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So, Annie and Dexter kept in contact via face book ? Funny that. Unbelievable really. Come to think of it, he was hardly ever mentioned by Annie during the past year. It’s strange too, since they were only a together-lite couple for a few weeks. But she keeps in touch (secretly ?) and lets him know that she’s thinking of staying in Japan, not for 6 months, but for at least another 2 years, until she’s ready for Uni. ? How is that possible/allowable/affordable/desirable ? Irene, what do you thin……oh just forget it Irene.

When the plots get this stupid, it’s probably better to ignore them, but anyone else feel insulted by nonsense like this ?

Back to the episode. So what might be the reason for this revelation by Dexter? To make us feel sorry for Romeo, the victim of this girl‘s heartless behaviour ? And allow Indi to mother him ? I think that’s what it’s about really.

So, based on Romeo’s past performance with his (last) mobile phone - when he found out Annie was contacting Irene but not him - can we expect a scene in Monday’s episode that goes as follows ? ---

Romeo is sat on the beach, gazing forlornly out to sea. Camera pans out to show us he has brought his desktop pc with him. I wonder what’s going to happen next ? Will it be the keyboard that goes first into the surf ? Then the screen? Lastly, the pc itself ?

Oh no ! Romeo has collapsed on the beach.

In anguish ?

No !

He’s given himself a hernia. Altogether now…..AAAWWWWHH.

Never mind, the ambulance soon arrives, as do the police. They want to know who’s been throwing all this electronic equipment into the sea.

“I can’t answer questions now. I’m in so much pain, it’s bringing tears to my eyes.” says Romeo to the officer.

“Look on the bright side son, it’ll add another dimension to your acting.” offers the officer.

“It’s all Annie’s fault. She broke my heart.” Romeo adds.

“A word in your shell like, Juliet. Unless you want that hernia to spread rapidly to all parts of your body, lay off blaming Annie Campbell. Some of us remember her as a sweet kid before you arrived.” replied the officer, before escorting the ambulance to the hospital via back roads. You know, the ones with all the worst ruts and bumps in them. That’s what I call doing a service for the community.

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I'd forgotten Sid and Lian had clashed over Nicole last time Sid was in town, explained why Sid was so surprised to see him at the school. Kind of strange how they were both warning each other to not mess with her again. Had to smile when Sid warned Liam to stay away from Indi, he's got enough to worry about with Ruby, he doesn't need any more hassle with any more pupils having a crush on him.

Nice moment between Sid and Indi when he said she had grown up and changed into a nicer person, true he hadn't seen much of her, but that is probably why it was so noticeable to him.

Poor Romeo, he made a lot of sense when he said Jill should not get involved with John even as friends. She was wrong to tell John Gina was behind the planning to get him and Gina back together, especially as Romeo had already told her it was all his idea. I think John was very gentle but firm with her when he said they couldn't even be friends as he wanted to be with Gina.

Liam gave Romeo exactly the right answer when Romeo said he would feel guilty if Jill went back on the booze (which she did) when he said that no-one makes an alcoholic drink but an alcoholic.

Indi definitely fancies Romeo, shame he hasn't got over Annie yet. He, Dex and Indi can't have known each other much last time they were in town, was it because Romeo wasn't at school at the time? Their only connection was Jai and Annie, Romeo obviously wasn't aware of Dex's brief relationship with Annie because he was surprised when Indi mentioned it.

I knew Elijah shouldn't have kept mentioning everything would be alright, that was bound to put to put the mockers on it. I know it must have seen strange to Leah about the ritual, but don't the Greeks have their own superstitions about marriage? Even Colleen (in a real about turn) advise Leah about not poo-pooing it. Leah really went too far IMO when she accused Elijah of being afraid of his parents and not standing up to them, I didn't blame him for walking off like that.

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Ha ha Idris, you should enter the script writing competition!

