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Given the terrible departures we've had this year i have to say as a Tachel fan i was actually quite happy with it. At least they go to say goodbye to people and i loved the last scene at Jack's grave. I think the writers/producers have treated them shockingly this year and it's pretty obvious they just didn't really care what they did with them. Their leaving story was so badly done and so rushed at the very end. With regards to them leaving i think the production team just ran out of ideas for them and simply didn't want to renew either Amy or Jon's contract. It's a shame they've lost their only real family unit and two of the best actors on the show. I don't really have an interest in Home and Away anymore.

I did think it was funny Harry changed from Rachel leaving the house to turning up at the Diner :lol:

I thought Amy wanted out and Jon was axed due to the producers thinking they deserved a happy ending?

Tony and Rachel remind me of Floss and Neville how they didn't have any storylines and were hardly used in most episodes but younger. But at least Floss and Neville had a lot to with the Fletchers.

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Kirsty - I too was amused at the Harry change, it was so noticeable in such a short period of time. :D

Glad it wasn't just me who thought 'what happened to his little hat?' Out of the three of them it's Harry I'm going to miss. :wub:

Thanks for that mention Red, I thought it was just me who saw Tony telling Rachel about him not wanting to leave Jack behind. The way Miles kept telling Tony to tell Rachel the real reason why he didn't want to go started me thinking I had imagined it! Talking about Rachel suddenly having a 'light bulb' moment, some of those flash backs she had were scenes which she wasn't in so how could she know what had happened or what was said? :confused:

That u turn Tony had did seem very odd after all the anguish of the last couple of weeks (which seemed like months)! Mind you he was looking rather pensive before Rachel came in and said she wasn't going to go, so perhaps he was having second thoughts after all. Another thing, picky I know, and correct me if I'm wrong, but, O.K. Rachel has a job lined up so no problem there, but (since 9/11) wouldn't Tony need to apply for a visa to enter the States as he has no job? Goodbyes all seemed a little rushed, but the important people where there. Lovely ending with them saying a farewell to Jack.

Xavier is going to be one happy bunny if John does indeed propose to Gina. :P He just about cope with him being the boyfriend, but John as a step dad!! Xavier is really dead easy to wind up, either that or April is just very good at doing it. At least their scenes balanced the other rather sombre ones.

As a foot note, all those promises of keeping in touch, visiting etc. what's the betting in a couple of weeks it will be as if none of them ever existed cos no-one will mention them again!

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I just hope Xavier doesn’t get in the way and really hope he is completely over Ruby. He was still asking after her but with any luck he’s simply trying to be there as a friend as he still cares. Didn’t really get much interaction with April and Xavier in today’s episode but I still liked the stuff between them not to mention April kind of looked hot in a bikini. I was actually expecting to see some John/Xavier stuff today.

Yes, I agree. Not only April, but Indi as well, both look well hot in their bikinis. Do those two guys realise how lucky they are?

Let's see a lot more surfing lessons and swimming sessions please.

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Talking about Rachel suddenly having a 'light bulb' moment, some of those flash backs she had were scenes which she wasn't in so how could she know what had happened or what was said? :confused: That u turn Tony had did seem very odd after all the anguish of the last couple of weeks (which seemed like months)! Mind you he was looking rather pensive before Rachel came in and said she wasn't going to go, so perhaps he was having second thoughts after all.

I thought exactly the same as you! But I think the flashbacks were meant to be Tony's (hence his pensive look) so if you look at it from that point of view it makes his sudden change of heart slightly more realistic but it was still a bit ridiculous. It really did look like Rachel's but we got a flash of Tony on the couch before it happened so I think it was meant to be him mulling it over.

It's such a shame; the storyline had such potential but I think it's been written pretty badly and seemed like it wa sos rushed just to get rid of Tony & Rachel. I have to say i felt as a Tachel fan pretty grateful for the exit storyline they got; bearing in mind the other departures that have happened this year to long term characters; I think they've all been shocking. So I was grateful to at least get a goodbye with everyone, have Tony&Rachel be able to assess their relationship and realise how much they want to be together as well as saying goodbye to Jack; that was beautiful. But yes it was far too rushed and I think too much time was spent on all the build up that the ending was pretty pathetic; why weren't they in Tuesdays? They could have had all the making up then and we just had a nice episode where they get ready t ogo and tie everything up.

Oh well they're gone now :( As is my interest for Home and Away :(

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And yes, I too appreciated the Xavier/April scene and the quite high preponderence of girls in bikinis lately.(Guess someone's redressing the balance for the mandatory male topless scenes...)

