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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I'm finding it hard to get into this Penn storyline, it's hard to know where, if anywhere, it's going.I mean, we've got Penn's motive now, that he blames Alf for his mother's suicide, but does he actually have a plan?He implied he was going to expose what Alf did to everyone in that episode, which seems fairly understandable, but it's hard to shake the feeling that he's just going to hang around being mean to Alf and anyone else that comes his way indefinitely.That last scene was okay but went on at least half a minute too long until I was sat there going "Yes.There's photos of Tulip everywhere. We get it."

I'm actually really liking Liam at the moment.Bianca was a bit stroppy but we got her pleasant side in their little scenes on the wharf(and yes, it did seem like they were there for hours...).Liked the scene of Miles and Liam chatting, can't remember if we've ever seen them interacting as friends before. How old is Liam meant to be?If he's in his late 20s then Miles would only be about three years older than him, he seemed to be taking an almost big brother attitude towards him.

In two minds about the April storyline.On the one hand, she seems to be lying to John so he'll try out her eco-friendly idea and...that's a bad thing.On the other hand, John seems to be doing his research and working it out so maybe it's actually a good idea?I liked Xavier standing up to her and saying he'd tell John if she didn't, shame John showed him his obnoxious side and scared him off.(Although he seemed to take an awfully long time to say "They're not using it in Sweden.")Please don't say Xavier's got himself another high maintenance girlfriend.

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Penn just seems to hovering around, not doing a lot, just getting under Alf's skin, but then that is what he does best. Shame Miles, Marilyn and Mitzy are trying to get him to talk about 'his problem' knowing Alf as we do, that is going to have the opposite effect.

Strange to see such a subdued Dex, not sure how much that chat Marilyn had with him helped, but it needed to be said. Loved Marilyn chastising Sid and Mitzy. :D Even after they apologised to each other there was a definite frosty feeling to the atmosphere. Good for Sid though for standing up for Dex, who how much he thinks he is grown up, he is still a teenager.

How is Romeo going to handle the fact that Indie is in love with him, I thought they were going to take it slow?

How stunning did Nicole and Charlie look in their racing outfits!! :cool: Paulie was really bowled over by Nicole and yellow really suits Charlie. I notice they passed on Colleen's offer to lend them a couple of her hats. :D:wink: I have a feeling that offer to appear in that fashion show won't be the end of it and may lead to Nicole getting offers of fashion design work. What's the betting (sorry) that Paulie's remark about nothing will go wrong will be exactly the opposite. Why is Angelo so concerned about Charlie finding out, it's not as if they are doing anything illegal?

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It feel worryingly like Ruby's storyline is going to be wrapped up off screen, given all the references Charlie and Nicole made to her yesterday, which is very frustrating.Not too sure about some of the clothes the gang wore to the races:Paulie appeared to be dressed like a gangster(as did two extras he walked past at one point)and Nicole looked like a hooker frankly.At least the boys didn't actually lose any money.I wasn't entirely happy with the way Charlie and Angelo seemed to be turning their back on Paulie until they pointed out he could ask their parents for help, which seemed a reasonable point of view.Charlie and Nicole was a rather odd pairing which left me wondering if it was originally meant to be Ruby but it worked okay.

Wasn't too happy with Sid having a go at Mitzy, felt a bit like Charlie's parenting technique:Instead of talking to your kid and helping them, find someone to blame and shout at them.Dexter's chat with Marilyn was nice though and I am actually starting to like him again.

It's been a few weeks since I've wanted to give Romeo a pummelling so I guess it was about time. It's frustrating because for most of those two episodes he and Indigo sparked off each other really well and made a cute couple.And then he breaks up with her for no good reason.He wanted to sleep with her last week and now he's breaking up with her because she loves him?!Didn't help that he's back to banging on about a girl he went on about one date with.I'm trying to forget he's the same guy that ruined Annie's character.

Could do without Alf making token appearances to remind us of the going-nowhere-slow Penn storyline.At least that last scene suggested there's going to be some progress made.

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Just shows Red how people view the way people dress in different ways, though I do agree Paulie did look like a gangster and (with a slight nod to The Blues Brothers) and yes I did see those extras in the background. I haven't seen the film Miss Congeniality but those scenes with Charlie on the podium when she chased after the pick pocket could have come straight from them. Do we get the feeling Angelo will be ringing his parents?

From what I have gathered in conversations that have been had about Ruby it is only Nicole who knows she is in rehab, others are under the impression she is visiting Ross. Though I should imagine Gina would have to know the truth.

I felt sorry for poor Indie, one moment she was down because Romeo had cooled off, she got her hopes up when he called to speak to her, then they were dashed again when he said he wanted to break up. Last week we had Miles as Agony Uncle, this week we have Marilyn as Agony Aunt who gave Romeo good advice, just a pity it turned out the wrong way.

