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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I really really dislike Bianca! She's a complete brat and is way too selfish. I hated how she was constantly urging Liam to confess about the kiss!

Although, he sister April has become one of my favourite characters on the show :) I love the way she is the exact opposite to her sister, and I love it when her and Bianca randomly start arguing in different languages! hahaha!

And, wow.. poor Ruby :( I found it really hard to watch those crying scenes without wanting to shed a few tears myself :unsure: It was so rude of Bianca to approach Ruby like that, its obviously a pretty sensitive subject for Ruby and when someone as harsh as Bianca says something like that, it must be really upsetting. Also, with Bianca's experience with men, wouldnt she have handled that alot more calmly and maturely?!

Im glad that Romeo and Xavier are freinds again, I missed them, haha! & Im really loving Indi and Romeo.. :wub: A way better couple than Annie and Romeo!

Is it me, or would April and Ruby make such good 'best friends' LOL They're both interesting, bubbly and free-spirited characters! But right now.. I dont really see that happening :lol:

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Liked Romeo and Indie together if or should that be when they get together I think they would make a lovely couple.

When the three of them were painting the ceiling was it just me or did it look they were doing the same spot over and over again?

I'm guessing the fact Bianca was urging Liam to confess about the kiss was because it was shown on Fiver, which some of us do not have! I imagine Liam wouldn't want to say anything because that would be the end of him and Ruby working together. Ruby really was having a tough time of it and at last she managed to talk to Nicole about it. That kiss was a shocker and Liam did instantly move away.

Penn is certainly playing a weird game but for who's benefit - his? He does have a strange interest in Nicole but not as a boyfriend.

All of a sudden Angelo has a brother, but then that happens a lot in soaps, an unspoken of before relative suddenly tips up which you can guarantee Paulo will! I can see Paulo coming in and taking over the restaurant because he knows what he is doing! Sounds like Angelo's parents weren't too happy about him joining the police. Good idea of Charlie by the way for having a rehearsal of the opening.

Then we had Dex trying to be all suave with Marilyn and making a right hash of it.

Otherwise a quite a uneventful episode. Now five weeks to go until we find out if it is going to be successful. Hope so for Angelo's sake.

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I thought that was rather a lust filled episode- Ruby snogging Liam in such a cliched situation with a sudden lights out in a store room. How come the lights went out in the store room when Angelo switched them off at the front door? :lol:

Then Indi and Romeo fighting their feelings during the ceiling painting.

Sid flirting with Marilyn, discussing Nicole with Penn, then Dex flirting with Marilyn too. There's definitely something wrong in the Walker family!

I bet Angelo's family is rather like Leah's- bossy and overpowering and excitable. Perhaps his brother Paolo will be single and suitable for Leah :wink:

I read somewhere that Dex is a bit like Robbie Hunter, I definitely got that feeling today when he was chatting up Marilyn. So that means Romeo must be Kim...

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Marilyn was also in four while Colleen and Gina only appeared in one each.

I'm finding all the scenes of Ruby crying a bit wearing.Yes, we know she likes Liam, get over it. Doesn't help that she's looking at Xavier in the same way half the time.It was nice to get a bit of interaction between her and Charlie(although not enough to stop everyone in the other thread calling Charlie a bad mother, which I think is grossly unfair)and to see Nicole's softer side again.Now they just need to get her away from the ever dull Penn.That kiss is obviously not going to end well.

So Angelo finally mentions he has a brother(singular).Wonder if we'll ever meet that sister he mentioned last year?He last saw Paulo "Christmas two years ago"...um, wasn't that around the time he was doing deals with dodgy developers, getting attacked by hitmen and shooting Jack?!Or does he mean the previous year, before he came to the Bay?I quite liked the bits with him and Charlie, hopefully we're going to see more of them being relaxed around each other and less of them arguing.

I think Romeo and Indigo work well together but his constant "I'm off relationships" mantra is getting very boring.Looks like we're leaning towards the "He knows there's a spark there but he's deliberately ignoring it" explanation.Hopefully he'll get over it soon before I get too bored.

I have to ask...where the heck is that restaurant meant to be?Is that the whole surf club now or are we going to see another bit of it at some point?Or have they built the biggest extension in history? I'm finding it very hard to reconcile with what the building used to look like.Even the apparently-rebuilt-from-the-ground-up Diner looked more like the old one.

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RUBY MAN WOMAN MAN! Stop being such a plank. Honestly, I cannot describe how much I hate her at the moment. Throwing herself at Xavier one moment then Liam the next and bursting into tears at the drop of a hat when she's caused the whole scenario herself. Get over it, lassie.

I actually like the idea of Romeo & Indi together and I think when it inevitably happens they will make a nice couple. It really needs to move on from his anti-relationship stance and mentioning random people (like Leah/Elijah) as reasons that every relationship will fail.

Really not liking Bianca, though there is something about her which makes me think I could grow to like her and at the moment they're just writing her as a very unlikeable person.

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Marilyns episode count each week hasn't been to far off Alf's. I'm glad Colleen and Gina only had one! With Home and Away I do like that you do see the whole cast over the course of the week, unlike say Eastenders where you could go without seeing some characters for sometime.

This year to many sets have changed (or been missing, Irene's house) and for us fans that have watched for many years are getting a little miffed off by it. The caravan park, the school and now the surf club. I can't for the life of me suss out how the old one would of been layed out in the new one. I like the fact there has been a refurb however.

I can't believe it's a year ago since the bus bomb with Kirsty :P I do miss her actually. And we had Hugo being the man of rescue whilst he was tied up with the whole people smuggling storyline whch I loved so much but then was struck down by disappointment with the end result.

I wonder who will be working on the various stands in the new surf club?

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Hmm, I think Bianca is basically ok, it seems to be the way with H&A that new female characters start out brash before the bay works its magic and softens them. Her sister April is a star I can see her going far. Don't understand why they didn't stay at the caravan park when they got thrown out of their flat. I'm also impressed with Indie too, but is Romeo that dumb he can't see it, he's a teenage boy dammit. (Maybe wearing the dress in the school play has affected him)

Ruby needs to go away for a while. Can't say I have a great deal of sympathy, she messed Xavier about royally with Geoff. There wasn't a kiss with Xavier or Liam it was just a puppy lunge lol. Wierd how they stress so much about these things on H&A.

Hmm, wonder if I should put in an application for the bait shop now Angelo is leaving...

Marilyns episode count each week hasn't been to far off Alf's. I'm glad Colleen and Gina only had one! With Home and Away I do like that you do see the whole cast over the course of the week, unlike say Eastenders where you could go without seeing some characters for sometime.

This year to many sets have changed (or been missing, Irene's house) and for us fans that have watched for many years are getting a little miffed off by it. The caravan park, the school and now the surf club. I can't for the life of me suss out how the old one would of been layed out in the new one. I like the fact there has been a refurb however.

I can't believe it's a year ago since the bus bomb with Kirsty :P I do miss her actually. And we had Hugo being the man of rescue whilst he was tied up with the whole people smuggling storyline whch I loved so much but then was struck down by disappointment with the end result.

I wonder who will be working on the various stands in the new surf club?

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