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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Feels a bit like the show's running on the spot with the same characters saying and doing the same things and even the two genuine plot developments of Bianca and April moving into Irene's and Miles kicking Penn out not making much difference.Nicole's still an idiot, Liam's still an idiot, Penn's still a creep, Miles, Marilyn and Sid are still telling Nicole about Penn and not being believed, Bianca's still making the same speeches to Liam.Ruby did at least seem borderline sensible in walking out of the Diner when she saw Liam.Really not sure about him, the only thing he's not done wrong is actually have a relationship with her and I'm not sure why he's still hanging around her when he knows it's going to lead to trouble.I don't think Bianca should tell Gina, in fact even though she makes some good points I think she should just butt out.I'm cautiously optimistic about her living with Irene, I think she's possibly the only person Bianca would listen to.I know Bianca's an adult but Irene's had adults live with her before(Jesse springs to mind, so does Rob for anyone over the age of 102)and let's face it, Bianca's still younger than her own children so, while she'll probably see her as more of an equal, I think her attitude towards her will still be fairly maternal.I really liked that scene where Bianca's trying to push the bottle of wine onto her and she gently explains she's an alcoholic.

Even though it felt like the episode didn't know where to end, there were at least two occasions when I was expecting the credits to come up and it just carried on, the last scene did show some genuine plot development.Even though I like Nicole, she's been such an idiot lately that seeing Penn drop the already dubious charm and just sneer at her, leaving her with that stunned look on her face, was punch the air fantastic.(And he mentioned Aden, again:Probably not going anywhere but it's little reminders like that that give me hope...)

Very disappointed not to get any Xavier/April interaction but to make up for it we had John Palmer back on form after a couple of so-so episodes.He livened up the episode no end, from his tactless attempts to crack on to a brooding Gina to his straight talking with Xavier.The scene when John and Xavier are sat on the couch, identical body language, and Gina asks if everything's sorted and they reply "Nope" and eat their snacks, in perfect unison, was my favourite part of the episode.

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I actually didn't think we would see Xavier or April in that episode. I was expecting them to continue the Tony Rachel stuff. I was a bit disappointed we didn't see any Ruby/April interaction actually and even more disappointed when Gina told John Xavier had gone to have dinner with April and Bianca as I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall to see Ruby there - Awkward or what? I'm actually feeling quite sorry for Ruby at the moment. She seems so lonely. It's a shame this stuff has happened with Liam because I quite liked parts of their chat by the peer. I'm not sure what I think of Bianca going to Gina. Admittedly Liam is way over his head but I do agree with him that she is looking out for him because she likes him, although she won't admit it - not yet anyway. I also thought she came across as slightly stuck-up when she was talking to him.

Some nice interaction with Irene at the Diner and I think there's potential for some really good stuff with the whole Irene/Ruby/April/Bianca set up.

I surprisingly enjoyed the scenes with Gina and John and found it quite funny when Gina pulled a Lysistrata to end the feuding with John and Xavier. I don't expect them to be friends but don't want to have to endure anymore bickering and I too liked the part with John and Xavier on the sofa.

I actually found the stuff with Penn hilarious. It was just the level of lying and the fact that to everyone bar Nicole it was so blatantly obvious. Also when he was confronted with his deceit he would blame someone else, i.e. Nicole, Sid. Nicole seems to have serious tunnel vision when it comes to him. I think one reason is possibly because he genuinely believes the lies he tells to be the truth so he has such confidence in what he is saying so maybe Nicole thinks she has no reason to doubt him, although that part add the end was just odd.

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So Xavier was at Irene's having dinner was he, so why were April and Bianca at the Diner then without him? How like Colleen to nab the bottle of wine because it was her idea about them moving into Irene's. Excuse me I don't think so, Colleen said it was sweet Xavier was helping them to look for somewhere to live and Irene had a light bulb moment!

How could Bianca assume something was going on between Liam and Ruby, all she could see was him talking to her, they weren't even touching! Ruby is right they (Liam and Bianca) do fancy each other, though neither of them would admit it just yet.

Daft of him to mention it to Bianca though that that was the reason she was so uptight because she was jealous.

They were good scenes between John and Gina and John and Xavier. I bet Gina couldn't believe her eyes when she came in and saw them both setting there sharing crisps and as you said Red both replying "Nope" together was great! If Xavier could get past what John did to Trey he might get to see the side of John Gina sees.

So another family meeting about Penn which ended up unresolved (again). He really is good at what he does which is turning people against each other and tying them up in knots. Guess who is going to get the blame for Penn treating Nic that way because he got thrown out of the caravan park? Do you think she may walk out herself, after all she is eighteen and they can't stop her. She does have her own place so she could stay there.

I know what you mean Red, I thought it was credit time then something else happened. It seemed a little tacked on, as if they filmed the proper ending then thought "Oh let's add this on".

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I think April and Bianca had just dropped by the Diner to give Irene the wine after dinner.Surprised and rather disappointed that we didn't get any follow up to the Nicole/Penn scene, they usually let storylines run for at least a couple of episodes before deciding they need to give another set of actors something to do.

For the first part of the episode, I was despairing of Romeo and Indigo, who seemed to have regressed back to how they were before the break, with her throwing herself at a guy who was deliberately ignoring her and him making self-pitying "Girls always treat me badly so I can't be with you" speeches.Things picked up a bit when she rediscovered her backbone and gave him a serve for the way he's been a jerk towards her lately.The kiss at the end was rather sweet, I just hope he doesn't revert again next episode.

