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Lovely little scene on the beach as you say Red, with Miles and Nicole, the line he used about Penn "I'd like him to take a long walk off a short pier", sure took me back, haven't heard it for ages!!!

Same here, definitely going to use that one again soon I think!

I'm really, really starting to dislike Romeo. If he's not moaning about his own love life he's interfering in someone else's. Not impressed with Bianca so far, either, although I can't really work out what it is I don't like about her. At least she's picked up on that utterly irritating toothpick habit of Liam's, so she's not all bad.

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Marilyn and Sid on there date, awww. HA, that showed Veronica!

Bloody Ruby, she is driving me mad, so silly she really can be. Rather than her waiting for Irene at the diner today she was on the beach, no Irene's house again! Why? Hehe.

I'm going off Bianca already.

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Loved the way Marilyn rebuffed Veronica when she turned up during their date looking to cause trouble, wonder if that's the last we'll see of her or whether she'll try something else?Not really sure about Sid and Marilyn sleeping together like that:I think they both see it as more than a one-night stand but I'd rather he'd suggested they wait rather than just going along with it.And did he tell Indigo and Dexter where he was or did they just wake up to an empty house?Feels a bit odd to see Marilyn behaving like that, she's been somewhat "traditional" on that score in the past.Maybe dying has that effect on you.

I did kind of feel sorry for Ruby when Liam pressured her into meeting him then spent the whole night fawning over Bianca.The fact that she'd rather indulge in romcom sniping than have the family meal she was there for didn't impress me either.Irene and Ruby do finally get out of the Diner, but only as far as the beach.Ruby throwing herself at Xavier when he's just trying to be nice probably isn't going to help her cause.Liked the little scene of Xavier helping April with her boxing, it was oddly cute.

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Oh, I meant to say. Someone said that Penn's middle name is Tiberius. Well we all know whose middle name is also Tiberius!!! Someone so terrifying, it will shake the series if it is him :lol::lol::lol:

I'm guessing you are not referring to James T Kirk, he is about as terrifying as a bowl of custard! :lol: Unless of course you are being ironic!

Yes I was referring to him, yes I was being ironic. I generally am :P

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Go Marilyn! 'You must be Sid's little friend' hahaha!

I suppose she had to tell Sid about her illness, but its very sad. I bet it will be yet another story of lovers parted by death :(

Ruby is really losing it, isn't she? :huh: Kissing Xavier indeed! Well done him for pushing her away, he's not her little slave.

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Go Marilyn! 'You must be Sid's little friend' hahaha!

I suppose she had to tell Sid about her illness, but its very sad. I bet it will be yet another story of lovers parted by death :(

Ruby is really losing it, isn't she? :huh: Kissing Xavier indeed! Well done him for pushing her away, he's not her little slave.

I loved that too, go Maz!!! Certainly shot her down in flames! Plus 'you must join us on our second date' :lol: :cool: If they had a thumbs up icon I would have used it. Just as well Sid had fessed up first. Veronica is definitely not taking the hint (well not even a hint) Sid TOLD her there was no chance of them repeating their night! The 'C' word finally got mentioned, though Marilyn was still vague about the type of cancer. Not sure she had to tell him it was just her choice. I agree with you Red about Marilyn being so quick to get together with Sid, perhaps it's as you said, if you are dying your priorities shift. I wondered about Indi and Dex as well, perhaps Sid rang them off screen. Alf's face the next morning was a picture! Her 'not a word Mr. Stewart' was super!

Annoying as Ruby has been lately, I also felt sorry for her last night. Very unthinking of Liam to ask Bianca, April and Xavier to join them, he knows full well Xavier and Ruby had not long broken up and April is his new girlfriend. He then spends the rest of the night blatantly flirting with Bianca leaving Ruby in an embarrassing position. At least Xavier (and April) were considerate enough not to act like girlfriend and boyfriend. I reckon even if Bianca had been told about Ruby and Xavier she still would have made the decision to join Liam and Ruby, thinking 'well it's time she was over it'.

