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Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the fifth week running.

I'm back to loving Dexter.All his scenes in that episode were gold, especially the scenes where he and Miles debate whether or not his fish should be allowed in the classroom.(Favourite lines:"Maybe you missed the school's 'no fish' policy.It's in the rule book, next to 'no smoking' and 'no assaulting teachers'" and "I think that's a bad call from you as a teacher but I'll run with it.")His scenes with Adrian were great as well, they made quite a cute couple.Not many boys would invite a girl back to their place just to watch Rocky DVDs.And the fact that he spent most of the episode not even knowing her name is brilliant.

I wasn't sure about the Angelo/Charlie plotline, it felt like they were both overreacting.I actually laughed at Angelo's "I'm going to tell you the truth...Nothing happened" yet for some reason, instead of laughing it off, they treated it like a much bigger deal than it was.Angelo just seemed to dig himself a deeper and deeper hole and say all the wrong things and Charlie took it far too personally. Glad Alf gave Angelo some good advice though.

The stuff with Miles and Shandi felt weird.Even if he is trying to be positive for the day, Miles doesn't really strike me as the sort of person who'd take a girl he's just met home to make out with her. Especially when she's still a bit scary.And when he ends up having an "Oh shiii...." moment.She's John Palmer's daughter?If her surname's Palmer that suggests he was married to her mother but she can't be Jenena's daughter, he can't have married her more than two or three years ago.Was he married before?(His comments yesterday suggested otherwise but he could have been being "economical".)

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You were right Red about us being left for a week or so before we find out what happened between Romeo and Indi. Your idea that Romeo said "Annie" at the wrong moment could be true.

I like Shandi and Adrian - more glamour in the show and interesting storeylines. Shandi doesn't seem to mind who she snoggs - perhaps just to annoy daddy John when she meets him. And maybe Dexter has found his match in Adrian, except she looks and acts like April.

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I'm with you, Red, about the scene with Miles and Dex in the classroom. I always enjoy Miles as a teacher scenes, though I think he must have been distracted by the fish as he asked the question about Hungry Joe again, although Dex had already answered it correctly!

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I think it’s been quite a good week this week.

I’ve really gone off Sid. I was just as sceptical about Mitzy when I first found out why she came to Summer Bay but am really disappointed with the total lack of empathy Sid showed her then handing her case over to someone else. This is a woman that’s he’s told she has months or even weeks left to live. I don’t know how Marilyn can tell Sid’s the best doctor at the hospital but in the grander scheme of things I don’t think it makes any odds. The best Doctor in the world is not going to be able to save Mitzy from the inevitable sad as it may seem. I really can’t tell if Mitzy’s up to anything but at the moment the problem is Sid’s attitude, the general way he’s going about things and his tone. Part of me was actually pleased when Marilyn chose Mitzy.

I thought the scenes with Nicole and Ruby were OK. They weren’t great but I still think rekindling their friendship on screen is a good thing. Ruby hasn’t really been interacting with the younger cast members as of late. I thought when April and Bianca moved into Irene’s that was the start of a possible friendship but since Charlie demanded her back apart from the odd scene with Xavier she’s been too focused on either Liam or alcohol. I’ve only seen Nicole interacting with Romeo so similarly it’s good to see her have a female friend. I would still like it if they could interact with the other characters bar Dexter of course.

I’m quite liking the friendship between Alf and John. It’s funny because before if you asked me to describe their relationship I would have said professional and no love lost between them. For personal reasons I feel quite sorry for John. The problem with heart disease is if you’ve had a heart attack you’re more likely to have another one. I’ve really liked Xavier’s attitude towards John. I think he’s matured a lot over the last month, i.e. feeling bad when April mislead John about the business plan she proposed and I also felt when John told him that he planned to propose to Gina, Xavier took it a lot better than I thought he would. Before he would have declared his “This time it’s war” line. April’s been a lot better this week. She was really getting on my nerves again with the plan for the hybrid buses and I don’t think she was ever planning to say anything but I liked that she was at Xavier’s to welcome home John and John’s joke about her only being glad he was OK because of the bottled water campaign.

I’ve really enjoyed Penn this week. I like that he’s making everyone feel on edge.

I really like Shandi. She’s fun, different, attractive and I like her voice. I have to say she’s pretty forward isn’t she, offering herself to Angelo then coming onto Miles? And you can add her to the list of women who find Miles’s charm irresistible (Jaz, Leah, Kirsty). I thought it was a really good twist at the end her telling Miles she is John’s daughter. I’m really looking forward to seeing what happens with Gina, John, Xavier and in particular April. I wonder if Shandi’s her real name or whether it just a nickname like Romeo. If it is can’t see John naming her that.

I really don’t see why Angelo was feeling so bad about it. When he confided in Alf he actually implied that he did something but that’s not what he said to Charlie. Most people feel tempted at some point in their lives. To be honest I think he should have kept quiet about it. What good could possibly come from telling her? Even during their conversation it seemed like every word he was saying made the situation worse and worse.

Really can’t get into the stuff with Bianca and Vittorio. I hated Liam just leaving like that as I really like him as a character. I just hope he’s acting like a spoilt brat that’s stormed off in a huff because he hasn’t got his own way and will return when he calms down.