Nice to see VJ again, I'm liking this new cute and supportive persona he seems to have developed. Miles sparkled again, whether making a desperate attempt to attract attention at the Diner or looking after Leah.I definitely hope they keep those two as friends rather than going down the obvious path because it does work really well.

Dexter continues to practically stalk Marilyn.I'm left wondering if we're meant to find it funny, some of his comments during his "questionnaire" sounded like they were meant to be jokes but just came across as inappropriate and a bit creepy.

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Dexter is cringeworthy over this whole Marilyn thing, if it continues like this I'm afraid I'll be fast forwarding through their scenes!

I love Miles & Leah lately, as said above I hope they will just stay friends. They have such a lovely little relationship going on there and VJ works nicely with them both, I'd hate for it to be ruined.

Romeo & Indigo... I had my doubts, but the build up and eventual kiss wasn't so bad. In fact I'd go so far as to say it was quite sweet.

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At last a kiss between Indy and Romeo, :wub: about time! Wonder if it was Marilyn's remark that made him think, 'perhaps other people are thinking we are an item' and panicked. Then when she gave him the cold shoulder, it made him realise he did want to be more than friends! Let's hope they take it slow though. All power to Indy through this by not acting the little princess like she would have last time she was on.

For an intelligent guy it still puzzles me why Sid hasn't clocked Dex has a crush on Marilyn. I an forgive Marilyn cos she isn't that vain as to think a young guy would/could fancy her. Though she will be secretly chuffed she would need to let him down gently, which she can do well.

VJ is definitely growing into a very caring young man, and well done Mills for not lying to him about how Leah really is. I do have to say I didn't think it was very clever of Leah to go into work when she was sneezing all over the place, she does work with food and wasn't what you would call hygienic, even if she did use a hankie.

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RR, it's not age that is the factor when trying to remember Rob, it's whether or not you suffer from insomnia, whether you remember the Wonderful Adventures of Rob and Roxy.

At least this particular living arrangement has some story behind, unlike the Buckton's randomly decamping themselves at Leah's place, Charlie to this day with absolutely no explanation.

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You think so?Seems to me it's exactly the same situation, a long-term character feeling a bit lonely (and not having been seen at home for about three months)invites a couple of newbies they've barely spoken to to move in with them.

Anyway...If, and it's a big if, they can keep writing Romeo and Indi well, I think I'll like them as a couple.Bit of a wobble in the classroom scene where it really seemed like Romeo was leaping back to his "just good friends" stance...if we hadn't had that nice scene near the end of them on the phone, I'd have been a bit uncertain whether they were actually an item or not.They do make a sweet couple when given the material.Liked the scene of Romeo asking advice from Alf and Miles, which managed to be funny while still making some good points.

Not sure what to make of the plotline of Charlie trying to persuade Angelo to take time off from the restaurant.I still haven't decided whether Charlie's right about Angelo working himself into the ground or whether she's just feeling neglected;whilst he seemed ready to drop on Monday, here it just seemed like the normal workload for a new business.

Tony and Rachel's storyline is still somewhat compelling because there really is no clear right or wrong, you're left with two people who really love each other and want to be together but have very different ideas about what they want to do with their lives, leaving them with the choice of whether to sacrifice their family or...well, everything else pretty much.I know Tony's made some big decisions without consulting Rachel in the past but none of them have required her to leave her job, her home and her family.The two scenes between Tony and Miles were pitch perfect, Miles definitely seems to have improved since his awkward advice last week and is presenting Tony's choice more clearly. Again, it felt like the episode carried on past the obvious ending, the scene between Tony and Miles at the school seemed like a far more dramatic moment than Tony discovering something that he and we already knew(ie Rachel's going to Boston).

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I'm not too keen on Romeo but I have been quite enjoying the scenes with he and Indy. Funny how he sees her as his best friend. Really? Apart from Nicole (who is more like a sister) and Xavier does Romeo have any friends? Interesting it was mentioned that Dexter's pursuit of Marilyn in a previous post as practically stalking. I actually think the way Romeo has been hanging around Indy can be perceived as stalking. Nicole, Ruby, Dexter and Romeo - maybe it's something in the water that only affects students from Summer Bay high.

Rachel bugged me in this whole thing regarding Tony. She basically implied that if he didn't go to Boston with her he would effectively be throwing their marrige away but you could argue that she's doing the same thing by going to the US in the first place.

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I guess Romeo is worried that if his and Indy's romance does take off and then goes wrong they will have lost their friendship and should he risk it. Though we all know Indy liked him much more than as a friend as soon as she saw him. Both Miles and Alf had valid points, Alf and Alsa were friends before it turned into romance and it worked, whereas as with Miles and Leah neither of them were ready to move on to romance when the other was, just wrong timing in both cases. Liked Romeo's phone call to Indy, where he was talking about their fledgling romance in the third person. :D

Something puzzled me yesterday when Miles said to Tony about why didn't he tell Rachel about Jack, I thought he had done that already, unless there is something else we don't know about yet? There are valid points on both sides of the argument to go or not to go. If Rachel feels compelled to stay she will eventually resent him and if Tony feels compelled to go with her he may eventually resent her, I know someone has already said this, but it does bear repeating. IMO Harry is too young to be affected too badly if they do move to the USA, so Tony can't really use that excuse. I should think all the tension between his parents is bound to affect him more, he may be only one, but babies can pick up on things like that.

Nice scene between Angelo and Charlie on the beach, until he got that phone call of course and had to dash off to work. I think it was Charlie who said the other day she got to see him more when they were in the police, which is true, because at least they got time off then. But Angelo really does need to learn to delegate.

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