Oh! Awkward relationships here we come! :D The Walkers are stirring things up nicely.

I liked the scene with Romeo, Dex and Indi, although I thought it was very unlikely that R would open up to complete strangers :blink: As someone said, it clears the way for Indi to mother him. Dex and Romeo are bound to feel a bit awkward cos Romeo probably thinks Dex had some big passionate affair with Annie (?) as they are still in touch. Dex was obviously uncomfortable with Romeo's revelations, so he will probably make friends with Xavier, who isn't happy with Romeo, so I foresee a triangle there!

As for the girls, I think Indi is a more suitable friend for Nicole, Ruby will therefore be jealous. But she won't want to be friends with April, due to the Xavier connection, so that will be another nice awkward situation. She will be pushed more towards Liam......

I thought it was ironic that Sid and Liam were locking horns over Nicole: you hurt her most! No you did! I do think Sid feels obligated in some way to Nicole, he seems protective of her, as is Liam.

But what has actually happened to change all the Walkers? They are always going on about how they have 'changed'. What brought that on? The effects of Summer Bay? :lol:

And there's the Gina/ John/ Jill triangle. I felt really sorry for Jill finding out her son had gone behind her back AND the man she wants doesn't want her back. John's face after he broke up with her yesterday said it all!

I kind of hope Sid gets involved too, but rumour has it that he doesn't...

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I must have missed the reference to Jai, who made it?

Dexter.When he and Indigo are sitting in the Diner, he says something like "It feels strange being back here, I keep expecting Annie to walk in or Jai to come up and punch me in the face."(Although we got far more references to them both in that last episode...)

Alf's episode count this week:Five.The Walkers appeared in four(but weren't credited on Tuesday, so maybe that scene really did belong in another show...)and Irene and Ruby were only in one.(Charlie and Angelo were in two so goodness only knows where that storyline disappeared to.Couldn't they have at least have someone mention in passing whether he was still in custody or not?)

God, Romeo's a self-centred jerk.Pretty annoying that he had Alf and Liam making excuses for him. "Every time I open up my heart it gets stomped up":Hmm, ever think that maybe you're the problem?The guy's obviously been taking lessons from Aden in how to handle an alcoholic parent.He thinks that if things go wrong between John and Jill, she'll turn to the bottle...so he deliberately schemes to split them up.Can you see where this is going?To be fair, it wasn't entirely his fault and it probably would have happened anyway, John shouldn't have got involved with her to the extent he did if it was Gina he really wanted.It is very strange that Annie would keep in touch with Dexter but not Romeo, especially since she didn't even have any contact details for him after he left.(Maybe they remembered it's the 21st century and if you want to find out what someone's up to you just need to look on the internet.Romeo obviously hasn't worked that one out yet.Or maybe Annie just keeps rejecting his friend requests.)Even odder that Dexter would act as though he and Jai were best friends, their interaction mainly consisted of "Stay away from my girlfriend!"/"No, you stay away from my girlfriend!"/"No, she's MY girlfriend", etc.He was probably closer to Xavier.Romeo wasn't in town when the Walkers were last there so he's never met them before.(Or was he?I think he turned up right after Indigo and Dexter left, like the following week, but Sid was still there.)

Sid getting all macho with Liam was as annoying as Miles having a go at him in the previous episode, although it was at least more understandable since they did part on bad terms.It's kind of ironic that they're both accusing each other of treating Nicole badly when they'd probably be better off keeping an eye on her current boyfriend...Actually, I don't really see any change in the Walkers, aside from the obvious.Sid in particular seems like exactly the same person and I don't think Indigo was any more shallow and immature when she was last there.(Well, maybe in some episodes but no more than she was on Wednesday so I guess she's still wavering a bit...)

Leah's rant at Elijah was over the top and I'm glad he stood up to her and pointed out that they're his parents and he knows them better than her and isn't going to hurt them.But Lijuan thinks it's a bad omen that she's got jaw ache?I'd have thought that would happen to her a lot...

