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What episode number are we on? I just want to know when

Will's gonna be back


Er...spoiler?!Today's Channel 5 episode was 5166.I think we're about four weeks off...that.

Rather liked today's episode.My opinion of Vittorio veered between "bit dim" and "bit smarmy".Loved April at her feisty best and clearly not liking him at all.Given that Italy's a republic and all royal titles have been banned, guess this is one of those cases where anyone who was descended from a king five centuries back goes around calling themselves a prince.At least we have vaguely sensible ideas about titles...Shame Irene and Colleen are acting all girly and giggly around a handsome newcomer again, you'd hope they'd have learned something after Penn.Liam is turning into an extremely likeable character, I didn't like the way Bianca wasn't being honest with him, even though I did feel a bit sorry for her as well, she seems very confused.

Romeo is coming across as a selfish jerk again, leaving Indigo heartbroken for no good reason.Even when Nicole basically said "You and Annie were rubbish together so stop banging on about it", it felt she was being a bit too light-hearted, especially when she's grinning as though it's all a big joke when Indi looks close to tears.I hope they get back together soon because Romeo on his own is unbearable.

Nice that Alf was willing to basically take Sid's point of view, even though he did caution him about going and balling Mitzy out for no good reason.Again, unless she's being very clever, Mitzy does seem to be entirely genuine about trying to help Marilyn and Sid.Marilyn says Sid had a go at Mitzy in the Diner.Shame it was actually in the surf club...

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Just want to clear something up: Is this going on Five's episodes or Fivers?? I'm watching both Fiver's pace and Aus (I wont say anything about what's going on, or at least try not to) And I don't want to put something that hasn't happened for Five yet.

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I thought for a while that was going to be another episode where I didn't like April, she was a cow to Xavier in the Diner.But they pulled her out of the fire a bit when they had her apologise to Xavier and then John and seem genuine.I think what Gina and April said to John was right:April needed to be taught a lesson but it wasn't fair to punish Xavier who did accept he'd done the wrong thing from the start.Ironically, if John had told the truth when he planned to, he could have made his point with April without getting Xavier offside.Gina was actually pretty good here, I liked her telling April a few home truths.That ending...I'm not expecting it to be fatal and I really hope it isn't.John's one of the best additions of the last two years in my opinion, more likeable and interesting than a lot of the regulars, but the fact he's still listed as a guest star despite being there longer than Romeo does worry me slightly.

Another one back on form is Dexter, who seems to have got over the weeks of being a one-dimensional comedian and Marilyn's stalker.His scenes with Indigo here were both rather sweet and genuinely funny, his "food face" had me laughing my head off.And he made that scene with Romeo, it would have been rather dull without him.(Love the way he looked like he wanted to rip Romeo's head off when he first saw him as well.)Although I wanted Romeo and Indi back together, I can't say I enjoyed the scene because they should never have split up in the first place and it all felt a bit pointless.I really hope he stops messing her around now because she deserves a lot better.

As for the other stuff...I don't really care about Bianca and I care even less about Vittorio.So now Liam's apparently been removed from the equation, I'm finding it rather hard to show any interest in their scenes.Irene getting all maternal with Bianca was the only good thing about it.I admit I had to look up who Princess Mary is, for a while I thought they meant the one that died 45 years ago...

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Very relationship orientated episodes so far this week. Sid and Marilyn, Indi and Romeo, Bianca and Liam and Vittorio. IMO Liam is far better for Bianca than Vittorio, she seems so much more human when she is with him. I do find his accent a bit weird at times, it's almost as if the actor has suddenly remembered his is supposed to be Italian. Not at all surprised at Colleens overreaction to him, she tends to get over excited when she finds out someone is a doctor or anyone with a 'title'. Basil Fawlty springs to mind. :lol: At least after her initial excitement Irene had calmed down enough to try and reel Colleen in. Not surprised at April's reaction to him, he'd hurt her big sister and I can see him being patronising to young women.

I rather liked those brotherly/sisterly scenes with Indi and Dex, his attempts to cheer her up were quite sweet and his 'Robin Williams' voice of Mr. Food Face made me smile. I'm with you Red, I hope Romeo doesn't muck Indi about she doesn't deserve it. Liked it when Dex pushed Indi out of the door so she and Romeo could 'make up' in private.

Sid and Mitzy are never going to get on are they as his blow up at her proves once again. Mind Alf has his reservations but is keeping his thoughts to himself. Mind you there are revelations about Mitzy this week which are going to stun everyone!!

If only John had managed to get in his apology to Xav, the later blow up wouldn't have happened. At least April accepted it and eventually why he had done it, they were both playing the same game. Agree Red, John has become a better person, especially since he has met Gina, but still has that edge to him which he is trying to curb on a personal level at least. Was a bit if a shock to see him collapse like that, he has always come across as quite a fit man. I reckon Xav will come back from his strop and find him.

