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What else could there be more interesting to watch than Home & Away? Great storylines, beautiful weather (does it ever rain in Summer Bay?), gorgeous girls, ....... Even Mitzy has a new angle.

I believe it was raining last night Brian! :P:wink:

Did seem odd that Liam was all fired up to ring Charlie after Bianca had seen her at his place (thank goodness Nicole was there too or it would have looked very suss) then we see her at Angelo's having the debate about the money. Did he decide not to ring after all and just take her home? Did he not even try her on her mobile?

Was Angelo even aware of the moneys existence until last night? Whatever Charlie may have protested about no-one finding out where the money had originated from as Angelo pointed out these things always have a way of coming out. Did I hear that Paulie had contacted his parents and let them know what was going on? They would probably have more luck at raising the money than Angelo considering his is a new business. Poor Xavier though, just as he thought he had got rid of the money Charlie is going to have to give it back!

Liked that scene between Romeo and Miles the 's' word was never actually mentioned! Good too that Indie and Romeo were able to admit they both felt it was too soon after all. It'll be interesting to see what he is like.

Yes, Red, it was sooo obvious it was going to be Vittroio who just happened to ring Bianca's phone just as he was handed it.

Good decision on his part to send Bianca away after giving her the message.

It's because Ruby has more than a binge drinking problem so that is probably why she is going into rehab. She needs more help than Charlie, Irene or Nicole can give her.

Tulip O'Hara, what a name!! Like Alf said it's not a name you would forget, unless he was being economical with the truth.

Mitzy probably believes she is psychic whether she really is is debatable. She has more than likely come up against people like Sid before who questioned her abilities. He certainly could have been more tactful. Whether she guessed what Romeo was worrying about is another 'not sure' thing.

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^We're now six weeks behind.

Actually really enjoyed that episode, although I'm not sure about Leah's storyline, it didn't really grab my attention.Miles was on top form again with his neck problems.I think I'm actually starting to like Mitzy, it seemed like she isn't actually trying to cause trouble between Sid and Marilyn and she did genuinely seem to be trying to help.Despite putting his foot in it a few times, Sid does seem to be keeping his head above water, although I'm not sure he's being completely honest with Marilyn which could cause problems in the future.Dexter amused me again, although as I mentioned before it does seem to be a case of laughing at him rather than with him these days.His insistence that he should have taken Marilyn out for dinner was wonderfully deluded.Mitzy freaking him out to make him see he didn't really want to date an older woman was rather amusing.Sid's "She supported you after your son died" was a bit odd:About eight years after her son died if they met while she had cancer.

I actually really enjoyed the sibling banter between Angelo and Paulie and I'm actually starting to find Paulie likeable, even if he is a bit of a loser.The "I can't believe I didn't think of it before!"/"Neither can I, it's a stupid idea and you always have those" exchange between them was possibly the biggest laugh of the episode.

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Do we know yet what Paulie's idea is? By the sounds of it it has been something he has tried before just rather risky.

When Mitzy made that lunge at Dex it reminded me of when he had his daydream of Marilyn coming onto him and it freaked him out. Obviously it is not just any older woman Dex has fallen in love with it is Marilyn herself, I felt rather sorry for him after as it seems no-one is really taking him seriously. Sid was expecting him to come back with some witty remark like he always did and the absence of that should have indicated to Sid Dex is upset and serious. I liked that they had that other little chat at the end. I think she was just trying to help but it backfired and upset Marilyn as well.

I wondered about that as well Red, isn't it only about two years ago Marilyn had cancer?

I can understand why Leah is so unsure about going to Africa to see Elijah, but IMO if she doesn't go how will she ever know if things are the same between them or if they can make some sort of decision about their future?

Another uneasy truce between John and Xav (who going by what he said has the money back). I almost expected him to say John could have the money, but then John would have to explain where it came from. Seems Colleen (inadvertently) may have helped April come up with the solution to John's bus problem and judging by the look on his face he seemed impressed by her proposal.

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I'm finding it increasingly difficult to engage with Leah's storyline.She's been moping over Elijah ever since he left and I wish she'd move on instead of running off to Africa on the off chance it might work out this time.At least Miles and VJ were on fine form.

Mitzy's little piece of psychology actually seems to have worked given that Dexter's realised he's been out of order.And I did like the little chat between him and Sid.I did wonder, with that odd, seemingly insincere comment at the end, whether Mitzy was actually trying to cause trouble between Marilyn and Sid.But I can't see Sid being that angry with Marilyn over what happened.

Xavier and John are back to bickering but I rather like that side of their relationship and it's preferable to the vitriol they were directing at each other end of last week.Is that the first time Xavier's called him "John", albeit sarcastically?Liked Colleen's "Are you trying to ban something else?" to April.Not sure if April taking advice from her fills me with confidence.Or even Mary Poppins.

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Certainly an interesting episode!! So it looks like Alf did indeed have an affair with Penn's mum Tulip (he certainly got around when he was young didn't he)? Like I said before he was being economical with the truth. I somehow don't think Alf is Penn's dad though. Going by the gravestone she died in 1987 when Penn looked about four or five (mind I'm rubbish about guessing childrens' ages, so could be wrong) so that would make him about 24 or 25 now. Is it possible Penn's dad found out and Alf didn't stand by her when she needed him to which may explain why he was having those bad dreams about him when he was in hospital? Perhaps something happened to his dad and he was adopted hence the change of name?

