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If Indi is that insecure, better to discuss it than resort to lying and snooping ? Also, I can't see the direct link between her paranoid reactions to Romeo's possible residual feelings for Annie, and what happened over her mum/her ex.

I think it's because her last boyfriend left her for someone else and she's worried about it happening again.

As April said, kind of ironic that Xavier is now campaigning to get John and Gina back together after months of wanting them to split up.Guess he really has softened towards him.Glad he gave Gina a few home truths and maybe he's right about there being more to her attitude than she's letting on. Am I seeing things or has Gina got a photo of Tony, Beth, Lucas and I think Matilda on her fridge?Did someone just shunt a load of stuff over from the Holden house and forget that as far as we know she's never met any of the Hunters?

Talking of photos, someone's taken all the photos of Jai, Melody and Kirsty!(Although there's still one of Ollie on the table.And was that meant to be Sally and young Pippa with Miles?I couldn't quite tell.)Demoted to the hall?Although it's nice that Miles is keeping up the tradition with the photo of the current occupants.Penn is now flying the flag insane, I'm thinking schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder.He seemed very erratic when talking to Colleen.Maybe it explains all the random nastiness, such as winding up John for the sheer hell of it here.

Nice to see some interaction between Dexter and April, neither of whom have really spoken to that many people so far.And loved Miles interrupting them when they're chatting in class.Adrian is still cute, shame Dexter is unable to understand basic "Stop talking!" directions.

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H&Alover - I'm struggling to grasp what you're saying about what was in the letter determining whether Indi gave it back or not. So, if Annie had said she was returning, or anything else that Indi didn't fancy, that would have been a reason for her not giving it to Romeo ? Nice girl. :blink:

Today - why didn't Colleen shout or scream when Penn was intimidating her ? OK it builds up the tension, but it was a strangely subdued reaction from her during and after the incident.

I guess that is what I am saying, if it had said something along the lines that Annie has had a change of heart and is coming back for him then I suppose the letter would have stayed 'lost'.

It's the way he came across I guess, that smile on his face, plus he said it all so calmly which sometimes is a lot scarier than if someone really gets angry. I did feel for poor Colleen, he really did frighten her. I don't suppose she has even realised she gave him the info to be able to break into Miles' house by saying they would all be out. Once again he has left no proof behind as Miles didn't actually see him and he wore gloves, he may be mad but he's not stupid. I thought the photo that had got destroyed was of Miles, Kirsty and Ollie.

Considering he disappears soon under mysterious circumstances will John be added to the list of suspects after Alf? That argument was pretty public.

I thought the same Red, definitely more than psychological problems with him hence the headaches, I thought he was talking to his other self at first but it turned out to be his dad, strange we haven't seen any photos of him.

It was certainly a twist Xavier trying to get his mum and John to make it up, who would have thought that would ever happen. Could Gina's reluctance be she is afraid she and John wouldn't have long together because of his heart trouble? We know it's illogical because either of them could be run down by a bus (maybe one of John's new ones perhaps :D ).

Oh dear Dex, you take two steps forward than six back!!! No problem you asking for advice from another girl about how to win back the girl of your dreams, but no way do you tell said girl they told you what to say to get them back! :rolleyes:

No follow up on what Annie's letter said, I'll suppose we will have to wait for that.

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I assumed the photo was meant to be of Miles, his wife (Louise?) and daughter (Amber). I didn't really recognise anyone except Miles when it was shown. Was Alf so obviously upset about showing Miles that it was destroyed because he knew it couldn't be replaced?

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As I said...nice girl.

I really didn't like Indi the first time around, but when she first returned she was a lot more likeable, but since getting together with Romeo she's falling to bits. I don't mean that I take a disliking to people who do, just the ones who bring it upon themselves through jealousy.

Lyn Collinwood's acting during those scenes showed how little her talents have been used for so long. Seems like she's been trapped in a comic rut (which isn't funny.) Which is where I think Dex is already. It would be just as subtle if he walked around banging his head with a frying pan all the time. :rolleyes:

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Oh gawd, saints preserve us if Annie is actually coming back! But maybe it would put Indies mind at rest if she did. She actually reminds me of a young Sally.

I'm not sure what Penn can do now, the show is on at 6pm so I think only 'mild peril' is allowed. He's now showing classic signs of a TV psycho, so I expect car brakes tamperedd with and stuff like that rather than running amok with a chainsaw (hmm, Summer Bays first chainsaw killer that would be something). I'm not sure where I stand on the moral issue, so as it isn't trite or patronising I don't mind, but when it becomes obvious it gets a bit naff.

