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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Charlie can be so damn immature sometimes. Just because Angelo wasn't ready to tell her the whole story regarding Pauli, typical toys out the pram then storms off. Even though I think he should have told her I hated the way he gave in the next day inviting her to the discussion. I have to say I really hate this storyline with Pauli for the simple reason that Angelo worked and fought so hard for the restaurant and to raise the actual funds and now he has to get a loan out for his brother who's been stupid to say the least especially using their parents restaurant as collateral for a loan which is not entirely above board to put it midly.

The writers continue to torment us with storyline with Dexter, Marilyn and Sid. I have to say what he did was really sneaky but hopefully when Sid finds out after this he will stop being in denial.

Oh and I'm glad Leah decided to post one of the letters she wrote to Elijah.

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Surprise, surprise, just as I thought Paulie got the money for his restaurant from loan sharks. :rolleyes: At least it wasn't The Mob. I imagine Angelo is going to do it more to protect his parents and their restaurant than for Paulie. Know what you mean Slade about Charlie throwing a hissy fit when Angelo didn't feel able to confide in her there and then. Even now she doesn't know the whole truth, but perhaps that is something she shouldn't know. It's the old big brother looking out for little brother thing, hope Angelo knows what he is doing.

The Dex/Marilyn scenes seemed out of place somehow, unless they were there for light relief. It won't take long for Sid to realise he's been duped by Dex once he gets to the hospital.

All the while Leah was saying to VJ she wouldn't be reading Elijah's letters to him I was saying (and yes out loud, sad I know) 'oh yes you will' and guess what she did!! I guess to VJ it was easy just to read them seeing it from a kids point of view. Glad she took Miles' and Marilyn's advice in the end and posted that letter. She certainly looked a lot happier when she was reading the letters and when she posted hers. :wub:

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Well done everyone who thought Paulie was in debt.As I said before, the guy's pretty useless but not really a bad person.Not sure if Angelo's doing the rioght thing by bailing him out, like he said it feels like throwing good money after bad.But then there's the question of what'll happen to Paulie if he doesn't help him.I could kind of understand Charlie's point, especially when Angelo told her half the story and then shut her down, it would have been better not to say anything at all.But I can understand why Angelo's keeping it a secret from her, if Paulie's involved in something illegal then as a police officer Charlie would be in a difficult position if she knew the whole story(of course, she doesn't know that...).Was that Angelo's place/mansion?Must be over a year since we last saw it.

I could see both Miles and Irene's points when they were giving advice to Leah.Guess it remains to be seen if she's made the right choice.

Dexter continues to totter on the line between annoying and amusing, although even when it's the latter it's notable that we're now laughing at him rather than with him.I did actually find his attempts to make a speech to Marilyn funny, especially when he forgot it and started rooting around in his pockets, and also the fact Sid obviously thought he was having "alone time".But decoying Sid so he can hijack Marilyn for a date?Again?Can we please move on from this?

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Dexter continues to totter on the line between annoying and amusing, although even when it's the latter it's notable that we're now laughing at him rather than with him.I did actually find his attempts to make a speech to Marilyn funny, especially when he forgot it and started rooting around in his pockets, and also the fact Sid obviously thought he was having "alone time".But decoying Sid so he can hijack Marilyn for a date?Again?Can we please move on from this?

No I hope not. Dex is so unlike all the other teenagers in Summer Bay that it would be good to see how he develops. He's not stupid and will have worked out a story to tell Sid when he turns up. Sid is amazingly insensitive when it comes to people and Dex is playing him for all he's worth. Marilyn is the silly one - she should have told Dex to get lost long ago.

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I was afraid of this.If Paulie's dealings are as illegal as the previous episode implied, then we're back to Charlie being compromised as a police officer, again.That aside, she did give Angelo some good advice, as he seemed to realise with Indi a few weeks back constantly bailing Paulie out isn't going to help him in the long run.Mind you, hanging him out to dry instead of trying to find a way to help him that didn't involve giving him lots of money felt a bit cold.Paulie seriously overstepped the line by going and harrassing Charlie though.Is Charlie's sudden knowledge of Hugo's money really a lucky guess?Angelo may have known about it, Ruby definitely knows about it, Martha seemed to drop a few hints at one point, but it still felt like lazy writing.Maybe someone suddenly noticed they've had the money lying around for about eight months without actually doing anything with it.

Bianca's back to being aloof and I'm back to wondering why Liam would want to spend time with her, especially when she suddenly seems to have put a stop to the...fringe benefits.Couldn't really get into their scenes and it felt like most of the important conversations happened off screen.

I'd forgotten Dexter was meant to be going round Marilyn's since it was well over halfway through the episode before we saw them.He did actually seem to demonstrate intelligence by not being so eager to invite himself in, although it helped that Marilyn's brain seemed to be on holiday.Again, his wishful thinking was more amusing than not.I'm glad he's now admitted everything since at least now the storyline might move on.

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I'd forgotten Dexter was meant to be going round Marilyn's since it was well over halfway through the episode before we saw them.He did actually seem to demonstrate intelligence by not being so eager to invite himself in, although it helped that Marilyn's brain seemed to be on holiday.Again, his wishful thinking was more amusing than not.I'm glad he's now admitted everything since at least now the storyline might move on.