April is playing a dangerous game by trying to trick John into going ahead with the bus project, if he finds out the truth the fall out will be massive for all concerned. I can see why she has tried to big it up but she has tended to rush it just to get John on side.

Wow I didn't see that coming from Leah, that is a huge decision to make and shouldn't she run it by VJ first, which is what I imagine Irene was hinting at. When she made her spur of the moment decision to go off with Lou she only had herself to think about whereas Leah has VJ and it will be his life being disrupted as well as hers. Wouldn't it be a better idea to see how she and Elijah get on first and if they would both could settle there?

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Back from abroad and managed to catch up with all of the episodes. I really can't be bothered to comment on all of them but anyway I am quite enjoying the whole John/Gina/Xavier dynamic. I didn't think I'd enjoy the scenes with John and Xavier but I am. I think the discovery of the "Mad Max" car is a good way to allow some male bonding and to get over their differences. I don't blame John for getting annoyed about the council diverting the money from the freeway. I'm a bit disappointed with April for being deliberately misleading regarding her proposal for the hybrid buses and I actually quite liked Xavier taking John's side even though he wasn't going to say anything. It's funny because a while back someone mentioned that Ruby was and idealist but I'm starting to think the same thing about April.

The Liam Bianca stuff is starting to get a bit tiring with the mode swings from both sides. I do agree that it was random Penn giving Ruby the bottle of Vodka but as Red Ranger mentioned maybe he did it for the same reason he tried to make Nicole think she had HIV....because he's bad. After what happened before I really didn't like Nicole taking Ruby to Liam's and was worried at his reluctance to call Charlie but I'm glad Bianca eventually made him see sense. I do think that Charlie and Ruby could do with a break but knowing what soaps are like it will be two weeks and Ruby will be cured. I think the only way she'll get over Liam if she takes a liking to someone else.

I don't know what to make of Mitzy yet and initially wasn't sure what to make of her cracking onto Dexter but it did prove a point. Personally I think Marilyn should have been more blunt with him and just told him where to go. For once Dexter actually wasn't annoying.

Hopefully we will get a resolution to this storyline with Penn now that we know what issues Penn has with Alf even though in IMO it all seems a bit pointless.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five.Nicole and Charlie were only in one each.

So...finally we get some explanations about Penn!It looks increasingly likely that Alf isn't his father or related to him in any way, which is a relief, and the 1987 date suggests it took place in the period between his first wife dying and him getting together with Ailsa so he didn't cheat on anyone, another relief.(Of course, she was married but let's gloss over that for the moment.)Looks like Penn is his real first name and he may well have been adopted as H&Alover suggested.Have to say I quite liked the little scene of Penn visiting his mother's grave, it's possibly the first time he's been entirely genuine.I assumed Penn was in his early 30s, same as the actor, but he certainly looked younger than seven in the flashback so I guess that's someone else who's playing younger and then doing love scenes with a teenaged Tessa James.Assuming for now that when Alf talked about a "mistake", he was referring to ending the affair.The guy playing the young Alf was hilarious, looking about fifteen years younger than the 1980s Ray Meagher, even from behind.Much as it's nice that Alf's getting something to do(although he seemed to spend most of the week doing his traditional one scene cameo), I hope they wrap this storyline up soon and don't drag it out for another three months.

The little chats between Irene and Leah were interesting and it's actually a pretty sensible choice for Leah, rather than just going out to Africa and hoping for the best to realise that if she wants to be with Elijah then that means...being with him and if he's not prepared to stay in Summer Bay she'll have to go with him.I didn't think about VJ but I'm sure he wouldn't mind.And after all, Irene had Belle, Geoff and Annie when she went off with Lou and wasn't around when Belle took an overdose and Geoff thought he'd got a girl pregnant.Her comment about Leah making all the sacrifices made me think for about five seconds until I remembered how everyone was convinced Tony should abandon his life and follow Rachel to America and went "Pfft".I'm sure they've got diners in West Dammar.

Disappointed in April lying to John.Whilst she is an idealist, which explained her attitude about the highway project, I don't think that's her motivation here.It seemed like she gave John the proposal so she could show she was making an effort to help, not expecting him to actually adopt him.Actually the lie doesn't seem as bad as it's made out, if the figures are correct then John should be able to decide for himself whether the idea's a good one or not.Maybe tell him the truth after he's had time to judge the project on its own merits?I'm going to wait and see how April handles it although her attitude here, acting as if John doesn't matter and pressuring Xavier into keeping quiet, didn't impress me and I wish Xavier had stood his ground more and tried to get her to tell the truth.The sudden mention of where April and Indi are meant to be working made me realise that we haven't actually seen them or Romeo at work since they got their new jobs.Oh-and April's now calling John by his first name semi-sarcastically as well!

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When will the Bay residents ever learn to lock their doors!!! :angry: Penn just strolled in and what would he have done if someone had been home? It certainly has had a bad effect on Alf.

Miles was in Agony Uncle mode tonight trying to get Alf to talk (loved Alf's "If I get desperate, I'll talk to you") bit of a back handed compliment if there ever was one! Then he was giving advice to Liam. Good chat between him and Bianca on the pier (how long were they there BTW)? What he said was true, until she faces Vittorio she won't know if she still is in love with him or what they used to have together.

Xavier was ready to tell John the truth then he had to blow it by belittling April's idea.

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