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I disagree RR :P Sid and Tony pretty much purposely invited her so they could gang up on her if you like. It did make her look a little stupid and it was obvious what Sid was trying to do. Don't get me wrong i think she's completely overreacting about the whole thing but i think Tony is being just as childish as she is. He knows she's hated it from the start so it's pretty disrespectful of him to start classes in boxing when he could have picked tons of other sports to teach. It's like his boxing obsession has come out of nowhere.

Anyways i think we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one :lol:

I feel sorry for Coleen but it's nice to see her get a little storyline of her own! Poor woman proably think's she is going a bit mad. And we saw her little home, hehe.

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I disagree RR :P Sid and Tony pretty much purposely invited her so they could gang up on her if you like. It did make her look a little stupid and it was obvious what Sid was trying to do. Don't get me wrong i think she's completely overreacting about the whole thing but i think Tony is being just as childish as she is. He knows she's hated it from the start so it's pretty disrespectful of him to start classes in boxing when he could have picked tons of other sports to teach. It's like his boxing obsession has come out of nowhere.

I take your point but if she did look stupid, and I'm not convinced that's the word I'd use to describe her behaviour, it was all of her own doing.If she'd actually listened to Sid and had a reasonable adult conversation, I don't think she'd have looked stupid at all.

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Really struggling to feel sympathy for Colleen. She's an interfering old busybody and didn't help herself by not reporting that the items had turned up at her place and instead tried to cover up/get round it. Great to see Watson again though, I'd like to see her more now that Angelo's no longer a copper.

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Yes, that is good about the gun laws Ausron. I don't know if English gun laws tightened after Dunblane, I am sure they would. I don't need to go into what happened at Dunblane, do I, its too awful. There was also a knife attack at a nursery once, I think it was a mental patient, hence stricter laws about the release of those patients. I'm pretty sure none of the children were fatally injured, I hasten to add. Some nursery nurses defended them.

Anyway, back to Home and Away. I'm sure if Roman were around, Penn would not be going anywhere near Nicole. She is a vulnerable girl, so she's 18, whoopee! She still needs guidance. If Penn had met her somewhere and liked her, but didn't know she was a school girl, fair enough. Surely a 30 something man would back off if he found his new GF was a school girl, but he very well knew she was at school... creepy. But obviously he has an ulterior motive for using her, apart from the obvious. I reckon he's the son of someone the Bay residents mistreated years ago, hence why he got Colleen arrested.

When that bloke came in and said to Angelo, 'didn't you book me for speeding last year? How the mighty have fallen.' Angelo should have said 'yes, I was sacked from the police for shooting someone. But there's nothing to stop me now,' and grinned evilly at the man, who would no doubt have run screaming from the shop! :lol::lol:

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As bad as Colleen can be sometimes she doesn't deserve to be set up like that! BTW did Charlie read her her rights? I know this is going to be a dumb question but won't Colleen be cleared once the items are dusted for prints? Oh no silly me Yabbie Creek police don't do that sort of thing! I did feel for her when she asked Georgie if she could leave the door open a little bit. Alf will soon be down there once Nicole has told him what has happened. Of course she didn't see Penn's smirk when they were seeing Colleen being put in Charlie's car!

As for Penn's age I also missed reading it, but I'm guessing he is older than Liam. Roman did become a dad very young so maybe 34/35 around Penn's age? Miranda if what you say about Penn having a grudge against the older residents is true why Nicole?

Having said that I think it is next week he writes to his dad about what has been happening in the bay, so his dad must be the connection. I'm guessing we will hear a voice over as he writes it.

Loved the light bulb moment when Marilyn read Angelo's wish list and saw the item about him having wanting to be a chef when he was young. Of course that wouldn't have happened if she hadn't heard John and Alf taking about needing to rent the extension at the Surf Club beforehand.

Agree with you there Red about Sid's lame effort to persuade Rachel that boxing for girls wasn't any more dangerous than hockey (you can get whacked on the head with a stick) or netball, rounders (do they play that in Aus?) I got hit in the mouth by a rounders ball and soft they are not!! He just didn't come across very convincingly, no wonder Rachel thought Tony had 'put him to it'.

True we haven't seen much contact between Nicole and Xavier before, but maybe she can act as peacemaker between him and Romeo?

As for school security Dunblane and the other school where a knife man got it were country schools, NOT a inner city school where you think pupils and staff would feel safer!

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Another so-so episode with not a lot happening but it had some laugh out loud moments and a couple more that are just dying for snide comments.Alf pointing out Angelo doesn't look Italian is pretty much what everyone's been thinking since he first appeared.(Guess he comes from the same kind of Italy as the France that April comes from.The one near Sydney.)Marilyn and Angelo actually make a pretty good double act so it's a shame we're not going to see them at the bait shop anymore.The little bit with Angelo and Charlie felt rather strange, it was almost like she was telling him what he wanted to hear, although I think Angelo does seem a lot more relaxed than he has been for a long time.

John's talent for the one-liners hasn't deserted him:Loved his "Hi, neighbour" to a bemused Tony and "That told him" after Xavier completely deflated Gina's rant.Not sure what to make of Xavier's apology, I'm wondering if he actually meant it or if he's just playacting, given that in his previous scene he didn't seem particularly bothered what Gina thought.Maybe snogging April changed his mind.

Still not feeling sorry for Colleen despite all the attempts to wring every ounce of emotion from the storyline.Feels more like she's experiencing the effects of karma.Maybe she should explain to Ruby what it is.Have to ask...Colleen wants to keep it quite so Alf calls John Palmer and tells him? Okay, he's on the surf club committee but is he really top of Alf's confidante list?Mind you, Angelo knew as well so it's obviously around town.

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Random post - but did anyone else notice in Monday's end credits that Penn's full name was written as Penn Tiberius Graham? I rewound back to check his driving license but it wasn't on there. Not sure if this has any significance? Off to watch Tuesday's episode now!

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H&ALover I think Penn is using Nicole as a cover, hoping people will just think 'oh, he's Nicole's boyfriend', and also using her to get to other people.

I thought the knife attack at the nursery was in London? But anyway, I live in a country area and the primary school has buzzer door entry for security. However if someone was really determined they could get in, but anyone could get in anywhere if they were determined enough :unsure:

I think April told Xavier what to say to Gina to stop her in her tracks. So ironic that Ruby is worried Xavier is being used by April! Ruby is the one who manipulated him til he didn't know which way up he was :angry: Takes one to know one I suppose. As long as Ruby and Xavier don't get back together....

It is quite nice John Palmer and Alf being friends. Alf seems to have no one else his age, except his sisters. I suppose John is a bit younger, but they are both military men, they can talk about that sort of thing together, or go fishing or something.

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Enjoyed Tuesdays episode. I was a bit surprised when Xavier and April woke up on the beach and the first thing of concern to them was Xavier staying out all night, what about April, a teenage girl in a new town disappearing all night surely her parents would have phoned her?!! I agree Xavier is really dim. I'd like to see lovely April with Romeo.

I don't get Tony being so laid back regarding Gina casually moving John into Tony's house without telling him, crazy! I guess you have to suspend disbelief at times.

Wonder what Alf is going to do with Mr Oddly next, perhaps burn him?

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I don't get Tony being so laid back regarding Gina casually moving John into Tony's house without telling him, crazy! I guess you have to suspend disbelief at times.

She's not moving John into Tony's house :unsure: It's I assume technically hers now Martha and Hugo have left. Tony lives next door. I have to admit I was surprised though that he didn't really react to it at all; I'd have thought he'd have been surprised it was happening, especially considering his history with John.

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