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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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So I was right about there being more behind Tony's reluctance about going to America. Miles actually gave good advice for once about Tony telling Rachel what he was telling him. Nice little talk between Rachel and Leah, although nothing seemed to have been resolved. For someone like Tony who usually doesn't like baring his soul it was quite something. He probably feels he would be abandoning Jack if he left, though if Jack could speak I'm sure he would want his dad to go. Gina and Xavier both would be horrified if he felt he was staying because of them, they are both settled in the bay now and would want him to go if he wanted. Rachel was obviously upset by Tony's 'confession' and feels really torn. As you said Red, it's true Lucas is in the US, but as for all we know he could be the other side of the country! Daniel's visit certainly must have made Tony think, hence his chat with Miles.

Liked those scenes with Romeo and Indy both watching that old movie in separate houses (wonder what it was?) He certainly perked up when Indy told him she was taking her top off! :D:wink: It's good that their relationship is growing slowly, though of course we know Indy already fancies Romeo, just a question of when Romeo realises he fancies her too.

Where did all those people come from for Angelo's first night, from the way he was talking earlier, when he was told some had cancelled, I thought it was only a few. Right again Red, Charlie was in uniform when she visited the Surf Club in the morning.

God point there Miranda about Sid now going out with Marilyn, but Penn would argue it could be a smoke screen to cover his real feelings towards Nic which we all know is a lie.

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Penn really has got Nicole wrapped around his little finger, hasn't he? I can just see him telling her its all a smokescreen, as you say H&ALover. Argh! That man! I really hope he doesn't turn out to be a fairy godmother in disguise, but is actually as horrible as I think he is.

Well, I'm not going to slate Charlotte Best's acting, I thought she was very good but she was given some very poor scripts and a less than capable leading man near the end.I think it's more a case of the writers playing to Luke Mitchell's strengths and realising what he can and can't do than the quality of the other actor in the scene:Up until these last couple of episodes, his scenes with Indi, where he was moaning about his mother and making dreary "Annie broke my heart so I never want to date another girl again" speeches, were as bad as anything when he was with Annie.

I think we'll have to disagree there RR, and fight a duel at dawn :lol: I never really thought Charlotte Best was one of the best actresses. Nothing against the girl but she and Romeo didn't have any chemistry whatsoever. They were a totally unbelievable couple. I suppose actually I fast forwarded through their scenes cos they were so boring.

I think Samara Weaving is much better. She just didn't get a word in around Romeo's complaining speeches.

Got to go...

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Miranda: -

I think we'll have to disagree there RR, and fight a duel at dawn laugh.gif I never really thought Charlotte Best was one of the best actresses. Nothing against the girl but she and Romeo didn't have any chemistry whatsoever. They were a totally unbelievable couple. I suppose actually I fast forwarded through their scenes cos they were so boring.

I think Samara Weaving is much better. She just didn't get a word in around Romeo's complaining speeches.

So - you comparing a 10X speed Charlotte Best with a silent Samara ? :huh:

I think I'll have to call your critical methodology into question there Miranda.

There is a thread that seems to have emerged from your comments though: - try putting one end one together and realise that it's Romeo that's the wet blanket in both cases.

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Tony and Rachel's storyline continues to be quite compelling as you've got two people who want to be together but want to do it in different countries.Although she didn't really have any choice, you could see that everything Rachel was doing and saying was just going to annoy Tony more.Colleen looking snooty over Rachel and Daniel was very annoying.

I knew it couldn't last.Halfway through the episode, Romeo turns back into a pathetic dropkick who wonders why Annie didn't want to stay with a loser like him and likes feeling sorry for himself.Even when Indi called him on it, things didn't really improve.Which is a shame because in the first few scenes they sparked off each other really well.But if things don't get better soon, he's just going to drag her down like he did Annie.(I do agree they make a better couple but I don't think it's down to her being a better actress.)He also gets to do his regular weekly shirtless scene.But hey, we also had Indi in a very short nightie and Leah in a bikini, so equal opportunities and all that.I thought Indi was taking boxing lessons?Guess she went once and decided she didn't like it.

Is Irene really the senior partner in the Diner?Since Leah bought Roman's share, it sounded like she owned two thirds of the business.After a fairly poor performance last episode, Miles was back on form, giving Tony some very good advice and supporting Leah with every line sparkling.

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So - you comparing a 10X speed Charlotte Best with a silent Samara ? :huh:

I think I'll have to call your critical methodology into question there Miranda.

There is a thread that seems to have emerged from your comments though: - try putting one end one together and realise that it's Romeo that's the wet blanket in both cases.

I'm sorry but I'm really not interested in getting into a discussion about the merits of Samara/ Charlotte. Its just the way I see it, no critical methodology, whatever, whatever, who cares. Far more interesting storylines to discuss, important life events going on in my life right now, H&A is just a nice distraction. :)

Miles was so caring with Leah, he is such a good friend. He seems to be the 'man with all the female friends', and the one who people call when there is a problem- Super Miles!

Rachel/Tony...hm... how is that going to work out. It seems unsolvable, but I bet there will suddenly be a dramatic event to solve it!

Argh! Penn! I'm even annoyed with him when he's not in the episode :angry: What will he be plotting re: Liam/ Ruby?

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Miranda: -

I'm sorry but I'm really not interested in getting into a discussion about the merits of Samara/ Charlotte. Its just the way I see it, no critical methodology, whatever, whatever, who cares. Far more interesting storylines to discuss, important life events going on in my life right now, H&A is just a nice distraction. smile.gif


Neither am I, and if you read my post (normal speed, not 10X) you'll see that I didn't get into that.

Before you forget - you're the one who raised this point - and then commented on the 2 responses in a further 2 posts of your own ! :rolleyes:

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Good move on Rachel's part to say she had done some research on jobs for Tony in the US. Definitely wouldn't have gone down well if she said it had been Daniel. It's going to be a fraught two weeks before she goes, will she be taking Harry with her do we think?

Yes, just as it seemed Romeo and Indi were getting somewhere she had to mention surfing lessons (not that she knew that is how he and Annie actually got together). She spoke a lot of sense when she said she had similar experiences about places she and Owen had gone to, songs that made her think of him etc. but she decided she couldn't keep living her life avoiding everything. Admittedly Annie was the first girl Romeo had fallen in love with, which if a first love is always hard, whereas I'm sure Owen wasn't the first guy Indi had fallen for. Still when he saw Indi chatting up the other surfer guy, was that a spark of jealousy we saw, hence his change of mind?

Leah is certainly going through it at the moment, surprised she hasn't burnt the place down (again) the way her mind is so distracted. Fair enough she can't sleep and being told to go home and do just that must be so frustrating! :angry: Lovely scene between her and Miles, just want she needed a hug. :wub: Well done Miles!!

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