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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I agree about the poor current storylines.Penn was a complete damb squib, with the character and storyline occasionally threatening to do something and then not following through on it.I remember at the start of the year when Aden and Nicole had the misunderstanding/insecurities/make-up storyline every week I thought it was because he was leaving and it couldn't go anywhere but now they're doing the same thing with Romeo and Indigo.John's always good to watch but he and Gina have broken up over absolutely nothing and she's going back to being cold and unlikeable.Watching Bianca and Vittorio is like watching paint dry and Will's no better, possibly the worst comeback in history.

Moving onto slightly happier things and today's episode, which I did actually enjoy in parts, despite a lot of aggravating elements.I'm not really a fan of recasts but it has been 20-odd years since we last saw Roo.(Although ironically they're currently repeating all the 1980s episodes in Australia and reminding people what she used to look like.)The writing and relationship with Alf are completely right.Although I'm surprised that she didn't sock Colleen during her irritating monologue.Actually, I'm surprised Irene didn't sock her considering how rude she was being.Sounds like she's in a bit of trouble, personally and financially, although dropping her SIM card into a cup of coffee, instead of snapping it in half like normal people do, was monumentally silly.Irene's going to get a shock when she washes that cup out.

I actually thought Liam was back until I saw it was Bianca on the bike with him and realised it was another dream.Then he actually did come back with a new girlfriend who looks suspiciously like Bianca.Rebound much?Given that Bianca's still behaving like a brattish teenager, he'd probably be better off hanging onto her.April again acts as though she's the older sister and knows just how to get under Bianca's skin.

Indigo was only in it for two minutes and still managed to annoy me.So did Will, although he was in it a bit longer sadly.Lily's meant to be in Year 7 and VJ in Year 6?Shouldn't they both be in Year 3 or something?They shouldn't even be nine yet, let alone about to start high school.

Oh, H&Alover, I believe that

we will be meeting April and Bianca's mum after the break...

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I have to keep reminding myself April and Bianca are sisters lol. Liams new girlfriend seems nice and a fellow muso, shame she's the rebound in this plot. Cor, they really got me with that dream sequence :rolleyes:

Forgot to mention the lovely constable Watson made a brief appearance a few days ago :wub:

I agree about the poor current storylines.Penn was a complete damb squib, with the character and storyline occasionally threatening to do something and then not following through on it.I remember at the start of the year when Aden and Nicole had the misunderstanding/insecurities/make-up storyline every week I thought it was because he was leaving and it couldn't go anywhere but now they're doing the same thing with Romeo and Indigo.John's always good to watch but he and Gina have broken up over absolutely nothing and she's going back to being cold and unlikeable.Watching Bianca and Vittorio is like watching paint dry and Will's no better, possibly the worst comeback in history.

Moving onto slightly happier things and today's episode, which I did actually enjoy in parts, despite a lot of aggravating elements.I'm not really a fan of recasts but it has been 20-odd years since we last saw Roo.(Although ironically they're currently repeating all the 1980s episodes in Australia and reminding people what she used to look like.)The writing and relationship with Alf are completely right.Although I'm surprised that she didn't sock Colleen during her irritating monologue.Actually, I'm surprised Irene didn't sock her considering how rude she was being.Sounds like she's in a bit of trouble, personally and financially, although dropping her SIM card into a cup of coffee, instead of snapping it in half like normal people do, was monumentally silly.Irene's going to get a shock when she washes that cup out.

I actually thought Liam was back until I saw it was Bianca on the bike with him and realised it was another dream.Then he actually did come back with a new girlfriend who looks suspiciously like Bianca.Rebound much?Given that Bianca's still behaving like a brattish teenager, he'd probably be better off hanging onto her.April again acts as though she's the older sister and knows just how to get under Bianca's skin.

Indigo was only in it for two minutes and still managed to annoy me.So did Will, although he was in it a bit longer sadly.Lily's meant to be in Year 7 and VJ in Year 6?Shouldn't they both be in Year 3 or something?They shouldn't even be nine yet, let alone about to start high school.