With Sid involved, I wouldn't bet on it. He's the one with the brain on holiday - don't doctors sign their name on the shift rota?

What perfect timing with Sid leaving hospital and Dex leaving Marilyn just before. Wanted to see Sid fume at Dex infront of Marilyn. Maybe tomorrow.

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Is Charlie's sudden knowledge of Hugo's money really a lucky guess?

I may be wrong but didn't Martha confide in Charlie about Hugo's money when he was still 'dead' and she decided to keep quiet about it? Anyway It's a sudden u-turn though from advising Angelo not to lend Paulie money then tapping Xavier for it. Perhaps this way having actual cash rather than Angelo having to get out a further loan may be an easier way out all round. Angelo wouldn't have to risk his business.

It certainly took Sid a while for him to realise he needn't have been at work. You're right Brian and he did say it was his night off. I suppose it happens that even if you are rostered off and someone else doesn't turn up they can call on you. It looked like he was heading home when he rang Dex, even if he had changed his mind and gone to Marilyn's Dex would have left. So will Marilyn tell Sid what Dex told her? If she does he will definitely have to speak to him instead if evading the issue.

Bianca and Liam, erm interesting discussion that they had, what we saw of them anyway. Could the reason she is still in love with Vittorio be why she is so upset by his calls? The question now is where does that leave Liam, is there any point in him still seeing her now he knows?

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Is Charlie's sudden knowledge of Hugo's money really a lucky guess?

I may be wrong but didn't Martha confide in Charlie about Hugo's money when he was still 'dead' and she decided to keep quiet about it?

I seem to remember Martha just asked Charlie about the legality of holding on to something that came from Hugo's criminal activities, using her ring as an example.It may have been enough for Charlie to work it out but she certainly didn't tell her outright.The continuity nightmares continue as Xavier apparently doesn't know Angelo helped Martha and Hugo escape, even though he confessed and lost his job over it.Why exactly does the rest of Summer Bay think he isn't a cop anymore?

Some nice stuff for Xavier here.His friendship with Romeo finally seems to have been remembered and they sparked off each other as best as they have done in a long time.April joins the long list of people who know about the money.And the chat between Xavier and John worked really well too, managing to act like human beings without getting too cosey.Really wasn't expecting Xavier to make the choice he did.

Liam and Bianca both annoyed me at the start:He did ask for honesty and shouldn't have blown up at her, while she was being typically self-centred.I'm glad she seemed to pull her head in and help him out with regards Ruby.Ruby's actual presence in the episode felt a bit superfluous, mainly serving to confirm she's still the poster child for depression.Have we seen before that April's in Geoff's old room?Since Ruby was still there when they moved in, I'm guessing that Bianca's upstairs in Annie's old room.

Really liked all the interaction between Leah and Miles, from his calming techniques to her jumping up and down and asking for the phone, it's nice that they've still got that light-hearted side.("What if I don't want to be air?")Irene continued to spout off some not very good advice although at least she eventually managed to think about what Leah wants rather than reeling off addiction metaphors.

And oh yes...where the hell were Marilyn, Sid and Dexter?End of last episode, Sid's on his way back to town for a serious talk.This episode...nothing!Guess someone needs their third episode for later in the week...

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Is Charlie's sudden knowledge of Hugo's money really a lucky guess?

I may be wrong but didn't Martha confide in Charlie about Hugo's money when he was still 'dead' and she decided to keep quiet about it?

The continuity nightmares continue as Xavier apparently doesn't know Angelo helped Martha and Hugo escape, even though he confessed and lost his job over it.Why exactly does the rest of Summer Bay think he isn't a cop anymore?

Some nice stuff for Xavier here.His friendship with Romeo finally seems to have been remembered and they sparked off each other as best as they have done in a long time.April joins the long list of people who know about the money.And the chat between Xavier and John worked really well too, managing to act like human beings without getting too cosey.Really wasn't expecting Xavier to make the choice he did.

And oh yes...where the hell were Marilyn, Sid and Dexter?End of last episode, Sid's on his way back to town for a serious talk.This episode...nothing!Guess someone needs their third episode for later in the week...

I'm sure Xavier mentioned to Romeo on the beach that as Angelo let Hugo and Martha escape it was only right he returned the favour. As far as for the rest of the bay I don't think they know the real reason, I suppose they think he just resigned.

Strange that Xavier didn't ask Ruby what he should do rather than involve someone else. Very good chat between John and Xavier and he gave very good advice. At least if he gives Charlie all the money he won't have to worry about it any more.

How ironic that Gina should ask Liam to look out for Ruby, if only she knew he is the reason for her being so down. Now he has to break the news about the record company not wanting her on the record. At least Liam had got over his upset over Bianca enough to ask her advice how he should break it to her. Seems April and Bianca are another Charlie and Ruby with the younger sister giving advice to the older one.

At last Leah finally decided to do something positive regarding Elijah, loved the way she got Miles to ring him, then snatched the phone from him. :D He obviously can't be anywhere too inaccessible seeing how quickly they reached him.

Yes, they keep doing that don't they, leaving us dangling over a particular story line. The Penn/Alf storyline seems to have dies a death as well. Alf is acting as if nothing had happened.

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