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I'm pleased it's not just me in the GayDex camp (ha, camp, see what I did there?) If it doesn't happen I'll be mighty disappointed.

Lijuan/Leah.. I don't think I'm as interested as I should be in this storyline. There's just something unappealing about it, although I did like Elijah & Song sparring.

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Yes, alreetlike, I thought of the perfect Gay Dex storyline. The Walkers have bought the farm, but Sid suddenly realises he is far too busy being a doctor to run it, and Dex and Indi are just schoolkids. So Sid hires a proper farm worker, who of course is about 20, spends a lot of time with his top off working in the fields/ whatever farm workers do. Indi is obsessed with Romeo, so she is only mildly interested in this bloke, and he is strangely not interested in girls.... see where I'm going with this? :lol:

I think that farm is very unlikely anyway, how the heck did Martha run it alone? What does it produce- crops? Animals? No one ever seems to be doing any work there :huh:

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Whoa! looks like Charley has some competition on the bikini front juding by last nights beach scene with Indy :-0 However, I found the scene with her brother a bit weird, they're totally unconvincing as brother and sister (this isn't new H&A seem to pair up the unlikeliest cast members as family) but Dex was so wooden he was in danger of being taken out on the tide! But hey, I'm glad they're back :-)

The scenes with Leah and Elijah and his "parents" have been winding me up more and more, poor Leah, run girl, RUN!!! How any woman could contemplate life with that useless wimp and his nightmare parents is beyond me.

I think the scenes with John, Jill and Gina are the best at the moment, like them.

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I'm with you Miranda and Red about the reverse psychology. Leah being Leah will defend Elijah which of course is what Lijuan knew she would do. Clever woman that! I also liked the sparring, big as Elijah is he couldn't beat his dad, perhaps Tony could use that in his self defence classes, that would keep Rachel happy.

Although nothing was actually said on screen between John and Gina, I think it pretty obvious what they were talking about. :wink:

Gina turns down his offer, but makes one of her own. As mentioned before Xavier won't be a happy bunny, so why doesn't he move into that spare room at Tony's (you know the one everyone seems to have forgotten about and doesn't mention anymore).

I don't think Martha had got as far as actually producing any crops at the farm, we kept seeing her (and helpers) planting various seedlings but that was about it. When she first set it up she did mention briefly that a local grocer would be buying her goods which of course isn't going to happen now. Must be a reason why TPTB decided to put the Walkers there and not somewhere in town, what happened to the last place Sid was in and surely there must be other properties in town or near by?

Liked Marilyn's chat to Jill, she admitted she didn't have any experience of what Jill is going through, but tried to be understanding anyway. Good for you Maz. At least she did get her to stay which I suppose it something. Perhaps Irene is right he needs to back right off, Jill has to want to stop drinking for her sake, no-one else's. All that will happen then is she will play the "I stopped drinking for you!" card.

Odd to see Indy acting so shy around Romeo, very different from last year.

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Bit of a puzzling episode frankly, on just about every level.Some of it probably deliberate, some of it not so.Most obviously...what the heck was that last scene about?Presumably we're meant to deduce that Jill's moved out but we're given no information whatsoever, we aren't even told what the note says.For all we know, she's just popped down the shops.What was the deal with her telling Romeo she was going to an AA meeting?Was she lying or did she change her mind?Or does the note actually say that she's going to sort herself out away from the Bay and Romeo's just being typically melodramatic?Irene came across better in that episode, she gave Jill advice in a calm and collected matter and seemed to have genuine empathy for her.They definitely seem to be pushing Miles, Nicole and Romeo as a family unit, here Nicole tells Romeo that he's like family to her.Although I'm not sure why she thinks he always sees the best in things, he seems to have been in a permanent state of misery for the last six months.Indigo's nervousness around him, especially during the scene on the beach, seemed to work a lot better here, even though he doesn't seem to have picked up on it at all.

So, was Lijuan trying reverse psychology on Elijah as well?It worked a lot better if she did, given that Leah just seemed to believe every word she said, or at least take them the wrong way, and not bother fighting for the relationship.Elijah finally standing up to Lijuan was a nice moment.Really not sure what Penn's up to, stirring up trouble between Nicole and Sid.Is he jealous or just doing it for fun?Or is he one of these crazed stalkers who's randomly decided to cause trouble for the entire town, regardless of who they are and what they've done?

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I'm pleased it's not just me in the GayDex camp (ha, camp, see what I did there?) If it doesn't happen I'll be mighty disappointed.

I have not seen anything that suggests that Dex maybe gay. Where has this come from? And why will you be disappointed if what does not happen alreetlike? Are you suggesting that there should be a gay storeyline in H&A? Why?

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I'm pleased it's not just me in the GayDex camp (ha, camp, see what I did there?) If it doesn't happen I'll be mighty disappointed.

I have not seen anything that suggests that Dex maybe gay. Where has this come from? And why will you be disappointed if what does not happen alreetlike? Are you suggesting that there should be a gay storeyline in H&A? Why?

Don't worry, I'm not one of these people that cry if they don't get their own way. :lol: I was overexaggerating above. I just think it would be nice for the show to have a main character who is gay (but without all storylines revolving around said gayness). I know they almost went there with Charlie recently, but that appears to have been forgotten about. It's an important subject for many teens and Dex is the first character in ages who I've thought would suit that sort of a role so it wouldn't seem forced in any way. His demeanor reminds me of a few gay lads that I know. It was just a suggestion I thought up whilst watching his first few episodes, anyway. :lol:

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On today's episode on Fiver, I was scarred for life when I saw Angelo Rosetta strip off naked on the beach. The fact that he was naked after taking off his trousers suggests that Angelo Rosetta's actor (Luke Jacobz) does quite a lot of freeballing in his life like a majority of the Aussie actors do; a perfect example of a person whom daily goes commando is former Home and Away actor Paul O'Brien.

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Can I just say on behalf of everyone:


at the post above mine!

So... Penn is in the bay to disrupt Sid's life. At first I thought he might have been sent by Aden/ someone to take care of Nicole, but he is so interested in Sid, that I think he's been sent by someone else to hurt Sid :unsure:

A nerd observation. Nicole said to Romeo 'I told you to have hope.' It was Indy who told him that :blink:

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