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Still no follow-up to Romeo and Indi. What are they doing?????????????????????/

Thanks for the explanation, I believe the above gets solved tonight Brian.

Yes John as a hippie, the mind boggles! :rolleyes: :cool: What happened to Shandie breaking the news to John gently? "Hi I'm Shandie, I'm your daughter" yeah that's gentle. To be fair to John, Red, he didn't know he had anything to hid. That scene certainly shows how much he has changed recently, not so long ago he would have denied all knowledge and refused point blank to recognise her as his daughter. Shandie obviously takes after her mum (does she have a name BTW and is she still with us)? I thought her hair was very Darryl Hannah as Madison in Splash. Miles was so funny about John punching his lights out cos he kissed his daughter. :lol: Alf got it right when he said it doesn't matter how old she is she is still your daughter. I wasn't that far off on her age. Couldn't Alf had told Miles about Gina turning down John before he 'confessed' about kissing Shandi?

I think Gina totally misread John's reasoning behind him proposing at this specific time. I think he had told Xavier he had been thinking of it, his heart attack just made him realise there was no reason to keep delaying it. Interesting that both Xavier and April weren't sure if Gina and Bianca respectively would accept said proposals. I thought it was good that April cared enough to tell Vittorio not to hurt her sister again.

I know Leah has suggested them renting Rachel and Tony's place, but as Leah is going to Africa why don't they stay there while she and VJ are away, at least then the place won't be empty, and would give them time to find a place. Charlie is naturally nervous about moving in with Angelo, but even given her history, isn't that the same with most couples. Glad Charlie took Angelo's dig about her being tempted by another woman the right way. Not so long ago she would have blown a fuse.

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So, over a week later, we finally get an explanation for what happened between Romeo and Indigo.And end up screaming "That it?!" at the set.I said a few weeks back I didn't want Romeo messing her about but it's beginning to seem like she's just as bad.I do think they've got potential as a couple but there's too much silly on/off stuff.Also could have done without Romeo getting on his high horse about Vittorio copping off with Liam's sort-of girlfriend five minutes after he left town, given that not so long ago he was the "dreamy" new guy in town who managed to make everyone forget he'd done the dirty on his supposed friend and pounced on the girl he liked.Nicole came over well in that episode, trying to be a friend to both of them and talking a lot of sense.

Bianca had a bit more of a spark about her and we got to see some decent repartee between her and April.Again, April comes across as the more mature sister and was pretty insightful.Liked her "Thanks, I love you too" after Bianca had been talking in her sleep.Irene giving Bianca advice was a nice scene as well, at least she isn't completely blinded by how "dreamy" Vittorio is.And her comment about Colleen making commemorative plates.Am I being a bit suspicious or did Vittorio arrange that paparazzi visit?He did seem to take it all in his stride...

Felt like there were scenes missing in the other plotline:Were we meant to have heard Mitzy's conversation with Nicole?Mitzy presumably forgot that Sid didn't like her, since she seemed surprised that he blanked her.Why did Sid turn up at the house at the end?Has he forgotten he and Marilyn fell out as well?

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Couldn't agree more about Romeo and Indie storyline. I really liked both characters when they appeared in the bay, they were both smart and confident but now they're screwed up! What are the script writers playing at? Romeo hasn't recovered from wearing a dress in the school play and his mis matched relationship with dopey Annie. I'm half expecting the storyline to reveal that Indie is a virgin too.

The storyline with Penn that was built up so well a few weeks back has lost its impetus, I don't find him menacing anymore just a bit pathetic. He needs to do something dramatic now or it's not going to work!

Then the story with Milfy, I mean Mitzy, is plain uninteresting, we don't know her back story and she doesn't really do anything so can't really feel that sad about her condition and hey, it's only cancer and we've already had half the cast die of it! And what about Miles sleeping with a stranger then going out of his way to tell her dad, John, he slept with his daughter! It's not like he and Shandy are going to be an item so why do it? I am a little surprised Miles stopped eating long enough to actually... :-)

Liking the sisters scenes, still think April is a star, Bianca is good too when she has some decent lines - come on Liam get on your bike and claim your woman!

