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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Glad they explained it was five days since Mitzy died, I was thinking it was very quick for the funeral, sad her parents didn't come, whatever their feelings about her beliefs they could have made the effort. Sweet scene between Marilyn and Sid on the beach when he bought the brolly to stop her getting wet. It's going to be hard keeping what Mitzy told him secret.

During the driving lesson debate I kept thinking 'why not just take her out once to see how it goes?' I've never driven a automatic myself but I can see what Charlie meant by it being completely different from driving a manual and vice versa. Funny how Ruby was tense when Charlie was being nice and how much easier she found it when Charlie went back to her 'normal' self. I think maybe they were on a parking area Slade and just went round and round. Know what you mean about the rules of how much space to leave when parking, I'll have to check it out, certainly doesn't happen round my way!

Penn's appearance seemed a bit strange, so now he blaming his mum for what happened? Perhaps mentally Penn is still a little boy regarding because of what happened then. We don't know for sure what happened to the boys/men Penn attacked which caused him to be locked up. Just as well maybe Alf doesn't know about it, he'd be more wary of him if he did.

Penn steps up the ante next week which freaks Miles out.

Loved those scenes between Dex and Adrian, he seemed to have got her susssed out as to why she works in a pet shop, and was the reason he bolted because she hit a nerve, not sure if was because of Annie, he didn't go out with her that long before she got back with Jai. Is there something (or someone) else in his past we don't know about?

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Loved those scenes between Dex and Adrian, he seemed to have got her susssed out as to why she works in a pet shop, and was the reason he bolted because she hit a nerve, not sure if was because of Annie, he didn't go out with her that long before she got back with Jai. Is there something (or someone) else in his past we don't know about?

Don't think Annie went back to Jai then.Or, indeed, at all, she was with Romeo after that.Has Dexter been out with anyone else?(Probably not, he acted as though she was his first girlfriend and he's pretty clueless with Adrian.)Or is it maybe about his parents?

I really wish they'd stop talking about Annie.I wish they'd just leave her in peace and let her live out her life happily off screen, not keep building up the fact she went out with Romeo for about five minutes before thinking better of it as some great tragic love story.And certainly not suggest she's still pining after him.The talk of her coming back is obviously not going anywhere, like all the talk of Lucas visiting a few months ago.Indigo is coming across as insecure and desperate and that's another reason for them to let the whole thing go.

Charlie's worries were mostly played for laughs but I'm hoping they're not going to suddenly become serious, even at the end when they were planning a housewarming she didn't seem that secure.Ruby seemed more excited about them all moving in together than she did.Angelo choking when Alf suggested they get married was great.(Although I can see it happening before too long...)Bit surprised to see Ruby and Indi suddenly being friends although at least their last conversation did get mentioned.

Sid's attempt to lighten the mood at the dinner table sank like a lead balloon.

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I think it speaks volumes that, in order to keep this sorry relationship between Romeo and Indi on the boil, the writers have to resort to a plot device that just shouts 'insecure and desperate'. Excuse me for borrowing your phrase there RR.

There's just no need for them to continue with this tack, or to have begun it really.

13 years ago, when I first started watching, I'd never have believed this show would have ended up where it is today.

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13 years ago, when I first started watching, I'd never have believed this show would have ended up where it is today.

Where do you think it is? What do you think is wrong with it today?

It's where it is Brian, everyone has to make their own mind up about that.

What do I think is wrong ?

Poor, repetitive and illogical plots.

Inconsistent character development.

Very little sense of community, not helped by the lack of consequences for, and at times acceptance of, wrongdoing by major characters.

It's a soap, not a text for how to live our own lives, but it seems to be following the same downward spiral as the British soaps - with, at its heart, a moral ambivalence about how people behave with each other.

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To a large extent I agree, I think it would help if episodes were less fast paced and had more time to develop characters and plots properly - I remember the Angie plot that raised H&A's profile was like that. I also agree that the characters are inconsistant, Romeo and Indy are a case in point. But I think there is moral content, April demonstrated that with the bus scheme, she owned up in the end. I do like some of the dialogue between John and Gina and also more recently Dexter and Adrian. Strange how the new cast appear to get the best lines. Mitzy storyline seemed like a waste of time, and badly done. I noticed they buried her the same day! :ph34r: Off topic for here but I think H&A should put more distance between themselves and Neighbours and aim a bit higher.

13 years ago, when I first started watching, I'd never have believed this show would have ended up where it is today.

Where do you think it is? What do you think is wrong with it today?

It's where it is Brian, everyone has to make their own mind up about that.

What do I think is wrong ?

Poor, repetitive and illogical plots.

Inconsistent character development.

