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You think so?Seems to me it's exactly the same situation, a long-term character feeling a bit lonely (and not having been seen at home for about three months)invites a couple of newbies they've barely spoken to to move in with them.

IIRC though, Charlie and Ruby just appeared there without explanation, probably after a few weeks of where the hell are they living being asked on the forums. At least they have bothered to write a few scenes rather than the sometimes random living arrangements. I think my problem with both arrangements is that they ultimately don't feel real, especially the longer they've gone on. To me, Charlie, who now has a quite a well-paying position, would she still be living in Leah's spare bedroom. Seems very much a reason to cut down on sets than one that follows logic.

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IIRC though, Charlie and Ruby just appeared there without explanation, probably after a few weeks of where the hell are they living being asked on the forums. At least they have bothered to write a few scenes rather than the sometimes random living arrangements. I think my problem with both arrangements is that they ultimately don't feel real, especially the longer they've gone on. To me, Charlie, who now has a quite a well-paying position, would she still be living in Leah's spare bedroom. Seems very much a reason to cut down on sets than one that follows logic.

IIRC Leah asked Ruby if her and Charlie would like to move in with them at Ross and Morag's wedding after hearing they were looking for a place to stay and Leah had previously mentioned needing help with paying rent on the house. I dont remember seeing the scene where she actually asked her but I recall Leah saying to Ruby she had something she wanted to ask her. I also remember Leah saying to (I think) Irene 'I'm sure they wont want to live with a single mum and a six year old' so I guess there was some explanation as to how they ended up living there.

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This is something I alluded to a while back, all I can say is there must be a huge shortage of accomodation in Summer Bay if teachers and police have to share houses, or else they're paid a pittance in Oz. Liam has plenty of room, thought April and Bianca might have gone there. Talking of April why does she wear the cliche French clobber? it looks like fancy dress!

Glad to hear Romeo has a pulse afterall, must have been seeing Indi washing in her bikini after their surf. Thought the kiss scene was ok, but could have been acted better by Romeo, he often seems stilted.

IIRC though, Charlie and Ruby just appeared there without explanation, probably after a few weeks of where the hell are they living being asked on the forums. At least they have bothered to write a few scenes rather than the sometimes random living arrangements. I think my problem with both arrangements is that they ultimately don't feel real, especially the longer they've gone on. To me, Charlie, who now has a quite a well-paying position, would she still be living in Leah's spare bedroom. Seems very much a reason to cut down on sets than one that follows logic.

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IIRC though, Charlie and Ruby just appeared there without explanation, probably after a few weeks of where the hell are they living being asked on the forums. At least they have bothered to write a few scenes rather than the sometimes random living arrangements. I think my problem with both arrangements is that they ultimately don't feel real, especially the longer they've gone on. To me, Charlie, who now has a quite a well-paying position, would she still be living in Leah's spare bedroom. Seems very much a reason to cut down on sets than one that follows logic.

IIRC Leah asked Ruby if her and Charlie would like to move in with them at Ross and Morag's wedding after hearing they were looking for a place to stay and Leah had previously mentioned needing help with paying rent on the house. I dont remember seeing the scene where she actually asked her but I recall Leah saying to Ruby she had something she wanted to ask her. I also remember Leah saying to (I think) Irene 'I'm sure they wont want to live with a single mum and a six year old' so I guess there was some explanation as to how they ended up living there.

Yeah, that's basically about the size of it.You kind of had to fill in the blanks yourselves, and it did seem to happen rather quickly, but you were given enough information to know what happened and why.I agree it felt a bit random during 2008 but since then they've done a good job of portraying Leah and Charlie as good friends so it's understandable why they'd still be sharing instead of, say, Charlie getting a flat on her own.

Interesting it was mentioned that Dexter's pursuit of Marilyn in a previous post as practically stalking. I actually think the way Romeo has been hanging around Indy can be perceived as stalking. Nicole, Ruby, Dexter and Romeo - maybe it's something in the water that only affects students from Summer Bay high.

I don't really think you could call Romeo's behaviour "stalking".They've been hanging out a lot but that's something they both wanted, maybe her more than him if anything.It's not like he's been following her around or turning up at her house uninvited.Okay, he went to talk to her at work on Wednesday but when she said she was busy he agreed to come back later or wait outside.

Alf's episode count this week:Five.Miles was in four, for the second week running.

So...that's the end of the Mr.Oddly storyline?All felt a bit strange really and rather unexplained.So they were all playing jokes on each other and in the end they got fed up and burned him?Alf looking completely bored throughout the whole thing was the best thing about it.I'm glad Nicole apologised to Sid and she seems a lot less annoying now she's broken up with Penn.Is it me or was she blonder than usual?Had to dispute her and Marilyn's assertion that she didn't drive Aden away, that's pretty much exactly what she did do, deliberately.

Dexter continues to be rather creepy.It's kind of sad that it seems like the reason Sid's so blind to his crush on Marilyn is that he's pleased Dexter seems to be worrying about him.Going to be a let down when he learns the truth.

It does feel a lot like Rachel's trying to rail road Tony into going to Boston with her, first by accepting the job offer without talking to him about it, now by just going ahead and booking the ticket.And her reason for doing so seems a bit weak.I'm glad that Leah called her on it when I was expecting her to automatically be on her side.Tony actually seems on the verge of a breakdown, the way he was clutching Harry after Rachel said she was planning to take him with her.The ending felt a bit left field, I was half expecting Lucas to say "Who's Rachel?" given I'm not sure they've met in person since she and Tony got together.

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As a huge Tachel fan i have to say i hate this storyline and think both characters have been written terribly. Tony is being completely ridiculous in that he refuses to even discuss it with Rachel when he was the one who told her to 'sleep on it' in the first place! And Rachel for completely strolling ahead and going for it thinking Tony will come around. That's such a massive risk. The writers have treated Tachel shockingly this year and i'm bitterly disappointed that their leaving storyline is just as bad. :(

And RR im pretty sure Lucas knows who his Dad's wife is :wink: She called him during the whole Aden kidnapping thing remember? Hehe.

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And RR im pretty sure Lucas knows who his Dad's wife is :wink: She called him during the whole Aden kidnapping thing remember? Hehe.

Yeah, I know.Thinking about it, Lucas was meant to be in the city at that point so, yeah, Tony probably did take his new girlfriend/fiance down there one weekend or something to explain the situation.(Not that he bothered coming to town for the non-wedding...)Whether either Tony or Rachel has actually seen Lucas since his sojourn to India in early 2009, not so sure.She did say Tony hadn't seen him for a while...

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I have been watching the programme since it came back from the hiatus & I hate the way Rachel has approached the situation, she doesnt seem to get Tony at all IMO, no disrespect to the Tachel fans but he seems ready to try and talk to her but Rachel seems to keep thinking that she needs to talk him around, maybe just see things his way.

I am loving Indi and Romeo, I never thought I would and I wont fall in love with the pairing because all my couples that I love always end up broken somehow.

I am loving Dex and his crush on Marilyn, so cute and funny. Sid is growing on me as well. I think he needs to have more scenes with Dex!

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^How is Tony ready to talk when all he does is storm out or shut down every time she tries? :rolleyes: All she has done is try and get him to discuss it with her. And as much as she needs to see things from his point of view he needs to see things from her point of view. I think the writing is awful and it's completely disrespectful to Amy and Jon....very very disappointed.

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