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BTW VJ was born in 2001 so he will be/is 10 this year.

Um...2010-2001=9, doesn't it?VJ, like Lily, was born in that year's finale so he shouldn't have had his birthday yet.Although if he's meant to be starting high school next year, as April said on Monday, presumably he's meant to be about 12 now.Somehow.

Maths has never been my strong point!! :blush:

It did get a bit wearisome with Leah going, staying, going, but Miles was right she has VJ to think about, especially considering she hasn't told him she and Elijah aren't an item anymore!!! That was my thought too Red about the 'shocking discovery' putting paid to Robertson's plan to leave. He must really care about Leah to be prepared to concede defeat (and in effect tell porkies on his report) to get her to stay. Surprised Miles managed to convince her actually, usually once she has made her mind up there's no changing it.

I wonder if Alex got the feeling he was being ganged up on!! That is probably why he was so defensive when Ruby tackled him. Although he was right about her past relationships what business did he have asking around about her anyway? Didn't she cheat on Xavier with Geoff though? Whatever relationship Ruby has been in either crushes on teachers like Miles, Liam and Alex or boys her own age Xavier and Geoff none have worked out. I can kind of see where Charlie was coming from (as she said herself she was still new to the mum game) and would have still done it as a 'sister'. Whatever she was trying to say to Ruby definitely didn't come out the way she intended. Ruby does seem to come on strong in her relationships with guys and one day she could find herself in trouble.

Wonder if we will hear tonight if Gina has read Hugo's letter and what's the betting the 'shocking discovery' won't happen until the end of the episode! :rolleyes::o

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Yep, as expected IT happened right at the end, quell surprise!!! :o

I'd forgotten about the money Hugo gave Xavier. So how is Gina going to get him to give it to her without dragging him into it? I can understand Roo wanting it to help Martha but Gina does know Hugo better than her and Hugo did say he wanted it to be used for a good cause, does he consider himself as such?

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So not only was Alf in every episode this week but Roo was too. It’s funny because I Googled the original actress (Justine Clarke) just to see what she looked like and she’s still attractive. Such as shame she isn’t here as I said before and according to her profile it said she stated she has no wish to return to Home and Away but I can’t really blame her for that. There are jobs I did when I was younger that I certainly wouldn’t go back to by choice. And as I also mentioned previously I do like this version of Roo just would have preferred Justine.

Anyway I quite enjoyed a lot of parts of today’s episode. I really enjoyed the stuff with Roo and Angelo. I do like Charlie and Angelo together but Roo and Angelo really seemed to click and I personally thought there was chemistry there. It was interesting her initial reaction when she first found out who he was. I could tell by the look on her face that there was sort of admiration for sacrificing his career so Hugo and Martha could ride off into the sunset but I wonder if Alf told her that Angelo was responsible for Jack’s death. And I still stand by what I said at the time that I always thought Angelo let Martha and Hugo go because he felt guilty for killing Jack and wanted some sort of redemption. I was actually waiting for Charlie to interrupt them and revert to ultra defensive mode or at least see them together and let the visible paranoia and insecurities emerge but she was preoccupied with Robertson.

I was so glad Sid stuck up for Dexter like that. I know Graves apologised but I still felt someone needed to tell her something. I do think she was in an impossible position though. She’s a trainee detective and it’s not as if she could have told Robertson where to go when he asked her to masquerade as Dexter’s date to get info out of Romeo. And like I said about Colleen I don’t think tact or diplomacy for the most part would work with Dexter either. Look how difficult it was for him to get the message when he was besotted with Marilyn. So I don’t have too much of a problem with what Grave’s actually said to Dexter at the Diner. Also, even though I wanted them together it would never have worked. She doesn't even live in Summer Bay and what would her peers have thought of the relationship.

As I’ve said on numerous occasions I find Dexter quite annoying but having watched him in this episode have found myself feeling more sympathetic towards him. I can understand the position he’s in. He feels as though he’s a nerd and for the most part any half-decent girl won’t find him attractive but I do think he should take Sid’s advice and try and focus on girls his own age. When he said he didn’t think any girl would go for him Adrian immediately sprung to my mind because that wasn’t a case of him losing it but throwing it away. He completely blew it and if he’d played his cards differently he might have been in a relationship and probably would have been on top of the world. I do have to give him credit though because as far as making the first move and starting conversation he’s got guts and a lot of people wouldn’t even try doing what he has and at this rate by the law of averages he’s bound to get a girlfriend eventually. It’s funny because I said before that Dexter and Ruby are both quite similar in the way they tend to develop intense feelings for older people and I thought Sid’s conversation with Dexter was quite similar to the one Charlie had with Ruby in yesterday’s episode, where incidentally I really didn’t like Charlie.

Should have I been surprised at Gina’s initial reaction to Roo wanting to give the cash Xavier has to Hugo and Martha? No. It reminded me of how she was when she first found out about Hugo’s misgivings and her lack of emotion at the funeral. Should they actually give Hugo and Martha the money? I don’t know. I can understand where Hugo and Martha are coming from as from their perspective this is simply survival but I can’t help thinking all those lives that were ruined and by asking for that money it basically reaffirms Hugo’s lack of remorse about the whole people smuggling thing. Perhaps Gina is right to go away and think about it.

Couldn’t make out if that was Penn’s body washed up on the shore. If it is I will be extremely disappointed with the writers. They seemed to spend quite a bit of time having Penn manipulate and play mind games with most of the residents and with the build up to the revelation of Alf’s affair with Tulip O’Hare I was hoping for some sort of final showdown but it looks like an anti-climax, kind of like when Sam died.

Well anyway that’s the last episode this year so I guess we’ll have to wait until 2011 to see if that actually is Penn.