From I have read the talk Mitzy wants to have with Marilyn is to tell her she has only a couple of months to live, but hasn't she done that already? :confused:

Sid may have been OTT with Mitzy, but I suppose it shows he does really care about Dex after years of being a bit of a distant father.

It did appear that tonight will be the night Alf 'confesses' to Miles, so let's hope it does happen and 'they' don't keep us dangling for another night. As you have said Red, he was single at the time of the affair, but she wasn't(?), a thought has just occurred, she couldn't have been pregnant could she? As the affair looked like it took place in 1987 which was only a year after his wife Martha died perhaps Alf wasn't ready to take on the responsibility as he was still grieving - just a thought.

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^Yes, I thought that about Charlie's Sandra Bullock moment as well...

Really liked all the scenes with Alf and Miles, they both acted their socks off and they hit the right note perfectly.So Penn's mother may or may not have committed suicide and by the sound of things his father definitely did a few years later.(Could "Penn" have been a nickname his mother used, since Alf says he doesn't recognise the name?Not that he tells us what he remembers Penn's name as being...)The flashbacks of Tulip talking to(or at...)someone-who-clearly-isn't-Alf felt very unnecessary, Alf's conversations with Miles covered it perfectly without them.As for Penn himself...I really hope this is drawing to a close.Because while the back story's kind of interesting for the effect it has on Alf, Penn himself just comes across as yet another crazed stalker who's come to town to cause trouble for anyone he bumps into because of something one person who lives there did.The only interesting thing about his scenes was Sid none-too-subtly having a few digs at him during the consultation.Otherwise, the flashbacks just show how incompetent therapists are in the Home and Away world, as the guy first loses his cool with Penn at some very mild provocation and then lets the guy out when he's dripping with insincerity and just screams Basket Case.

Oh-and Mitzy tells Marilyn when she's going to die, although no-one tells us.Sid's reaction is kind of predictable and although I understand it he really needs to tone it down:If he's right, then when Marilyn doesn't die they can all celebrate so I'm not sure why he's taking such a hard line when Marilyn seems fairly calm about the prospect and Mitzy doesn't really seem to be profiting from the assumed deception.Hopefully it won't cause any more trouble between them.

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Strike me pink to borrow an Alfism!! We knew Penn was a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic, but to discover he's been in an institution (and in a straitjacket, I think I've spelt that right, no less) was a bit of a shocker! :o Just how much of what he 'confessed' to the panel was true I wonder? For all we know he killed his dad and made it look like suicide. That confirms the thought some of us had that his dad was dead. Did he actually kill those guys he was talking about, it wasn't specified? It was certainly obvious to me he was conning them, but that happens in real life as victims and their families of so called 'cured' ex inmates have found to their cost. I did notice Dr. Wayne called him Penn Graham when he said to the rest of the panel that he was safe to be released. Did have to chuckle though when he admitted his name was Jonathan. :D You're right Red, those scenes between Alf and Miles were very well done, and the fact they had the scenes of Penn brooding in between them was rather clever. Bit picky but I did notice Alf and Miles swapped seats during the chat. Perhaps just hearing it from Alf's point of view and not seeing Tulip talking to the supposedly younger Alf and hearing it in her own voice may not have had the same effect. I may have wrong about her being pregnant, but I was right about Alf still grieving for Martha and not ready for a new relationship. Although they had both lost someone, the loss of a husband/wife is different from the loss of a child (no offence to anyone who has gone through exactly that). It seems that Penn's dad may have known about the affair, did he blame Penn in some way? In one way I can understand Penn blaming Alf for what happened to his mum, he was only four/five and to a child that age everything is so simple, someone who his mum liked left her alone and she died so it's their fault.

Yes I admit that irked me as well Red about 'Marilyn's end date'! :angry: How much sooner is it, wouldn't be so easy, as Sid has suggested, to get a check up at the hospital (though I thought she already had). :unsure: Mitzy does seem genuine and I don't think Marilyn has anything of real value to leave her anyway. Sid's overreaction (again) could split him and Maz up if he isn't careful and she needs him right now. I suppose he is just acting like most doctors would in that situation, no medical evidence, as far as we know, just someone's vision. Mitzy originally said Marilyn had five months, but now the time is shorter. As Australia are six weeks ahead of us that would make 'their' time end of November and as Marilyn was only supposed to be back in it until Christmas time that would make it right wouldn't it?

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As Australia are six weeks ahead of us that would make 'their' time end of November and as Marilyn was only supposed to be back in it until Christmas time that would make it right wouldn't it?

Eh?As Australia are six weeks ahead of us, these episodes were shown there in mid-September and we'll probably get the episodes they're seeing now in early December.

And from what I hear, Marilyn's still going to be around next year.

Alf's episode count this week:Five.Miles was in four.No sign or mention of Leah so presumably she's in Africa.(No sign of Ruby either but we know where she is.)

