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Good to see Robertson back and that he hasn't changed at all! He'll liven things up a bit. Was it just me or did he seem disappointed that Leah wasn't around and not only that but had gone to Africa to see her ex fiance? It took a couple of moments for me to twig about Graves nick name. :wink::D Dex has certainly got over Adrian pretty quickly, he's now drooling over Graves and as you said Red she is nearer his age than Maz is. Though with her brains she may still be out of his league.

Those sequins Robertson found under the dresser, they have been there for a while, I don't suppose something that heavy gets moved every day! They could have been brushed under there by the house keeper any time. Besides I can't see Alf being into sequins (or any of the guys for that matter). :lol: :cool: Robertson does play it cool and makes everyone think he has one particular person under suspicion when all along it's someone else he has in mind. At least this time he can't make cracks about Charlie and Angelo fancying each other and not doing anything about it. He did put her nose out of joint when he practically threw her and her team out of the room.

At last we know what was in that letter, hopefully now it'll be dropped as I'm guessing Romeo won't be going. Irene will be disappointed that Annie isn't coming home though.

What is it with Gina, John came across as genuine and for Xavier to be on his side (and giving him advice) is something I don't suppose any of us would have thought would happen.

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I don't get it, why is there a plain clothes detective in the Bay to investigate a hotel blood stain? Penn isn't a missing person as no one has reported him missing and as yet there is no body so there is no murder. I was amazed Alf let Robertson march into the house like he owned the place, I would have told him to sling his hook when started asking questions about whether he killed anyone in the Vietnam war! What can Robertson do apart from act his usual weird self (could he be Dex's real dad?). No body no case Robbo!

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Knowing the way Robertson works, I suspect he's only homing in on Nicole to get at Alf.(Someone needs to tell Alf it's not his house, it's Miles'...)Alf was out of line going round Charlie's and asking her to not only withhold evidence but to feed him information about a police investigation and I'm glad he realised that.Although it doesn't seem to have stopped the hate against her from certain fans, it's good that Charlie does seem to be being professional lately.(Well, apart from the whole "using illegal earnings to pay off criminals" thing but that was just a blip...)Alf lying to Robertson was dumb.Graves adding a strike to Robertson on the lie board when he said he was just getting a juice was a nice moment, although you seriously have to learn what she's learning from shadowing the force's strangest detective.John's reaction to him was great.

I assume it's a missing persons case because the hotel reported his disappearance and the surrounding evidence of foul play to the police.Charlie and co didn't turn up there spontaneously.

Will's return is coming across as increasingly pointless, I can't see any reason why he's there except to give a few people someone to salivate over.He came across as quite unlikeable, he seems to be pretty lacking as a father and on the evidence available it's no wonder Gypsy walked out on him.I don't know why Irene's putting up with being used as a free babysitter and her house being used as a hotel.Shandi didn't win any hearts either, so much for "I'm not going to be interested in money." Hope John turns her down.

Xavier and April made quite a cute double act again, it's nice that she's there for him.Still not really liking Gina, glad that John seemed to win their little spat on points.Surely there's more to her stance than "I'm annoyed because I think you only proposed to me because you thought you were dying"? Or is it "I don't want to be with you because I think you're dying" these days?

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I didn’t mind him the first time around but I’m really not liking Robertson this time. I thought some of the remarks he made were unnecessary and below the belt, bringing up Roman when Nicole arrived (and again when he was questioning her as a possible reason for failing her HSC), mentioning to John about buying an engagement ring then referring to the break-up with Gina and referring to Hugo when Xavier arrived (even though Xavier has absolutely nothing to do with the investigation). It’s funny you should say that Psychic Wombat because I do feel like Robertson is an older version of Dexter. That’s probably the main reason why I find him so annoying now. I don’t find him funny ATM and he just comes across as smug and arrogant.

I liked Shandi at first but I’ve gone off her rather quickly. I genuinely thought she wanted to get to know John but the way she’s been with Angelo, Miles and Will and wanting money from Palmer makes me think she is simply a user of people. Perhaps John should have a paternity test before handing anything over.

Initial thoughts about Robertson confronting Nicole with the search warrant suggest she was in Penn’s hotel room but it wouldn’t surprise me if Penn had planted the sequins himself, like he did with his wallet in Colleen’s room that time.

