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Ok the Angelo thing was a bit yuck! Quite funny though.

Penn is just confusing. I'm torn between wanting to punch him, and being patient and waiting to see what he's all about. I'm a sucker for a mysterious storyline, I guess. :D

On the subject of mysterious storylines... (sorry this refers to yesterday's Fiver ep) that Mr Oddly is (excuse the language) ****ing horrible. Honestly man, I was near hiding behind the sofa. Uurrrrggggh.

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Lijuan admitted to Elijah it was reverse psychology, at least it seemed to have worked. Loved seeing Lijuan all spaced out after her visit to the dentist. :lol: Bit of a u turn from her though that suddenly tradition wasn't the be all and end all?

Miranda and Red, you're both right Indy told Romeo to have hope and Nicole told him he'd always seen the best things in life before. Could it be that Jill has left to sort herself out away from all the expectations Romeo and others have for her? She could have easily moved to another town which I am sure will have an AA group where she can go at her own pace and then come back not cured obviously but well on the way to being able to go without drinking.

Penn is definitely up to something the way he was stirring up Sid (very creepy the way he was just staring at Sid that way), he is now going to start avoiding Nicole just in case, Nicole is going to wonder why, especially as she had reassured him she was over him and will keep wanting to know what has she done which will make it look like she is stalking him again.! That will get Miles involved and spoil any chance of a new friendship between Nicole and Indie. Makes me all the more convinced it is Nicole (and by extension Roman) he is after. Well that's my thought on it anyway.

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Okay, sorry to point out the obvious but, folks, come on, the discussion thread for Fiver episodes is here.I know it's a pain and no-one uses it but those of us watching at terrestial pace would like to come on here and not be told about an episode we haven't seen.

Anyway...Angelo.That opening scene was a bit confusing so I was glad we flashed back to find out what it was all about.I like Angelo but seriously, he was offered a good deal.I know Summer Bay cops have got away with misbehaving in the past and I don't think he deserved to go to jail(let's face it, he didn't do anything half the town didn't do, aiding a fugitive and lying to the police)but he let his personal feelings stop him from doing his duty, losing his job was a pretty fair result.Of course, given what else Summer Bay cops have got away with in the past, I wouldn't be that surprised if he was back at work in a few months...Nice to see some interaction between him and Miles, there's a nice subtle friendship between those two that we don't see very often.Colleen's reaction to seeing him on the beach was quite funny.Once more it seems discredited cops get to keep their uniforms...At least he kept his watch on.Maybe he remembered Miles told him it was nice.

Mr.Oddly:I suppose phobias are hard for people to understand but I didn't really find him at all sinister, no matter how much creepy music they put on the soundtrack.Alf's birthday "flashback" was presumably meant to be a jumbled childhood memory rather than what actually happened, given that Morag and Celia seemed far too old(they seemed the same age as Alf so unless they're triplets...)and it's doubtful Alf was already using phrases like "Strike me roan" aged five.Colleen bringing Marilyn casseroles...does Marilyn even eat casseroles?

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Okay, sorry to point out the obvious but, folks, come on, the discussion thread for Fiver episodes is here.I know it's a pain and no-one uses it but those of us watching at terrestial pace would like to come on here and not be told about an episode we haven't seen.

Apologies, I know I'm guilty of this. I'll go back to trying to wait another day, although then I always forget what the hell has happened. Unless anyone else wants to join me in the Fiver thread? :lol:

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Okay, sorry to point out the obvious but, folks, come on, the discussion thread for Fiver episodes is here.I know it's a pain and no-one uses it but those of us watching at terrestial pace would like to come on here and not be told about an episode we haven't seen.

Apologies, I know I'm guilty of this. I'll go back to trying to wait another day, although then I always forget what the hell has happened. Unless anyone else wants to join me in the Fiver thread? :lol:

You don't need to wait for a day to write your post, just do it in word or whatever, and then copy/paste it the next day.

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Ha, it's called product placement it might be coming to UK soaps, companies pay for the advertising. In some episodes Elijah wears a shirt with a logo right near the top of the shirt so that the camera can get it in...subtle as a brick :rolleyes:

This isn't linked to a particular episode, but is it just me or does Elijah always wear Abercrombie & Fitch?
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Okay, sorry to point out the obvious but, folks, come on, the discussion thread for Fiver episodes is here.I know it's a pain and no-one uses it but those of us watching at terrestial pace would like to come on here and not be told about an episode we haven't seen.

