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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Okay, my hopes for 2011:

Leah and Robert to get together and Leah to finally realise she is not the kiss of death to all men;

NO to Dex and Ruby, save the poor chap! Ruby the vampire should have an older boyfriend, or a change of personality;

I did want them to make Dex gay, but he obviously isn't, so a new girlfriend for him please;

Marilyn NOT dying but staying with the newly cool Dr Walker;

Nicole to start her fashion career and turn into Alexis Carrington;

Bianca and Liam, after lots of agonised looks and 'I wish I knew how to quit you' moments, to finally get it on;

Gina and John to continue to provide a good example of mature love and that younger people do not have the monopoly on love;

Romeo and Xavier to have more comedy moments, they are brilliant at that;

I am a bit sick of Charlie and Angelo for some reason. Roo.... I like Roo, she is such a good choice for mother of Martha. Maybe she has some devious plan for Angelo to get him back for killing St Jack, maybe that's why she was befriending him.

Miles, Alf, Indi, April.... dunno about them... But who murdered Penn? dun dun DUR!

Oh yes, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

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My 2011 wishes..

I want Dex to be single and sarky all the time. I love his sarkiness!

Ruby to stay single and just have normal teen fun.. become the person that I liked all those months ago when she wasnt a man hungry teen :wink:

Robertson to disappear... someone murder him!

More Walkers interaction with the Marilyn.

Irene and Colleen to have scenes other than the diner

Leah to finally be happy (wont happen)

Nicole to stay in the bay as a stylist...

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Hopes for 2011?Okay, I'll do my best:

Lots of Miles!Don't care what he does, so long as he's there being cool.Don't really think he needs a girlfriend and most of the names that get attached to him don't really excite me, he needs to be the eccentric teacher/guardian that makes everyone smile.

Ruby to either stay single or be in a lasting relationship, less of the jumping from one obsessive crush to the next.Wouldn't actually have minded her and Liam getting together if one of them left the school but given he's back there and they seem to be pushing him towards Bianca that ship's probably sailed...

Romeo and Indigo to manage to act like reasonable human beings at the same time.

Nicole to leave school.

I can see Charlie and Angelo getting married and I think that'd be good.I want John and Gina to defy the critics and stay together because they're probably one of the most stable couples on the show...

Irene to have more of a purpose in her household:Since Ruby moved out, she's basically been a landlady to other people's families, with Bianca looking after April and Will looking after Lily.

Colleen to retire, move away and never be seen again.(I know, not going to happen...)

Dexter to get a girlfriend who isn't Ruby.

I kind of do and don't want Xavier and April to have more screentime:I like them but I'm worried about how they'd end up if they started writing them as a couple rather than two individuals who happen to date.(*cough*Romeo and Indi)I would like some serious thought to be put into the relationship though.

Leah to get some decent screentime which doesn't involve another failed relationship.

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Hopes for 2011?Okay, I'll do my best:

Dexter to get a girlfriend who isn't Ruby.

Why are you all against Dexter and Ruby? They are both young, reasonably intelligent, reasonably attractive to the opposite sex and when they get an interest in someone, they go in feet first lead by their heart. So why couldn't they get passionate about each other?

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Lots of Miles!Don't care what he does, so long as he's there being cool.Don't really think he needs a girlfriend and most of the names that get attached to him don't really excite me, he needs to be the eccentric teacher/guardian that makes everyone smile.

With you 100% on that, Red Ranger, I need him to make me smile after a hard day at work!

My wish for 2011 -

We haven't heard anything about the family of Miles' wife - I'd like to see Rabbit come back as maybe his niece (same actress of course) so he could be her guardian and we could carry on enjoying the relationship they had (with her being a real person this time!)

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Hopes for 2011?Okay, I'll do my best:

Lots of Miles!Don't care what he does, so long as he's there being cool.Don't really think he needs a girlfriend and most of the names that get attached to him don't really excite me, he needs to be the eccentric teacher/guardian that makes everyone smile.

Ruby to either stay single or be in a lasting relationship, less of the jumping from one obsessive crush to the next.Wouldn't actually have minded her and Liam getting together if one of them left the school but given he's back there and they seem to be pushing him towards Bianca that ship's probably sailed...

Romeo and Indigo to manage to act like reasonable human beings at the same time.

Nicole to leave school.

I can see Charlie and Angelo getting married and I think that'd be good.I want John and Gina to defy the critics and stay together because they're probably one of the most stable couples on the show...

Irene to have more of a purpose in her household:Since Ruby moved out, she's basically been a landlady to other people's families, with Bianca looking after April and Will looking after Lily.

Colleen to retire, move away and never be seen again.(I know, not going to happen...)

Dexter to get a girlfriend who isn't Ruby.

I kind of do and don't want Xavier and April to have more screentime:I like them but I'm worried about how they'd end up if they started writing them as a couple rather than two individuals who happen to date.(*cough*Romeo and Indi)I would like some serious thought to be put into the relationship though.

Leah to get some decent screentime which doesn't involve another failed relationship.

Can't disagree with any of that. :lol:

Had to laugh at the mention of Nicole leaving school, it reminded me of someone at my school who must've re-sat 6th form 4 or 5 times, think he was in his mid-20s by the time he left. For all half the characters (exaggeration) are teachers, Summer Bay doesn't have a great record of shifting pupils on to bigger and better things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not long now until H&A is back.

My thoughts: Could Shandi have been going to the bay for more than just tracking down her dad? Could she also have been looking for Penn for whatever reason? On that point John seemed to accept she was his daughter so readily, which is very unlike him. All Shandi had was a photo of her mum with him in the 70's and the fact they were an item. She could have got pregnant after he went into the Army.

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And it's back!Pretty good episode, I thought.Robertson was on fine form, being there to do his job and make funny remarks rather than getting on someone's nerves for the sheer hell of it.(Well, except maybe Charlie.But she did walk into it rather.)His sparring with Leah over croissants, where she actually seemed to come out on top on points, was good, as was his subtle winding up of Colleen. And Graves seemed to outdo him a bit as well, by calling his bluff over not wanting anyone to tell him what was in the report.

We got some interaction between Romeo and Liam as well, I've missed that relationship.Romeo may well be one of those characters who works better when he's sparring with other guys than with girls. (And then they actually make a joke about him being gay...)Liam kissing Nina in front of Bianca, Nina not remembering(or pretending not to remember?)Bianca's name and the little exchange between Liam and Romeo that followed was a classic scene.Romeo did seem to overreact a bit by saying Nina was hitting on him, as far as I can see she was just flirting, I don't think she'd have actually done anything.His going round to see Bianca to fill her in on Liam and Nina's relationship seemed a bit odd as well.Not sure how exactly April arranged for Liam and Bianca to spend time together, was that something from before the break that I've forgotten about or did they just not explain it properly?

I was actually cheering Gina in the early scenes when she was refusing to go along with Roo:I've got a bit of a problem with giving Martha and Hugo the profits of human suffering to effectively commit further crimes, they both made their choices.Sadly, by the end it seems as though she's going to do it.Alf seems to have learnt a few lessons since 1988, Roo's less able to keep things from him these days.Nice to see a bit of John too, making the most of a small amount of screen time.

I see the "Next time on Home and Away" bit's back.At least there's a clear break between it and the end of the episode proper now, before it could be a bit confusing given the show's habit of carrying on past apparent cliffhangers.Not sure if it's there for good or not:Might just be to keep viewers watching for a week or so after the break but Channel 5 are including something similar on Neighbours these days.

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