Then she (Ruby) had to then go and spoil it the next day by flinging herself at Xavier, has she (or the scriptwriters) forgotten she had already told Xav she had a crush on Liam which is why he broke up with her? At least we now know Irene isn't trapped in the Diner by a force field that affects only her. :D

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Liked Xavier's little scenes with Tony and John:Tony gave him some pretty good advice(was that Bridget he was referring to?), John...actually had a point even if he acknowledged it wasn't the point he should be making and at least he's trying to be a decent father figure.Coming to the conclusion that April's a bit weird:Her pretending to be annoyed with Xavier and storming off then coming back with a grin on her face and saying she was only joking had me scratching my head a bit.Xavier could probably have saved himself a lot of trouble by telling her from the start.

Elijah's chat to VJ's class was nicely written, the show does seem to be doing a good job of portraying his faith without resorting to cliche or seeming patronising.Can't help feeling Leah is on the verge of talking him into something that neither of them actually wants him to do.(In light of which, was the oblique reference to Hazem foreshadowing or just a nice bit of continuity?)VJ's primary school was very obviously the Summer Bay High set with different pictures on the walls, you could tell from the corridor outside.

Angelo's storyline...I had a hard time getting past "If he's in a huge rush to get the restaurant open on time, why does he appear to be working in the bait shop?"I had a feeling Charlie wasn't all that committed to the idea and it seems there's more tension between them, which is a shame since they actually seemed to be getting on quite well up till that last scene.Guess that's what you get for asking for honesty...

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If it was Bridget Tony was referring to as I recall he wasn't that honest about him and Bridget. I liked John's line to Xavier about him still sitting there when he had seen him coming. :D John's advice about not saying anything couldn't in any way have something to do with the fact he had Jill at his place when Gina came round could it? Why didn't Xavier ask a girl (Nicole!) for advice or would that have been too simple? Glad he did in the end, it wasn't the crime of the century and they have only been going out a little while. In a weird kind of way John and Xavier do seem to be getting on better, Xavier saying to John he is going to listen to what he says and then do the opposite. Hope the slightlty iffy fish Xavier decided to eat doesn't make him ill!! :wink:

I spotted that about VJ's school as well Red, not often we see the junior school. After that very hesitant start Elijah had them eating out of his hand, may not have been a very jolly story but I think the message he was trying to get across was there is always hope. You're right Red, it was dealt with very well, didn't shove the Christian aspect, to the children it was just a recount of one of the things Elijah had done, he just happened to be a minister. Although Elijah kept telling Leah he was happy as he was, I wasn't entirely convinced. I'm not saying he should go off into a really stressful situation as he was in the story he was telling the children, you could only do missions like that for so long before needing to have a break otherwise you would burn out. Maybe he is missing the diversity.

Angelo really has got himself in tight spot (but he's used to those). Did he get caught up in the excitement of it all, without thinking it through properly? Charlie is still behind him but was just being realistic. He still has to interview prospective staff, most of which would I think have to give notice at their current jobs. Then there is getting the equipment, food, getting O.K'd by Health and Safety.

Have read Penn helps him out but how and why I don't know.

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Well...We get a whole episode devoted to Penn, near enough, and by the end of it I still couldn't care less.In fact, that last shot of him throwing away that letter that's been droning on in the background throughout pretty much sums it up:A load of nonsense that hasn't changed anything, not least that we don't know how much if anything of what he wrote is actually based in reality.(Assuming that the part about him living there with his mum and dad when he was young is true, I'm guessing he's changed his name since then or the likes of Alf and Colleen would know who he is?)It's becoming increasingly obvious that he's yet another character who's decided to come to Summer Bay and randomly cause trouble for people just because they live there and will probably turn out to have a spurious motive.("Alf Stewart told me off for dropping a sweet wrapper on the beach when I was three so Summer Bay will pay!!!!")

Even the stuff that didn't feature him wasn't that good and some of the characters are still hard to like.Tony and Rachel do seem to have found an arrangement that sort of works but Rachel still comes across as rather smug and childish.Interestingly, she seems to be at the opposite end of the scale to Charlie, who spends most of the episode being used as a verbal punchbag by a stressed out Angelo whilst trying to support him and doesn't seem to get much of an apology for it.Leah throws a tantrum at Elijah for no good reason so it's not surprising he's considering leaving.And Colleen, who I thought was going to make some sort of point to Charlie even if it wasn't a particularly good one, apparently just decided to be randomly rude to her.

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