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Really hard to know where to start with that episode, there seemed to be an awful lot going on, perhaps even too much.Leah's sudden reappearance at the Diner was one of many moments where I found myself scratching my head, given her recent lengthy absence:Has she just come back from Africa or has she not gone yet and we just haven't seen her for a week and a half?It was nice to see some, sadly rather brief, interaction between Angelo and Ruby, it feels like months since they spoke to each other.And I loved Irene enthusiastically welcoming her back.I was hoping her and Xavier were going to be friends but that last bit leaves me worried that she's transferring her obsession to him.(Wouldn't be the first time she did that right after the guy she liked more than him leaves town...)

Glad it seems John's going to be all right, in fact some of the reactions seemed a bit over the top.His reference to his father dying of a heart attack felt a bit odd when he previously said he died of alcoholism but maybe one led to the other.Xavier does seem to genuinely care about him now.I wasn't expecting April to be in the episode since she didn't turn up until the last five minutes and while I liked that little scene I wish we'd seen her comforting Xavier earlier.I did find myself wondering whether Gina was thinking about caring for Brendan given how she seemed to think John would need her looking after him.That last scene felt a bit awkward but I do like them together.It's got to the point where they're possibly the longest serving couple on the show, only Charlie and Angelo have been associated for longer.I presume Penn wandering past was just coincidence, hard to know what to make of his helping John when I guess he could have just carried on walking:Taking the opportunity to curry favour with the locals or evidence that he does have a heart?His "When I know, you'll know" on Alf asking him what he wants seems increasingly truthful.

The Angelo/Paulie stuff was odd as even though we had a major plot development with Angelo calling his mum it didn't really seem to go anywhere.Paulie seemed even more petulant than usual although his "Did you tell them I killed Santa Claus as well?" was my Line of the Episode.Angelo telling his mum that Paulie burnt down the restaurant reminded me of the episode of Friends where Ross and Monica are snitching on each other to their parents and end up revealing things that happened when they were eight.I'm not sure if it's a continuity error or whether Paulie really did start the fire when they were in their early teens.

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I was wondering about Leah as well Red, it give the impression she had already gone to Africa. So now it seems she and Elijah are going to commute between Africa and the bay, I would have thought that would be rather disruptive for all concerned.

You're probably right Red about John's dad heart attack being brought on due to the alcoholism. It can only have been coincidence that Penn was walking by Gina's house when John had his heart attack, unless he is psychic like Mitzy. Xavier must have felt he was to blame as if you noticed he asked when John had the attack and worked out it was just after their row. The difference between caring for Brendan and John is John's care will be psychical and Brendan's is a mental issue. Nice that they were able to tell each other they loved each other, not sure the words have actually been said before.

As for Penn he finds

another victim, any bets on it not being Xavier.

Yep, it certainly looked like Ruby was hoping to take up again with Xavier, but he let her down gently in that regard.

Well, well so Mitzy is going to die, do we think it was her end date she showed Marilyn, if so why?

I think Angelo told Charlie a while back that it was in fact Paulie that started the fire, but Angelo being the older brother took the blame.

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I was wondering about Leah as well Red, it give the impression she had already gone to Africa. So now it seems she and Elijah are going to commute between Africa and the bay, I would have thought that would be rather disruptive for all concerned.

You're probably right Red about John's dad heart attack being brought on due to the alcoholism. It can only have been coincidence that Penn was walking by Gina's house when John had his heart attack, unless he is psychic like Mitzy. Xavier must have felt he was to blame as if you noticed he asked when John had the attack and worked out it was just after their row. The difference between caring for Brendan and John is John's care will be psychical and Brendan's is a mental issue. Nice that they were able to tell each other they loved each other, not sure the words have actually been said before.

As for Penn he finds

another victim, any bets on it not being Xavier.

Yep, it certainly looked like Ruby was hoping to take up again with Xavier, but he let her down gently in that regard.

Well, well so Mitzy is going to die, do we think it was her end date she showed Marilyn, if so why?

I think Angelo told Charlie a while back that it was in fact Paulie that started the fire, but Angelo being the older brother took the blame.

I agree about the disruption for Elijah/Laeh/VJ. Who's going to pay the cost of all the travel? What about VJ's schooling?

Who will do Elijah's work when he's back. What a stupid idea!

Penn continues to be a nasty bit of work, but he's the only unpleasant one who is amongst all the other goodie-goodies, so it make for a good bit of soap drama. Who's next, you say? Maybe Xavier, or Ruby?

Ruby is going to need some friends. Charlie said something about getting back with her school friends again, but has she got any? We never see her in a group of pupils.

Looks as though Xavier and April are going to make up and then we'll see Romeo and Indi all lovey-dovey I suppose. Poor ole Dex; he doesn't get much luck. Surely there's an intellectual girl around, who'll give him a run for his money!

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