Oh, H&Alover, I believe that

we will be meeting April and Bianca's mum after the break...

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I quite like Nina and I'm glad she and Liam had that chat about his feelings for Bianca, it means there is a certain amount of honesty in the relationship and he's not just stringing her along.I hope Vittorio's wrong about him using her to make Bianca jealous because if he's hoping Bianca will come running back to him and then he'll dump Nina that adds a rather unpleasant edge to the character.I think/hope it's more a case of him proving to her that he's moved on, even though he hasn't really. Surprised he walked back into his job so easily, although I guess Gina's reasons made sense.

Sid probably did the right thing telling Marilyn what Mitzy said.Not too sure about her wanting to tell Indigo and Dexter though, it seems like heaping an unnecessary burden on them.It's not as though she went and told Nicole and Romeo.

The last scene with John and Gina was a bit left field.So, they're back together and they didn't tell us or indeed Xavier?Presumably it happened some time after their chat at the gym last week.Not sure why they're keeping it from Xavier, given he's practically begging them to get back together.

Colleen once again comes across as nasty and mean spirited, even when she's trying to be nice, and I wish Alf had come down harder on her, even though she probably wouldn't take any notice.Roo's obviously hiding things from Alf, which adds an ironic edge to her claim she doesn't run away from her problems anymore...

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I have mixed feelings overall about Roo returning. Whilst I’m really not keen on the show bringing back old characters (As it reeks of desperation and they tend to ruin the characters in question) for me personally it always felt like unfinished business with Roo so I’m glad she returned. However I do think they missed a trick not bringing her back when Martha was around so it seems their relationship has been entirely off screen and that was one of the things I always wanted to see. I’m probably one of the few people in this forum who did remember what she looked like and would have preferred it if they’d used the original actress (I also remember fancying her when I was a kid). Having said that I do like this Roo and quite like the actress. Funny because to me she looks a bit like Charlie or she could be Charlie in ten years.

Colleen was quite annoying the way she was with her, brining up stuff that happened 20 years ago (How many people would do that?) and was glad Alf confronted her but thought he was way too lenient. The problem with Colleen is if you use tact and diplomacy you won’t be able to get your point across.

I thought something was wrong when Roo first turned up in her luggage. I know women generally tend to have lots of clothes anyway but that was quite a big suitcase and turning up randomly like that without so much of a phone call did set the alarm bell off. I too thought it was ironic she said she wanted to be more like Alf and not run away from her problems but that appears to be exactly what she’s doing.

I’m glad Liam’s back but wasn’t too keen on him hooking up with that girl as Vitorio pointed out it was solely for Bianca’s benefit. The stuff at Angelo’s was embarrassing and really don’t hope this storyline is dragged out for too long. I’m glad Liam’s girlfriend knows the score though.

I quite enjoyed the stuff with Xavier and John and was glad at first as I thought they were still getting on despite thinking John and Gina split up. Little did I know they were deceiving everyone. I still liked Xavier confronting Gina about what he thought were her double standards and I loved his line about if she could give and idiot like Liam another chance she could give an idiot like John another chance.

I understand that Sid wanted to be honest with Marilyn and tell her about what Mitzy said in her dying moments but what good could possibly come from telling her that her “end date” was real?

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Gina and John what a sneaky pair they are!!! :cool: :wink: I agree Red I think it must have been after the chat at the gym. I think I heard Gina say she wanted John and her to have some them time before letting others (namely Xavier) know they were back together. John certainly played it cool when Xavier said he would talk to Gina if her didn't.

I checked Roo's profile just to check if I was right about how she looked 20 years ago and I was right she was slightly on the chubby side and was blonde. Now true you can slim down, but to go from blonde to being that dark!! Bit of a stretch, if they need to replace an actor/actress please try and make them look like an older version of the original. Though having said all that they don't seem to bother in English soaps. I'm with you guys that she is definitely running away from money problems (as well as her feller trying to get in touch with her). I also spotted the irony that she told Alf that she wasn't going to run away from her responsibilities any more when plainly that is what she has just done. How long before her chap tracks her down and it all comes out?

