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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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John's talent for the one-liners hasn't deserted him:Loved his "Hi, neighbour" to a bemused Tony and "That told him" after Xavier completely deflated Gina's rant.Not sure what to make of Xavier's apology, I'm wondering if he actually meant it or if he's just playacting, given that in his previous scene he didn't seem particularly bothered what Gina thought.Maybe snogging April changed his mind.

and as for what happened on the beach - being from aus i saw this ep quite a few weeks back and therefore am not positive - but I thought April said something the nite before to make sure Xav knew she "wasn't that kind of girl"??

Been a few days for me but as I remember Xavier said something like "If you were a decent friend, you'd offer to warm me up with your body heat" and April gave a mock-offended "What sort of a girl do you think I am?" then cuddled up to him.I think they just had a bit of a cuddle then fell asleep, then we saw them kiss the following morning.(Probably didn't go any further than that.)

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I agree, i like Bianca's relationship with April, and especially like how she calls Liam "toothpick". I assume she's gonna work at the school seeing as she's an English teacher. That's gonna be quite interesting especially seeing as Liam works there and April attends the school.

I want something to happen between Liam and Bianca.

I feel sorry for Ruby, but she should've listened to Nicole in the first place about how she'll never have a relationship with Liam.

It's a shame that the pregnant lady had to die though :( and also because thats what it took for the nurses to forgive Sid. I don't think Sid was wise to spend the night with Veronica. Why the hell would you spend the night with someone who was just slagging you off earlier in the day? Even if she did forgive him and said there would be no consequences, i don't think it was a wise choice. I mean would that really happen? Would someone come to another person's house and sleep with them, just hours after they were publicly slagging them off?

I love how Romeo looks out for Nicole,i think it's pretty sweet that she's got someone to look out for her, like a brother especially now that Aden's gone :(

And yum at Angelo opening up a restaurant :)

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I don't understand why Leah and Irene don't have a problem with Angelo opening a restaurant. It's direct competition for them and in such a small town any new type of eatery is going to be a threat. Yet they're perfectly happily to give him advice. :rolleyes: And it's amazing how quickly he's managed to get it organised; it should have taken him a good few months at the very least. I know this is nasty but i hope it fails. Anything to get that smug smile off his pathetic face. Sorry i'm not exactly his biggest fan! :lol:

And is Tony suddenly no longer part owner of the bar? He doesn't seem to have anything to do with it anyore. Typical H&A. :rolleyes:

I'm not really a fan of Sid but i thought the nurses behaviour was extremely childish and unprofessional. It's so sad it took a woman dying for him to gain their respect. I admire him for doing that though; it must have been really difficult. When did Rachel become Head of Department :lol: I love that. :D

I love the banter between Indie and Romeo. It's fun and i hope it continues.

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How sad was it and how wonderful was Sid to Hayley pretending to be her husband, just to calm her in her last moments. I did feel so sorry for her poor husband, to learn his son is fine but that his wife had died. :crying: BTW when Sid said to Rachel he hadn't seen anything like what happened to the new mum, she said she had, does anyone know who she meant? At least the nurses had the grace to do their duty and act professionally and then apologise later. But then Veronica had to go and spoil it later by turning up at Sid's and offering herself on a plate. Though he has nothing to feel guilty about this time round seeing as his wife has gone off with a younger man and he is a free agent (are they still married)? Indie and Dex may not see it that way of course!

I may be in the minority here, but I don't like Bianca and please, please don't pair her with Liam, she is much too high maintenance for him. he needs any older version of Nicola/Ruby. Are we supposed to believe she flew from Italy in just the dress she was wearing with no other luggage and the scooter!!! :huh::rolleyes:

Next week she enrolls at SBH as a languages teacher, do they not have to have CRB checks (or whatever the equivalent is in Australia).

I liked the recording session with Liam and Ruby, though it wasn't at all wise of Liam to give Ruby a hug, wouldn't that be classed as inappropriate behaviour? She looked so crestfallen when she saw Liam and Bianca together, we know ( and she knows) she only has a crush on him, but when you see the object of your affections getting that friendly with someone else it still hurts!

In answer to your question KirstyEkua, I think Tony gave up his share of the bar when he sold his share of the gym.

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I agree with you H&ALover, I don't really like Bianca. She just seems like a blonde brought in for a bit of glamour, nothing else. Of course she may turn out to be a really deep and meaningful person but I doubt it.

I like Angelo, KirstyEkua but what you said about the smug smile off his pathetic face made me laugh! :cool:

I would be VERY suspicious if I was Sid. Veronica is bound to have some devious agenda...

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I'm really like the group of teens at the moment. I really like the pairings of Nicole/Romeo and Romeo/Indigo.

That girl was not attractive whatsoever that Penn laid his eyes on. HAHA.

Veronica has taken Sid's decision to not see each other anymore a bit too well, I wonder how she will be if she sees Marilyn and Sid on there date.

Loved the beginning of todays episode Alf again shouting 'stone the flaming crows' because of Mr Oddly.

Dexter irritated me for the first time today, whatever Indigo seems to say to him he has to go and blab.

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And is Tony suddenly no longer part owner of the bar? He doesn't seem to have anything to do with it anyore. Typical H&A. :rolleyes:

BTW when Sid said to Rachel he hadn't seen anything like what happened to the new mum, she said she had, does anyone know who she meant?

Next week she enrolls at SBH as a languages teacher, do they not have to have CRB checks (or whatever the equivalent is in Australia).

Tony being part owner of the bar was one of those weird facts that seem to pop up out of nowhere when he wanted to stop Bridget working there and now it's disappeared again.I don't think Rachel was referring to anyone we know, the implication seemed to be that that patient died as well.Bianca did say on Friday that she's had a job lined up for some time

so presumably all the checks have been done already


So...today.And Sid finds out exactly how Indi and Dexter react to him having some random staying over.I can understand Indigo not being happy with him but I think his ending his "arrangement" with Veronica and organising a date with Marilyn might be his way of trying to break the cycle and have a proper relationship.

Just for a couple of minutes at the start I thought we'd got the fun Romeo back, when he was making comments about "toy abuse", but sadly it wasn't too long before he was back to making mopey "Girls already treat me badly" speeches.At least Nicole seems to be doing her best to tease him out of it. Like Dexter, I actually thought it was quite amusing when he dropped Indigo in it, especially when she was claiming they were shopping for spatulas, but then she ended up being really upset because of it.That scene near the end seemed to suggest Marilyn, Nicole and Romeo are all in on the "Let's drive Alf" crazy plan, which is a bit odd since Romeo and Nic didn't seem to have a clue at the start of the episode.Did they guess or have they been briefed?

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That scene near the end seemed to suggest Marilyn, Nicole and Romeo are all in on the "Let's drive Alf" crazy plan, which is a bit odd since Romeo and Nic didn't seem to have a clue at the start of the episode.Did they guess or have they been briefed?

I wondered about this, I'm guessing there must have been an off screen discussion between them all but it felt a little like a scene was missing. Re: Romeo, I think my foot is going to go through the TV if we have another "I have no luck with women, I want nothing to do with them for ages, woe is me" moments. It's really wearing thin.

I hope Sid is actually trying to break the cycle, as you put it, and won't go back to his old ways.

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