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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I figured Angelo would be working at the bait shop, it will be good for him to take his mind off what's happened and kick back a little before deciding his next move. Should be interesting working alongside fruit cake Marilyn!

I'm still waiting for Chuckie, I mean Mr Oddly, to start walking and talking, hey we've recently had children back from the dead (Rabbit) so why not? At least the doll could be a metaphor, surely?

Xavier still persists in being pain regarding his mother, still I wonder if Gina has run the idea of John moving in past Tony!

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I figured Angelo would be working at the bait shop, it will be good for him to take his mind off what's happened and kick back a little before deciding his next move. Should be interesting working alongside fruit cake Marilyn!

I'm still waiting for Chuckie, I mean Mr Oddly, to start walking and talking, hey we've recently had children back from the dead (Rabbit) so why not? At least the doll could be a metaphor, surely?

Xavier still persists in being pain regarding his mother, still I wonder if Gina has run the idea of John moving in past Tony!

Can't have been just a coincidence that Angelo mentioned his parent's restaurant can it? He did sound rather ungrateful when Alf offered him the job, but he realised it and apologised. Funnily I think him and Marilyn will make a good team. :D

Didn't Marilyn say to Alf the night before she would keep Mr. Oddly out of sight so why was he sitting in the chair in the living room? I know Miles has his mischievous side, but I can't really see him being that cruel, anyway wouldn't he have put him back in the chair? My money is on Penn, it didn't have to be just Miles who saw Alf bury Mr. Oddly.

Did my eyes deceive me or did John and Tony seem quite friendly when they saw each other in the school? :unsure: Yet another person who doesn't work at the school just walks in! I suppose I can understand Gina's reasoning about John moving in with her rather than the other way round, first of all no way would Xavier agree to move into John's and second if things don't work out (very realistic of her) it would be less hassle for John just to move out again. As mentioned before why doesn't Xavier move into the never talked about room at Tony's. Although Xavier made reference to what John had done to Trey in one of the rare mentions of him I think John has changed from the guy he was back then. He is always going to be opinionated about things from time to time, but he is more willing to listen to other people now. Why would Gina have to run the idea by Tony, she is over 21 and it is 'her' place so if things went wrong (see above).

Rachel, please change the record, it is getting very boring now! We all know how you feel about boxing.

May have just been me but I think Ruby was genuinely excited about the actual recording session rather than it being with Liam.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five.Indigo was in four, for the second week running.

Sat through that episode finding it very hard to like a lot of the characters.I repeat what I said about Alf's phobia but his behaviour is increasingly ridiculous.He doesn't like someone else's doll so he dumps it in the sea?Seriously?Unless he really thinks it's planning to murder them all in their beds?If Alf went straight home from the wharf, it's hard to imagine how someone could nip in ahead of him and stick Mr.Oddly in the drier.Unlikely to be Penn, who seemed otherwise occupied at the time.Miles winding Alf up with his absolutely appalling ventriloquist impression was simultaneously funny and a bit cruel.

Nicole really disappointed me in that episode.I really thought she'd grown up and she was going to stop throwing herself at good looking, older, creepy guys just to feel better about herself after what happened with Liam.I was begging for her to leave Penn's caravan but no, she just went ahead and slept with him.She really is beginning to suffer from Cassie Syndrome, an inability to learn for her mistakes, and I'm worried I'm going to end up disliking her if this goes on much longer.Doesn't help I'm not really interested in what Penn's doing and why, it feels like just another dull stalker plotline.

Xavier was back to his usual annoying self.He claims that John's going to mess with his head but frankly he doesn't need to, he's turning into a crazed obsessive without any help from anyone else and being a bigger bully than John supposedly is.I really hope April manages to calm him down, at least he did realise he'd gone too far.She did look very nice in that outfit she was wearing at the farm at the start.

And I'm sorry to say this but I really didn't like Rachel in that episode.She's as bad as Gina was a few weeks back, convinced that she's right and everyone else is wrong and spouting ill-informed nonsense all the time.I really hoped that she'd listen to Sid, who was talking a lot of sense, and realise that every sport carries a risk of injury and constantly stressing the worst possible scenario without any real context just shows a lack of perspective.But no, she sat there being smug and superior and belittling Tony in front of other people.Tony's organisational skills seem to leave a lot to be desired but at least he managed to attract a few people's attention.Quite liked the sibling banter between Dexter and Indi, as well as Dexter's rather inappropriate comment about "watching girls getting hot and sweaty".

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Xavier/John/Gina. I'm not too fussed on this storyline, but I guess it does have a place as I'm sure many teenagers will have had parents partners move in against their wishes. Did anyone else notice the dude behind Xavier & April just before Gina asked for a word, who had the ridiculously large haircut? I hope this extra gets more screentime.

Why, do you like long hair?

At last Xavier makes a move on April! Gets enough hints, doesn't he? I never got that many!

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Xavier/John/Gina. I'm not too fussed on this storyline, but I guess it does have a place as I'm sure many teenagers will have had parents partners move in against their wishes. Did anyone else notice the dude behind Xavier & April just before Gina asked for a word, who had the ridiculously large haircut? I hope this extra gets more screentime.

Why, do you like long hair?

At last Xavier makes a move on April! Gets enough hints, doesn't he? I never got that many!

luv the last line. My response is "oh gawd no, neither did I"(jealous) Xavier is so incredibly thick-skulled, it drives me nuts.

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Xavier/John/Gina. I'm not too fussed on this storyline, but I guess it does have a place as I'm sure many teenagers will have had parents partners move in against their wishes. Did anyone else notice the dude behind Xavier & April just before Gina asked for a word, who had the ridiculously large haircut? I hope this extra gets more screentime.

Why, do you like long hair?

At last Xavier makes a move on April! Gets enough hints, doesn't he? I never got that many!

This guy in particular just had such big hair, it was a work of art. :lol: On the subject of extras, was there really one called Beryl the other day? Great name.

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WTF is Penn up to? Winding up everyone in sight e.g. Sid, Colleen? I'm mystified, and horrified by Nicole's obsesion with him. He's not THAT irresistible, or am I getting old?

I agree with H&ALover about yet another person waltzing into the school casually i.e. John. That school needs a shock to wake it up. Hey, perhaps another storyline idea!

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I figured Angelo would be working at the bait shop, it will be good for him to take his mind off what's happened and kick back a little before deciding his next move. Should be interesting working alongside fruit cake Marilyn!

I'm still waiting for Chuckie, I mean Mr Oddly, to start walking and talking, hey we've recently had children back from the dead (Rabbit) so why not? At least the doll could be a metaphor, surely?

Xavier still persists in being pain regarding his mother, still I wonder if Gina has run the idea of John moving in past Tony!

Also Gina is older than Tony. Although it has never been stated on the show, but you can tell who's older.

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