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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Alf's episode count this week:Five, for I believe the seventh week running, the longest run he's had since I started doing this.Miles and Sid were both in four, Bianca was only in one.

You know, given that Zac always seemed happy to return and Kimberley obviously wasn't going to, I was always afraid that they were going to split Will and Gypsy up and wreck yet another couple's happy ending.Thought we were safe when Hayley left and Will didn't have any real real reason to return to the Bay but nope, here we are.Then again, they did this about seven years ago, when Will came up, said things weren't going well and tried to get back with Dani then thought better off it, so maybe the pair of them will come to their senses this time too.Can't say I'm happy about him picking up some random woman when he's got his eight-year-old daughter in tow, that's not going to do much for her sense of stability.Didn't understand why Leah seemed to take the sight of a friend who's married to another friend chatting up a third friend's sort-of-girlfriend in her stride either.Were VJ and Lily actually eyeing each other up?!Surely they're not starting that young?!Maybe they just don't have any other friends their own age.Rachel is Will and Gypsy's adoptive daughter, I'm not sure they're old enough to be her biological parents.I think she was four when she first appeared, which would make her eighteen now.

Knowing how devious Penn is, I wouldn't be surprised if he faked his own death/disappearance in order to cause trouble.And given how he's been picking a lot of public arguments lately, he's probably been trying to make sure there are as many suspects in the frame as possible.I wouldn't even be surprised if he stepped out in front of Ruby on purpose, although I don't really think he did. Not sure about Alf attacking him;unlike with Miles yesterday, it didn't really feel like there was sufficient provocation, Penn actually came across as pretty pathetic, firing off petty insults.

Given how long Leah's been saying she was going to Africa, I was surprised she actually ended up going.Nicole teasing Miles about going gooey-eyed over Shandi did make me smile.Ruby's facial expressions during Angelo's clipboard speech were rather hilarious.He probably should have thought that one through better, though...

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Alf's episode count this week:Five, for I believe the seventh week running, the longest run he's had since I started doing this.

Were VJ and Lily actually eyeing each other up?!Surely they're not starting that young?!Maybe they just don't have any other friends their own age.Rachel is Will and Gypsy's adoptive daughter, I'm not sure they're old enough to be her biological parents.I think she was four when she first appeared, which would make her eighteen now.

Given how long Leah's been saying she was going to Africa, I was surprised she actually ended up going. Ruby's facial expressions during Angelo's clipboard speech were rather hilarious.He probably should have thought that one through better, though...

Perhaps Ralph is getting in his quota

(before he leaves for six months)!


I thought Leah going to Africa was never going to happen! It seems month since she booked those tickets. I saw those looks between Lilly and VJ :wink: Red, I know kids grow up fast these days, but even so!!

Angelo's idea was sound, it's just that Ruby couldn't take him seriously. I wondered about if Penn being run down was quite an accident, but how could he know a car (let alone one being driven by Ruby) would come along at that exact moment? Charlie gave her good advice about getting back in the saddle (so to speak) as soon as she could.

BTW can you refresh my (fading) memory, who were Rachel's parents then?

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BTW can you refresh my (fading) memory, who were Rachel's parents then?

Rachel was Jesse McGregor's daughter.Her mother was a woman named Kylie who wasn't in it that long and died of a drug overdose in prison.Jesse left her with Joel and Natalie(Gypsy's parents)when he went on the run in 2000 and she ended up being adopted by Will and Gypsy.

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Once again I thoroughly enjoyed the role of Penn last week. I thought he was absolutely hilarious on the Wednesday the way he was with Colleen. You could see the fear in her eyes even when he was talking to her addressing him as Mr Graham and then when he admitted to planting his wallet in her room. I was in stitches when he was trying to bait John about Gina and Xavier had to physically restrain him but I did find it quite disturbing when he scratched the eyes of the photos of Miles, his wife and daughter. Following on from that again found it quite intense at the scene in the Diner where he was baiting Miles about Romeo and this time unfortunately Miles rose to it and hit him. Again with Nicole at the beach, continuing his mind games and trying to get a reaction out of Sid by making suggestive marks to and about Marilyn. Finally with Alf following him whether or not that was some form of intimidation and then at Angelo’s were Alf himself had to be restrained. I think just about everyone except Alf and Sid (and possibly Charlie and Angelo) are afraid of him. It’s pretty obvious Penn’s becoming increasingly deranged and irrational as was indicated by the way he reacted when Ruby hit him, Angelo tried to help him, he just got up and threatened to withdraw the money he gave Angelo. I’m actually waiting to see what happens when they see him talking to his father assuming he is simply missing (or hiding) and not dead.