Anyway...Angelo.That opening scene was a bit confusing so I was glad we flashed back to find out what it was all about.I like Angelo but seriously, he was offered a good deal.I know Summer Bay cops have got away with misbehaving in the past and I don't think he deserved to go to jail(let's face it, he didn't do anything half the town didn't do, aiding a fugitive and lying to the police)but he let his personal feelings stop him from doing his duty, losing his job was a pretty fair result.Of course, given what else Summer Bay cops have got away with in the past, I wouldn't be that surprised if he was back at work in a few months...Nice to see some interaction between him and Miles, there's a nice subtle friendship between those two that we don't see very often.Colleen's reaction to seeing him on the beach was quite funny.Once more it seems discredited cops get to keep their uniforms...At least he kept his watch on.Maybe he remembered Miles told him it was nice.

Mr.Oddly:I suppose phobias are hard for people to understand but I didn't really find him at all sinister, no matter how much creepy music they put on the soundtrack.Alf's birthday "flashback" was presumably meant to be a jumbled childhood memory rather than what actually happened, given that Morag and Celia seemed far too old(they seemed the same age as Alf so unless they're triplets...)and it's doubtful Alf was already using phrases like "Strike me roan" aged five.Colleen bringing Marilyn casseroles...does Marilyn even eat casserol

Thanks for saying that Red, for those of us who don't have access to fiver, it can be frustrating to read something you rather wouldn't, another solution of course would be for the info to be entered as a spoiler!

Anyway back to Angelo and his impromptu strip and if course it just had to be Colleen who came across him! :blush::lol: There was no guarantee (as was pointed out) that Angelo would have been found not guilty at a trial and he would have lost his job anyway, though if the locals had anything to do with it he would have been!! It seemed that the police themselves wanted it kept quite because of Eaves (and how knows who else). Wonder he will feel about Charlie being made sergeant? Not a big surprise seeing as she is the senior officer, but he may feel slightly odd as she probably will, kind of dead man's shoes sort of. Will Colleen still keeping calling him Sergeant Rissotto, will that image be burned into her brain forever, will she ever be able to look him in the face again?

Sorry, but I'm with Alf as regards Mr. Oddly (name doesn't help). I wasn't too bad about ventriloquist's dolls until I saw Dead Of Night and then Magic, since then I'm just not keen, wouldn't say it was a phobia, but they just creep me out. Neat idea of TPTB getting Ralph to act as Alf's dad. Alf did look more freaked by the clown more than the doll, perhaps it was the combination of the two? I know what you mean about little Morag and Celia, surely they weren't so like their adult selfs at that age? In fact I remember Colleen saying she remembered Morag skipping along the road as a young girl. Certainly didn't come across as the skipping type in those flashback scenes. At least Marilyn was understanding about Alf's fear and has hidden 'him' in a case.

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Oddly cluttered episode, with characters and plot threads popping up to remind us they're still there and most of them not really moving that far.I strongly suspect that it was Miles and/or Marilyn that moved Mr.Oddly back to the house, especially since Miles actually saw Alf burying him in a shallow grave.I don't think we've quite reached the stage of killer ventriloquist dummies yet.Seems like Alf will offer anyone a job at the bait shop.Angelo's "Beggars can't be choosers...That didn't sound very grateful" made me smile.Hopefully he'll be a bit more positive now, at least he seems to regret his brief meltdown.Marilyn laughing him out of his depression was a good moment too.And it's nice to see Charlie taking care of him like that, we haven't really seen her showing that side with him since back when the rest of the town thought he was a girlfriend-beater.Liam's response to Ruby ditching homework to write songs with him made me smile too, as did the idea of Indigo boxing.

Xavier and Gina:I am in two minds about this.I think it's Gina's life and she can't really put her relationship with John on hold indefinitely just because Xavier doesn't like him.But I also think she overstated the case rather, it's hard to see John being a positive influence on Xavier, probably the best she can hope for, certainly in the short term, is that they manage to be polite.Xavier's not going to see him as a father figure and I actually think John's too smart to try and be one.But Xavier's comments in the last scene were a bit over the top:If he decides to go out and blow up half the school, then that's his problem, not John's.And I don't recall him doing much to stop Trey going over the edge at the time.

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Good to see the tradition of people getting the most random jobs is continuing with Angelo rocking up at the bait shop.

I notice we got a token reference to his parents' restaurant, which may be expanded on soon


Xavier/John/Gina. I'm not too fussed on this storyline, but I guess it does have a place as I'm sure many teenagers will have had parents partners move in against their wishes. Did anyone else notice the dude behind Xavier & April just before Gina asked for a word, who had the ridiculously large haircut? I hope this extra gets more screentime.

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