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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Oh, well it must be spring in Summer Bay we have bare bums and love making in the shower and Rubys on heat again :rolleyes:

yes, it's good to see Ruby being her true self again - really sparkles. But have I missed something? bare bums & love making in the shower? What day was that on? And they don't do an omnibus edition at weekends!

By the way, felt really sorry for Dex today. Graves should have been much more angry with Robertson.

Another thing I could mention. Why do we still have to see Martha at the start of every programme on the sand, bending her leg towards us? April or Indi could do that so much better in their bikinis!

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Oh, well it must be spring in Summer Bay we have bare bums and love making in the shower and Rubys on heat again :rolleyes:

yes, it's good to see Ruby being her true self again - really sparkles. But have I missed something? bare bums & love making in the shower? What day was that on? And they don't do an omnibus edition at weekends!

By the way, felt really sorry for Dex today. Graves should have been much more angry with Robertson.

The 'love making' was Bianca and Vittorio getting very up close and personal in the shower. :blush::wub: I think it was Monday.

Yes, poor Dex, so I got it wrong and it was Romeo Robertson wanted info out of. Good for him though. he twigged what Graves was up to and didn't give anything away (though there was nothing he could tell her). I'm sure Robertson sitting there watching their every move didn't help at all. Though he was smarter than that! Shame Indi had to bring up Annie again just because she thought Graves was flirting with Romeo. Graves (does she have a really embarrassing Christian name which is why she won't reveal it) seemed much more natural when she and Dex were alone together and she drew him out of himself and I think we saw the real Dex for the first time. I bet her telling him that the date was a set up was against the rules, she did seem really sorry about it. Liked the brother/sister talk between Dex and Indi when she was telling him he should be himself more and not alienate people by acting like an oddball. Seems Adrian got his personality spot on.

Good on you John, going back and putting your argument forward, pity it didn't get through, but at least it's a start that the recycling bins are being put in place. All you have to do now is convince people to use them. It certainly pleased Gina and it was strange her and John had the same thoughts about not letting personal reasons get in the way. She seemed a lot more reasonable when she went to see him later. Loved the way he punched the air after she had gone. :cool: :lol:

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On yesterday's episode:

Yes, I loved John's little "Get in there, son!" moment as well.I think he went back more for Xavier and maybe April's sake than because he was trying to impress Gina though, Xavier's talk seemed to have an effect on him.Newsflash:April has a dad!And sounds like he's where she gets her crusading streak from.

Indi was back to acting like a petulant brat and then making out Romeo was at fault, aside from her chat with Dex near the end I didn't really like her in that episode.Dexter and Graves really did get on well together and I'm glad that she was honest with him about why she'd agreed to meet him, hopefully that won't mean the end of them.Robertson is seemingly increasingly inept, which is a bit of a shame.I did like the bit of him and Alf calling each other's bluff but blaming everything on Charlie just because he doesn't have a clue was harsh.Although it probably was a bad idea for her to tell Angelo what was going on and it was definitely a bad idea for him to tell Alf.

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So both April and Bianca's parents are alive! Now that they have both had a mention does this point to us perhaps seeing them at some time?

A body washes up tonight (Penn's?) and if so how did it get there? If as I have read on the Aussie site is true he may have committed suicide but how did he manage to get there after losing all that blood, if it was his that is? Also Roo returns next week.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the ninth week running?It's becoming easier to list the episode he isn't in.Bianca was only in one and, after being absent completely for several weeks, Liam's only contribution was an answer phone message.

Romeo and Indigo seem to have been given exactly the same storyline as last week, with the same frustrating non-ending of them thinking a steamy kiss solves all their problems.Doesn't help that Marilyn and Sid seem to have been given exactly the same storyline, with her throwing a childish strop over something that isn't actually his fault and him having to make a big gesture to make things right.At least Alf treating Miles like a dog was mildly amusing.

Alex seems to have some interesting ideas about how to motivate his students.Ruby's reaction to finding out he and his girlfriend had broken up was brilliant.

And a cliffhanger so obscure they needed to have the continuity announcer explain it.A woman who looks nothing like Roo Stewart gets out of a car and announces "Welcome back, Roo."Okay, it scores point over the introduction of the new Dexter, where they didn't mention his name or include him on the cast list, but how are we expected to deduce that that means she is Roo rather than that she's, say, looking for Roo?

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I didnt like the fact that Graves had set the date up as a way to get info out of Romeo. It broke Dex's heart and annoyed me so much!

Actually Zetti, that was Robertson's idea, Graves didn't want to do it. I think she liked Dex once she got talking to him when they were on their own.

I know I got the day wrong for

Penn's body washing up, it's next Friday.


To be honest I can't really remember what the old Roo looked like, it was 20 years after all!! I know people change a lot over the years but wasn't she a bit more chubbier and blonder. Seems most soaps use that old trick of a stranger/old cast member getting out of a car and all we see at first are their shoes, works especially with females and they are wearing heels!

I think Maz was still feeling uneasy from her talk with Robertson and that is why she took Sid's joke the wrong way. Nice that he feels they should take the next step, but hope he clears it with Dex and Indi. True it's his house, but they do live there too though they do like her.

Did Alex tell Ruby he had broken up with his girlfriend just so he could keep her on as a pupil, seemed a terribly convenient thing to have happened if not.

Robertson is all set to leave the bay as the investigation is going nowhere when he learns Leah is coming back (her and Elijah have broken up) and sticks around

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Wow, Marilyn is moving in with Sid, I guess this is H&A's karmic way for him to atone for his past bad conduct as I think Marilyns whiny little girl voice would drive any man to distraction in no time! I'm not convinced by their relationship, they never even hold hands so living together seems a bit odd unless it's to make room at Miles house for........Rooo!

I think the best storyline at the moment is John and Gina's as it's the most believeable. Dex is good too although he is a bit pathetic chasing after older women, perhaps due to his mothers lack of involvement? The Penn disappearance has been a bit of a let down, I expected him to at least kidnap Alf or burn down the diner but no cliff hanger, it's like the storylines aren't going anywhere. E.g. Romeo and Indy don't do anything they just get their wires crossed and make up, there's no story to it. What's happening?

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