Significantly more April/Xavier stuff than yesterday. I think their scenes emphasise exactly why they are good for each other or more to the point April is good for Xavier. When Xavier’s with her he’s so much more likeable. TBH April’s sweet and likeable anyway so she doesn’t really need Xavier but I do like this couple. I liked the way April was joking around with him about Ruby. I also liked the way she was talking to him on the beach, Xavier’s mind was elsewhere and she made a remark about talking to herself.

Agree with you again Slade. Xavier has much more chemistry with April than he ever had with Ruby. Maybe she doesn't need Xavier so much, but who else can she talk to? She hasn't exactly made any friends since she arrived at the school and I can't see the Ruby/April friendship going far. Come to that, Ruby doesn't have many friends either. You would think that "two hot chicks" like them (to quote Xavier) would be surrounded by boys before and after school and at breaktimes. We see plenty of other schoolkids around, but none of them talk, even when there's a fight in the corridor! Must be boring being an extra in that school setting, and having to wear that ghastly dress. At least the boys can have their white shirts hanging out and ties dangling.

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what a boring episode that was and what a vile person Bianca is I can say I couldnt care less why she slapped Liam and to make it worse it was only over a kiss jezz I also think Andgelo should be axed now he just seems pointless now his not a cop really bad episode

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I thoroughly enjoyed that adult, Bianca/Liam centric episode. Where do I start though. It's hard to comment because most of the episode comprised of recaps which were scattered about a bit and in some parts they kept adding bits in changing the persons version of events etc.

Firstly I think it was pretty obvious that Liam's set of events were closer to the truth than Bianca's. I quite liked the beginning when he was harping on about her and Irene was so over it, frustrated and just wanted to take his order and be done with it. When Bianca heard Liam refer to her as one of the most obnoxious women he'd ever met I actually think that hurt her feelings. I still quite liked the way she ignored him at Angelo's but was clearly crying out for his attention. Back at Irene's I wasn't sure whether Liam should have asked her out on a date so quickly after apologising as it made the apology seem thin and conceited. Still she seemed to quite liked it. When they argued at school and she slapped him obviously he'd hit a raw nerve again when he referred to her as obnoxious even more proof that she likes him as if it had been someone else it probably wouldn't have bothered her as much.

Bianca's recollection of events seemed to portray Liam as quite arrogant, cocky and full of himself but to me he's calmed down quite a bit and been far more humble. I actually want these two together and the fact that not only did Bianca not get annoyed when Liam first kissed him but kissed him back speaks volumes.

I quite liked Gina's role though and I'm glad she saw through what Bianca said and picked the relevant holes out. I think the punishment she handed out was quite light but I think the whole thing was blown out of proportion anyway and wasn't that big a deal. It's obviously unresolved sexual tension. Although given the irrelevant information Gina had such when Liam first met Bianca on the beach, asked her out, Bianca not going into great detail about certain things, I'm surprised Gina didn't pick up on this.

At first I thought the idea of Bianca and Charlie being friends considering what's been happening with Ruby was a bit weird and random but I quite liked their scenes. I also think it's a good thing Charlie picking up on Bianca liking Liam as I think it kind of takes the heat of Liam regarding the Ruby problem.

Considering that Angelo's Italian possibly he and Bianca could form a natural friendship but I'm guessing he's more Australian than anything. I'm also guessing the way Angelo's family's been mentioned means at some point there is going to be some sort of storyline.

I found it interesting that Liam said he couldn't understand women but I think he's been reasonably successful - Nicole, Poppie, Martha now Bianca (he could have had Ruby and I can't remember if anything happened with Belle). Although thinking about it most of those relationships/flings are not what are label as being particularly successful and he has a failed marriage behind that so maybe he doesn't understand women. He's not the only one...

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I agree with most of the points about Tony and Rachel's departure.It kind of reminded me of Geoff's departure in that it was a good idea but horribly rushed and the actual departure just seemed to come out of nowhere.It's even more frustrating because they actually started the storyline at a point where they had time to flesh out the arguments and show them both slowly coming to a decision about what was best for their family but instead all the development was squeezed into the end.I also agree with the other point that April could work without Xavier but she does need someone to bounce off and he seems the obvious candidate.

And onto today's episode:The non-standard structure of Liam and Bianca telling Gina(and later Charlie)what happened worked well.(Although the repeated flashbacks to the slap began to get a bit irritating after a while.)Gina came across as a harassed cop trying to piece together various contradictory witness statements.I think she worked really well in that episode, she does seem to be an okay principal although she seems to spend more time dealing with problems with the staff than the pupils.I also think Liam's version of events was a lot closer to the truth than Bianca's. Her perspective was actually hilariously implausible, portraying Liam as a lecherous womaniser and herself as a virtuous saint who gives money to charity.(Although it's telling it was her version that included all the material that made Gina squirm.)Their final punishment and Liam's reaction to it("Is that like detention for adults?")worked well.I'm very much in too minds about Liam and Bianca getting together;he might be good for her but frankly whoever ends up with Bianca must have done something very bad.Even though he was the one that first threw insults about, she seemed to treat him a lot worse.