I really liked the way Xavier was during the stuff with Gina and John. Before John’s heart attack if he had been like this I would have said it was out of character considering that he said Gina could do better previously but I honestly think Xavier does feel bad about everything. I have to say that Gina is not coming across very likeable at the moment. I’m really struggling to see what John has actually done wrong to make her so cold.

Can’t really say I’m pleased to have Will back. I’m not usually keen on old characters returning and although I didn’t mind him with Dani and quite admired the way he supported her after her rape ordeal, I never really liked him and at times though he was a bit of an idiot.

Shandi seems like a bit of a man eater, trying it on with Angelo, Miles and now Will, although at least she’s being honest about everything.

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Dey never learn, do dey ?

So…. Indi intercepts a letter to Romeo. She knows who it’s from, so she conceals its existence from Romeo. (Note to Alf - I thought you’d been 'round long enough not to hand a potential love letter from an ex. to someone’s current girlfriend/boyfriend.)

Indi 0 : High-Horse Rovers 1.

Her deception is blown by Alf. Her instinctive reaction is to tell a lie, in front of Alf (automatic yellow card ? )

Indi 0 : High-Horse Rovers 2.

It seems she has 2 choices: -

best option - give letter to Romeo, or

worse option - ‘losing’ the letter for good,

but instead she chooses an even worse option - she steams open the letter and reads it.

Indi 0 : High-Horse Rovers 3

Despite good advice from her father, she only thinks of herself, “I just needed to know what was in the letter” and even tries to make him feel guilty - “are you talking about me or you here ?”

Indi 0 : High-Horse Rovers 4

She avoids and then brushes Romeo off, only talking to him when he sits next to her near the beach.

Indi 0 : High-Horse Rovers 5

Her first comments to him are to accuse him “you’ve been acting weird.” She won’t admit she’s read the letter, instead she tries to goad Romeo to reveal what was in the letter first ( as a test for him. ) Only after mute prompting by Romeo does she petulantly admit that she had read the letter.

Indi 0 : High-Horse Rovers 6

Back home, she is still blaming her father - “Thanks to your fabulous advice…...”

Indi 0 : High-Horse Rovers 7

I think it’s about half-time in this match; you may not agree with all the decisions about Indi’s own goals (7 by half time has to be some kind of record ?) but the ref’s decisions are final I’m afraid. :P

Match analysis so far: -

If Indi’s instinctive reaction is to repeatedly lie and try to deflect guilt, what does that say about the character being portrayed here? O.K. everyone makes mistakes under pressure, emotional or otherwise, but this is the important bit: - when she’s had time to reflect, especially when she’s subsequently received good advice, but still tries to cover up the lies, and also tries to shift the blame to the (in this case) innocent party…….?

Looking at the bigger picture - some might blame the manager, or the culture at the club, for the behaviour of the players on the pitch.


Note to Miles - 2 wrongs don’t make a right. Anyone who’s been a teacher should know better than that.

Otherwise it might just seem that someone, somewhere, has put words into your mouth to have a pop at Romeo for what he did to Jai (can’t remember you saying too much, or even knowing much about it, at the time b.t.w.)

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So...is Penn or isn't he?Is it a coincidence that Will's gone missing at the same time?Frankly, it's not really grabbed me yet, we don't really find out anything new here and there's certainly nothing to incriminate Alf or any of the regulars other than the fact they all have a motive.