You know what Colleen is like, she has only just 'forgiven' Marilyn for dumping Lancey! I think it's only the fact that Roo is family she is not having her run out of town on a rail. These people Roo is supposed to making apologises to, who are they, there can't be many, if any, people left from back then.

That got me going with those scenes of Liam and Bianca as well, shame it turned out to be a dream. Clever idea if TPTB to use it again a different (blonde) woman, no coincidence of course. initially I thought Nina was a bit of a bimbo that Liam had picked up and was using to make Bianca jealous, which still may be the case. After their conversation on the beach though I changed my mind, she's fully aware of what's going on and all she asks is Liam lets her know if things change between him and Bianca.That scene with the four of them was so funny, all trying to do out each other, except for poor Nina who soon sussed it out. All that testosterone flying around was quite hazardous to the health.

Sid was right IMO to tell Marilyn the truth of what Mitzy said, it's probably a weight off his mind and they both said there shouldn't be any more secrets. I think, as Marilyn is moving in, Dex and Indi should know because Marilyn is at sometime going to get worse. I know Sid is worried about telling them she is moving in, but I think they will be all for it. Probably say something like "It's about time". :D

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I am so glad that Sid told Marilyn about what Mitzy said, its good that he can see that secrets do more harm than good especially in this case. I am so glad that Marilyn wants to move in with him, its good to be able to see that she is just as in love with Sid as he is with her.

Roo is back, I never knew the old Roo but she seems to be a good character with a wild past, she is running away from something and she seemed a bit to eager IMO to meet Gina and Xavier... hmm maybe there is an hidden agenda there....?

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The reason I have a problem with Marilyn wanting to tell Indi and Dex about her "end date" is that it's all up in the air.If there was any medical evidence that she was sick, then they'd be right to tell them.But all they've got is a psychic's prediction and I don't see the point in worrying them when she might not die and even if she does she might not get sick first.She could be hit by a bus for all they know.

It's interesting that last time round I wasn't too keen on Robertson's half-hearted attempts to romance Leah, it felt somewhat out of place with his eccentric personality.This time round, when he seems to spend most of his time being rude to people for the fun of it, it's actually a relief to see him behaving like a human being with someone.Kind of glad Leah's ended things with Elijah.Again. Although it does make the weeks of angst seem a bit pointless.Alf once again acts like an overprotective bore when Robertson's interviewing Roo.Looks as though Roo must have had personal contact with Martha and Hugo to get the letter, unless it came in the post.Did Gina really go to the Diner for a ten second conversation?(Have to say, I've been watching a lot of episodes with the old Roo lately and...I can see why people would fancy her. Ahem.I think the actress is still working so it's a shame she wasn't up for returning, it would be nice to see what she looks like now.As for the new Roo being a brunette...maybe she dyes it.She's hardly the first person in Home and Away to change her face, build and hair colour.And most of them take a lot less than 20 years.)I think Roo would probably beat Nicole in a comparison of their wild days.When she was talking about how stressed she was when she was taking her exams, she kind of missed out the bit where she went into premature labour, then had her baby kidnapped by the child's father and go missing for several weeks.That stressed her out a bit as well.

Xavier running around like a headless chicken, making huge leaps of logic and reaching the wrong conclusion, was rather amusing to watch.But John and Gina's "Let's keep it quiet for now" plan could end up backfiring, it's only serving to annoy him.

I have actually rather liked Ruby since she's been back from rehab:Looking at the comments on the Australian discussions, her sunnier, fun-loving outlook seems to have annoyed a lot of people but it's how she was when she first came in and it's an improvement on her constant moping and self-obsession.(Okay, she's still a bit self-obsession but at least she's doing it with a sense of awareness and they're managing to make fun of it:The bit where she's trying to act cool with Alex and trips over her bag was genuinely funny.)Unfortunately they've then gone and blown it by turning round and saying "Oh yeah, Alex is cheating on her" when all they've done is kiss a couple of times.If they were actually in a full relationship and it turned out he was two-timing her, it would be fine.As it is, it's hard to care and Ruby's back to acting like a drama queen and calling him the love of her life. Sigh.