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I'm already 10 times more interested in the show now that the Walkers are back in town. I'm absolutely sick of Romeo's "woe is me" rubbish and the Jill/John/Gina thing so it's nice to have a bit more variation. Not liking Miles much lately, hope that changes as I usually find him quite endearing. Even if he does eat like a pig.

Oh and NewDex should so be gay. He's adorably camp.

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Yes, isn't Dex camp? :D Maybe the scriptwriters have been listening to the fans ....!

I hadn't realised how much Liam has changed, if Sid thought he had to warn him to stay away from Indi. Liam is now a teacher (apparently) and seems much more grown up to me.

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Am I the only one who can't stand the new Dexter? I'm updating my signature straight after this post, and putting him as my least favourite. Can't, can't stand him. Completely different person to the Dexter last year, who was dead boring. I prefer boring to someone I can't stand. Gah.

I can't remember when I last posted... But there aren't really any storylines I dislike at the moment. Liking Xavier more, April's a potential favourite of mine (plus she's very cute *shifty eyes) and I like her and Xavier together. Oh. Yes. The Liam/Ruby stuff, I dislike. Just as I was beginning to like him, they throw in this storyline. ugh! Penn and Nicole, not too keen either. Marilyn/Miles/Colleen/Alf stuff... That's alright. Leah/Elijah... Getting repetitive but still like it.

Tony/Rachel/Boxing. Also getting repetitive, but again, still interested. John/Jill/Gina. ALSO GETTING REPETITIVE! And I don't enjoy it. I'm glad Jill's leaving, I prefer Gina with John (Or preferably, no-one at all.) Romeo is annoying me, and will be lower in my signature after this. Indigo, I liked her, looking forward to what happens with her. Dexter- If it was old one, I'd find him boring. Hate new one. Sid is meh.

What else... When the heck is Irene going to have another storyline? I think that's it...

Anyway, I'm still around, if anyone remembers me.

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Loved your storyline idris, but there was something you forgot. April spots him throwing his PC etc into the sea and just to add to his misery has a go at him about polluting the ocean and endangering the sealife!

Sid, to be fair to him, didn't encourage Nicole in any way, whereas Liam did offer her drugs (and slept with her) when she was at her most vulnerable, they had just buried Belle.

Thanks for that Red, I must have missed that. True Dex and Annie may not have been in contact when he left, but perhaps she looked him up on Facebook out of curiosity.

Anyway from what I have read happens next week

Gina asks John to move in with her (which as you could guess Xavier is over the moon about).

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Well...Finding the Jill and Romeo storyline increasingly dull and repetitive.And I've long since got tired of Romeo playing the victim all the time.In two minds about Irene's advice, it's true that Romeo constantly banging his head against a brick wall doesn't help but I'm not sure about her theory that if Jill's left on her own she'll magically get better of her own accord rather than drinking herself to death.Just because Irene's an alcoholic herself doesn't make her an expert, what worked for her won't necessary work for Jill and I remember her clashing with Flynn once about her dogmatic "This is what an alcoholic has to do" attitude.Thought that Indi might make Romeo bearable but I'm starting to think she's better off not bothering.How was he going to explain that lipstick on his arm?! Subtle, much?Dexter's speech about learning to surf felt a bit forced, which isn't a good sign.

John and Gina continue to act like a couple of overgrown teenagers, in a good way.I loved how nervous she was throughout and then her "shocked" expression.

Not really bothered about Lijuan and Leah for most of the episode, although the Elijah/Song scene was quite good.But the ending does have me slightly intrigued.Reverse psychology?

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I so hope new Dex is going to be gay. All the 'subtle' hints they are putting in e.g. he's 'off girls' at the moment; he's always wearing pink, have you noticed? :lol:

I think it must be reverse psychology with Lijuan and Leah, I can't think of another reason.

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