Very little sense of community, not helped by the lack of consequences for, and at times acceptance of, wrongdoing by major characters.

It's a soap, not a text for how to live our own lives, but it seems to be following the same downward spiral as the British soaps - with, at its heart, a moral ambivalence about how people behave with each other.

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P.W. - agree with what you're saying.

Just to clarify a point, I don't think there's a complete moral vacuum, but, at best, there's been a lack of a distinct moral code about how people behave in the last few years.

And your point about new characters getting the best lines is true I think. The other side of that coin is that established characters have been sidelined or ditched.

This policy might attract new viewers, but established viewers patience is tested to breaking point.

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Yes, I think the show still has a stronger moral code than most of the UK soaps and at least one other Australian one but it is perhaps not as strong as it used to be.It's hard to tell when the rot started to set in, probably longer ago than we think.But it's still one of the few soaps that hasn't had anyone literally get away with murder.(No, Angelo doesn't count.)

Anyway...I find myself not liking Indigo for the first time in quite a while.She was wrong to keep the letter from Romeo and, despite her claims to the contrary, it does indicate that she doesn't trust him. Sid was great, his advice to her was spot on.It does feel very odd hearing everyone talking about Annie, she feels like she was part of a different show.Which is a bit daft, since everyone that's talking about her was around the same time as her and had scenes with her, but with her and Aden leaving close together and Geoff, Belle and Jai all leaving in the preceding 6-8 months it does feel like a different era.Even Romeo, who had a lot of scenes with her near the end, feels like someone she crossed over with for a bit rather than someone who has a link with her.So, we still don't know what Annie's letter said.Are we to take it from Indi handing it back to Romeo that Annie said she isn't coming back and/or doesn't want to get back with Romeo(she has a new boyfriend even?)or just that she's decided to take whatever comes as a result?Hopefully it won't be a week before we find out.

Another nice, if brief, exchange between John and Xavier with the former holding the car to ransom again.I loved the way he was just sat in the classroom waiting for Gina and I presume he was responsible for the doodling on the board.I can understand his point of view more than hers;despite her claims to the contrary, she does seem to be saying she thinks he's going to die and that's why she won't marry him.Whereas he does seem sincere in thinking he's going to live and would have wanted to marry her without the heart attack.On the other hand, he'd have been better off getting things back on an even keel and then proposing again a few months down the line instead of pressuring her.He didn't stay on the sparkling water for long and soon turns out to be yet another hard man who's a sentimental drunk.Or possibly a self-pitying one.Shame it's resulted in him deciding to move out because I don't think it's what either of them want.

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I noticed they buried her the same day! :ph34r:

Actually Psychic they did mention it was five days since Mitzy died.

After what happened between Indi and her mum and the ex it's not really surprising she is insecure over Romeo and any lingering feelings he may/may not have for Annie. It's not so much she trust him, it's his feelings at maybe seeing Annie again. It was wrong for her to open the letter, but I'm guessing (and could be totally wrong) that as she has given it back to him Annie isn't coming back. Will Romeo suss said letter had been opened? Considering Indi's age how did she know about steaming a letter open?

Methinks Gina was being economical with the truth when she said she didn't remember how she and John first met and was surprised when he remembered everything practically word for word! I thought John put across a very good argument (if that's the right word to use) as to why he wants to marry her. Yes, he was responsible for the heart on the blackboard! :wub:

Nice chat between Leah and Charlie, hopefully it's resolved any lingering doubts Charlie may have about moving in with Angelo, after all it's not as if he and she are alone together Ruby is there too.

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H&Alover -

After what happened between Indi and her mum and the ex it's not really surprising she is insecure over Romeo and any lingering feelings he may/may not have for Annie. It's not so much she trust him, it's his feelings at maybe seeing Annie again. It was wrong for her to open the letter, but I'm guessing (and could be totally wrong) that as she has given it back to him Annie isn't coming back. Will Romeo suss said letter had been opened? Considering Indi's age how did she know about steaming a letter open?

If Indi is that insecure, better to discuss it than resort to lying and snooping ? Also, I can't see the direct link between her paranoid reactions to Romeo's possible residual feelings for Annie, and what happened over her mum/her ex.

H&Alover - I'm struggling to grasp what you're saying about what was in the letter determining whether Indi gave it back or not. So, if Annie had said she was returning, or anything else that Indi didn't fancy, that would have been a reason for her not giving it to Romeo ? Nice girl. :blink:

Perhaps they do deserve each other.

I knew about steaming letters when I was 9. My mum showed me how. Ooops sorry mum.

Today - why didn't Colleen shout or scream when Penn was intimidating her ? OK it builds up the tension, but it was a strangely subdued reaction from her during and after the incident.

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