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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I think Xavier said something like "I always thought Angelo did it but Charlie didn't confirm it, she just sort of implied."Either way, it does seem as though the police somehow hushed up exactly what he did.

Well, John put in a pretty good performance at the council meeting.Perhaps a little too good.The other councillor putting the mockers on the proposal he really wanted in a "you ruin my business, I'll ruin yours" way was a nice twist.Shame it resulted in him reverting to type, although it was a bit naive of Xavier and April to think he wouldn't care about the highway project.Are we meant to assume that that door Gina looked through at the surf club is where the gym is in the "new" building?

Loved the plotline of Romeo losing his voice.Sid's awkward chat with Indigo about sex was rather funny, especially the blunt way he brought it up.And his sarcastic references to what Romeo and Indi have been up to raised a smile.We even got a reference to the tension between him and Dexter. Nicole worked really well in that episode, she and Indigo definitely seem to be back to being friends. Romeo was a bit forward at the end, what happened to him being uncomfortable about that sort of thing?

Leah and Miles' byplay was quite good, although I got pretty lost in their conversations about whether feeling good was good or bad.VJ worked well again.Him and Leah going to Africa feels a bit abrupt, not really sure where they're going with that, I assume it's not gonna be permanent.

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How ironic that Gina should ask Liam to look out for Ruby, if only she knew he is the reason for her being so down. Now he has to break the news about the record company not wanting her on the record. At least Liam had got over his upset over Bianca enough to ask her advice how he should break it to her. Seems April and Bianca are another Charlie and Ruby with the younger sister giving advice to the older one.

Fo that to be true, Bianca would have to be April's mother. Not enough age difference, I think!

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How ironic that Gina should ask Liam to look out for Ruby, if only she knew he is the reason for her being so down. Now he has to break the news about the record company not wanting her on the record. At least Liam had got over his upset over Bianca enough to ask her advice how he should break it to her. Seems April and Bianca are another Charlie and Ruby with the younger sister giving advice to the older one.

Fo that to be true, Bianca would have to be April's mother. Not enough age difference, I think!

well, there was not enough age difference between Charlie and Ruby either.... But in soapland age is something that can be changed all the time, and sometimes there aren't birthdays every year and other times some characters suddenly age very quickly - five years in a couple of days :lol:

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Once again VJ proves to be a lot more mature than some of the adults in the bay. They certainly got their tickets very quickly (but then that's the internet for you), but what about any jabs they may need considering Elijah is in a bit of a dodgy area health wise?

There we were all thinking John had turned a corner but it looks like he might not have, which is a shame because I was liking the new John, even though he still did have some of his old abrasiveness. And just as he and Xav were getting on so well too. He's going have to explain himself to Gina as well.

I don't think they would make Bianca and April mother and daughter that would be asking too much of us viewers.

It must be difficult for most single dads having to give their teenage daughters sex advice, perhaps she could have a chat to Marilyn. Not sure who was the most embarrassed Sid or Indie. :blush: Notice he still hasn't spoken to Dex! Poor Indie having to forgo her favourite lippie to be able to snog Romeo. :wink: Liked Sid's line to her about not to stop using it "and that's an order". :lol: Perhaps the blip over was he or wasn't he (allergic that is) gave Romeo the push he needed to move things on.

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Yeah, I don't think they'd make Bianca and April mother and daughter simply because it'd be a repeat of Charlie and Ruby and they're not going to do that so soon.The age gap is about the same.

Alf's episode count this week:Four.Sid was in four as well.

So...as a lot of people suspected, Marilyn only thinks she's dying because a psychic told her.Mind you, psychics are usually right in Home and Away so maybe she'll die anyway.I can understand Sid's attitude but he could probably do with being a bit less confrontational.Marilyn...well, I never understand her.Didn't mind Mitzy, she seems to be quite down to earth despite her rather out there beliefs and hey, she knows how to put Colleen in her place.

Oh, Penn was in it.Alf's complete not-caring attitude towards him was fun.Basically helping Ruby to write herself off again just feels like him randomly stirring again, unless it's to do with Alf serving him.

Quite liked Nicole and Indigo's scenes.I guess the last person Indi slept with was the guy who ran off with her mother.Can't say they really advanced the plot much though.

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Hasn't Marilyn been having tests at the hospital? So Mitzy has 'seen' Marilyn's death, but who's to say it is from Marilyn's cancer, it could be as the result of an accident. Shame it seems to be driving a wedge between Marilyn and Sid. Did you notice swhen Nitzy said to the driver she felt as if someone had walked over her grave Penn was walking by in the background?