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Knowing the way Robertson works, I suspect he's only homing in on Nicole to get at Alf.(Someone needs to tell Alf it's not his house, it's Miles'...)Alf was out of line going round Charlie's and asking her to not only withhold evidence but to feed him information about a police investigation and I'm glad he realised that.

That's what I thought Red, about saying it was his house I mean. He was so out of order by asking Charlie not to say anything about Tulip and then having the nerve to have a go at her when she mentioned it to Robertson, what did he expect her to do!!! :angry: He did as you say realise that at the end of his rant. What was the point of lying about knowing Tulip anyway the truth will out and it'll only look worse for him.

As you mentioned Red, the hotel would have had a duty to report him missing after the chambermaid found all that blood and no sign of the guest. I'm guessing that his belongings (what he had anyway) were still there?

Interesting theory there PW, about the sequins, but isn't that stretching it even for Penn! He couldn't have thought 'I'll hide some of Nicole's sequins, because I may go missing and she'll be a suspect'.

Robertson is being the same as he was last time, most of the gossip I guess he got from Colleen, I think it is part of his technique for getting people to say more than they mean to.

Ditto as to Shandie, she did appear to be a genuine character, apart from being a flirt, she did back off from Angelo when he made it clear her was in love with Charlie. She latches onto Miles, don't suppose he will get the rest of the rent money now (either in monetary form or in kind) :wink: She dropped him like a hot potato when Will came into town and is causing him to neglect Lilly just when she needs him. Now as said she is asking John for money after ignoring him after their initial meeting. Agree about the paternity test too.

Gina's behaviour is very odd, she must still still feel something for him, she could have easily ignored his wave.

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Ok, I guess if Penn owed the hotel money they would report it but Robertson is way out of order, I agree with Slade, he was pretty obnoxious to Nicole. The whole Penn story is getting disjointed, we don't even know if he's dead or who could have realistically done it.

I think Gina should relent a little, I mean what has John done really? He said he was going to propose soon anyway. Maybe Gina thinks he's a bad risk with his heart attack. Hey, she's not going to have that many offers at her age.

Knowing the way Robertson works, I suspect he's only homing in on Nicole to get at Alf.(Someone needs to tell Alf it's not his house, it's Miles'...)Alf was out of line going round Charlie's and asking her to not only withhold evidence but to feed him information about a police investigation and I'm glad he realised that.

That's what I thought Red, about saying it was his house I mean. He was so out of order by asking Charlie not to say anything about Tulip and then having the nerve to have a go at her when she mentioned it to Robertson, what did he expect her to do!!! :angry: He did as you say realise that at the end of his rant. What was the point of lying about knowing Tulip anyway the truth will out and it'll only look worse for him.

As you mentioned Red, the hotel would have had a duty to report him missing after the chambermaid found all that blood and no sign of the guest. I'm guessing that his belongings (what he had anyway) were still there?

Interesting theory there PW, about the sequins, but isn't that stretching it even for Penn! He couldn't have thought 'I'll hide some of Nicole's sequins, because I may go missing and she'll be a suspect'.

Robertson is being the same as he was last time, most of the gossip I guess he got from Colleen, I think it is part of his technique for getting people to say more than they mean to.

Ditto as to Shandie, she did appear to be a genuine character, apart from being a flirt, she did back off from Angelo when he made it clear her was in love with Charlie. She latches onto Miles, don't suppose he will get the rest of the rent money now (either in monetary form or in kind) :wink: She dropped him like a hot potato when Will came into town and is causing him to neglect Lilly just when she needs him. Now as said she is asking John for money after ignoring him after their initial meeting. Agree about the paternity test too.

Gina's behaviour is very odd, she must still still feel something for him, she could have easily ignored his wave.

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After Wednesday's episode, I did find myself agreeing with Slade and PW about Robertson.The problem with that sort of character is if they stop being funny they just end up rude and nasty(which happens with Dexter sometimes)and he was definitely on the wrong side of that line for most of that episode.But then he was on the wrong side sometimes during his first stint as well(asking Angelo what it was like to kill someone who wasn't a cop, for instance).And in this episode, I thought both Robertson and Dexter were brilliant, so I guess it is down to the writing.The opening scene of Nicole giving as good as she got with Robertson and telling him she'd never wear anything like that was brilliant, so much so that it was a shame Alf came storming in, not only because she was handling it herself but because that was exactly what Robertson wanted.Robertson's phone conversation with Alf and chat with Miles were brilliant as well.Both of them were dumb to lie about Tulip, again.