So, over a week later, we finally get an explanation for what happened between Romeo and Indigo.And end up screaming "That it?!" at the set.I said a few weeks back I didn't want Romeo messing her about but it's beginning to seem like she's just as bad.I do think they've got potential as a couple but there's too much silly on/off stuff.Also could have done without Romeo getting on his high horse about Vittorio copping off with Liam's sort-of girlfriend five minutes after he left town, given that not so long ago he was the "dreamy" new guy in town who managed to make everyone forget he'd done the dirty on his supposed friend and pounced on the girl he liked.Nicole came over well in that episode, trying to be a friend to both of them and talking a lot of sense.

Bianca had a bit more of a spark about her and we got to see some decent repartee between her and April.Again, April comes across as the more mature sister and was pretty insightful.Liked her "Thanks, I love you too" after Bianca had been talking in her sleep.Irene giving Bianca advice was a nice scene as well, at least she isn't completely blinded by how "dreamy" Vittorio is.And her comment about Colleen making commemorative plates.Am I being a bit suspicious or did Vittorio arrange that paparazzi visit?He did seem to take it all in his stride...

Felt like there were scenes missing in the other plotline:Were we meant to have heard Mitzy's conversation with Nicole?Mitzy presumably forgot that Sid didn't like her, since she seemed surprised that he blanked her.Why did Sid turn up at the house at the end?Has he forgotten he and Marilyn fell out as well?

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By Psychic Wombat:-

Then the story with Milfy, I mean Mitzy, is plain uninteresting, we don't know her back story and she doesn't really do anything so can't really feel that sad about her condition and hey, it's only cancer and we've already had half the cast die of it!

"Human kindness is overflowing. And I think it's going to rain today." - Randy Newman.

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So, over a week later, we finally get an explanation for what happened between Romeo and Indigo.And end up screaming "That it?!" at the set.

Felt like there were scenes missing in the other plotline:Were we meant to have heard Mitzy's conversation with Nicole?

YES. YES Red, I did the exact same thing!! :angry: I was expecting something really dramatic, especially as she is off her food. At least they are talking now and I agree Nicole was giving good advice to both of them. So that at least is one couple sorted.

You're not alone Red, I wondered about that scene as well, I thought I may have missed a bit whilst letting the cat out, I did read in one of the TV mags that 'Marilyn overhears Mitzy telling Nicole she made up Ruby's prediction'. I wonder if the producers decided to drop the actual scene itself? :unsure: I can understand Marilyn's doubts, but telling Ruby something to cheer her up is completely different from what she has told Marilyn.

I don't think Miles and Shandie actually slept together Physic, all he's been banging on about is the fact he kissed her, heavens knows how he would have felt if had actually done the deed!!

Glad that Bianca has admitted she is in love with Liam and not gone all defensive about it. Problem how does she get out of the engagement, can't see Vittorio being understanding after all that publicity and bearing his soul to the press. We may get to see a different side to him if Bianca has the courage to break of the engagement.

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Found the whole stuff with Mitzy dying the least interesting part of the episode, we haven't really had a chance to get to know her well enough for it to have much impact.Sid and Marilyn seemed to be waiting around for that ambulance for ages, given the amount of stuff that happened elsewhere.So... now Marilyn's dying but she doesn't know it?Does Sid know what the end date was or is it going to be a surprise for both of them?

Romeo and Indigo were better in that episode than the previous one.We get what's apparently the real reason for Indigo's recent behaviour, would have helped if they'd told us that last episode. Romeo seemed to be in "fun and light-hearted" mode rather than "sulky and dull", which helped.The byplay between them as they tried to work out what to put in the e-mail worked well("Dear Mum. How's my ex?")and Leah fitted in well.Colleen did nothing except make snide remarks sadly.

Dexter and Adrian are another good couple, or potential couple.He was delightfully geeky and awkward in his attempts to hold a conversation with her.Running out of a date to ask Indigo for advice was a pretty dumb mood though...And he needs Romeo to point out "You left her on her own, at the surf club, on your date."Only Dexter would invite a girl around to help feed his fish and mean it literally.

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You said it Red, about Indi's admission change of mind about sleeping with Romeo, why couldn't that have happened the day before, would have mad a whole lot more sense. Romeo seemed pretty understanding considering it was Indi's ex she was fretting about. In the end her email seemed the best after all the debating going on beforehand, but as Dex pointed out she will probably get an answer now. The ball is now in Indi's mums court so the decision is hers to reply or not.

