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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Quite agree Red, Therese's (and the other nurses' attitude was very unprofessional), I was especially surprised at Julie behaving like that! :o As you said Red they could still work with him for the patient's sake that is why they are there after all. Same here Red as regards Rachel's sudden promotion, when did that happen? :confused: I do remember seeing actually working part time, she did consider going back full time when Tony was out of a job. I can understand Sid wanting to quit under those circumstances. I believe I did hear Sid apologise to Therese, she just didn't want to know.

Nice scenes between Romeo, Indi and Nicole. Did have to smile when Romeo was explaining how the girl was acting when talking to Penn, laughing, stroking her neck and Indi stopped doing just that! :D Liked that little hug Nic gave him at the house. :wub: I agree I don't think he has any romantic feelings towards her, he's just looking out for her. He was in the same position say Ruby would be seeing Penn seemingly chatting up another girl, to tell or not to tell. If you do and it was all innocent you would be accused of stirring it, if you don't and they find out later you knew you also get the blame for keeping quiet. As far as I can see there isn't any formal relationship between Nic and Penn, not sure if she would like to take it further or not though or as she told Romeo she wants to keep it light.

Penn has stepped up his game by dropping his charges and persuading the other victims to drop theirs. Now both Alf and Colleen are going to feel obligated to him and feel as if they are in his debt, very clever move on his part.

That was a lovely scene between Leah, Tony and Rachel and yes what a relief the b word wasn't mentioned! I didn't catch the bit where she said she didn't remember Sid, but I remember Leah being quite friendly to him when he first arrived last year, so why she suddenly has selective amnesia I don't know.

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I like Bianca, and so far her and April's sister relationship is a good start.

I liked Sid,and glad the nurses are fine with now, shame someone had to die for them to forgive.

Oh my, last drinks served in Noah's bar!

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Wow, Veronica was forward! Maybe, I'm naive but would that really happen? If a colleague who'd been slating me earlier that day turned up at my house in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night, I'd be angry or scared! But Sid wasn't complaining anyway! I'm sure he'll regret it later.

Agree with dalby, Bianca seems cool. Liked her interaction with April, alf and Liam and finally Ruby got a reality check!

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That naughty Veronica! Is she setting Sid up?

Forgot to say yesterday (to Slade and other OOTB fans), its nice to see Gaby from Out of the Blue popping up in Home and Away!

Really sad episode though. Why is it that when a pregnant woman comes into that hospital, she never leaves happily? :(

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I personally can't figure out what Penn is up to. I really couldn't care less about the age thing with Nicole TBH.

I found it really annoying when the nurses refused to work with Sid over some fling. I thought it was totally unprofessional as mentioned in previous posts but I liked the way Rachel had his back. I thought certain part's of yesterday's episode were quite sad too. The whole thing with the mother dying shortly after giving birth, mistaking Sid for her husband, telling him she loved him and to look after the baby and Sid saying the same thing was really sad. Also when the father turned up and Sid had to break the news to him. Sid really proved himself. Yes it was good to see another OOTB actor. I think Sid is asking for trouble especially after Veronica practically threw herself at him. Although I was in his position I would have found it extremely difficult to turn her down, especially if I was single. This is surely going to come back and bite him. Especially when you know Veronica promised there would be no repercussions. If that had been the other way round and he turned up at her place (even if he didn't have a reputation) he would have been accused of stalking - harassment at the very least. Especially considering there was nothing to suggest that there was anything between them.

Not sure what to make of Bianca. She wasn't what I was expecting. She seems reasonably confident and I quite liked the stuff with Liam. And I liked the way she kept referring to him as "toothpick". Part of me is hoping something does happen with Liam, just to prevent him getting into any trouble with Ruby (which I think is inevitable the way the whole music thing is going). I think her seeing Liam with Bianca was sort of karma i.e. Xavier although I don't really dislike her at the moment so I didn't particularly take great pleasure in seeing her upset. So I'm presuming that Bianca is going to be working at Summer Bay high if she's an English teacher, which should be interesting.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the third week running.Other than that, sparse week for everyone with only Irene, Leah, Marilyn and Sid managing three episodes.

It was really sad the way that patient died, even though we hardly got to know her.It's pretty shocking to think that sort of thing can still happen in this day and age.Sid's really not going to do his reputation any favours if he sleeps with Veronica, even if it is her idea.And how's he going to explain that one to Indi and Dexter in the morning?(Ignoramus here is assuming that either Hayley or Vernonica is the one from OOTB?)

Don't really know what to make of Bianca yet.She seems quite selfish but also quite vulnerable.And I like her sibling relationship with April, which seems tense but affectionate.Although given the age gap between them, she'll probably turn out to be her mother.Have to say if I was Liam and I'd seen a crazy woman in a ball gown throwing something in the sea, I'd have turned round and walked the other way, or at least given her as wide a berth as possible.Bit of back story about the girls at last: Sounds like their mother at least is still alive and that the family travel around a lot, which might explain why they all seem to come from different countries(we've now got a "German" mother...)but have Australian accents.I admit I did feel a bit sorry for Ruby when she got upset at seeing Liam with Bianca but she does need to let go, if for no other reason than if something did happen he'd be in trouble.Him hugging her like that probably didn't help though.And...Irene...you're really not noticing anything here?

I'm assuming Rachel was being sarcastic when she said it was "so exciting" the surf club was being redecorated...You could almost see Amy cringing at having to say that line.

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Vermonica was in OOTB.

So Alf has been in 15 episodes on the trot?

I found yesterday's episode sad but really did enjoy it. It was sad and then you had little funny moments here and there.

Loved Bianca keep calling Liam 'toothpick'.

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Alf pointing out Angelo doesn't look Italian is pretty much what everyone's been thinking since he first appeared.(Guess he comes from the same kind of Italy as the France that April comes from.The one near Sydney.)

John's talent for the one-liners hasn't deserted him:Loved his "Hi, neighbour" to a bemused Tony and "That told him" after Xavier completely deflated Gina's rant.Not sure what to make of Xavier's apology, I'm wondering if he actually meant it or if he's just playacting, given that in his previous scene he didn't seem particularly bothered what Gina thought.Maybe snogging April changed his mind.

Alf's got it wrong - folks from the north of Italy can most definitely be blonde. This very question came up quite a bit in binca discussions - and more than a few contributors personally know blonde italians

and as for what happened on the beach - being from aus i saw this ep quite a few weeks back and therefore am not positive - but I thought April said something the nite before to make sure Xav knew she "wasn't that kind of girl"??

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