I hope pet shop girl makes a return I quite liked Dex since she appeared, the banter was good.

I'm guessing Leah is having a baby/break because her going to Africa to rekindle her relationship in a third world diasaster area with her son in tow seems a bit far fetched. I think going to visit family in Cyprus would have been more plausible.

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I thought the photo that had got destroyed was of Miles, Kirsty and Ollie.

I assumed the photo was meant to be of Miles, his wife (Louise?) and daughter (Amber). I didn't really recognise anyone except Miles when it was shown. Was Alf so obviously upset about showing Miles that it was destroyed because he knew it couldn't be replaced?

I thought it was Miles, Kirsty and Ollie at first but when I looked at it again, I couldn't tell if it was Sally or Kirsty and it's definitely a girl with them.(And she didn't look like Rabbit.)Miles' hair seemed very short, wasn't it like that when he first came in?

Adrian was only in one scene but she was still great.I'd really like her to stick around and be a friend to Dex but sadly I think that's the lot.They get rid of the good characters and keep the lemons.Sid was actually pretty good with Dexter so it's a shame Dexter just seemed to take the mickey out of him the whole time.

Talking of lemons, there's one hanging around Bianca(who's a bit of a lemon herself, frankly). Although having said that, was it me or did there suddenly seem to be a sinister edge to the character?He seemed to quite intimidate Bianca and even April at the restaurant.I think April was right about her concerns, Bianca is rushing into it and trying to ignore the fact she still has feelings for Liam.When Bianca gave her that cold "You started this", I really wanted her to tell Vittorio what she really felt and not back off because he came across as very arrogant.

The other sometime lemon, Penn, may actually be moving towards some sort of endgame and I'm finding myself getting interested again so hopefully it's not going to be a damp squib.Although I disagree with Sid about him always having a reason for what he does, there does seem to be an agenda behind his behaviour.Have to admit I found Miles punching him rather satisfying, even if it was what he wanted.(Have we ever seen Miles punch anyone before?)I agree he's not the sort of person to stop because of a guard dog but an AVO does seem like a pretty good idea:If nothing else, he'd have to stop hassling them in public.

Oh, yeah, Will turned up for one scene, which wasn't even the last one.Going to hold off commenting until we learn more but it's nice to see what Lily's grown into.Born the same day as VJ, as I recall?

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I assumed the photo was meant to be of Miles, his wife (Louise?) and daughter (Amber). I didn't really recognise anyone except Miles when it was shown. Was Alf so obviously upset about showing Miles that it was destroyed because he knew it couldn't be replaced?

I'm pretty sure it was Miles, his wife Louise and daughter Amber, as it looked like the one he had in his wallet in his very first episode when he was almost knocked down by Morag as he was leaving Summer Bay. She gave him some money and he looked at the photo and said something like "as good a sign as any", then turned round, walked past the Summer Bay sign and later met Sally.

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I'm with you Red about Vittorio, knew there was more to him than meet the eye! Reason why Bianca got so uptight with April, because she's right of course, didn't she admit as much to Irene the other week? Colleen seemed back to her usual self with her wedding book (made me think of Mary in Corrie) though Colleen did actually get married.

I also like Adrian so do hope she stays in it as Dex's friend and maybe future girlfriend. Both Sid and Marilyn gave Dex good advice which he did seem to take in eventually. She must like him a little because she keeps seeing him even after telling him never to contact her again!!

Wow, never thought I would see Miles angry enough to hit anyone, though as he admitted to Leah it it was probably what Penn wanted him to do. Although an AVO seems like a good idea, I don't suppose it would stop him, neither would getting a dog. Penn also had a go at trying to wind up Sid and Alf (again). Two more people to add to the list? He just spends his time now walking around either winding various people up or scaring others.

I'm guessing as Irene recognized Lilly right away she has regular contact with Will and Gypsy. You're right Red and alreetlike about that appearance of Will and Lilly it would have been better as the last scene. What is it with H&A lately, just as you think you've seen the last scene, there's a fade then another scene? :confused:

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So everything finally comes to a head re Penn!!! Certainly escalated all of a sudden, quite a few suspects for whoever may have harmed him. Still have a feeling his sudden headaches may have something to do with his behaviour. I'd forgotten Penn had lent Angelo the money to set up the restaurant. What though could Shandi's interest in him be and she certainly dropped Miles quick enough when she saw Will. They did seem to be very friendly at Angelo's. Why I do get the feeling it's more than just him being a new guy. As Lilly is Will and Gypsy's second daughter, how old must Rachel be then if she is at boarding school? Lily did look to be about VJ's age.

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