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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I've got a bit of a problem with giving Martha and Hugo the profits of human suffering to effectively commit further crimes, they both made their choices.Sadly, by the end it seems as though she's going to do it.Alf seems to have learnt a few lessons since 1988, Roo's less able to keep things from him these days.
i have a feeling Roo's going to use that money to pay off her debts. perhaps Martha and Hugo didn't ask her for any money, or haven't been in touch with her at all? :unsure:

I see the "Next time on Home and Away" bit's back.At least there's a clear break between it and the end of the episode proper now, before it could be a bit confusing given the show's habit of carrying on past apparent cliffhangers.Not sure if it's there for good or not:Might just be to keep viewers watching for a week or so after the break but Channel 5 are including something similar on Neighbours these days.
yeah, i expect they'll remain from now on. Neighbours began making promo's for the next episode in-house mid-way through 2009 before the closing titles and C5 haven't edited them out. the promo's for the next episode of H&A have been made in-house as opposed to by Network 7 since the Olympic Cliffhanger mid-way through the 2008 season, but because we have our own closing titles in the UK they cut them out. perhaps they've seen an increase in Neighbours ratings since they were introduced? to me there's too much going on in such a short time to really take it in and look forward to any of it.
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Yes, I think Roo wants the money for herself :(

The bit about Romeo going round to tell Bianca about Liam and Nina was seomthing that real people do not do, it was weird. I agree that Romeo is better interacting with other male characters.

How long before Liam and Bianca realise they ar fooling themselves?

Did anyone else think that there were noticeable drag marks at Penn's feet- had he been dragged out of the sea by a person? or the tide?

Don't like the 'next time on Home and Away' bit, I tihnk I'll switch it off before I see that :lol:

Still, good to see H&A back, I've missed the waves, the beach, the sunny weather, as I sit here in gloomy dull old England...

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Still, good to see H&A back, I've missed the waves, the beach, the sunny weather, as I sit here in gloomy dull old England...

Happy new year everyone! It's good to be back with H&A and the sun. Great scenes with Romeo today, esp telling Liam off in school.

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Romeo was my highlight of the episode, so cute to look at and liked his interactions with Liam. Also liked the opening scene with Leah and Robertson. I also fought it had looked like Penn had been dragged out of the water. Exciting having Home and Away back and I have a feeling we are in for a better year than 2010 already.

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I'm really not sure whether Roo's planning to steal the money or not.I think I might be more inclined to draw that conclusion if she hadn't had the letter from Hugo but as she did...what?Is Hugo in on it (in which case why not just tell Gina that Martha's mum needs the money and he's all right with her having it?)?Or did Martha and Hugo really ask her to get the money off Gina and she's planning to take it for herself?I'm hoping it's misdirection because I'm uncomfortable with the idea of her being that duplicitous.

April was on great form, it's been forever since we've seen these characters so they're all feeling fresh again.She was great winding Bianca up and continued to spark off Xavier well.It was a nice idea to have Liam and Vittorio almost literally at each other's throats with their "I can pick up more litter than you" contest while Bianca and Nina were actual literally finishing each other's sentences.With April as a bewildered observer to it all.Like Liam, I did think maybe Vittorio was all right there for a moment but nope, he's a tool.Seems like that's the end of Nina and, while she probably made the right choice for herself by refusing to be Liam's stand-in girlfriend, I'm sorry to see her go.She was less irritating than Vittorio and actually less irritating than Bianca despite the attempt to make them seem like clones, she seemed a bit more...relaxed.(And Lisa Gormley's apparently still refusing to wear bikinis...)

John and Xavier are, bewilderingly, turning into quite the double act.(And it was nice to get a mention of Brendan too, it seems like six months since the last one.)I was in stitches during their chat about Gina finding a better boyfriend.("She might have met someone nicer, richer, younger!"/"That's not hard.")And then again when Xavier hugs him for no apparent reason!Utterly bewildering, utterly weird and utterly hilarious.And Gina learns the perils of leading a triple life, as the guy you're leading a double life with gets confused.

Alf does seem to have grown a few brain cells, letting Robertson and Graves search the shop instead of being pointlessly obstructive and answering their questions without losing his temper.Much.I've got an awkward feeling he knows someone who has a knife like that and he's decided to keep quiet about it...

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Welcome back everyone and A Happy New Year to you all, if it's not too late.

