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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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It's rather frustrating the whole Leah/Elijah relationship. It happened all so fast, and the time we all come round to liking them this has to go and happen, and it now makes the whole thing a waste of time I feel. The whole him accepting to be VJ's dad aswell was dead nice, and now he is just going to walk away from that too. What a muppet!

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So Rachel is fed up with all the paper work she has to do at the hospital, well she would have to do that whatever hospital she was at. All jobs have lows, but with all the dramas that happen in the bay, I would find that a relief! Daniel did rather spring that job offer on them and although it does sound an exciting opportunity, guess what - that will have paper work too, especially as she will be heading up the emergency department. :rolleyes::o We did get to learn a bit more about the young Rachel (Lady Godiva indeed). :blush: Di agree though it was such an about turn from Friday.

I have a feeling Miles took Mr. Oddly to school, liked 'his' new outfit (still don't like him)! Shame he didn't go off on 'his' travels. Not too sure about Marilyn's idea of having 'him' in the shop window to attract customers :huh: , I'd be turned off if I saw 'him' in the window.

Both Leah and Elijah got good advice (Miles made a good 'Leah'), though Leah phrased what she said to Elijah very badly. To me it seems he needs to do it one more time to see if he still has the same passion for it, rather than as she said 'needing to prove himself'. Before he met Leah that was all he had, now he has someone (well two someones) in his life he really cares about I suppose he needs to discover if they mean more to him than his missionary work. He can still do God's work wherever he is. What he does in the bay may not be as fulfilling as helping people in real distress, but he does make a difference. Bit of a shock decision though to postpone the wedding (was a date actually set for that BTW)?

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Is it me or did Tony seem to keep shortening his name when no-one else did?

I noticed that :lol: He went from calling him Danny to Dan, sounded a bit off considering he's just met him. I assume the paperwork was the only idea they could come up with to have Rachel be bored with her job at such short notice :rolleyes:

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I shall repeat myself again: WTF is Penn doing? Why did he wind up Sid and Nicole like that? If he really cared about Nicole he wouldn't upset her (I know he obviously doesn't care about her, but no normal boyfriend acts like him). Is he a psychopath?

So it seems Elijah saw the bat signal in the sky at the end, saying 'Elijah, come to help in the disaster zone.' How strange that after all the palaver of the Leah/Elijah relationship, he seems to be on his way out.

I think Tony would find the promise of being near Lucas in America very tempting. I wonder if he'll influence Rachel to move there?

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Again, I found Elijah's scenes with Miles a lot more interesting than the stuff with him and Leah, he actually seemed more relaxed and at ease with him, while Miles came across as wise while still getting a few decent one-liners in("I usually blame someone else"/"I also told you not to take my advice!").Ironically, given that not so long ago Leah was prepared to break up with Elijah because she felt they weren't at the right place in their relationship, it's increasingly feeling as though he's the one that isn't ready for marriage.Maybe this is why he hasn't had a relationship since he joined the clergy.

I got the feeling that Tony was trying to be supportive of Rachel and encourage her to think well of herself rather than dismiss Daniel's offer as something she wasn't up to but deep down he was hoping that she'll turn him down.I also think there's a touch of jealousy there(hence the getting-his-name-slightly-wrong), given that Daniel is even more obviously a bit attracted to her and is someone she can talk the same language as, while some of their conversation seemed to go over his head. Daniel's offer does seem a bit more attractive now, given that it'll involve cutting edge techniques rather than just a load more paperwork.Lucas is in America now?!He gets around, he's already gone from living in "the city" to living in India.

Did Penn deliberately injure his own hand just so he could wind up Sid and Nicole?His behaviour is becoming increasingly random and increasingly twisted.And...I know Nicole wears some odd stuff at time but what on earth was that thing she had on in her first scene?I swear when she was shot from behind she looked like an old woman.

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I assumed Penn's hand was injured when he punched out the police car window. Or have we seen him since then? Maybe he's broken into some other house? Who knows?

I wondered that at first Miranda, but isn't the glass in cars a lot stronger than that, I seem to remember he had a brick or something in his hand, perhaps he cut it putting those leaflets in the car? Speaking of which we haven't had a follow up to that incident yet. He is definitely a strange one, he is starting to creep me out now! He lied so blatantly yet came across so charmingly at the same time. Not sure why Nicole was so willing to believe Penn when as she said herself Sid never gave her any encouragement before. Is he her actual boyfriend, I know she would like him to be, but he is playing it cool. It has been mentioned on the Oz thread that Penn may be the devil, he certainly does seem interested in peoples morals and how good or bad they might be, are they able to avoid temptation etc. When he was writing that letter to his dad (?), it seemed he was worried about Nicole's soul. I had a light bulb moment last night and it is probably totally off the wall and feel free to shoot me down in flames, laugh yourself silly whatever. His name is Penn T. Graham (if that is his real name) which if you say it quick comes out as pentagram which is a mystical symbol. :evil: :blink:

Leah and Elijah seem to be going one step forward and two steps back, I suppose if he was so involved with the missionary work he didn't have the chance to get close to anyone and even if he had had a girlfriend she would have been a casual relationship. Words didn't need to be said with their last scene last night. he knew he would go if asked and she knew the same. It's VJ I feel sorry for, just as he gets himself a new 'dad', the weddings off and Elijah is leaving for god knows (sorry) how long.

So a mention of Lucas, from a stranger to boot! When did he go to the States? Tony looked a little miffed when Daniel mentioned it, so Rachel must told him.

As some of us already know Tony and Rachel (not forgetting Harry of course) are leaving so it will be a yes to the job eventually.

Rachel is definitely interested, otherwise why all the questions, who is she trying to kid. She said they have jobs, well she has been offered one and Tony should get a teaching job without too much problem. They have friends in the bay, so have a lot of people who have left in the past. Tony has family - well there is only Gina, Xavier and Brendan now and doesn't he miss Lucas who is his son!

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Yes, H&ALover, I mentioned that Penn could be a demon and his father could be the devil, a few days ago. Well spotted about Penn T Graham...

I agree about the Walkers. There is something wrong in that family. The mother went off with a young lad, Sid seems to be irresistable to young girls, now Dex is wooing Marilyn. Although that is because he misses his mother and is confused, I reckon. Easily confused, mother figures and girlfriend figures, to young lads.

But I must rant about Elijah :angry: How selfish can you get? Becoming VJ's dad, then completely running out on him. And Leah. But VJ is the one I feel most sorry for! He so badly wants a dad, now 'holier than thou' Elijah has deserted him. So Lijuan was right, Elijah isn't husband material. Its all very well going off to save a load of people he's never met before, but often, the greatest adventures and challenges are at home, bringing up children and sticking with a relationship, not nipping in to save people, then nipping out again with no commitment and no ties. :angry: Good riddance to him, Leah and VJ deserve better.

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