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Enjoyed Tuesdays episode. I was a bit surprised when Xavier and April woke up on the beach and the first thing of concern to them was Xavier staying out all night, what about April, a teenage girl in a new town disappearing all night surely her parents would have phoned her?!!

I don't think we have had any mention of her & Bianca's parents, I think she may have said they were dead? As I mentioned on an earlier post it does seem for the moment April is living alone! It did seem to change Xavier's attitude, it completely floored Gina just as she was ready to give a tongue lashing. Tony and John do seem to have reached some sort of agreement to be tentative friends, maybe their 'scuffle' on the beach did some good after all. I dare say Tony will have a quite word with John anyway, though I think Gina can more than look after herself. She can always chuck him out if things go pear shaped!

Red, if you think it is weird that April is 'French' wait till you met her

'Italian' sister

Bianca, how does that work? Unless it is because they were each born in that particular country? :confused:

Alf had to ask Colleen who she had upset lately, wouldn't it have been easier to ask who she hadn't upset? Did you spot the little swipe at Irene when she said to Colleen she hadn't had anyone being nasty to her after she had been inside, Colleen remarked 'Not to your face". Ouch!!

Amazing how quickly people can get bank loans in soapland isn't it? Angelo seems to have got his all sorted in one day, obviously didn't him long to get a business plan together, thought the economy was as bad in Australia as it was here? Did I hear right they wanted the place up and running by Friday? He is going to have get equipment, provisions, staff etc and before he opens he will need it passed by Health and Safety isn't he? Wonder how Leah and Irene will feel about having competition? Good that Charlie while not pouring cold water on the idea was his voice of reason.

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I assume Angelos Restaurant will be more formal than the diner, it could bring more customers into the bay which would benefit the diner too.

I hope Penn gets a good pasting soon :angry:

Amazing how quickly people can get bank loans in soapland isn't it? Angelo seems to have got his all sorted in one day, obviously didn't him long to get a business plan together, thought the economy was as bad in Australia as it was here? Did I hear right they wanted the place up and running by Friday? He is going to have get equipment, provisions, staff etc and before he opens he will need it passed by Health and Safety isn't he? Wonder how Leah and Irene will feel about having competition? Good that Charlie while not pouring cold water on the idea was his voice of reason.
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Enjoyed Tuesdays episode. I was a bit surprised when Xavier and April woke up on the beach and the first thing of concern to them was Xavier staying out all night, what about April, a teenage girl in a new town disappearing all night surely her parents would have phoned her?!! I agree Xavier is really dim. I'd like to see lovely April with Romeo.

No I think that April will be good for Xavier and perhaps get him out of himself a bit. Indi for Romeo, if she can wait long enough for him to get over Annie. Mind you, the sight of her in her bikini should do wonders for him.

Liked the beach scene with Xavier and April, but where did the blue rug come from that Xavier was wrapped in that evening? They didn't take it with them.

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Amazing how quickly people can get bank loans in soapland isn't it? Angelo seems to have got his all sorted in one day, obviously didn't him long to get a business plan together, thought the economy was as bad in Australia as it was here? Did I hear right they wanted the place up and running by Friday? He is going to have get equipment, provisions, staff etc and before he opens he will need it passed by Health and Safety isn't he? Wonder how Leah and Irene will feel about having competition?

Yes I thought all of that too! :lol:

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Not sure what's happened to April's parents but it's pretty obvious that they're not around and she's living on her own for the moment.Either way, I'm liking her and Xavier.

It does feel as though there's a lot of plotlines on the show at the moment that I'm not really interested in.Either that or there just aren't a lot of plotlines, just scenes about nothing and subplots that only last an episode.Despite this, I'm actually enjoying the episodes because there's some good character stuff in there, it's just hard to find anything to talk about!

Was there really any reason for Sid not to tell Miles and Indigo that it was Penn who spread the rumour about Nicole, other than plot expediency?If he had done, it might well save a lot of hassle down the track.The bit with Therese was weird, with Sid's description of events not really fitting in with what we saw at the time.The first time we saw them together he insisted they were just friends and I always assumed the second time was just a set-up for Nicole's benefit.Guess if he really did sleep with her and then leave town straight after, that would explain her being upset...

I thought that Miles interrogating Mr.Oddly was going to be the funniest thing in the episode...until we saw Alf was sitting there watching him and I laughed even louder.Two mentions of Rabbit in consecutive episodes?Is that significant?(Probably not.)The plotline with Elijah and VJ didn't really interest me but it involved Leah looking gorgeous so at least it wasn't a total waste.

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Not sure what's happened to April's parents but it's pretty obvious that they're not around and she's living on her own for the moment.Either way, I'm liking her and Xavier.