Indi did come across as extremely petulant and a bit of a drama queen.I actually thought Romeo handled it right for once, he's understandably angry with her and he's giving her a wide berth until he's calmed down.I think Miles was trying to make a point that Romeo isn't perfect so he shouldn't expect Indigo to be but it was badly handled.And we still don't know what exactly was in the letter.(Is it wrong of me to get my hopes up because Jai got a mention?Maybe evidence that Miles actually still talks to him...)Sid once again proves he's actually a pretty good parent, it's just his children never seem to listen to him.In two minds about him keeping things from Marilyn, on the one hand keeping secrets is Bad, on the other it's hard to see what telling her could achieve other than upsetting and worrying her.Shame she got a phone call apparently asking her to come home and make worried faces at Alf just as he seemed on the verge of telling her.

Not the best judge but...isn't Ruby's driving instructor a bit nerdy, even if he is younger than she was expected?She didn't seem to take him any more seriously than she did Charlie or Angelo.It's kind of nice to see the more playful Ruby back but I wish she'd tone it down a bit.

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I like the playful Ruby again, I haven't been her biggest fan but to see more of her good and fun side is refreshing to watch!

I am liking the Penn blood scenes.. its just good to watch and we have finally got rid of the worst character ever or at least I hope they have!

Indi was wrong plain and simple & I like the fact that Miles mentioned that she was probably insecure which is a fair thing to say as she is struggling with her mum and the ex..

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Why was Indi so surprised Romeo was so angry with her?? :confused: If he had done the same thing to her (not a very blokey thing I know) wouldn't she reacted the same? Sid was right when he said she should tell him the truth (which by btw she didn't actually do, Romeo worked it out and she had no choice) and she got all defensive!! :rolleyes: I can understand Sid's dilemma, if he tells Marilyn what Mitzy said was true it will make her sad again, yet if he doesn't although it's making Marilyn happier, he is doing what he said he wouldn't and keeping a secret from her.

Could Ruby be thinking her driving instructor is 'the one' as 'predicted' by Mitzy? An older guy yet again, what's the betting there is more to him than meets the eye. Give him his due though he did turn down her offer of a coffee, which I suppose may not have been very professional of him if he had.

So to Penn, if it is his blood (guess they are waiting for DNA to confirm it) I reckon it would have taken two people to carry him out of his room. I know he can be devious, but I think to spread that much blood around is too much even for him. As the Sands is quite an upmarket hotel, wouldn't they have CCTV which the police could look at? On that matter I'm guessing Penn must be quite well off to be able to stay there as well as lending Angelo the money to set up his restaurant.

Alf didn't seem to be doing himself much good when being interviewed by Charlie. The fact that Charlie was going to arrange for someone else to talk to speak to Angelo was correct. I suppose Sid and Will (when he reappears) will also be interviewed considering they were the last to see him (as far as we and anyone else knows).


Robertson is back tonight!!


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As far as Penn's concerned, I'm with Alf on this one:I'll believe it when they find the body.The blood might have been his type but it's also the type of about 15% of the world's population.And Robertson's back and making Doogie Howser MD jokes.I hope they're not going to turn him into the dumb cop who assumes Alf's guilty because he did actually have a brain last time round.Dexter's salivating again.At least this one's younger than Marilyn, by a couple of decades.And I did rather like the way she handed him his lunch while Colleen was standing around chatting.And a rare glimpse of Georgie, whose hair seemed even shorter than on her previous appearance.

Felt rather sorry for Sid in this episode, he seemed to get it in the neck from both Indi and Miles without having done anything to deserve it.Plus he was the target for Dexter's adolescent humour. Indigo seemed to spend most of the episode acting like a self-centred brat without anyone really pulling her up on it.Not sure why they put the cutesy music on her and Romeo's reunion because I found it an irritatingly pat solution:It's starting to seem like whenever one of them's being likeable the other one has to be high maintenance.So Annie was writing to invite Romeo over for a visit.Yeah, I'll accept that, it's nicely ambiguous as to whether or not she's still pining after him, I'm assuming she's moved on but is still fond of him as a friend.Why exactly were Romeo and Indi hanging out with Dexter when they'd just got back together?

Gina is coming across as quite cold and unlikeable, which is a shame when she's actually been okay the past few weeks.I'm not sure what John's supposed to have done that's so terrible, it feels more like she should be apologising to him.John and Xavier's banter was rather good and Xavier actually gave him some good advice, although his "I'm going to the bathroom" was a bit unsubtle...

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