Loved Dex last night, he was so sweet. :wub: Can understand him wanting to make sure he wasn't getting the wrong signals after Marilyn, but leaving your date alone is a big no-no. Hope she forgives him though I think they work well together. So glad he has decided to buy Marilyn/Macgyver a tank, with all that weed and furniture no way is it going to fit in that bowl. The fish wouldn't have room to turn round. On the subject of Macgyver as it was first shown, in the UK at least, 15 years ago, does this mean they are still seeing it in Australia otherwise how would Dex and Adrian know about it?

It certainly did seem a long time for that ambulance to arrive if it was going on real time along the same time everything else was happening. They actually used the lesser spotted front door to take Mitzy out!!! All we got from Marilyn about Mitzy's history was that her family had disowned her because of her beliefs. Marilyn had already told Sid about her end date, but I don't think she has told him when it is. Wonder what Sid will do with the fact Mitzy had lied to Marilyn?

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So it was 5 days since the last episode. Anyway, I really enjoyed all the stuff with Charlie and Ruby. It reminded me of when I first started taking driving lessons and went through the same stuff such as the frustration, changing gears, stalling the car over revving the gas and the reaction when you first moved the car off and it’s like wow I’m actually driving. What I really liked was the fact that Charlie didn’t want to do it initially because she thought she and Ruby would be at loggerheads. Then when she did start teaching Ruby, Ruby got frustrated because Charlie was being too calm and then when Ruby wanted to get a driving instructor to teach her Charlie was having none of it and put her foot down (“You’re driving this car!”) even though she didn’t want to do the driving lessons in the first place.

Again didn’t mind the stuff with Ruby and Nicole. There’s a big question mark on one of the rules Nicole was asking Ruby – Leave at least one metre front and back when parked parallel to the kerb. If that was the case a lot of people wouldn’t be able to park their cars a lot of the time, although I haven’t read the highway code in ages so I’m not sure how it equates to the rules here.

When Dexter was being serious he actually wasn’t that annoying. I would even go as far as saying he was OK. It’s a shame he isn’t like this more often. I do think he actually works quite well in scenes with Adrian, which is why I’m glad she decided to give him another chance even though I still think he’s an idiot especially when he ran out…again. I really enjoyed their interaction and loved the psycho analysis i.e. Dexter and the Pet Shop analogy. I actually thought both of them were right. Interesting how when it was Adriana’s turn to psycho analyse she highlighted that when Dexter constantly made the point of being strange there was a certain element of performance to it. I did wonder if Dexter was constantly putting on an act or whether the character was actually supposed to be like that. Presumably when Adrian said he had his heart broken before and he upped and left he was thinking about Annie.

Sid annoyed me earlier on in the week when Mitzy waved to him and he just ignored her. However I thought he handled himself a lot better when she was on her death bed and during her funeral. I also like how he’s been with Marilyn.

Penn was only in one episode this week which is a bit of a shame as I quite like the way he is baiting people at the moment. Funny when Alf was telling him that he didn’t buy his act and he was just a little boy, I was thinking if only Alf knew the reason why Penn was committed in the first place.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the sixth week running.Miles was in four.

Really enjoyed Friday's episode although some bits were better than others.Mitzy's funeral seemed a bit sparsely attended, even Romeo didn't seem to be there and he had as much to do with her as Nicole or Miles.Penn didn't really do much although the little bit of him threatening his mother's grave suggests he's more insane than ever.

I loved all the Charlie/Ruby stuff.After a year or two when I've often found Ruby annoying, she's actually been okay since she's come back from the clinic.First instinct is to say they should have had conversations like the one about how things are changing between them a year ago but, actually, giving them time to get used to the idea was probably the right way to go about it.Ruby literally dragging Charlie out of the house was one of those role reversal moments that we haven't seen in a while.Odd that Ruby gets upset because Charlie's being nice to her but being snappy actually seemed to do the trick.But I thought they weren't going on the road?Definitely looked like they were on one at the end.

Dexter and Adrian were great again, there's a real natural chemistry between them and the kiss was rather sweet.Shame he ended up running off again.Adrian's "My parents died when I was 12, it was a long time ago" was a bit bemusing, it's not like she's 35 or something, but maybe it does seem a long time ago when you're 17 or whatever she's meant to be.

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