It does feel as though there's a lot of plotlines on the show at the moment that I'm not really interested in.Either that or there just aren't a lot of plotlines, just scenes about nothing and subplots that only last an episode.Despite this, I'm actually enjoying the episodes because there's some good character stuff in there, it's just hard to find anything to talk about!

Agree with you about April's family,Red.

However there are lots of plots going on at the moment that last more than an episode : Liam/Ruby, Penn/Nicole, Penn/Colleen, Xavier/April, Romeo/Indi, Sid/Marilyn, Angelo with restaurant, John/Gina, Tony with boxing and the possibility of a REAL family starting with Elijah/Leah/VJ. You won't like them all (I don't), but surely it is a tribute to the series that it can appeal to a wide range of people of different ages. Some of these will undoubtedly develop in an interesting way, which will test the ability of the actors and some not. What I like to see is interesting storeylines, that I have not seen before in this or other soaps. Mr Oddly is one, cop Angelo jeopardising his career to help someone.

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I'm already liking Angelo more now he's not constantly in cop mode. Looking forward to see how his restaurant works out, but it does seem to all be happening rather quickly, like others have said! Suppose I wouldn't fancy waiting around months for it to open, so yay for soapland businesses!

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I thought that Miles interrogating Mr.Oddly was going to be the funniest thing in the episode...until we saw Alf was sitting there watching him and I laughed even louder.Two mentions of Rabbit in consecutive episodes?Is that significant?(Probably not.)The plotline with Elijah and VJ didn't really interest me but it involved Leah looking gorgeous so at least it wasn't a total waste.

That was funny, especially Miles threatening to put Mr. Oddly's fingers in the pencil sharpener! :lol:

According to the episode review Alf filled Marilyn in on Sid's past, did I blink and miss that or did it happen off screen? The scene where Theresa threw coffee over Sid did seem a bit disjointed and he seemed more embarrassed telling Indi and Dex than you would think. Definitely a spark between him and Marilyn I think. :wink: I'm guessing he didn't mention Penn's name to anyone because he didn't want to cause trouble. It must have confused him to find out he is the one she is now dating!

I thought it was lovely when VJ asked Elijah if he could call him dad. :wub: His sudden panic on how to handle a young child was rather sweet and very good advice from Leah, that you just have to play it by ear. He does have her to tell him VJ's likes and dislikes. Talking of Leah when she marries Elijah I do hope she isn't going to add another surname, that would make her Leah Patterson-Baker-Johnson!!! :rolleyes:

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So what did happen between Sid and Theresa? I thought they just had a casual relationship, no strings?

I thought the nurses' behaviour was extremely childish. You shouldn't let personal relationships get in the way of taking care of patients' needs FFS! That should lead to disciplinary meetings. Whatever happened between Sid and Theresa was private and shouldn't affect their working life. But I didn't understand why Sid didn't just apologise to Theresa and smooth it over. 'Sorry if I hurt you, I didn't mean to and shouldn't have done it.' Simple really, even if he didn't mean it.

I think unfortunately, Romeo is starting to like Nicole.... He was so protective of her.

I wonder if Penn deliberately set Colleen up so he could 'save' her and look like the big hero? Anything is possible with that man....

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Yeah, I'm really not sure what's meant to have happened between Sid and Therese, it's almost as if the current writers weren't watching last year so they don't know either.The nurses' behaviour was appalling, fair enough if they don't like Sid, well, not fair enough because he doesn't really seem to have done anything to deserve it but they're entitled to their opinions.But putting patient care at risk just to prove a point?I was cheering when Sid snapped at Julie and Veronica at the end and told them to grow up.Since when was Rachel his or anyone's department head?Doesn't seem that long ago she was only part-time.Actually, I'm not sure if she ever stopped being part-time and, now I think about it, who's meant to be looking after Harry when Tony's at school?I liked that little scene between Leah, Tony and Rachel at the Diner, some nice friendly banter, it feels like ages since we've seen the three of them together.And it's a relief to hear Tony and Rachel talk about something other than boxing.Was I hearing things or did Leah really say she didn't really remember Sid?Clue, Leah: You were the one badmouthing him last time he was in town.

I could understand Romeo being reluctant to tell Nicole what was going on, as he says it's hard not to look like the bad guy when you're sharing bad news.Not sure about Nicole's reaction, just how casual is casual, are they meant to be "holiday fling" casual or "open relationship" casual?Basically I think it comes down to her being lonely and just wanting any sort of attention.I don't think Romeo has romantic feelings for Nicole, they actually feel very sibling at the moment, especially that last scene of her teasing him.In fact, I actually rather liked Romeo in that episode, apart from his macho moment of storming over to Penn and making a fool of himself.Being around Indigo seemed to bring out his lighter side and they make a good team, I especially liked the bit where he used her as an excuse to avoid an awkward conversation with Nicole.("Just keep walking...")

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