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Yes, both Alf and Roo were in every episode this week.Must run in the family.The tenth week running for Alf so he goes into the break having appeared in the last 50+ episodes.

I was half-expecting Roo to say "Oh, you're the guy that killed my son-in-law" to Angelo, I suspect Alf did fill her in on that.I hope they avoid going down the obvious route and having Charlie get jealous of them.And isn't Roo a bit old for Angelo?She can't be much younger than Marilyn.Having said that, I do like the idea of them as friends and it seemed to be a bit of an eye-opener for her about her memories of the Bay after she'd trampled all over Alf's nostalgia.I actually find myself siding with Gina even though I didn't like her initial cold attitude towards Hugo.It's been obvious from about three weeks into the year that the writers didn't know what to do with that money but I'm hoping Gina doesn't give it to Hugo.I actually think it's extremely selfish of him and Martha to drag their families back into this after Hugo nearly got them all killed or arrested last time he involved them.Where exactly were Gina and Roo when they had their "cloak and dagger" chat?Gina says she didn't want anyone overhearing but it looked like they were right out in the open and anyone could have wandered past.

I can see why Graves would have difficulty disobeying Robertson about dating Dexter but I did think she was rather brutal with him here and I'm glad Sid had a go at her.Presumably she'll be sticking around for a bit following the "shocking discovery" so maybe they could give it a go?I'm probably on a hiding to nothing but I'll keep my fingers crossed.Indigo's still acting like a petulant brat and Romeo's being too wet for me to bother feeling sorry for him.I do feel sorry for Sid though, having to cope with her like that.

So...I take it we're meant to assume that(a)that was Penn at the end and(b)he's dead.Oddly, Christian Clark was actually credited, even though we didn't see his face and they could have just got an extra to lie there and not move.(As indeed they did when Larry Jefferies' body was discovered earlier in the year.)So, if that's true...well, all my theories have already been mentioned on other threads but I'm going to repeat them anyway.First thought is that maybe he's done a Sam Holden, committed suicide and made it look like murder, which is why he was going around picking fights with everyone before he disappeared, so they'd all be hassled by the police.Second thought is that maybe Will and Shandi did it:It would explain why they disappeared at the same time as him, Will's "I've ruined everything" comments, their chat about not doing anything wrong and Shandi suddenly asking John for money and leaving town.Only problem with that is, if Robertson's right and he died in the hotel room, what would they be doing there?Neither of them knew him.Also, if he did die when he disappeared, why has his body suddenly appeared on the beach now?(Did someone dump it in the sea?)

Hopefully we'll find out after Christmas!

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If it is his body (not much point it being anyone else's) at least it is a whole body and not just a finger! :wink::lol: If it is suicide how did he get from the hotel room to wherever he threw himself, walked into the sea, seeing there was so much blood and without being seen? As far as we know neither Will or Shandi knew Penn. Perhaps she did and roped in Will to help her and murder wasn't intended. I did notice when he was having his final show down she was giving some strange looks almost as if she had meet him before.

I half expected Angelo to have hooked him when he and Roo were fishing, that would have been a surprise! :o Perhaps Hugo or Martha told Roo what Angelo had done for them, she realised her mistake and said it was Alf to cover herself?

Re. Roo and Gina's 'private chat' par for the course in Summer Bay, have a quiet chat in the open where anyone can walk by!! :rolleyes:

It's going to be a bit awkward for Graves and Dex now she won't be leaving! :blush: Sid did a typical dad/mum thing jumping in and speaking for Dex, well done! Nice dad/son talk after, though I wasn't convinced about Sid saying he was a nerd at school either! I think Dex will eventually come into his own and find a like minded girl a younger version of Graves in fact.

In case I don't post again Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to all H&A watchers/fans. See you in the new year!!

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In case I don't post again Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to all H&A watchers/fans. See you in the new year!!

Are any of you going to be posting under other headings in the next few weeks? Some of you did last break and it took me ages to find you.

If not, happy Christmas to all our readers and let's have some more good storeylines in the new year ; Penn (RIP) & Alf, Robertson (assuming he stays) & Leah, Graves & Dexter, Romeo & Indi, Xavier & April (do you see them in the Mail on Sunday?), Gina & whatisname,....just to mention a few

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Are any of you going to be posting under other headings in the next few weeks? Some of you did last break and it took me ages to find you.

Given that there aren't any repeats during this break, there's not really anywhere for us to congregate this time.Some of us will probably be around the board somewhere though.

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I'm pretty sure it's Penn on the beach, I seem to recall the last we saw him he was walking towards the sea and there can't be any other missing people in Summer Bay(?). As I think I mentioned before the usually suspects would temporary characters like Will or maybe Shandi. Maybe they both did it in a ritual drug crazed frenzy?

Ok, next year I'm looking forward to Joey coming back for Charley, plans for a nuclear power plant behind the caravan park, Alf becoming a dad again and a poisonous muffin stalker to terrorise the surf club - how about you?

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Ok, next year I'm looking forward to Joey coming back for Charley, plans for a nuclear power plant behind the caravan park, Alf becoming a dad again and a poisonous muffin stalker to terrorise the surf club - how about you?

I'd like to see more romantic bits. Bianca having a fantastic ott wedding with her Italian prince, with April a beautiful bridesmaid alongside Xavier, who get it together on the wedding night. Indi & Romeo settling down to a lasting relationship with no doubts or baggage. Same with Charlie and Angelo, getting married. Dexter and Ruby falling for each other. John and Gina. Let's have some proper nuclear families.

But then it is a soap. so I suppose not much of this will happen. But it would make Summer bay a happier place, perhaps.

Happy Christmas everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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