Oh boy, don’t tell me Dexter’s pulled again. The first time with Mitzy it was different as you could argue she had a brain tumour but what does Adrian see in him? Personally for the most part I find him quite annoying but have to admit I didn’t mind the stuff on the date and I almost laughed…almost.

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John didn't have to be married to 'Shandi's' mum for her to have his name, as long as he acknowledged he was the dad his name can go on the birth certificate. I was wondering if that was her real name Slade, hence the apostrophes. Perhaps her mum was also a free spirit and didn't want to marry and she gave her that name. I'm guessing she must be in her mid twenties and not local so John could have met her mum away from the bay. Perhaps the agreement between Shandi's mum and John was she brought her up alone and if she (Shandi) wanted to contact him when she was older she could. That look on Miles' face was priceless :o It's not as if he has just seduced a teenager though. You're right Red he did say he had only been married once to Jenena.

I liked those scenes between Dex and Adrian (I did wonder if I'd missed her giving Dex her name) they do tend to do that sometimes in H&A. What was it she called herself when she said she wasn't a Goth? I can definitely see Dex moving on from Marilyn (the woman not the fish). Liked his reason for trying and returning Marilyn (the fish) because of the short attention span rather like Marilyn (the woman). Sorry Maz, only joking. :D

Not quite why either why Angelo admitted to something that didn't happen. Was he worried that Shandie might have said something to Charlie? Someone really should have taken that shovel off him.

Probably the reason Marilyn thinks Sid is the best doctor there is at the hospital is because he is the only one there that we ever see (he's taken over from Rachel). :rolleyes::wink:

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I liked those scenes between Dex and Adrian (I did wonder if I'd missed her giving Dex her name) they do tend to do that sometimes in H&A. What was it she called herself when she said she wasn't a Goth? I can definitely see Dex moving on from Marilyn (the woman not the fish). Liked his reason for trying and returning Marilyn (the fish) because of the short attention span rather like Marilyn (the woman). Sorry Maz, only joking. :D


Adrian said she was an emo. Rather similar to goths, but they don't wear black. Abbreviation for "emotional". Sort of counterculture, with attitude and devoted to emo music, sort of hardcore meets punk.

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Okay, so John wasn't married to Shandi's mum.Curiously, her driving licence and the end credits gave her surname as Ayres.(She was just listed as Shandi last week.)So, did she just tell Miles her surname was Palmer so he'd recognise it?Miles' reaction continued to be hilarious, especially "You were just planning to rock up to him and say 'Hi, I'm your daughter'?You might want to rethink that, he's just had a heart attack."Loved the scene of him telling Leah what had happened and then hiding from John as well.I think he and Shandi might actually be good friends(with benefits?), given her comment about him being a good listener when he's not being crazy.Second funniest thing of the episode:John asking Gina "What could I hide from you?" right before Shandi walked in.It's nice that, even though he put his foot in it a bit, he actually did a good job of accepting and starting to build a relationship with her.Didn't he leave it a bit late to be a hippy if it was in the late '80s?How old is the guy?Xavier continues to quietly panic but it's good that he's accepted Gina should make her own choices.

Third funniest thing of the episode:Charlie saying she's going to be sick after making the decision about Angelo.Has she lost weight recently?She seemed thin as a rake when she was at the Diner.Her desire to move in with him did seem a bit sudden and while Angelo hesitated to start with I did wish he'd have considered it a bit more.I hope it works out for them and it's good that Charlie established upfront that she wants Ruby to live with them.Is there really only one bedroom in Angelo's mansion? The place he had back in 2008, sure, but since he's been back living there?

For anyone who's keeping track, new week and still no word on what happened between Romeo and Indi...

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So-so episode.Bianca's storyline still doesn't grab me, she seems to have lost that bitchy side she had when she first came in and just been left a bit dull.Possibly because she's now got a fairly insipid leading man to play off.If she was to get married to him and then leave town, I wouldn't really care. April, who's probably right not to trust Vittorio, sadly comes across as a bit petulant.It was interesting to have that little scene of her and Xavier sitting in the Diner, both aware that there's a proposal going on and dreading the outcome.The answers seemed to be the opposite way round to the way they were expecting.Can't help feeling Bianca's getting engaged to Vittorio at least partly because she doesn't have another option...

Nice bit of byplay between Xavier and John at the start, especially when John threatened to give Xavier's car to Shandi.Gina's reaction to the proposal was a bit odd, initially I thought she was going to turn him down because it was bad timing after Shandi turning up, but it sounds like she'd have turned him down anyway.Once bitten, twice shy?I liked Miles' little scene with Alf("Have you decided what you're going to do?"/"I've going to avoid him")but when he marched up to John and announced he'd kissed Shandi and just kept bugging the guy, I really did find him a bit annoying.He needs to tone it down sometimes.

Still not entirely sure if Charlie's 100% committed to moving in with Angelo, she did seem to be procastinating a couple of times.Liked the way Angelo cut in when she was prevaricating about telling Ruby and that she seemed happy for them.Nice reference to Charlie's bisexual tendencies too.So, they're going to be renting from Tony and Rachel?Could be an interesting phone call.I did wonder if they were going to rent Roman's old place when Aden left, looks as though that place has vanished even though Nicole still owned it last time we checked.

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