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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Yes, I think Bianca has just made it worse by having a go at Ruby like that. She will just make her rebellious and angry. Its obvious that it was Bianca who had a relationship with that teacher who ended up in prison and she feels guilty. But Liam is not right either, he should tell Gina in order to cover his own back.

I like your avatar of Geoff, Dalby :)

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It seems like such a long time since they showed the last episode I'd actually forgotten what happened but I'm glad it's back as I got fed up with the episodes they showed on Fiver eventually.

A few months ago I probably would have been pleased seeing Ruby like that because of the way she was treating certain people but I dunno I felt a tiny bit sorry for her. Clearly when Nicole was trying to be there for her she was thinking of what happened with Sid. Kind of poetic justice the issue of who likes who (fabricated by Penn of course) came up. Not sure how long he's been on the show now but I'm still can't figure the guy out. What I can say is that I don't particularly like him and he seems to be attempting to be an expert at mind games.

I'm really not sure what Liam should do in this situation. There's a real possibility people could get the wrong idea if he comes clean and tells Gina. However if he doesn't and it comes out (which it probably will) it will be even worse. When Bianca was telling him about the girl she knew that had a relationship with a teacher that ruined both of their lives why did I get the feeling she was talking about herself? Still if the pupil was over 16 and consenting a prison sentence sounds harsh - getting the sack yes but prison? Bianca's another one I'm not sure of. As April said she's a princess i.e. selfish/self-centred and I guess you can use her taking a long time in the bathroom knowing full well Gina was going to be late for school as an example. On the other hand she seemed to be going out of her way to help Liam. She may have come across quite harshly with Ruby but I felt it was necessary because sometimes tact and diplomacy just doesn't work.

I am quite liking the scenes with Xavier/Gina/John/Bianca/April and this setup could be quite interesting although I do find it annoying the way when ever April gets annoyed with Bianca she speaks to her in French and Bianca in Italian when she's frustrated with April.

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Yes, after sitting through fifty episodes ranging from Angie dropping her bombshell on Rhys in 2002 to Belle shuffling off in 2009, often in random order, I did have a hard time remembering what was going on.Good to have the show back anyway.

Okay, I know it's pretty much an open door policy at the caravan park house but Ruby just wanders in there in the middle of the night and sits in the front room on the off chance Nicole might come downstairs?Obviously that force field that prevents her and Irene from ever going home is still there. I seem to remember before the break I was saying I might just be starting to like Bianca but for most of that episode I really didn't like her at all, she just came across as a complete cow.Even though a lot of what she said made sense, that Liam should have stayed right away from Ruby and he should tell Gina just to cover himself, I still found myself not liking her.Liam cutting off all ties with Ruby was a sensible move if a bit late in the day and I can understand him wanting to protect her. But actually...I found myself kind of on Bianca's side at the end because even though she seemed to realise how badly she'd messed up through most of the episode, it seemed like Ruby still didn't realise just how serious the situation was and just how much trouble she could get Liam into. Because, at the end of the day, being a teacher means being responsible for the students and having a relationship with a 16-year-old child in your care, however consensual, is a criminal offence.I'm not really sure whether Bianca was the one who had an affair with her teacher or not, when Liam asked her what happened to the girl I thought she was going to say it was her but when she didn't I changed my mind.

Elsewhere, Bianca continued to annoy me with her princess attitude back home.Really can't see Gina putting up with her for long.April was brilliant as always.Loved the little scene of John and Gina cuddling up on the couch watching a movie, it's another one of those scenes that they don't usually give to the older characters.

I seem to have come back from the break thinking Marilyn and Sid make a good couple, I wasn't really bothered about them before.Glad that Miles, who seemed to have been won over by Penn and assumed Sid was the bad guy, has managed to get things the right way round, at least up to a point. So...is that meant to be the equivalent of the old surf club juice bar that Marilyn was working in?I refuse to believe it's the same building.It looks even more different than the rebuilt Diner.Miles and Marilyn's intervention with Nicole was appalling, they didn't seem to make any valid points and just spent their time on trivial matters:Repeating Penn's excuse for lying to Nicole even though neither of them believe it and then accusing Nicole of having a crush on Sid for no apparent reason!Why wasn't Sid there, as was implied earlier?It is frustrating that Nicole can be spot on in helping Ruby and then let herself be ruled by her hormones regarding a guy who's clearly bad news.

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They need to get Sid and Nicole in a room together with Miles and Marilyn in the background to supervise but not interrupt.

I think Penn is a psychopath, that conversation he had with Marilyn in the 'juice bar' was complete psychobabble.

I hate that new juice bar, it looks like a railway station :blink: So is Angelo's new restaurant upstairs?

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Welcome back everyone, long time no posts. I agree with you both Miranda and Slade it was Bianca who was 'the girl' and that is why she is so fired up about it. We don't know she was over 16 so prison would have been likely, even at 17 she was still a minor in the eyes of the law. The teacher would have been in a position of trust which he had broken. I'm in two minds as to whether Liam should mention it to Gina, until Ruby kissed him their working together had been purely professional and therefore it could cause more problems, but if it gets out that he was still seeing her knowing how she felt about him then he is in trouble. So far only Nicole and Bianca know and neither of them are going to drop Ruby or Liam in it, it's just if anyone else overhears Nicole and Ruby talking about it, then the rumours will start. I wondered about that as well Red, more proof that no-one locks their door in Summer Bay, well at least not at the caravan park.

Penn is definitely into mind games, now he is trying it on Marilyn, who without wanting to be unkind, isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Was Nicole protesting too much do we thinks? I think Sid wanted to talk to Miles alone about Penn and his lies.

Nice one Xavier spoiling the film for John and Gina by revealing who the killer was! :D He still can't resist having a dig at john can he despite the fact he told Gina he would be civil to him for 30 days.

The Surf Club does seem to have doubled in size, where did the upstairs come from and finished so quick as well! It doesn't seem as cosy as the old one and does that mean Noah's bar is no longer in existence?

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Hi H&ALover :)

I agree the surf club isn't half as cosy :( I loved Noah's Bar (and Noah, but that's another story LOL).

Yes, Liam could end up in all sorts of trouble, an observer would question why he continued to see Ruby as a music partner even though she had told him she had a crush on him. He should have backed off immediately, he was trying to be kind but that may backfire on him...

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