Charlie and Bianca's first meeting was a bit odd:Charlie talks about Bianca as though she knows her well, then introduces herself.They did seem to get on surprisingly well, although I guess Bianca is basically Charlie when she first came in.Not sure how happy Charlie will be if/when she finds out what Bianca knows about Ruby though...The little scene of Liam griping to Alf and Angelo was nice as well.(I think he got as far with Belle as he has with Bianca, they kissed a couple of times although it was a lot tamer.)And I liked Charlie and Angelo's interaction.Nice to finally get some back story for both Angelo and Bianca.

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Wow, what an opening scene!! I tended to believe Liam's version rather than Bianca's as well, is that though because it was the truth or because we like him and not her? Gina didn't have any alternative but to take them both to task about it. She wouldn't allow that kind of behaviour between pupils and as supposed adults (and teachers) Liam and Bianca are expected to act like it. The detention sounds very interesting, I have a feeling not much inventory work will get done. :wink: , well not the kind Gina was thinking of anyway. :lol: I did like that line of Liam's though.

According to the recap of the episode Bianca was reacting to Liam calling her a non-princess, hence the slap. They so fancy each other, there is so much sexual attraction there it's fairly sizzling. She certainly didn't scream stop when he kissed her, then she kissed him back instead of slapping him. If Liam finds her so obnoxious why does he keep on and on about her and then when she overhears dashes after her to apologise? Charlie's obviously not a cop for nothing, as she's spotted Bianca fancies Liam. Bianca has probably decided to keep quiet about Liam and Ruby, though it did seem at one point she was going to say something. Although Bianca opened up to Charlie about her and her ex, still have a feeling there's more to it.

Didn't Angelo get as far as sleeping with Belle on one of her 'I've finished with Aden' periods? She started seeing Aden behind Angelo's back and when he found out he smashed up the place and threatened her, which of course lead to him being suspected when she was attacked by the guys behind the toxic dumping.

With you there Slade, the mentioning of Angelo's family is more than just plumping out his background, one of the family is bound to pop up soon. Hope Charlie doesn't interfere by asking said member of family to visit to settle the old arguments.

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I'm a bit surprised Indy confided in Sid about the whole Romeo being a virgin thing. It would have been more plausible for her to confide in a friend (like Romeo confided in Nicole) although in saying that who could she talk to? Certainly not Dexter, she and Nicole aren't exactly enemies but I wouldn't describe them as friends either (not to mention that Nicole lives with Romeo). Haven't seen her interact with April and up until today can't remember seeing her in a scene with Ruby. For the first time Sid actually annoyed me. It was just the way he warned Romeo off Indy. He could have used a bit more tact. I also didn't like the way he got Marilyn and Miles to sit down almost like an ambush. It was so patronising too. I thought Marilyn was right about his approach. I think it would have be better to voice his concerns to Miles and let Miles have a quite word with Romeo in private.

I was just starting to warm to Ruby but she's annoyed me again. Once more showing how at times she can be selfish. I Just hated the way she got Indy to sell her alcohol (with little regard for the fact that Indy could lose her job) and when Indy was reluctant tried laying on the guilt trip about how she would have to buy Charlie an inferior present. Don't get me wrong because I think Indy's been stupid but TBH I'm not sure if Ruby genuinely wants to buy Charlie something anyway. I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say yes - Although again I wasn't so sure after Charlie warned her when she found out Ruby got drunk. The thing is now Charlie's going to assume that Indy's been stealing alcohol from Angelo to sell Ruby, not going to believe either Ruby or Indy when they say this was a one-off, Indy's probably going to get sacked and it could be bad press for Angelo and his business. Shame as I quite liked the scene where Angelo and Indy donned their caps and had their photo taken by the reporter.

Liam's still treading on eggshells as far as Charlie's concerned. Even though he came clean about Ruby, he looked quite scared of Charlie - the expression on his face suggesting "Oh no what is she going to do now".

Presumably Penn involving the TV crew is all part of his master plan. I know he wrote a letter to his father a while back so perhaps it could have something to do with that. I wasn't expecting John to be that annoyed although I can understand his concerns that any bad press can undo the work of the more positive interview mainly Alf and some of the others had last time. Notice how when Penn was speaking to the reporter she wasn't really interviewing just staring at him, obviously fancies him. I wonder if he's going to consider her offer.

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