Liked the little chats Alf had with Miles and Irene.Did he tell Irene the full story?Maybe she was just being diplomatic when she referred to Tulip as his "friend".Felt a bit sorry for Miles being badgered for answers.Could have done without Romeo butting in, especially when he's back to playing the victim even though he's the one messing Indi about.

Sadly, I find myself not liking April for large chunks of the episode.Only her first chat with Bianca and her apology to John showed her in a good light and seemingly genuinely sorry.The rest of the time I really didn't like her attitude towards Xavier, she came across as quite self-righteous, especially shouting "Don't blame me" for something that's her fault.Although Xavier perhaps went a bit too far with her "You just like bossing people about" speech.Gina playing the hard taskmaster is getting very tired as well, although I did rather like her scenes with John.I loved John as always, from the discovery he's not as dumb as he appeared and is actually judging the project on its own merits to his fit of giggles once Xavier was out of the room.It's a shame Xavier seems to be the one bearing the brunt of his wind-up when he was actually trying to do the right thing and April, who actually was to blame, doesn't seem to care.

Didn't really like Bianca either, even though she was apparently showing her more pleasant side.It feels like Liam genuinely likes her but she just views him as someone to pick up and then drop if she fancies having some fun.At the end of the episode, we meet the oft-talked-about Vittorio.On the basis of a five second meeting...he seems a bit dim frankly and not really someone she'd still be hung up on.

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As Australia are six weeks ahead of us that would make 'their' time end of November and as Marilyn was only supposed to be back in it until Christmas time that would make it right wouldn't it?

Eh?As Australia are six weeks ahead of us, these episodes were shown there in mid-September and we'll probably get the episodes they're seeing now in early December.

And from what I hear, Marilyn's still going to be around next year.

Of course you're right Red, slap self on wrist. :rolleyes: I've also 'heard' what you have re Marilyn. :wink: It did go trough my mind if that was the way things were going, but if so why tell Marilyn what she has?

Good that Alf has confided in Irene and got a separate opinion on his problem, which matched Miles'. I suppose Romeo deserves to know something of what is going on seeing as he lives in the same house and he is far too old to be fobbed off with the 'nothing for you to be worried about' line. Although Alf has decided he can forgive himself, I've a feeling Penn hasn't finished with him yet.

According to the TV mags Penn finds a new victim next week,who I wonder?

Agree why was April sounding so self righteous when she was rumbled!! If Xavier and her decide to have a heated discussion about something that is supposed to be secret in a public place like the hall at school, it's no wonder someone (this time) Gina overheard. She kept her temper very well I thought and their apology was genuine. Loved that John revealed to Gina he had already checked it out, but that is a good idea and that he was going to make them suffer a bit longer. :D

It was quids on that as soon as Bianca and Liam made their 'date' Vittorio was going to turn up. :rolleyes: Did like Liam's description of themselves - are we colleagues, friends or ex lovers. Actually I think Bianca does like Liam going by the way she made was dressed up.

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As Australia are six weeks ahead of us that would make 'their' time end of November and as Marilyn was only supposed to be back in it until Christmas time that would make it right wouldn't it?

Eh?As Australia are six weeks ahead of us, these episodes were shown there in mid-September and we'll probably get the episodes they're seeing now in early December.

And from what I hear, Marilyn's still going to be around next year.

Of course you're right Red, slap self on wrist. :rolleyes: I've also 'heard' what you have re Marilyn. :wink: It did go trough my mind if that was the way things were going, but if so why tell Marilyn what she has?

Good that Alf has confided in Irene and got a separate opinion on his problem, which matched Miles'. I suppose Romeo deserves to know something of what is going on seeing as he lives in the same house and he is far too old to be fobbed off with the 'nothing for you to be worried about' line. Although Alf has decided he can forgive himself, I've a feeling Penn hasn't finished with him yet.

According to the TV mags Penn finds a new victim next week,who I wonder?

Agree why was April sounding so self righteous when she was rumbled!! If Xavier and her decide to have a heated discussion about something that is supposed to be secret in a public place like the hall at school, it's no wonder someone (this time) Gina overheard. She kept her temper very well I thought and their apology was genuine. Loved that John revealed to Gina he had already checked it out, but that is a good idea and that he was going to make them suffer a bit longer. :D

It was quids on that as soon as Bianca and Liam made their 'date' Vittorio was going to turn up. :rolleyes: Did like Liam's description of themselves - are we colleagues, friends or ex lovers. Actually I think Bianca does like Liam going by the way she made was dressed up.

I can see why Alf confided in Irene the most. Probably because she is the most consistant person in Alf's life as she has lived in the bay longer than everyone else he knows without ever leaving. I do know Alf knows Colleen and Marilyn longer than Irene but both Colleen and Marilyn left the bay for a period of time.

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