Dexter's pursuit of Graves was actually rather cute and funny and he actually seemed to complete wrong foot her several times.Dealing with Robertson you'd expect her to be used to someone like that.And we actually got the two madmen in one scene which was nice.It's great that he calls her "Graves" because no-one knows her first name.(Although when did he find out?He was calling her "Doogie" last time we heard.)I actually find myself hoping something happens between them, it would be completely weird and completely wrong but a lot of fun.

The Bianca stuff completely washed over me, especially when April wasn't there, so I haven't really got anything to say about it.

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I'm really liking both Robertson and Dexter at the moment. I agree with what others have said though, it's difficult to constantly write odd characters like those without them becoming annoying and rude. Dexter chasing after Graves was pretty funny.

I'm actually starting to develop a little bit of interest in the Penn thing for the first time in ages, probably because of Robertson - at least it feels like the storyline is actually moving somewhere now. Don't know why Alf & Miles are persisting in lying about Tulip, you can see a mile(s) off it's not going to end well.

Gina's behaviour is getting right on my nerves, give poor John (never thought I'd say that) a break will you! I am starting to warm to Xavier a little more and I like his relationship with April even though I wasn't sold at first.

Shandi & Will both seeming rather pointless additions to the cast.

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Although I agree Robertson can be very offensive (is that allowed even for a cop) he certainly keeps people on their toes! His 'questioning' of Colleen is interesting, that way he gets all the local gossip (or Colleen's version of it) and from that decides , I guess, who he should question next. Did anyone else notice that reference he made about Elijah as in 'so called' reverend? Just sour grapes or does he know something about Elijah we don't?

Good for you Nicole for knowing the difference between classy sequins and tat!! :cool: She did handle that very well, better than Alf has been doing so far. Loved his remark in the diner about Alf using defensive body language when he crossed his arms because that is exactly what I thought!! Say what we like about him, he does read people well as in the fact he knew Alf would be visiting Tulip's grave at night!! So are we now going to get a background check on Penn to see if anyone else besides those in the Bay would have a reason to disappear him? I would have thought that would have been high on Robertson's to do list.

Dex's take on Dirty Harry was funny, even if the glasses flick didn't quite come off. :D Graves (wonder what her first name is?) certainly got flummoxed by him, enough to let the bosses' get cold!! I gather Robertson takes advantage of Dex's crush, though how he thinks that is going to help the case I don't know?

The Bianca/April/Vittorio storyline did seem a bit superfluous, Bianca's sudden flashbacks to her engagement party where Vittorio was eying up his ex was meant I suppose to indicate she is having serious doubts. She did herself say to April she could forgive, but she could never forget what he had done. That look she gave the woman who greeted them at the restaurant was full of suspicion. The last straw was when they got to his room and she remembered the last time she opened a door and ran off. He didn't try that hard to follow her did he?

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Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the eighth week running.Miles was in four, for the third week running.

Maybe they're grooming him to be the guy that's in all the episodes while Alf's away?

It would be nice if Ruby could go for a bit without finding some guy to drool over.And she's certainly right that she wasn't exactly subtle in giving him "indicators".At least this one does, on the face of it, actually seem interested, even if he is keep things professional for now.

So...is that it for Shandi?In which case, what was the point of it?Her conversation with Will did seem to scream "Back story alert" so maybe we'll be seeing her again?Given that she paid her bill and left town, I'm assuming John gave her the money, which is a pity.Will continues to act as though he's still eighteen, rather than a grown man with a failing/failed marriage and a young daughter he's supposed to be responsible for, spending all his time sulking and chasing skirt.Intrigued to know exactly what he's supposed to have done to make Gypsy walk out on them.

Is the Bianca/Vittorio stuff actually being plotted or are they just making it up?One minute, Vittorio's left town, the next he's back on Bianca's doorstep.For half the episode Bianca did seem to be in pleasant mode but she seems to have gained a third mood, one where she spends all her time crying and being pathetic, which dominated the rest of it.She's obviously kidding herself thinking they're going to make a go of things and it's a bit boring sitting around waiting for her to cotton on.

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