to make of Nicole's brief meeting with Sid, I do think that she's over him and her attitude here suggests that she knows she was in the wrong but I'm not sure that avoiding the issue helps.Nicole and Indigo's first conversation was downright weird, with Indigo seemingly apologising when Nicole was the one in the wrong:Her "judgemental" comment might apply to Sid or to the fact that she should have made allowances for what Nicole was going through at the time but it still felt strange.But I'm fully expecting them to be friends again before long, they probably would have made up ages ago if she hadn't left town.And...yay, Jai got a mention!(I doubt he'd have punched Dexter in the face, that's not his style.He was more of an angry shove sort of person.)Wasn't expecting the Walkers to be renting the farm.

Didn't really mind the stuff with Leah and Elijah, which didn't eat up too much screen time.That final scene of them all staring at the note was rather surreal but it was Song suggesting they stay longer just to wind Leah up that made me smile.Given that this is Home and Away, which often has a strong supernatural undercurrent, I think we're probably meant to take the tarot cards literally, which I guess means Penn's either an angel or a devil(probably the latter).As for Nicole having to choose between two men:Sid?Liam?Aden?!(Sorry but I'm still clinging on to my theory that, since Nicole's now one of the longest serving cast members

and she'll be even higher when Tony and Rachel leave

, she'll be leaving to be with him at the end of the year.)Or are they trying to push her towards Romeo, given Marilyn's comment that it's someone she knows who she hasn't recognised as a lover yet?Probably not, given the significant looks he and Indigo are giving each other.

Yes...Romeo.I liked his scenes with Nicole and I kind of liked his scenes with Gina, despite thinking he should butt out, especially when he accosted her at the school.But frankly, his manipulation of Jill annoyed me greatly, he should trust her to make her own choices, not play games with her life because he thinks he knows best.Once again, it seems there's a disparity between the image he projects and his actions and I'm left feeling that deep down he's not really a very nice person.

And I have to say, it would be nice to hear a word or two about what's happened to Angelo, who was supposed to be having a bail hearing in the morning but hasn't been seen or mentioned since.

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Don't know if Nicole was 'in the wrong', she couldn't help having emotional/ mental difficulties at the time. Relationships are never straightforward and not always classifiable. There are plenty of 'relationships' which don't fit a category and just occur as 'strange vibes' between people. Hope that makes sense?

Yes, I liked Alf telling Miles and Marilyn off like kids :lol: He was the only one with the authority to do so.

I hope Nicole and Romeo don't get together, they have such a good friendship. I think he would be better off with Indy. I don't know what Marilyn meant about the choice between 2 men either.

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Don't know if Nicole was 'in the wrong', she couldn't help having emotional/ mental difficulties at the time. Relationships are never straightforward and not always classifiable. There are plenty of 'relationships' which don't fit a category and just occur as 'strange vibes' between people. Hope that makes sense?

Hmm, veering worryingly close to "breakdown" territory here.I agree that Nicole was in a bad place at the time and not thinking clearly but she did know what she was doing and was responsible for her own actions.She manipulated Indi and lied to her and pursued Sid knowing it would upset her.(Although in her defence, when Indigo caught them together she did take responsibility and tell her that it was all her fault and Sid was innocent.)I don't think Indi should hold it against her, because she accepts what she did was wrong and she's sorry for it, but I don't really think she needed to apologise to her either.

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Like wise people, Miles' attitude towards Sid was completely out of character. He did look suitably chastened after Sid accused him of being a bully. He should have believed Nicole when she said she had it sorted and was O.K. about it all. I know he was probably trying to do the protective 'father' thing but went the wrong way about it. Perhaps the row with Marilyn had something to do with it. Loved the plea to Nic about doing him a big, big, big favour and be Marilyn's first customer (though how Penn got roped in I'm not sure)?

Didn't his biog say he had psychic powers, apart from when he read Nicole's palm we haven't seen much evidence of it.

I reckon he did fix the cards so they would come out the same - see spoiler. He is definitely not all he seems on the surface, Marilyn should trust her instincts when she checked up the cards. As we didn't see Colleen last night we don't know if she has been asked to keep Marilyn's news to herself. Not saying that Marilyn is not the real thing, but she would know some of Nicole's previous history so that part of the reading wouldn't have been totally a surprise. She couldn't have been referring to Sid could she as Nicole's other man?

Apart from the initial awkwardness between Nicole and Indi which was understandable, I think they will be friends again, wonder how Ruby will feel about being a threesome rather than a twosome. It was good (if that is the right expression) that Indi's scars were mentioned (albeit briefly)and not ignored as if they had never happened. Dex still keeps providing the comedy moments as in the reference to the animals being picked up and going to the meadow (I think) where they never come back from. I must have missed the reference to Jai, who made it?

There were definitely 'looks' between Romeo and Indi, though isn't it a bit soon after Annie who he was supposed to be in love with? Now Xavier has got a new interest (April) there is only Dex to to get a girlfriend, Ruby maybe?

Even Jill made reference to the fact she shouldn't be in a relationship when she mentioned about going to AA as it is one of their 12 step plan rules. Perhaps she doesn't think that her and John count as a relationship. So not only has Romeo upset Xavier he has now upset his mum, good going. I know she is an adult and is old enough to make her own decisions, but Romeo does know what she has been like in the past and wants her to concentrate on getting her drink problem sorted first. Any relationship, be it with John or any man would be a distraction.

You can bet now that note is in place something is bound to happen! You could say it is written in the stars! :wink::D Wonder what counts as a bad omen BTW?

As for Angelo/Charlie, hasn't they done their three days and that is why we didn't see either of them?

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:huh: Maybe Nicole did have a minor breakdown, who knows? People do weird things sometimes, is what I've learnt during my life. There's no explaining behaviour sometimes, people just do what makes them feel better at the time.

Save poor Dex from awful Ruby, don't let him be drawn into her web of lies!

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