First of all Penn's body, I could be wrong, it was a while ago, but when we saw his body at the end of the last episode last year I could have sworn it was further along the beach than where John saw it on Monday. It didn't look to be anywhere near the rocks. :unsure: At least Robertson can get back to what he is really good at and solving a crime now he has an actual body. Liked the revelations from Graves to Charlie about how Robertson drives her mad sometime and she tunes him out. :D

I'm guessing this river knife must be a really vicious weapon from the way Robertson was going on about it. This may be way off, but could Alf have found the sheath when he cleaned out Shandie's van? Will may have picked it up when he was working at the bait shop (or Alf may have even given Will the knife) and that is why he is being so evasive? The knife itself could easily just have been chucked into the sea.

I'm with Miranda and cadyctslover I think Roo does want the money for herself, hence the phone call to Gina right after she had that call. Maybe she did originally did want it for them but has now decided to use it to get out of the trouble she is in. Or they did ask for the money, but she is going to tell them Gina said no.

Shame that Nina has gone, I liked her, she was a very intelligent girl. Her and Bianca were very alike, I loved the interchange between them when they were talking about Liam and how he seemed to switch off when he was thinking about his music. Both Liam and Bianca want their heads knocking together. Everyone can see they love each other, even Vittorio, though his remark to Liam about how he wasn't going to get her back was a bit macho, surely that's up to her who she wants to be with. Funny how both April and Romeo both said the same thing to Bianca independently of each other.

Liam and Vittorio were like big kids trying to outdo each other picking up the rubbish.

Yes, a mention of Brendan at last!!! Loved that scene of Xavier hugging John, who would have thought that would ever have happened. What will Xavier say to Gina now John's split the beans?

I wonder how long they will keep the 'coming next on Home And Away'. If I remember correctly they only had it for a couple of weeks last time.

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I seem to say how much I loved the scenes between Xavier and April every time they appear but what the heck, I did.There's just something about them.Xavier trying his best not to think about what Gina and John had been getting up to was gold.John should probably have ignored Alf's advice, given it was proposing that caused the problems in the first place he'd probably have been better off leaving it for a while.On the other hand, just accepting Gina's "Don't mention marriage" directive when it's clearly not what he wants could cause problems as well...

Nice that Sid and Dexter seem to be getting on well and Dexter actually seems to be listening to him for once.Although you just knew when he was doing his Igor act, while half-naked, that it was gonna be Graves at the door...And then he attempts to hit on Charlie to make her jealous, which was just absolutely flippin' hilarious.Loved the way Charlie was completely deadpan about it as well.

Ruby, Ruby, Ruby.I really liked that scene of her with the examiner, her babbling was inspired.("You're nothing like him, he was hot!" being my favourite line of the episode.)But that last scene with Charlie...I can see where she was coming from, it was pretty dumb of Charlie to just assume she'd fail.But Ruby's reaction felt a bit self-centred and I really didn't like her there.And what was with that "I'm not like you" line?Charlie's such an academic overachiever, however much her personal life can suck at times, that I doubt she's failed an examination in her life.

Liked that last scene between Alf and Roo, there was a real father/daughter vibe between them.So if Alf's got the sheath, where's the knife?Assuming the answer isn't "He stuck it in Penn Graham then buried it in the bush."Wondering if maybe he lent the knife to someone and he's worried they're the killer..?

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I thought Ruby was an idiot about the party. She was so negative coming in to the house that no wonder Charlie assumed she had failed. How did Ruby know it was a failure party anyway? A party is a party, it could have been a success party instead. I think Charlie was just reacting to Ruby acting as if she'd failed, she could have gone either way. At least Ruby had a mother who cared enough to set up a party. The name of her driving school: Drive Em Home wasn't it? Honestly! :lol:

Dex is getting even stranger. Good for Graves telling him about his trying to make up for his absent mother, we all realised that ages ago :rolleyes: Perhaps he'll come to his senses now?

My theory about Who Killed Penn. Shandi had some reason for wanting him dead and she persuaded Will to help her, so it was them. Dun dun DUR! :lol:

It was funny with Xavier's chat with Gina- who was the parent there?

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i dont really like the next time on home and away thing it kind of ruins it for next episode but i'm not finding the show that good anymore im only intersed in the penn murder story none of the the others i do miss Miles through his my fav character

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