Good to see Alf didn't rise to Penn's baiting. What was that name Penn asked Alf about I didn't quite catch it and where did the references to gardening come from? I kind of got why Penn was calling Ruby Jools but why has he diverted his attention to her, when she has no direct link to Alf?

Nice talk between Nicole and Indie about her fears of sleeping with Romeo because of her past experiences.

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Good to see Alf didn't rise to Penn's baiting. What was that name Penn asked Alf about I didn't quite catch it and where did the references to gardening come from? I kind of got why Penn was calling Ruby Jools but why has he diverted his attention to her, when she has no direct link to Alf?

Tulip O'Hare, which sounds like either an exotic dancer or a Bond girl.I think he was calling Ruby "Jewel".His actions do seem to be a bit random sometimes, like when he torched that police car.

My sympathies lie with Sid but the guy really does need to think before he speaks.On the face of it, Marilyn's being pretty irrational, plus she can be rather annoying at times, but just coming out and saying that she's talking nonsense and her friend's a con artist isn't going to get a very favourable response.Mitzy is still filed under "Benefit of the doubt":I can't quite decide if she's playing Marilyn for a fool and deliberately making trouble between her and Sid or whether, rightly or wrongly, she's being sincere.Is it me or have they stuck her in one of those dresses Annie got lumbered with when she came back?Loved Romeo's bemused "Sorry, who are you?" on finding himself in a scene with her.

Liked the little scene of Nicole chatting to Indigo.Interesting that, despite Charlie marching her off home and playing the big parent, Irene's still the one looking out for Ruby.Nicole's behaviour was somewhat variable.She did try to help Ruby but seriously, Liam's was the last place she should have taken her.Covering up for her is not going to do her any favours.Liam did at least want to call Charlie but he let Nicole talk him round way too easily.She may have had a point that Charlie going in like a bull in a china shop wouldn't help but in that case he should have called Irene, who was looking for Ruby anyway.Bianca might have been in unpleasant mode this episode but at least she managed to talk some sense into Liam and actually dealt with Ruby quite fairly as well.

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Is it me or have they stuck her in one of those dresses Annie got lumbered with when she came back?

Yes! Nailed it.

I don't like Mitzy so far. <_< I can't remember what else has been happening. Finding it difficult to get interested lately as there are loads of other things I'm watching.

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Liked the little scenes of Miles giving "the talk" to Romeo.He definitely seems to be getting the hang of the whole parenting business.On the whole though, I found the whole Romeo/Indigo storyline rather confusing and uninvolving.It felt like half the time they seemed perfectly relaxed and comfortable around each other and the other half it was all awkward.And deciding not to sleep together didn't seem to make them seem any less awkward.

Glad that Angelo seemed to have his head screwed on, stopping Charlie from giving Paulie Hugo's money and trying to get Paulie to face his own problems rather than getting over people to put their necks on the line to help him out.Then he, sensibly if about eight months too late, tells Charlie to either give the money to charity or hand it over to the police.And what does she do?Give it back to Xavier, who clearly doesn't have a clue what to do with it.So not only is she still compromising herself as a police officer by helping hide the money, but the annoying motif is still hanging around and not going anywhere.It's feeling increasingly as though the writers introduced the money on a whim to have some tasteless comedy back in episode 5000 and didn't have a clue what to do with it afterwards.Frustrating.

Also slightly frustrating is that after Liam seemed to be about to phone Charlie last episode, he can't interrupt her over plotline so he and Ruby are suddenly wandering around on the beach.Did Bianca really trust him to take her off on her own?The plot developed nicely though with Charlie showing some long overdue maternal instinct instead of just dropping a ton of bricks on her daughter.And it was good to see her swallowing her pride and going to Irene for advice.Liam using his own addiction to highlight Ruby's problems worked well too.Ruby being sent off to rehab after getting drunk twice, and trying to do so once in between, seems a bit of an overreaction but I guess with her diabetes they can't afford to take chances.Didn't you just know it was going to be Vittorio when Liam answered Bianca's phone?

Oh-and I believe our first glimpse of the new surf club's gym!

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Is it me or have they stuck her in one of those dresses Annie got lumbered with when she came back?

I don't like Mitzy so far. <_< I can't remember what else has been happening. Finding it difficult to get interested lately as there are loads of other things I'm watching.

What else could there be more interesting to watch than Home & Away? Great storylines, beautiful weather (does it ever rain in Summer Bay?), gorgeous girls, ....... Even Mitzy has a new angle.

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