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I'm with Slade and Red Ranger on this one, I think Sid telling Marilyn about her end date was wrong it just stirs her emotional little mind up, anyway who of us would really want to know the day we are going to die? :ph34r: This honesty thing in soaps can get out of hand, characters end up being honest for their own benefit rather then the recipients. Wonder how Dex will take Marilyn moving in...

Ruby falls into the same behavior of throwing herself at blokes, when will she learn. She should go out with someone her own age, and when will working men stop picking up school girls in Summer Bay! That rehab thing was unconvincing she had like one bottle of wine under the pier and then carted off to the clinic poor girl. She needs a mother who doesn't out shine her.

Hope Leah finds some happiness with Miles... I mean Robertson.

The reason I have a problem with Marilyn wanting to tell Indi and Dex about her "end date" is that it's all up in the air.If there was any medical evidence that she was sick, then they'd be right to tell them.But all they've got is a psychic's prediction and I don't see the point in worrying them when she might not die and even if she does she might not get sick first.She could be hit by a bus for all they know.
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Me too Red, I think there was more than just a phone call from Martha and Hugo, why hasn't she told Alf though, maybe to protect him? What help do they need, if it's money Gina can't have that much. Did Robertson get involved with the Feds after Hugo and Martha fled? He certainly wasn't in the bay investigating at the time. How much longer are they going to keep Xav in suspense?

Don't hold your breath about it all being over with Leah and Elijah just yet. :wink: Robertson definitely has it bad regarding Leah, willing to wait until she is ready maybe date him.

Oh Ruby, how can he be the love of your life already, you haven't even been in a date with him!! :rolleyes: You may find you don't even like him if you spend more time with him. I suppose that could have been a goodbye kiss between Alex and his (ex) girlfriend? That was funny when she went arse over elbow when trying to act cool!! :lol:

Only tonight and tomorrow to go before the break and of course (for us) it ends with a 'shocking discovery'!!

BTW VJ was born in 2001 so he will be/is 10 this year.

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BTW VJ was born in 2001 so he will be/is 10 this year.

Um...2010-2001=9, doesn't it?VJ, like Lily, was born in that year's finale so he shouldn't have had his birthday yet.Although if he's meant to be starting high school next year, as April said on Monday, presumably he's meant to be about 12 now.Somehow.

Yep, just when you think it's safe to come out of the missionary room, the Leah/Elijah storyline gets dragged out still further.It was hard to keep track of who was going and who wasn't for much of the episode and I found it hard to stay interested.I did like the scene between Miles and Robertson though, with them actually having a conversation instead of trading petty insults.

Although given the forthcoming "shocking discovery", I suspect Robertson won't be able to keep his side of the bargain.

Although I'm glad Leah won't be disappearing again straightaway, I'm going to miss Miles, I think the caravan park crowd, Nicole in particular, needs his stabilising influence now Alf's losing the plot on a regular basis and I don't really trust Roo to keep things in order.

I loved Indigo and Dexter's little chat at the Diner and then them acting as a Greek chorus while Nicole confronted Alex.And, although harsh, Alex's tirade against Ruby actually had a lot of truth in it:She's never cheated but constantly hopping from boyfriend to boyfriend and throwing herself at people is going to get her a reputation.But things went rapidly downhill when Charlie got involved and turned into Rambo Mum, showing off her corrupt cop credentials and abusing her position to force Alex to apologise.He may not have been Prince Charming but I don't think being a bit nasty to her daughter really deserved that sort of overreaction.I was disappointed that both Angelo and Ruby seemed to start off scolding Charlie for her actions and then end up being impressed by them.And then you had that weird scene of Charlie telling Ruby that Alex may have been right after all and seemingly changing her mind in alternate sentences.Not really sure what either Charlie or the show was trying to say there.

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